Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1903)
Published in Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. Í ho Oldest and Most ; Reliable. The Best Advertising j Medium. Harney Valley Items VOL. 19. nUì.V'2 ^dltn *M M«i»<nr«r, BURNS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 14. 1903. • 1.50 F ff »ar. Hix MoNÍhH 75 Centn. NO. 16 wounded John Rsulston at Nvs«a, I Tbooaanda Have Kidney Trouble ' in an altercation which they had and Don't Know it. I over a settlement. The story of now To Find Out. the shooting, as near as we can Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let tt stand twenty-four hours; a I'lllton Sworn In lia Oregon's learn is as follows : President Maps Ont His Move ardiment or set Griffith, who is wintering several tling indicates an Luh*t Choice. ments on Coast. unhealthy condi thousand head of sheep in the tion of the kid Nyssa neighborhood, had in his neys; if it stains your linen it is ¡employ John Raulston, of Weiser, i evidence of kid Oregonian News Bureau, Wash Wednesday morning Raulston went Washington, March 7—President ney trouble; too ington, March 5—Senator Fulton to the town of Nyssa for a load of Roosevelt has begun to turn his I fre<1uent desire to Jpass It or pain In was among the first new members corn, and there met Griffith who attention to his intended trip to —the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad of the upper branch of Congress to had been in Nyssa for several days. Hardware of Every Description. der are out of order. the Pacific Coast, but has not yet be sworn in thin morning. He was While in one of the saloons the What to Do. escorted to the President’s desk by i two men had some words over a arranged all details. He is disap There is comfort in the knowledge so BUMFS,.................................................. Oii EGON. expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp- Senator Mitchell and there took the settlement and Raulston, being! pointed that it was necessary to often Root, tiie great kidney remedy fulfills every oath. He ami Smoot wore business angered by Griffith calling him have ar. extra session of the Senate, wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the kidneys, liver, blad icr and every part suits, the other new Senators wear names, knocked the latter down, as it will necessitate cutting down back, »( the urinary passage. It corrects Inability his trip somewhat and shortening to hold water and scalding pain in passing ing black frock coats. bystanders seperated the parties, It, or bad effects following use of liquor, Senator Fulton will occupy a j and they in apparently good humor his stay at several impoitant wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant seat on the extreme right of the . left the saloon ami started for Emer- points; notably in the Yellowstone necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times presiding officer’s desk, in the hack ! son Bros, store for a settlement. Park. ! during the night. The mild and the extra His only stop of any length in ordinary effect of Swamp-Root lu soon row on the Democratic side, next and when about half way from the realized. It sta ids the highest for its won to Ball, the regular Republican re saloon to the store as the report Oregon will be at Portland, where derful cures of the most distressing cases. cently elected from Delew are. | has it, Griffith suddenly drew his he expects to spend a day and pos If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold l>y druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. i Having been one of the last Sena pistol and fired at Raulston, the sibly a night. At what other points You may have a sample bottle of this tors elected, Fulton had to content ball striking him in the right side. be will stop in Oregon will depend wonderful discovery M. FITZGERALD, F.H RIEDER, BIGGH AL BIGGH and a book that tellseiiT PrrMtleiit, ht'«’’) unti Treu*. Attorneys, himself with the best scat unfilled During the excitement which fol upon the hour he crosses over from more about it. both sent when he arrived. His desk today lowed, Griffith got on a horse ami California, on his way up the Coast. absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer it. rtome ot Swamp-itoo«. was laden with Howers, the princi rode away, and later arrived at If the hour is suitable, he will un Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men pal piece being an immense basket! Ontario, and was taken in charge doubtedly make a short stop at tion reading this generous offer in this paper. of red anti white roses, with a! by officers. Raulston was taken to Salem and possibly at Roseburg, Don’t make any mistake, but remem I nrorpora* <*<!•) handle of white carnations, the! Ontario on the afternoon train Albany and Eugene If, when he ber the name, SwamjeRixit, Dr. Kilmer’s Swampt-Root, and the address, Bingham reaches the Coast, the President! ton, whole standing three feet high. N. Y., on every bottle. where his wounds were dressed, and Abstraída Furnished ami Title Guaranteed to alì Lands in Harney Senator Simon and Representa later taken to his home at Weiser finds his time is being overtaxed, County. he will have to cut down his stops tive Moody were present during Sheriff Lawrence went to Ontario i dealing with the defalcation of ex the swearing in of new Senators to Wednesday afternoo.i, and this, at Salem and Portland. REAL ESTATE As he goes north from Portland, Sheriff Huntington. The articles day. Thursday, morning brought Griffith the President will follow largely in qucstian charged, by inuendo, I n the shu111ing about of seats in to Vale and Office in Bunk Building. Bought und Sold on Commission. placed him in the | the route laid out by President Mc that Travillion and White bad the Senate, Senator Mitchell aban- county jail, where he was later; Kinley, going first to Chehalis, on conspired together to rob the j doned his desk on the extreme left visited by a representative of the E? to Olympia, then to Tacoma. He county. of the rear row on the Republican Gazette, but he declined to make is being urged to go from Tacoma | side and took the desk vacated by any statement whateve. It is Inland Lodge, No. 70, Knights l»irectory. by boat to the Bremerton navy ‘ Deboe, being the rear seat on the PROFESSIONAL CARDS. thought Raulston’s wounds will of Pythias, will give a grand ball yard, thence to Seattle, giving him Republican side of the Senate cham not prove fatal. I the evening of March 17. See aa- Bl'RNH I xhhik No. “0, K of 1* an opportunity to view the Sound. ber. His old seat has been taken Mettili every Thursday night. nouncement of committees in au- by Apostle Reed Smoot, of Utah. Pies Armstrong, the murderer of' After crossing the mountains, as [ other column. I- M Iordan . C. On the right of Smoot sits Ankeny -v’ .Miss Minnie Ensminger, and who he turns eastward, the President i 8. M itli. ridivud , K of I!. 8. while Heybu|ii, of Idaho, is on his j is now awaiting his trial in Baker contemplates running to North PHOTOG RATHER. BURNS CHAPTER, NO. 4fl, O. E. 8. left. It’s a real pleasure to wear the county, came near being lynched Yakima, possibly to Walla Walla, Meets second arid fourth .Monday of Kurils, HrevMii. and certainly through Spokane. fine fitting clothes made by Strauss last Tuesday morning, says the each month in Masóme lull, Voegtly DRAKE HAS WON. j Bros., America’s Leading Tailors, His only stops of any length in building. Mrs. Maggie Leverts, W. M. fc8^“Main St.—opposite Bank. Herald. A mob appeared at the Mrs. Eunice Thompson, S«:. Washington will be at the three j Chicago. They’re so reasonable in Contest for Deschutes Water .¡a*^aiK^ demanded Armstrong, but the Sheriff anticipating trouble, principal cities. He will probably , priees too. Robinson »t Walton, Diamisse«!. BERN’S LODGE,", A.F. «A. M. JŸI AHSPKN A UKARY had removed Armstrong to a place spend not more than live days in will take your order. Meets Saturday on or before full moon. ) Washington, March 6.—Secretary of safety earlier in the evening and the two states. Qualified br<aliorH fraternally invited, I W. L. Hereden. John W deary, As far as possible, President C. E. Kenyon, W. .M. F. 8. Rieder, ' The largest and most complete Hitchcock has affirmed the action the mob was thus foiled in their Pity tiñan» <C’ Surgeon». ■•y. __________________ Roosevelt will leave details of his stock of Drv Goods, Dress Gooi.-’ of Land Commissioner Richards, attempt to take the law into their Burns, Oregon. visit in the large cities to the local i Furnishing Goods, Clothing, ILitr dismissing the protest of C. C. own hands. Later he was placed burns lodge , no . m , a . o . it . w. ’ «P'OIliee at residence. ’Pitone 20. representatives, allowing them to Boots and Shoes and Groceries in Meets »t Brown Itall every Friday eve- . Hutchinson, president of the Ore on board a train and taken to Port ning. Visiting brothers fraternally in- 1 lay out his programme. His only . Eastern Oregon. Sold at one pric» ion Irrigation Company, against ) land where he will be kept until v:ted. Titos. Sagers, W. M. Cltas. N. ! request is that he may be exempt I to all. Every thing first class and Cochrane, Recorder. I the granting of the application of time for his trial. ßlUUH A BKKM. as far as possible from tiresome re we solicit the patronage of the ! the Pilot Butte Development Coni- ceptions, banquetsand set speeches. people of Harney County- N. Brown HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77. I. O. <». F. 1. W. Bigge. Dalton Biggs. ! pany for rights of way for canals, The Chicity,i Weekly Inter Ocean Meets every Saturday evening. Brown's i ' by which the latter company pro is the only weekly newspaper pub He does not care to make a cam »fc Sons. liall. Visiting brothers fraternally in l Attorney »-at-La w, vited. Frank 0. Jackson, N.G. paign tour, nor does he desire to be Bl’ItNK. OKKOON. poses to divert the waters of the lished in Chicago in connection C. G. Rtniilt, Secretary. forced to listen to long speeches Mr. D. I’. Daugherty, well known Deschutes River to reclaim lands | with the great daily papers. It ¿J^T’Otllce in Bank building. from local talent. As soon as the throughout Mercer and Summer recently segregated under the Carey contains a judiciously selected TITLE CIRCLE. NO. I«», WOMEN OF I President has fixed the dates for Woodcraft. Meets 2nd and 4tli Tnes- counties, W. Va.. most likely owes act. summary of the news of the nation dav at Brown’s hall. Mrs. Tillis .Iordan, his arrival and departure from the his life to the kindness of a neigh Hutchinson has been making a and world, the best stories, home, y^lLUAMSA FITZGERALD Mrs. lone Whiting. Guardian leading cities along his route, be Clerk. bor. He was almost hopelessly af long fight on the Drake or Pilot farm, woman's, and other special I , Thornton William«, M. Fitiireraht, will request, through his secretary, flicted with diarrhoea: was attend Butte applications made under the departments, and fair, patriotic, ! Atturney-at L aw , notary Public, Cli are It A n non nccitieii t s. right of way act, alleging that he able editorials, written from a Re- that local representatives make ed bv two physicians who gave nitu Law, Notarial and Real Ent ate little, if any, relief, when a ueigh- Sunday’ School at Harney the and his company had prior rights publican viewpoint. It is by far their plans accordingly. I bor learning of his serious condi Practice. first Sunday of each month at 10 and that by reason of rights of way the best general newspaper of the In order to test the vigilance of o’clock, A. M. On the second, located up stream from the point Western States. The regular price the night guards at the Oregon tion, brought him a bottle of Cham Burns, Oreg-on. third ami fourth Sundays of each where the Pilot Butte Company for the Weekly Inter Ocean is $1,00 penitentiary, Second Warden Me-! berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar- £8F‘0fficein Masonic building month at 3 o’clock P. M. I*reach- proposes to take its water, he had and for the Harney Valley Items j Phersor. last Sunday night climbed ! I rhoea Remedy, which cured him in ing services every second Sunday full control of the water of the $1.50, but subscriptions will be re oyer the wall, went through the ' less than. twentv-four hours, For at 8 P. M. R. D. Burrow, M. D. river ami that therefore the Pilot ceived at this office for the two shops and climbed out again. He sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered Butte Company was practically papers in combination for one year scaled the wall at the place where ! Haines, Harney. At the Presbyterian church Physician and Surgeon. without right to the water. | for only $1.50. Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. • Tracey and Merrill crossed ic last After a careful review of the Divine services the third and fourth gj&‘<)flice at Burns Hotel, Rooms, summer. This fe it on the part of A Remarkable Record. Sundays of each month at Ila. tn. 1 and 2. Calle answered any hour facts the Secretary finds that there) the second warden was accomplish is no right or justice in the con Chamberlain’s Cotigh Remedy and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at1 day or night. ed at the risk of his life, for if he Further has a remarkable record. It has Orearon tention of Hutchinson. 10 a. in. every Sabbath morning. Kurus. -- had been discovered by one of the more he appealed out of tiim from been in use for over thirty years, guards he would probably have Preaching services at the Baptist'----------------- “One of my daughters had a the adyerse action of the Land during which time many million i terrible case or asthma. We tried been shot. As a result of this test church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, | Office and on this ground the ap battles have been sold and used. It almost everything, but without re Governor Chamberlain has asked morning and evening. Sunday F. M‘ J0*10**’ lief. We then tried Ayer’s Cherry peal could be dismissed. Blit aside has long been the standard and Pectoral, and three and one-half for the resignation of the two wall school every Sunday at 10 a. ui.j from this irregularity, careful ex main reliance in the treatment of Practical Land Surveyor. bottles cured her.”—Emma Jane guards, T. E. Hatnniersly ’ and D. prayer meeting every Thursday Entsminger, Langsville. O. Burna, Oregon, amination of the protest discloses croup in thousands of homes, vet J. Ferree, on the ground that they evening. no reason for reversing the action during all this time no case has i had neglected their duty to the Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Services at Christian Science of the Land Office. ; ever been reported to the manufact serious peril of the safety of the certainlycuresmany cases Hall, corner east of the Bank, every g W. MII.I.KK. The Secretary’s decision removes urers in which it failed to effect a prison. Sunday at 11a. m. and S p. m. the last obstacle that threatened to cure. When given as soon as the of asthma. Service Wednesday evenings at 8. Notary Public and Conveyancer, delay the work of the Pilot Butte child becomes hoarse or even as And it cures bronchitis, The grand jury of Baker County Everybody’ is invited to attend Mortgage«, Deed«, Etc., correctly made. Company, and furthermore the de soon ns the eroiipv cough appears, has returned twelve indictments hoarseness, weak lungs, these services. Ofllee «I Store. Huma. Oregon. cision is final. it will prevent the attack. It is for criminal libel against C. W. whooping-cough, croup, • pleasant to take, many children Hill and L. Bush Livermore, man winter coughs, night Jorgensen is still to the front SHOOTING AT NYSSA ; like it. It contains no opium or ager and editor respectively of the to ci'itK a corn in onk day coughs, and hard colds. with low prices, t Call and see his Three M m * : Me.. Me.. $1. All dranfiitc. line of watches clocks, jewelry, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Jasper Griffith Shoots John other harmful substance and may Baker City Herald. The indict Tablets. All druggists refund the Itanlston Over a Settlement. be given as confidently to a babv ments charge that the Herald libel stationery, etc. Conanlt your If ho ufl tak« It. as to an adult. For sale by H. M. ed County’ Judge Travillion and TORIA. O th.n *• Hi Ire lay" If Se tell, you not money if it fails to cure. E. W to r.k. It. then don’t take It. He kaovt. The Xind Ym Han Always B oij M Vale Gazette: Jasper Griffith last Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har- i District Attorney Sam White by Bmntba Leate II with him. We are willing. ’s signature is on each box J C. AY Kit I O.. U.well, Maa,. Rigaataro I Grove Wednenlay shot and seriously ney. the publication ofa series of articles 25c. •r NEW SENATOR IS IN PLANS FOR TOUR Geer& Cummins E. 0. T. G. CO. Asthma