Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1903)
Local and General. Lonsdale Cumbric 9 yards One Dollar Cash. N, Brown A Sous. If you are in need of glasses con sult Jorgenson the optician and March 17.—K. of I*., Grami Ball. jeweler. ; Congress adjourned Wednesday Frai k Turner and George noon. Tetreau left Wednesday for the Don’t forget the K. ot I’., grand John Day vulley after potatoes. ball, March 17. Lon Richardson and Charley Crawford, of Harney, were visiting in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Lee Caldwell left Tuesday for a Bynm Terrill and family moved short business trip to the railroad. to their ranch last Saturday. While ubsent he will visit his son Ot proscriptions is no child’s play. C. A. Bonnett, of Crane Creek, Johnnie at Pendleton. It requires oouecientioue care ami Frank Fisk and family, of Burns, accurate knowledge of drugs uud was a Imsiness visitor Thursday. their relations to each other. We All grades of chewing tobacco 50 uro visiting Mr. Fisk’s brother, I) take >ui honest pride in the purity cents per pound. N. Brown A bona. W. Fisk, and family, of Marysville. —Canyon City Engle. of our drugs, ai.d the skill and ac- Jorgenson ha« a complete line of eiKHcy with which we coni|x>und Thos. Sagers and Grover Jame stationary; school supplies; books, hem on your physician’s order. son are assisting Hcliwurtz A etc. Budelman in getting their stock Red Bell, Dixie Queen Tobacco. arranged in their new quarters. 50 cts per pound. N. Brown A Commissioner R. J Williams Sons. came in Wednesday from Silver Oregonian and lumia. $2.00 Proper Compounding Emanuel Clark, foreman nt the Creek to attend an adjourned term P ranch, was in on business this of county court which was conven thia week. ed yesterday. New line of Clothing samples C. II. Vocgtly returned Wednes day evening from a business trip just received by N. Brown A Sons. HATUKD.lY, MARCH 7 I ihu A Fit guaranteed and every gar to Portland. ment handled by us is made by A pair of full stock BAH. Royal Under the provisions of a bill Cow Boy Boots reduced to $5.25. White Labor. which passed the Oregon l«-glsla- N. Brown A Sons. Inland Lodge, No. 70, Knights tur and has become u law, every of Pythias, will giye a grand ball This pnper and The Chicago the evening of March 17. See a I- incorporated town or city in the Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one nouncement of committees in an- state is authorized to maintain a yeui. "Special deal” public library. The city council other eolumn. of every city is authorized to levy James Gilbert and William Mor- It's a real pleasure to wear the a tax at any rate that may be riao.i, of Harney, were in the city fine fitting clothes made by Strauss deemed advisable, upon all the on business Wednesday. Bros., America's Leading Tailors, property of the city for lib rury Henry <'aidwell is doing ni Chicago. They're so reasonable in purposes. duty nt The Windsor during prices too. Robinson & Walton, absence of his brother, Lee. will take your order. The new law relating to the Hundreds of homeseekers are Commissioner C. T. Miller, of apportionment of school funds by Lnwer, is in attendance at the passing through Huntington every county superiiiteiidents r« quire- day on their way to Western special meeting of count}' court. that an apportionment st.all b< Dr. It. D. Burrows has moved Oregon. Most of them are people made on the first Monday in Oct > of means who will purchase homes her of each year, and nt such other his office to the north room in Mrs. and assist in the development of times during the year us the super- , Sturtevant’s restaurant building tTie state.—Huntington Herald. iiilendent may deem advisable. The Unit' d Stilt« s Senate met in The lurgest and most complete The o!d law required only the one extra session Thursday to ratify the apportionment, on the first Mon ( uban. and Panama Canal treaties. stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Huts, day of October. The amendment Ex-Governor T. T. Geer bus gone Boots and Sho.-s and Groceries in will permit other apportionments if to Missouri to work in the interest Eastern Oregon. Sold at one price there are funds enough. of the Lewis uud Clark Exposition. to all. Every thing first class and H. II. Ingalls, representing we solicit the patronage of the A rancher near Condon, who peopleof Harm y County- N. Brown imagined that his home merchant Fleckenstein, Mayer Co., of Port A Sons. was charging him too much for his land, was doing business in Burns N. Rulison, a highly respected goods, sent to an Eastern firm for the first of the week. and prominent business man of Court Stenographer Culenmn a grind-stone ami asked them to Canyon City, died at his home in eend the same by mail. 'I bis they came over from Burns Saturday that city Tuesday of] last week of couldn't do. but they did the next evening mid is on duty in Judge heart failure. The deceased was a best thing—sent it by express and Cliflord’s court this week.—Canyon native of New York and was 70years itcosthim the tidy sum of ill. City Eagle. of age. He came to Canyon City He could have bought a like article Send N. Brown A Sons your in ISG.'J, and was a carpenter at old in this city for $2.60 or $3. But orders for Boots and Shoes during then it is a hard matter to make the next til) days. Twenty-five Camp Harney for seven years. some people believe these things. cents reduction on all foot wear ex Mr Loren Hembree, of Narrows, —Condon Times. and Miss I.innie Dyer, of this city, cept Queen Quality. For a bilious attack take Cham were united in marriage at the Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known berlain’s Stomach ami Liver Tab home of Mr. and Mrs. John Culp throughout Mercer and Summer i lets and a quick cure is certain Monday evening, March 2, 1903. counties, W. Va., most likely owes For sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; The wedding was a quiet affair being witnessed by a few relatives his life to the kindness of a neigh Fred Haines, Hurney. and intimate friends. The Items bor. He was almost hopelessly af A message was received from joins in extending congratulations. flicted with diarrhoea ; was attend Lawen yesterday announcing the ed by two physicians who gave nim death of J. W. Kelso, an aged and SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. little, if any, relief, when u neigh SEED GRAIN. respected resident of that section. bor learning of his serious condi Wheat, The funeral will take place ut tion, brought him a bottleof Cham Oats, Lawen tomorrow. berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar Bailey. Several stockmen in the valley rhoea Remedy, which cured him in N. Brown A Sons. less than twenty-four hours, For have been forced to turn their stock sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered out having fed the last of their hay. K. OF 1*. GRAND BALL. Snow still covers tho ground and Haines, Harney. the prospects for its early disap Arrangements are being complet pearance are not the brightest. ed by the members of Inland Lodge S tate of O hio ,C ity of T oi . kim U Percale 36 inches 10 cents. N. No. 70. Knights of Pythias, for L uscas C ounty . i Brown A Suns. their first annual ball on March 17. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Nothing is being overlooked to Eminitt Stratton and wife came ho is senior partner of the firm of make this the swellest atfair of the over Tuesday from their home at F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business season. Don’t miss it. The vari in the City of Toledo, County and Seneca, returning Wednesday. ous committees are: State aforesaid, and that said firm Mrs. Stratton while in town made General — F. O. Jackson, II. E. will pay the sum of One Hundred first annual proof on her desert Thompson, J. J. Donegan. Dollars for each and every case of land clnim.—Canyon City Engle Arrangements—Thornton Will Catarrh that cannot be cured by The following is going the iams, Dalton Biggs, G. A. Reinbold, the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. rounds of tho press: "It is said John M. Budelman. Frank J. Cheney. that n man who squeezes u dollar Hall and Music—E. B. Waters, Sworn to before me and subscrib never squeezes his wife. In look Charles Lewis, Frank Paul, James ed in my presence, thi" 6th day o ing over our accounts wo note that I M. Dalton. Decern lie r, A. I). 1886. some awful good women are not Reception—Mrs. W. E. Triech, A. W. Gleason. gelling the pressure they deserve.” Mrs. I. S. Geer, Mrs. H, E.Thomp Notary Public. WAGONS! WAGONS i son, Sam Mothershead Julian We will sell you a Mitchell, Byrd, F. S. Rieder. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in Floor—C. F. McKinney, C. R. ternally. and acts directly on the Rushford or Webber Farm Bed Wagon ; Peterson, James F. Mahon, A. M. blood and mucous surfaces of the 3] Steel Skein $85.00 Byrd, II. Richardson, C. X. Coch- system. Semi for testimonials, free. :'.l „ .. 90.00 ran» 1 , A. Venator, R. A. Miller, F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, 0. „ .. 106.00 James Paul, Geo. A. Smyth, I. S. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Send your orders to us, O. C. Geer. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. < i r\ EI.M1IOX. The' annual city election passed oil' quietly Tuesday. Outside of the contest for the Marshulship, but little interest was manifest, a About the 1st of March we will begin "taking stock” and good many voters not going to the pollsatall. There were 172 votes cast will until that time close out many useful articles for less The successful candidates were: than actual cost, IMe need room for our Spring .Stock. Tho Mayor, J. W. Geary ; Councilmen, cash and room is worth more to us than the goods,[the more we Simon Lewis, G. W. Clevenger; sell the less we have to invoice. Now is the time to secure Treasurer, W. A. Gowan; Recorder, bargains. Call and see if we don't mean business. L. Woldenberg, Jr. ¡Marshall, Dyke Jameson. The latter’s majority was one, and his election has been contested. The principal struggle, us stuted above, wus over the office of mar shal, and the question at ¡¿sue was whiskey-to-Indians or no-whiskey- to-Indians, and which question has M0NM01 TH.r.OREGON. become a very serious one for our Graduates oi the School are in constant townspeople to consider. T he elec deni mil at,salaries ranging from $40.00 to tion of Mr. Jameson—who isoppos- IIOO.IH) |>er month, Students take tlut ed tothe whiskcy-to-Indian policy— state examination» «luring their course is not satisfactory to tho-e who in the school and .are receive favor tbt selling of whiskey to In State Certificates on graduation. Expenses range from $120.04) to $I7'> 40 dians, hence the coni« st. p -r year. The alleged grounu for contest Hir ing Normal course and well equip is the casting out of one ballot by ped Training llepartment the judges of ejection on account The fail term operu^ttept. 18. For catalogue containing full informa of the awkward marking of same tion, address E. D. RESSLER, having been incomprehensible to or J B. V. Butter, See'v President. the judges who were conducting the election ut.der the Australian bai lot system. It is reported that Broady Johnson who headed the opposition to Mr. Jameson, has succeeded in finding at least two persons who will swear that the W. E. 7EISCH. Prcprietcr. disfigured b illot was voted by them and that it was their intention to BEST OF WISES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. vote for George. It. is thought how ever. that Dr. Geary’s affidavit to the effect that HE was the voter of fW" Drinks mixed to suit your taace. Courteous treatment guaranted the cast out ballot, and that his in tention was to vote for Georg», will Your patronage Solicited. prove of greater value to the contest ants. It is evident that whoever cast the disfigured ballot could not not read or did not comprehend the printed instructions at the top of the ballot voted. Whatever may be the result of the contest, the in cident of the ballot will prove u reminder to our election judges hereafter, that it is their duty as well as privilege to assist voters who are unable to make out their ballots. Inasmuch as only one out of a total of 172 voters proved in competent in this instance, no blame should attach to the judges. Lunaberg & Dalton STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The Capital Saloon The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub lished in Chicago in connection with the great daily papers. It contains a judiciously selected summary ot the news of the nation and world, the best stories, home, farm, woman’s, and other special departments, and fair, patriotic, able editorials, written from a Re publican viewpoint. It is by far the best general newspaper ot the Western States. The regular price for the Weekly Inter Ocean is $1,00 and for the Harney Valley Items $1.50, but subscriptions will be re ceived at this oflice for the two papers in combination for one year for only $1.50. Miller & Thompson Successors to R. A. Miller A Co. Stomach Trouble. “I have been troubled with my stomach for the past four years,” says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A few days ago I was induced to buy a box of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better.” If you have any trouble with your stomach try u box of these Tablets. You are certain to be pleased with the resu' . Price 25 cents. For sate by H. M. Horton. Burns: Fred Haines, Harney. ESTRAY. Lost one two-year old cow with calf. Brand, on ribs 00, and 7 on one hip and 72 on the other. I will pay $5 reward for her recovery. Fred Mosier. Izee, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U S Land offlre. Burns, Oregon, March 4,1903. Notice Is hereby given that thje following, named settler has. filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on April 13, 1903, vis: Hd Entry, No. Wl, of John K. Culp. for the S»,NW»Z4, S»tNE’4, See. 2. Tp. 23 31 K. W. M. lie namoa the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vic: Ernest Williams, Ira Williams, George W. Shaw and Ray Dickenson, all of Burns, Oregon W m . F a a re , Register. i Have your measure taken for your new Fall garments. It is the only proper and satisfactory way of buying your clothes. Make your selection from the tailoring line of Strauss Bros., Chicago 1877 Good tailors for over a quarter century. You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes made by Strauss Bros —faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. They’re so much better than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low and you’re perfectly safe in ordering, because if garments are not satisfactory, you needn't take .them. We will be pleased to snow you samples—Call ROBINSON & WALTON