Proverbs I BULKY POST CARBS. PICKED UP IN LONOON. Keiiliitz must not be iiitule loo strong in I'ngkiiid. A .Iruggist has just hern finetl for ovrrilouing the of Ping-Pong Balia and Other Articles Brentford. Sam t liffe. the last survivor of the in the Mails. “ When the butter won’t otiee fuMhiottuble runniug foot mm. died recently in Loudon at the age tt( c< me put a penny in the H.ak.otr. M WrltlB* I’«- ltd. Fifty-four of his deseemluntv saw churn,” is an old time dairy p.r I., HatravauBBI — r him buried. >*rr..M-Tkr M tmbb . ut a Loudon lutd 4.MJ fire alnrats last year. proverb. It often seems to Mylau Swiai.r. There was an increase of more than v >rk though no one has ever l.tHXt fires over the average ot the last The use of ping-pong balls as post ten yeivrs. uml of 223 over any prevlnti* told why. cards is the latest freak of seekers year. When mothers are worried for novelty. During 1S8S the London mint struck started in Liverpool quite recent­ off 72.'Ji5.2'Jj coins, ubout lt>.0 time have wasted their snjier- yards wide, that turiui out 20,000 cart­ flilous energies in testing the forbear­ ridges and 15 nth s daily, and four especially prepared for delicate ance of the postal officials, is a man in quick-tiring field guns every week. Southampton. England, whose favor­ stomachs. A massive Quincy granite monument ite form of missive used to be a postage has been erected over the grave of the Children take to it naturally stamp. But as lie wrote the address late lien. Abner Doubleday, at Arling­ the face of the stamps, the author­ ton, by his former eomrudes of the because they like the taste on ities decided that they were not bound First Corps Association. Army of the and the remedy takes just as to deliver them. It was probably the Potoinnc. The column is similar to same |x-rson who afterward posted a that which marks the grave of Gen. naturally to the children be­ complete |>ack of playing cards, each Philip Sheridan. cause it is so perfectly adapted neatly addressed on tlie back, but with A CLOSER nxim is bad for sleeping, no message whatever on tlie colored to their wants. because air once breathed parts with u side. Another very peculiar letter found sixth of its oxygen anil contains an For all weak and pale and in a London pillar-box last autumn equivalent amount of carUmieacid gas; thin children Scott’s Emulsion was a green apple on one side of which air breathed six time will not support cot an address, and on the other life. satisfactory treat- w-s is tae P ikbcino the flesh with even the the simple, but expressive message: finest needle hurts because the nerves I “Sour—like you.” ment. Bank notes have been employed as art* so thickly matted just under the We will send you a writing paper more than once by skin that not even the finest point can the penny, /. e., a extravagant or foolish persons. Among lx- introduced without wouuding one t*r sample free. ; the effects of an English miser who more. Re sure that this picture in died about IS years ago was found a £5 the form of a label is on the note on which the deceased had writ­ His Life Saved by Chamberlain's wrapner of every bottle ot Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ten directions as to the »al of his Emulsion you buy. Remedy. property. At Hnmpstead there lived SCOTT & BOWNE, until recently a wealthy bachelor of “B. L. Byer, ti well known cooper Chemists, whom it was said that he once wrote of this town, says he believes Chain- 409 Pearl St., N. Y. a proposal of marriage to a lady on the back of a |50 note, and because it berla:n’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ 30c. and fi. 00: all druggists. was sent back without a word of com­ rhoea Remedy saved his life last ment by the recipient, refused ever summer. He had been sick for a afterward to have anything to do with month with what the doctors call the fair sex. Whiting |iaper, or. indeed, paper of bilious dysentery, and could get Many newspapers have lately given currency any kind, is usually at a premium nothing to do him anv good until t<> reports by irresponsible parties to the effect among soldiers on active service. Many t ha t very curious substitutes came from he tried this remedy. It gave him, THE NEWH0MESEW1NQ MACHINE CO the British soldiers in South Africa. immediate relief,” says B.T. Little, hnd entered a trust or combination: we wish One of the commonest Las lieen For sale to assure the public that there is ho frufh in mealie leaves. “Mealie" is the South merchant, Hancock, Nd. such reports. We have been manufacturing Fred by II. M. Horton, Burns; sewing machines for over a quarter of a centu­ African name for maize. Bound the ry, and have established a reputation for our- maize cob grow a number of strong Haines, Harnev. s- lvcs and our machines that is the envy of ail enveloping sheaths, which, when dry. others. Our “,Ve»r Hvmc” machine has Stop fit«* Coligli never been rivaled as a family machine.—It turn to a pale yellow Color and ean then be written upon. mui Work oft'the Cohl. stands at the headofall High Grnde sewing machines, and stands on its oirn merits. After Colenso there was found The ** New Home" is the onlg reallg gras|>ed in the stif. u handsofadead Laxative Bromo-Qui ni ne Tablets HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine soldier a piece of leather with a dying cure’a colti in one day. No Cure, on the market, message scrawled upon it with a stump Na pay. Price 25 cents. It is not necessary for us to enter into a trust It was a layer of the sole to save our credit or pay any debts as we have of pencil. no debts to pay. We have never entered into of the dead man's boot, which had Stock inspector*. competition with manufacturers of low grade probably been loosened with much cheap machin« s that are made to sell regard­ marehing, and which he had contrived Notice is hereby given that I less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de­ It safely reached the poor have duly appointed the following ceived, when you want a sewing machine don’t to rip off. send your money away from home, call on a fellow's family in England. •• New Home " Dealer, he can sell you a From the Philippines, too. some cu­ deputy stock inspector fur Harney letter machine for less than you can purchase rious letters have been received by County, Oregon: elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you, the friends of American soldiers fight­ write direct to us. Burtts A. B. Colenbaugh ing in those islands. One of the most THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO ingenious was a piece of native bam­ John Jenkins... . .Smith ORANGE, MASS boo. about a foot long, on which an ad- Dick Smith.......... Andrews New York, Chicago. III., St. I-ouis, Mo., Atlan­ dress hail been carved with pen­ ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., ban Francisco, Cal. N ewt H oover . knife. The letter was inside this hol­ Stock Inspector. low tube, and held there by wooden pins at each end. The writer ex­ 0-A.eTomyv. plained that he had found it impossible Bear» the lh0 ^nl1 TRY A to get an envelope or to find any gum Signatar» to make one. so had had recourse to of this expedient. The ceiling of a room is. as a rule, so far out of ordinary reach that the idea of using it for writing on seems strange. But in a case tried last year IC0TO5 TRAJFCTORT 200 YHS T»AjrC’’’ORY Hei~h» at 50 yarda Height at 100 yard« i in England it transpired that a land­ I.JJ inebri 5 92 iacu«« lady had been in the habit of using her YARDS TBAJFCTO8Y Heifffo »» I 50 r»r¿a ceiling in lieu of a rent-book. I'pon it IS 38 inches were inscribed the various amounts The Up-to-date srm in high powerrepeste*« is the 12 40 Marlin with Smokelftt Steel 1 received from her lodgers. As it was. Barrel using .32 40 High Pretiure Car­ | of course, impossible to bring this tridges This Cartridge has a ve­ locity of over 2,000 feet per ' strange rent book into court, a certi­ second with consequent fied copy hail to be made for the use Hat trajectory and Yow great killing of the judge. e«n I h»v« h. d «xcavlon tu uv< your BUck-Drsught Stovk and Poultry Medi­ cina ai d am p c-s erson» simiiLi expect to lx* cured by f 'od. V hen your stock anil poultry lire tick give them nie.1- icine. Don't stull them with worth- leas stock L odi. I III >ad Ilio I .iwslt and stir lip the torpid liver an I the animal w ill lx» i-iin-d. if it l>e |xw»i- ide to cure it. Black-Draught Stock bowel-« and stirs up the torpid liver. It cur< ■« every malady i f stick if taken in time. Secure a »."• n nt can of Black-Draught Stock »nd Poultry Medicine and it u ill pav fur itself ten timesover. Il< rses work lief ter. Cows give more milk. Hog« gain fhwlt. Ami In ns Inv moreegtrs. It soln s the problem of making n< much Idood, tl<>sh ami energy as possiblo out of the smallest amount of food con­ sumed. Buy n can from your denier. Sckniific jHmeriwn. A handsomely Illustrated week!*. Largest cir- . C. IF YOU ARE A FARMER Buy a jxistal card ami send to The New York Tribune Farmer, New York City, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers and their families, and stands at the head of the agricultural press. The price is $1 00 per year, but if you like it you can secure it with vour own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, ata bargain. Both papers *1.50. Send money and order to The ITEMS. Manager Wanted. Trustworthy, either sex. by Wholesale Merchandise 'Company of solid financial standing, to man­ age Local Representative who will organize clubs among consumers, 40 per cent saved for our customers. Business no experiment but a prov­ en success. Salary $18 a week, ex­ penses advanced. Experience un­ necessary. Address, I). B. Clark­ son, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St. Chicago. IrSE MARLIN FIRE AHMSCOMPANV New HAVEN. CONN.. U S. A. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR New Idea Woman’s Magazine I Formerly One Dollar -7 HIS is the cheapest and best Fashion Magazine now be- T f >re the Ame-Ican public. It shows New Ideas in Fashions, in Millinery, in Embroidery, In Cooking, in Wcmar’s Work and in Reading: beautifully illustrated in colorsand in black ar.d whitAbove all, it chjwsthe very fashionable N ew I dea S tyles . made frnm N ew I dea P at - rtxNs, which cost only IOc. each. A man at one of the hotels the other night told an interesting story of how the freighter« of the far west used to supply tlit niselves with whisky, says the Louisville Courier-Journal. He said that some yenrs ago when till freight was hauled in wagons, lie hap pened to make a trip of several hun­ dred mile« with a train of wagons car­ rying merchandise to remote stations. Nearly every wagon contained one or more barrels of w hisky. “The fit st night out 1 noticed," said he, “great activity around the whisky barrels. The wagons each had a hatchet mid a gimlet. They would knock up a hoop, bore a hole, draw all the whisky they wanted, then put aliout us much fine gravel in the bat re' as they hnd draw n out whisky, drive a plug in the hole and put the hoop back in place. “I lettered afterward that the bar­ rels were weighed and the whisky tested Isefore it vva» turned over to the freighters, and that when it arrived ut its destination it was again weighed and tested. Tbe gravel supplied the weight end bulk and the quantity re­ mained the same, and this is why it was used instead of water to supply the of what nad been taken out.” Send Fiv? Cents To-day A FREE PATTERN A LADIIS’ MAGAZINE A ffsm, bra'itif*il r<-l«»»r«| |»l.niirs ;< y w«wk . l»«H»<»r l»«il«l luiiiv , txt ton, itr Sul»- iil»<- t«» i|.»v, <»«. *«-i»<• daj THE MiCALL CO.. 111-11*117 West list St- MfW HIM ..fW. I 'Wr. . < .’ --------— X Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of name. “How to obtain »patent” Bent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T iie P atent R ecord , an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, (Patent Attorneys,} $20 to $25 WEEKLY DESEKL LAND. FINAL PKOOF. (roiir own selection i to every Mtib- Oulv 50 uni* a year. PATENTS GUARANTEED VICTOR J. EVANS A CO- Work at your home, No cativasß- ing. Work legitmate and horora- hie. Ad dress HOME W0KK (0 214 Spring St. Seattle, Wash« AU Seams Alioweif w! perforaLoos sbo* the Basting ¿nd rcwlng Hoes. for. single eery of the Mew I dea W oman ’ s M agazine , ir.d see what treat value f.t tr.e money it can gf/e you. :: :: THE NEW IDEA PV3LI8IIINO CO G .6 Breid wa - New York. N Y. I How Freighters Kept the Whisky's Weight and Quality Vnlmpalred. For Winter Heading you cannot find a more lilioral offer. If any of the iilxive, however, do not strike you as what you want, write uh . we will give you a good liberal dubbing offer with any periodical published in the United Hiatea. Ik)D*l pul it off. New in your time. A«1 «Ires», T rade M arks OrsiONB C opyright » A c . Anyone wending a »ketch and deerrtntlon nut quickly aarertam our <>t>nn<>n free whether an Invention k probably peleittable. (Ommunlra- pons strictly coiittilontlal. Handbook on I'glsiiLi »•nt free, otdeat agency foi eecuringpetAiia« Patents taken through Munn A Co. recette ip« bH without chnrve, in the I IN THE FAR WEST. OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for 32.00 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE THIS TRIP the ordinary A? 40 HlacA p«»w- <}rr çariri.fgr ••■th 1400 fret per aeennd vekteHy. 1* th- «» ’n» rifle •'hen wiah. •« ’he refutar tu iat nt one turn tn anteen tnehra ia word in rifling. f’n r,g, („filing, inn ¡hutrattont. cove' fa r«i' Republican Weekly put» • 1 li.shetl today anil can always Ixi relied upon for iair and hon«»t re J nor is of all political affairs. J ny-—, > The Weekly inter Ocean Supp le» A I of the Neo J g.'Tl • U u T j and the Best <>» Current Literature. v• It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Pa|*r 1» With. mt a l’««r. Its Literary columns are equal to those ol the best magasines. Its Yout i’s Department is the f nest of its kind.......................... It brings lottai f; tnlv tie <-•■ <•' ' »•« » ntr,. World and glvsa tbe b*Mt arid .»hie kt d HriiflsioOn of all qu-’Slionn of th#* dar. ili* jii'-r « h i givi.’« iwrlv p' of reading matter «-»cb week and beinu I.ubi -I k d in h raro la l»etter adapted lo ibu eredeeC the people of tb« Alle/h inv Mountains limn any other paper. K. Stanley Thoinp««>n. for the WJ4SW!4, Sec. 20. and N>,N W'4. Sec. 29. T. 20 8., R. 32 E. W. M He names the following witnes.e» toprove hl» contlnuoua residence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: George Marshall, Walter Cro»» jn P»f year Pally rimi Sunday tiv mill................ M OO per year ••••••••••••••••••a a Address THE INTER OCEAW. CkleagB.