Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, March 21, 1903, Image 2

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    ■**<V!*w%««N'*-** V
^,)>r»»i«i«»^».i««i»ii,»iiiiii 1 11 wwF****MI
il ■»•'.•»**• IftT» ... ...................... «F
The walking sick, what
a crowdot them there are
Persons who arc thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
“Chronic eases” that’s
what the doctors call them
w hich in common l '.nglisl
means— lone o sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they neec
Scott’s Emulsion. For the
feeling of Weakness the\
reed Scott’s Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new.
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There’s new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to ser f you a few
doses free.
Be s ire that thi> picture in
the f<- met 4 label ;■> <>n the
wranper of every bottle of
E iuiumou you buy.
400 Pearl St., N. V.
50c. and $! s ail druggists.
any newspaper* have lately given currency
•ports by irresponsible parties to theeflect
I a trust or combination: we wish
public that there is no truth in
. i- We have been manufacturing
- s for over a quart» r oi a centu­
ry .
'ablisacd a reputation forour-
• • iv.Aand <•<« machines that is the envy of all
«-fbivs. <»u: ••„Vw //omc” machine has
nt-ver is. n rivaled as a family machine.—It
stands al the headofall High tirade sewing
machines, and stands on its oirn merits.
The “Rew Howe” is the only really
HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine
on the market.
It is not necessary for us to enter into a trust
to save our credit or pay any debts as w<- have
no debts to pay. We have never entered into
competition with manufacturers of low grade
cheap machines that are made to sell regard­
less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de­
ceived, when you want a sewing machine don’t
s«*nd your money away from home; call on a
•* Neir Home " Dealer, he can m H you a
better machine for less than you cun purchase
elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you,
write direct to us.
New York, Chicago, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., Atlan­
ta, Ga., Dalias, Tex., San Francisco, Cal.
Soni«’ time ugo the Euirio.li gjovern-
nieut e\|H‘riiuent.'d with u 13-iueli
gun on n ««hip of the Royal Sovra-
«■gii «-lass. At the timt tiriug of the
gull the eutne nppei deck wu» lifU-<l
II om it« |Kitiition unii sprung uloug ita
entire eenter, so givul wits the rhock.
The t'niled States 'mttlcahip ludiauu
has been »[Hcially equipped te provide
i ^ninat liny such disiuster out! her
decks have iieeu eou-itructcd iu such ■>
leauuer that uuvul < x|>erts sgiw that
no such ilauiagv eiui Letali her vv lit u
the 13-inch guussend out their tkiuiii.g
Naval experts tire agreed, however,
says the Philadelphia Tinies, that
whru she is .u action and the four 13-
iuch guns are performing their deadlv
work the explosions will shutter ever
piece of woodwork mid glass in every
A Yankee-« Itonmrk »1 Hie Totwli ot lent
portion of tile vessel. That is expected
and prepared for, au«l for that reason
the hattieship Indiana is composed .li­
mosi entirely of iron and steel. Sue
has been aptly described as an enor­
mous floating steel tort with a ahip
built around it for purposes of naviga­
tion. l'ully one-lmlf of her could be
sliot a« ay and ahe would still float aud
retain her unequaled lighting power.
These facts and figuri s should bring
us to a realization of what a serious
thing war is in these modern times.
largely r< sponsible for failures, it mu.it
not 1-e forgotten that there are widely 1
The Up-to-datf' arm in high pcTTr;!'-’*’»".
i» the Î? Í0 t'art.n wi:l; ‘-. cl • .Site/
Barrel using
40 Hi^h Pressure Car­
tridges This Cartridge !r»s a ve­
locity of over 2,000 f. t per
second with consequent
great I
3? 40 rilará pn>.
<?e» eanrirftr ■ .th I 4.'»'J
f»r» t r seen,»«I v- Inri»», in
th* ca.r.r rifle •’ben
w:-h. aa
’h» rre«il ir • -f f <«.ir t«.rn in xaietft
in«-br» i« uxetj in rtfiii'j.
f?0 P-ige Cnfntnf, »on I
carer in
rn'o»«. moilfii for 3 «fnm.’t
S. A.
• '* '
hilillU.'UK V un i II volitisi t Il-Vll’'
ui ' «.iiuuiiu ìiii'u .ili.'ii«« of liv«r
imd ki ln ‘V J im .i-e-, M u ,i h ¡uri
buvwl troiili! '«. m vere astbi'v uro,
give immiHliati* warning bv pi'in,
but liver un«l kiilm v troul lei.
though l«"«< pairf. I at the start..-.r -
much hi-ili r to cun-. ThiHlforil's
Bliwk-Draught uevi-r fail» to In : «■■
tit «li tea u' l liv. : airi vveak, i1 kill-
new. I' 'tira up the tcriml liv«r
to throw- otf the gì rimi of t< v< rami
agm-. It is a certain preventive
of cimi ra aud Bi ij;ì:t.'a «li-« w>e of
tin« kidiu-w.
W ith ki'luiw rr-
inforvixl In Tlnxlford’s Illaek
I >ra ix’lit thousands < t p« i «on» L.ivo
ilv.eli iumiim ) iu the niiJ.t < l' v< I-
low fev««r. Many faiuilies live in
p«rf « t liea’th and I'.m« n ■ tier
doctor than Thedford'» Bl.i.k-
Draugbt It i i always on I .'.nd for
list- in an emergency and ravin
many vvpcnsive culls of a doctor.
To any one sending us 11.50, one yeur'u subscription to th«
I tems , we will mail the Chieugo Weekly Intel Ocean one year
free, or to any one sending us thru« oaali auluicriptim» for lite
two paper we will given year's subcription to each pujier free,
or The
OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for $2,00.
/««lina«, S. C., Mani. 1). I Cl.
I havt «iw I rhe.li'Td'i Ida I)r.-m<ht >■
forth-»evi-a-s andlhav« Hot h.ull««y,<>
ts .v doctor tince I hjvr besn tsklrgit
II is thz beri medicài« lor in« that h
.... .............
oa the
nurkit lor Uvei «md
kidney I
t nuna i ur.d dyvpepsiu ai. I other
J) compkir.u.
Rev. A 0. LEWIS xL’?
For Winter Reading yon cannot hu.il a more liberal offer.
It’ any of the above, however, do not strike you ns what you
want, write us. we will give you u good liberal clubbing offer
with any periodica) publish« d in the I nili d States. Don’t put
it otf. New is your time. Address,
Burn», Ore&xon«
Anrnnt» «**»rt l!tit; «kr! « h i . th I <|e«vci ft t • 'it innv
qitD’klv «»<•• rrnni »»nr <>jnnu ei freo whoth«r mi
hiv«*ii(lt>n it pr«4»nLly ;>.i(<«i:tnl>lt». « •■niniiinlt n-
«trie? I y »•»•»fHHctninl. Ilnn<îb»>alc <»n rntenta
sviti free.
nv«*ncy fur !»<•« . itiiir » i»'!t»«i.tn.
Patent« taken thn nah Munn
<’•>. ruvelve
rjxrùU n dlce, without, chjinro, in tin»
A Iirtn4.*',!noly Hínitrnted weeklr. Ic!r-
rullinoti of any ncientHJ«’ journal. Torrn», t » a
Vi-ir ; fiur I h I ths.fl. b< hl by nil
- 'caluni.
Cu."6’3-’“-' New York
Branch Office. 6£» l’ SU. Washington. 1>. I.
This Identities Him.
“Uncle Theophilus, what is an ego
“He is a fellow that listens intently
when la- is talking to you and never
listens at ¡ill when you are talkiug to
him.”—Chicago Post.
Certain of It.
“Fee got a cold or something in my
rad." v.as what the simple little
chappie said.
The summer girl, with
From l’rrHonul E\j»<*ricn<*®.
r.iguishness demure, replied:
"Oh. it
“A Russian army officer claims to
must lie a cold. I'm sure."—N. Y.
have discov«-re<l that a feiirfully power­
• I
ful explosive can be made out of eggs."
Why He Laughed.
“Why, there are plenty of American
)’rofes-or (to student)—What are you
actors who found that out long ago. —
laughing at?
Bay City Chat.
Student—At your appearance.
l’r.ifes ■ >r—Do you laugh over every
little trilling absurdity that you chance I
His Life Savt (1 by Chamberlain s
to see?—Alex Sweet, in Texas Siftings. !
The sere Test.
“How do you know he's a real pro­
fessional humorist?'’
' '
"Because he can never sec anything
funny iu anybody rise's humor.”—Chi­
cago Record.
Hunter—I ■ upp >-e the game is pret­
ty well killed off by now?
Farmer—Oh. Lord, no! Yu r see. thcr
ain't ben no one huntin’ up here but
fellers like you from the city.- Judge.
Laxative Brotno-Quinine Tablets
cure'a cold in one day. No Cure,
N'j pay. Price 25 cents.
All Sein«
and suppositories will not,
positively cannot--do more
than relieve you.
It requires an internal
remedy to remove the cause
und eflect a permanent cure.
Ask your druggist for Dr.
Perrin’s Booklet on thesub-
Per’nrdtinns shew
Bd<t!*g ufl'l Sentof lines.
U—M ! ■
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly reccivo our opinion free concerning the patent­
ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for side at our expense.
Patents taken oat through us receive special notice, without charge, in
T he I ’ at ext R ecord , an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,}
$20 to $25 WEEKLY
Evans Building,
Work at your home. No canvass­
ing. Work legitmate und horora-
ble. Address
21 !• Spring Xt.
Seattle, Wash.
S. Land Office, I’urns, Or» "on, Febr. -1, 1903. j
NotltYe is hereby gi\ e:i tktt
>1. Me­
ll nil in,of Dre w.-ey, J far in* y,comity Oregon, lifts
• flle«l notice </f intention to make proof on his
• lp.'< rt-)nrni pliii .ii No. 19t, for the E'4 N‘i<*4
Sec 2"', 'I p 21, S it Cl E W
before Krifistei and
Receiver at Burn.*. Oregon, on Saturday, the
1 2Sth day of March, 1?C3.
He names the following wltnexbCM to prove
the complete irrigation and reclanifttion of tnid
land: Jarob Wright, E igene A, Jieatb, Nolle
Onrd and Frank Holliday, all of Drew »ey,
I Oregon.
\\ N
- ts £ e —
W eekly ibiTEK
(J H Land office. Burn», Oregon, March 4,1903.
Notice I m hereby given that the following,
named settler bn- filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in «npport wf hi - claim, and
I hat said proof will be made before Register ami
Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on April 13, 1903,
viz; Hd Entry, No. Ml, of
John 11. Culp,
for the S’iNW'4, s!aNE'-4. Ser. 2, Tp. 23 S., R
31 E. W. M.
He name* the billowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of »aid land, viz:
Eme.-t William-, Ira Willinn «, Grorro W.
fihaw and Ray Dickenson, all of Burns, Oregon.
W m . I aki ’. k . Register,
SI. 00;
Q cea N. :
'the Create t Republic tn Payer of the West.
o IT is th- nio«t nitrhva'l en: i,tisw.>vmf' Kepubticen Weekly pub •
liJi 'll to'lav 111 I 1.10
Ways be iclietl upon for lair ami honest re
e 1
nor s of ¡ill p nitical afl-iir».
, > The Weekly intcrOcjnn Supp let» A I of the News J spin!
/.nd the Best m Current L terature.
I h ULA j <
e u It is Morally Clean, .and r. i a Fatmily Paper is Witlioul • Peer.
its i itciary columns are equal
io t-ioscoi the best magazines.
Its Youths Department is the
f nest of its kend............................
Trustworthy, either sex. by
Wholesale Merchandise ¡Company
of solid financial standing, toman­
age Local Representative who will
organize clubs among consumers.
40 per eent saved for our customers.
Business no experiment but a prov­
en success. Salary $l'i a week, ex­
penses nd vanct d. Experience un­
necessary. Address, D. B. Clark-
son, Mgr.,<334 Dearborn «St. Chicago.
and is «'»’fts r.irh—’Hin«* liiphrr
Hi. tn
•su'd m moi:, every «-iiy
and to a n, nr by ina: I hoir»
111-111-117 West r.d St. Vtw »oa:<
Sto<-k Inspectors.
Notice is hereby given that I
have duly appointed the following
deputy stock inspector fur Harney
County, Oregon :
A. B. Colenbaugh................ Burns
John Jenkins.......................... Smith
Dick Smith.......................... Andrews
N ewt H oover ,
Stock Inspector.
ss *r* o tc . r
Buy a postal card ami send to The New York
Tribune Farmer. New York Citv, for a free
specimen copy.
'l’he Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra­
ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers and
their families, and stands at the head of the
agricultural press. The price is $1 <»0 |ier
year, but if you like it you can secure it with
vour own favorite local newspaper, 'The
ITEMS, at a bargain.
Both papers $ 1 50.
Send money and order to The ITEMS.
Manager Wanted.
Styftsìi. Rollai»!«*, Simp!«’. Vp-P»-
dan*. E»'«•tfi»i»«:L.<I and A b*u»lntely
l’criect-Fiittiij» Papt-r Patlcriis.
Stop the Cough
ami Work oil'tin- Cold.
A peni , l> .1'itif I ■ ' '<<! i-l.il» * ; Intc'-t
f.tslin»i»H , ni i ssili.ik in;; I <<-ni »rues ; lain y
work , •»■ HisrhoM l ini». h»ii»H», rtc. S».l»-
s< I ih<. t <i «L,v, nr, s< tnl w l»»r l.il» « t
Lady :».grM4 wanted
Srm! for trims.
And ICnve One
---------- -•<».. -----------
CHIEF I’. M. A rtiivr ’ s real estate in
Cleveland is assessed at 845,050, and
worth about 3H5.<X)O.
T he French duchess d'l'zes is said to
repair every Friday morning, in mean
clothes, to a cancer hospital, where she
replaces an infirmary servant till late
in the evening.
T he emperor of Germany drinks
nothing but Mexican coffee, and a
year's supply is sent to him from a
plantation in the state of Michoacan.
A large German colony there has lieen
cultivating coflfee for many years.
T he ameer of Afghanistan is writing
liis autobiography. The book will deal
with the whole of Abdurrahman
Kalin's career from childhood—his
family quarrels, his going to Russia,
his rule. etc. Given the possession of
a fair literary ability, the ameer's
book ought to lie interesting.
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
“B. L. Byer, it well known cooper
of tliit* town, says lie believes Uhani-
berla'n’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy saved his life last
summer. He Lad been sick for a
month with what the doctors call
bilious dysentery, and could get
nothing to do him any good until
he tried this remedy. It gave him
immediate relief,” says R.T. Little,
merchant, Hancock, M<1. For sale
by II. M. Horton, Burns; Fred
Haines, Harnev.
Chance to Show Hi* Ability.
He—I have been quite a traveler all
my life.
She (yawning)—Won't you please
show me how you do it.—Town Topics.
A Good Reason.
Heigh» at SO yaru*
..e.¿ " a» ICO y«u
1.23 inchea
S 9? inc-C4
Pcjfhr at I *0 Yif Ji
10.38 inch a
The V Inumiih.
It is often the case that it is neces­
sary to preserve the body of some ¡>er-
son for some special purpose, ami for
this the services of the cniboltr.er are
called into requisition. Much di.satis­
faction ’s sometimes expri ssed because ■
the preservativi' process
not all that
is pron. red.
While the embalmer is 1
different climate condii.ons, and that
processes that were and would now I >■
eminently successful in Egypt and
other exceedingly dry climates, would
not answer at ail with us. '1 he meth­
ods most popular in this country are
injecting chemical«
into the large
arteries and idling the large cavities of
the body with the fluid.
pyroligneous acid and similar . tsb-
stances arc employed for this | urpose.
When properly ¡x’rformtd this opera-
tion is of great use; but imperfectly
done, it is worse than noth ng at all,
for there is an enormous bill to pay.
and decomposition s< ts in almost us
soon as though there had been no at­
tempt at | reservation. By this means
the friends are disappointed, the estate
is forced to pay a:: unjust claim, anil
there is also danger to health in trying
to keep a body tint may be in un ad­
vanced stage of decay.
A perfect
preservative of this rort is - rr.etli ng
that is generally needed.—N. Y. Joui-
The English people will never under­
stand the humorous ti-ni|x-r of the
Anierieiiu, which mal.es him usk -ueh
questions as (lull re< orded by Murk
Twain as having is-eu usl.vd by -i
friend of his hi the British museum.
A guide had exhibited mi Egyptian
mummy, and iliacouisel long upon the
antiquity of it, and the Fgyp’iati pree
ess of eiubuluiing. and so forth; and at
last the \meri< ui asked: “Is be deud
It wu-s only recently, uveordiiig to -i
letter iu an exchange, (luit in St. Paul's
cathedral a London guide held forth
thus to r.n Ana rieun gentleman:
•• That. sir. is the tomb of the great­
est uuvul 'cro Europe or the whole
world ever knew!"
“It is, sir. the tomb of Lord Nelson.
This marble «ar<-oph ggus vcighs 42
tors, tliusidc 'hat is a ste< I receptacle
weighing 12 tons, und hinside that i.
.1 leaden cn: k. t. 'ernieCeiilly
weighing two tons. Iliuside ilint is a
inti'ogany coffin ’olding tl.e ashes of th--
great ’ero.”
“Well." said the Yankee, after reflect­
ing a moir.eiiL "I guess you'vi got him.
If lie ever gets out of that, telegraph
me r.t my expense.”
The viagraph is a r.cwly-invented ma­
chine tor aecuiately determining the
inequalities of a roud surface. It re-
■et .bles a sledge, und in priueij le is a
straight edge ap|4ii'il continually toil e
road on which it tuny be drawn. I he
machine e..r ic.i a r- II of j :i| vr which
rece'ivcs the impression of twopemils.
One of t! . > • is fixed ¡.ml murks a per­
fectly straight line, v.bil - the other
rises ur.d fall, accoriiitig o tin- vari­
ations of til.- surface. Un s<- variatiot s
are transmitted by a serrated wheel
which travels ell the r ad surface raid
is attached to one end of a lev er which is
pivoted in the center. At the opposite
cud of th«- lever is the e < ud pein.I.
and as the wheel rises and fr.ll« with
the undulations of th«' road surface the
pencil rises and falls corresjaimlitigly.
thus making ¡in infallible record of the
surface. The viagraph has been ex­
tensively used in Englund, where its
rec-ords have been frequently used by
bicyclists for the purpose of showing
the authorities licw much sum«' romls
are in nee I of repair. Such ¡i re <>rd is .
the- more valuable as a piece of testi­
mony from th«1 fu< t that the actual de­
gree of unevenness of a given road can
lx- indicated where desired by a numer­
ical index in feet, which can be at­
tached to the machine.— St. Louis Re­
«i »w 11»»» l ien u m w «»ii»aarn» iw jm «»> »»■'i’wwwiiv««"»««»»*«1 »»«c» 'swi- oa iwi*—>■*
I Uvlr Power Well lllu.lr-.ilctl th.» K «.a«--
llou of Ouv ol Tiielu.
Il brings to th • Lnn lr til« < w« *»f tin» t nt rr Morlfl and gives
th« b«'ftt un.l imcit d acussion» of all qiiv^lons of the dav. I lie
Im.r • • h » l ' ivc . j v.« lv p» «ft cf reiidlnp mutter «meh week
an I bfi»»n ii
!»• «1 *n 1 h cKtrn I h better iWaptod to rha need« of
the people ftrit of the Alledmnv Moo mail « timn any other paper.
----------------------------- -
If > The Dally and Sunday Edi­
« tions of The Inter Ocean are
Vi tbeir
lUtar k.nd
4.11« ...
tha teal of
nt n-illv by mail...................... $4.00 per year* •
I’rire f Sir day by mall ............... $2 m> per year*
Hally and Sunday by mall............... WOO per year*
A,l,lrcam TIIH IVTKH O<KA V. Chlca*o.