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About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1903)
RATI’«DAY M IRCII 7 I WW. HE TRI STE!) THE PEOPLE. toll.«* Pri s:d«*;.t, and fillet! with’ ««■«•ret «aba Is tn discredit him, practically al hi» program luts been put upon the statute book bt that ns me Congress The canal anil Cuban tr»alien will »«.»on In- rati fied by an extra session of the Sen ate. Adequate tariff concessions , to the Philippines may vet be made ' All the test is accomplish!d. Theodore Roosevelt truited the people and took them into his eon tideuce. And the people trusted Theodore Roosevelt anil rose up and voted their confidence in him. And Congress heard the voice of the people and obeyed—Chicago Inter Ocean. When Theodore Rovnevelt sue- <<led lo th" Presidency h man «.tn whom political tact vias both mi «ustim-t and a tine art, many gravely doubted his success as a • .1.struct!ve leader. Many thought I in too iinpttuotiH in speech and i..w strenuous in method to secure t In- co-op-ration of Congress, and p e lie ted the failure of hi» policies. In his first mes-age President Ibxisevclt recoin mended the sup- P cssion of anarchy, changes in the THE REWARD OE HONESTY — i umigralion laws, creation of more • i «-st reserves, national organ iza- United States Senator Hoar is 11-111 of irrigation, unbuilding of the one of the ]>oorcst of distinguished i .vy, reorganization of the army American statesmen. He savs that i .-< --i militia, civil government, eur- i ii<-y reform and lower t iritis for all the income producing property lite Philippines, reciprocity with he has in the world or ever had Ci -a, an isthmian canal, a Depart- yields a little less than $1800 u m nt of Commerce, prevention of year, and more than half of this dieorimination in railway tales, comes from stock in a corporation - regulation of tlie trusts, and such which has only paid dividends foi decree of publicity in trust manage the past two or three years and is ment as would give the necessary likely to pay no dividends after two knowledge for their effective regu or three years to come. With that lation. exception, the house w here he lives Many of these things other Presi- with its contents and about four , • .-«its had recommended tor yean— acres of land, constitute the Sena »«•me of them from the very founda- tor’s whole possessions, save two or • ion of the government—but in three vacant lots tnat would not v aim Nor w as Congress at ail bring $5000, not enough to pay his prompt lo heed the recommetidu- debts. ueiis. At the first session under Senator Hoar has been twenty R >-sevelt it did create more forest years in Congress as represeutative ■ re- rves, make liberal appropria and Senator, getting a little poorer te is for the navy, give the Philip- every vear. He and his wife have I cs civil government, finally de- been comia-lled to live much of the ■ e on an isthmian canal route, time in Washington boarding I start national organization of houses in a fashion to which no i r gation. The latter was almost Pittsburg mechanic earning $2 a > v only new feature of the Roose- day would subject his hous-holJ ’ v it program that Congress ap- Senator Hoir. however, never had pii-ved. to spend a dollar to be e ected to A a for the trust question, the the Holme or Senate. He was first P • lident was at first privately and nominated for the House when he ' i openly denounced in Congress was abi-ent in Europe, trying to re tor raising it, and was accused of cuperate from overwork. His only ’ pi tying to the galleries.” Trust extravagance is that he has been a lull leiiees availed to prevent even I large coll-ctor of books. On the reciprocity with Cuba, and .<» fub other hand, John D. Rockfeller is <>d -he Philippines with a trilling credited with owning $35,000,000 I iriif concession. As for general par value of the Standard Oil Stock. , r- ¡.illation of the trusts, it was de- ‘ which »t the present market value i - i . r.-<! that Congress lacked power, is worth al out $200,000.000. He .a d that nothing could be doue uii - is probably as rich a man as An 1.1 ihe constitution was amende!. drew Carnegie, if not as rich as J liut Theodore Roosevelt kept I*. Morgan, whose wealth it is dif- 1 ig H on. He kept right on talking , ficult to eetimule. i<i ■ he American people. He told Mr. Hoar at 78 is rtire to die a , i >-- ii not only what he wanted, but poor loan in this world’s goods,but »-I n now arid why he wantedit, he is rich in honorable fame as a i. id whv they ought to have it for statesman, a scholar and a philan iti»;r own benefit. He took the thropist. w hilc John D. Rockefeller pi opie more directly into his con- is only notorious as the organizer I I -|.*n< e as to what he wanted than and executive of a robber trust. •f t l’ri sident since Lincoln, and ' arid the ostentatious «li.-penser of i u-e completely why he wanted it its gains.—Oregonian. I:«-* i any Pres:dent since .Jackson. And he had his reward. Within J •»- than a year after Congress ad Representative Moody has won j-untied, almost in open opposition his fight f««r th«- Federal building Love is sr-me- times a hard task master. He drives women to tasks be- yon«l their strength and lays heavy bur- fl ens on their should _-rs. Love of husoand, love of family, forces many a woman day by day to labor for the home when aching back and throbbing head make her ut- terly unfit for household duties. Weak, nervous i ten who suffer from headache, back- 1- -, lie iring-down plins and other con- l. enees of womanly disease, can be f • npletelv cured by the use of Doctor I’’s Favorite Prescription. It es- t i ashes regularity, dries weakening di d is, heals inflammation and ulcera- an 1 cures female weakness. ■'.A mtil two v»ar« neo I w»« taken sick ate! It I «* . -<1 a- if I had n-i nerves at all.- writ«-« Mrs. 1 . Wu atiieck. of Delray Mi- h "Could n >t * .-■•rd an hour in the day without bein-y tired * 1 d ctoreil fir-t with one physician, then wi: . a tot ier. but did tr-H receive’any lx-nefit. < ,-«r- ildaay one thiny and the nest-bniethinir * I-. 1 It d almost given up when I thontrht .* i--r m •«’. due might hi Ip me. so 1 wrote to v->«i i .- t g .«■' n t> do. Yon ndviM*d me to lake Iir. . I-' ivorite I’rewripiio-i and ' Golden Mi-«l- i. .li - j . < rv.' I did - > an I vail I see a tliflrr- * i rl pit ri .viy I only took four l-ottles in all : i I frit lietter than 1 hail in a long time. Can .ir • all -lay now and not f.el tired a« I won,J i . i hour 1- >re t.ikiivz ytmr ti • ...lent 1 i-iitik it is the oily rnedicir- " Fierce’» Pleasant Pellets cure ilii- /..... a sk U lie ulaclte. I at Baker City. Or..the omnibus bill will carry his amendment provid ing 15000 for a site at that place. Luder the terms of the bill the supervising architect will advertise for offers of sites, and the most at tractive property will be purchased within the next, year. This ap propriation forms the basis for future legislation, and will enable the delegation in the next Con gress to secure a further appropri. alion for the erection of the build ing. It is contemplated that Un building will provide accointnoda- tor the Postoffice and courts, in event that future legislation shall di vide the stale info two districts and provide for a term of court in Eastern Oregon. ENGLANDS HAPPY MARRIAGES. Hom«- ttf The «11 Ire lie. «Mated In the kunnls of llumnow To««u, Duniiiow. iii 1 am *» county, England, linn liven bringing it elf Iwforv the pub lic iigti in l«.v a rcvivnl of its l!itch-of- bacon ceremony. I'ninnoiv ought to tn* able to furnish some answer* to the great question of how to be happy though married. Il is the place where it was oner the custom to re want and promote corjugal felicity l-y giving a ttiteh of bacon to the couple who, after a year of matrimonial cxpericnea, could swear that they had not once re- grett«*«l entering the estate commended of St. 1‘nul to be honorable. It iip|H*<ir» that even the pious prior of Dunmow, who instituted the custom huudreds of years ago. had certain modern, sce|>- tical notions about the success of inur- riage. Apparently lie was of tin- opin ion that there would seldom be ttiauy claimants for the price. The number of candidates who filled the comlitions l av«- not been many in tin- whole history of Dumi'.ow. and the presentations of the Hitch uf bacon have been few and far between. But thia year Dumnow revived the custom, and two couples received the unard due to those who marry ami do not re gret it. On«- wa-. a Dublin magistrate and his wife and the other u railrotul servant utul liis wife, from Hertford shire. Th«- jury was composed of six maidens ami six young b bclors, and after the trial an operatic cantata, "Ye Duinnow Flitch,” was perform«-«!. Th«* oath w hich the winners of the tlit.-h have to take is enough to deter many from proclaiming their married happiness to the world. After the trial, w hich takes the form of «pies- tions and answers in the presence of the assemble«! multitude, ’ the oath ia administered to th«* happy pair while they kneel upon two burd, pointe«! roatea. H Y World. FOREIGN ECHOES. The III»«*«, «nil!.« rn«l the l.l it. Sonu* time ago, while holding cvmrt in tin* royal ptilavv, owrlockittg lit«* Danube. I-1 in« is Jo-cph ie«viv«-d a Hungnriun blacl.Muitli, who desired tu thank th«* Ktlig for the ,le«'oiati«m eon- fen v«l on him in r< «■.-gn it ton of bis hal ing itiveiitcd un agricultural niuchiiio. Dui'ing tin’ amlicaci* tlie blacksmith drv-vv from his |*ocki-t two pliologrupiis representing tin king and i|U< ell, mid said, handing llie-.i to hi» majesty: '•May I ask your majesty, mid also th«- queen, for your signalurv-s?” "And why?” ilcmmiik'd th«* king, smilingly. "Well, when I di. th«* cross of merit which yout tiiaj*-dy lias given m;* «ill have to be rvturued and my children vi ill nt least liav.* your ninje* tics’ por trait» mid signatures in ri metiibrmic«* of th«» audience.” “The queen is ab sent from Hungary,” said th«* King, "and I cal not give you lay signiitiire ut th«* present moment, for I have neither pen nor pencil within reach.” "I have lirought a pencil with me,” .aid the smith. Iim.ding it to th«* in«>nurvh. Tin* king thereupon uttuchevl bis »ignature to the photograph, and di^n i* a-«l the smith with a s..ine. The »vith <!id not retire, hovvever. but utoo«l Ills grouml. "I h there anything else 1 can do for you?" ii'kc.l Francis Joseph. "Yes. your ninjvstv. I am waiting for my pen cil," Th,- king had :a« chanienlly |»>ck- eted it. m.d h<* rcturnv«l it with a hearty laugh San Francisco Argonaut. llsba lrl«-:.s th«- l.lmiu»». Feus arc proverbially ulikc. but not more so th i»i •‘nigger” lav. students. Ami when c.ieh wears asiracliun hair, go hl spectacles uu«l a Stewart tartan ms-ktie. I'/«* M inik Lal U ns like Dad- abhor Jnruhedji i. ■ any two men In Iron masks, fhis fact is not lost on n wily Hindoo Ln. sttidvr.t. Thl . bright young mind ha... it i aid. taken »«■«cnil silud.-.rship at Limnhi’s Inn under hi» own name. He. now. for a coiisulern- tion. in wilting t>» • mp!>r.iril.v adopt th«* »cri.-s of consonant w hh'b form the name of any gentleman with a similar «xiior sebe.-.u*. and ia li! ’ Improper per son go«-* up f« «r and successful I v passes th«* examinations of the council of the bar.—Phoccix. ilv'ti Dour 1» Crfarr« "You look i-.ftcr tb.c «lit: s.” be rain in hi-., lordly n ¡inner at the «-.inclusion of a few remarks vu td».*e >►! if ruiin nc a hou.-c, “ami I’ll look niter the. dol lars.” “1‘v«* liccn looking after t!;c <’itnc-i nil n y life.” she protested. liaHgpantijr: “that's idl I’ve got to lock after, w hi!«- you you—" “Mar!;:." ho cant ot'«-d. fearful that there wav ;;l"iit to I e an cxpl -iau. “ while y .ii bale l...n diiigently looking ;;f:< r the «' *l!at' 11 s fa«» reiux <1 a n g-atlfieil smile. “ to spend." sl>-i ai«l n cc.'.clu-uoii. lie reuli -cd tin :: lit * lie had made a study of him.-<1ii«. po Post. K aiheb W h . iiklm sits for li is photo graph about once a week. Till snlary and expense allow am*-of I*rvsident Casimir-l’erier is 8'.-40,000 per year. I t is estimated that foreign stocks amounting to S3.si9.tkio.iXk> are hcl«l in Great Britain, and the interest receiv able upon them S14*.,<M»,000 per annum. I t is s;;i«l that one of Lord Coleridge's peculiarities was his habit when on circuit of strolling round the court to keep himself awake. This was a fre quent practice of his when sitting late to tini.-h a cum *. an«l was extremely dinconccrting to the c«>uns*-l who liap- peDed to be a«ldres.sing him. Loxnox has an annua) average rain fall of but twenty-five inches; Paris, twenty-two inches: Manchester, thir ty-six inches, an«l Edinburgh thirty eight inches, while Boston show» forty-six inches. New York forty-live inches. Philadelphia forty-one inches, and Chicago thirty-six inches. Ax eminently practical German sci entist is said to have applied a mild current of electricity to a swarm of Ho Hml.ton. bees, quickly causing them to fall to Gushing Yovng M.i-i (t .king elderly the gruuml in a stupcti«.*«l condition. tpinster into his cexfidcuce)—Miss The bees coulil be safely handled while Wcllalong. I have v ritti n a [xx-in, ad in this condition, and if the electrical dressed "To a Youne Lady." la«t me current were not too strong, no injury rend it to you: was done to them. "For love of you, dear Hasel. 1--” Elderly nster ( nipvring) Law. NATURAL HISTORY NOTES. Mr. Bpooicmore! Mv eye is not T iikiik is a twin crystal of emerald in hazel! It’s dark brown! — Chicago St. Petersburg seven inches long, four Tribune. brood ami weighing four-and-a-half Wctl-Dlr<-< t.-il Sympathy. pounds. The Gcri; i n •«•■! a of n suburban A DETECTIVE’S STORY. church, listening a n iner t to an ama teur p rfi-ri:» •• in I ehulf of some local The Sweetheart liobb«-«! to I'ay a Man'« guild, w os lo-ard to retr.nrk : Courting Expenses. “Dot Irak« - i- <• sorry for «lot binno." “I was disgust! <1 a few «lays ago at “Why net lor tlie |x.-ople?"a by sland a case I w ork«! up,” remarked u de tective to u Washington Star reporter. er uslicd. “Dvr pc.blcH can git avay.” was tlie "A young lady who was ]>o.- *<e.‘>He«l of coiiHiderable money and a nunila r of answer. “Dcr biany nnudit shday.”— •jewels sent- for tae. She had been P>cMxm Courier. roblx-«l of some diamonds value«! at wv- Mail» of the Kight Slat*. erul hundred dollar». I finally found "What are your «¡ualiii* ition» furan all but one pin. they having been umpire’.”' a-ked the pre«.dent of the pawned. I obtained a «IcHcription of league. the man who borrowed money upon “I fell down cn elevator shaft, wan them, but for several week» could not run on r by a motor car, dropped out locate him. When I <l!d his landlady of n I allfton r.ial ra«1 • t< n miles on a »uid that he had leit that morning und cyclone. I’m in fair«- nilition yet.” wax going to Baltimore. | watched “You're < i:g.i"««l for next » aton.”— the d«-|>ot. and wan rexju rewarded by- Detroit Free l‘r« • s. seeing the man step out of a hack. Differences. 1 seized his arm and said: -You are ar "They ray that human nature is al rested!’ ‘What for?’ he a. ked, in a tone that’ »bowed he was not much ways the runic." raid th« nii«l<lle-agcd surprised, l.utgi—nily frightened.‘That lady. “But I don't think »o.” "What'» tin* rcmon?” asked her will be explained at the station,* I re plied. There was a feniinim* shriek niece. “Twenty years ago girls read maga from tlie ba« !;, und, glancing into the vehicle, I saw it was my fair client. zine» and di«l lie« «lie work. Now they They had just been married and were study :« road map ni <1 h-nrn to use n starting on their welding trip. I took monkey wrench.” Wnrhington Star. in the situation at a glance, and then rant Ufs. realizing that I wa» }iowcrless t:nd«-r Aunt Miranda I siip|x>r<* you saw- the new order of niTairw, I »aid: -f »«•<• Mary's girl when you wiis down to the now that you are not tlie man I want,’ city. Un* she grown much »'nee they end let bin« go. Then be liegan to blnr.- moved uw.-'v from Basswowl f'orncr»? • tcr.iind,tal;ing!iiiu : side, I gave him to 1‘ncle .iededinh- Grown! Why. she'» understand I knew of his robbing th - growjn' y«*t. You won't Is-licve it. bu« girl to pay the expense» of hi» court- her newest «lrcsr only reaches to her »bip. and lie quieted down very sud shoulders.— Brooklyn Life. denly.” A < lowed room is bad for sleeping, A Curious Christian Vam«-. liecaUM- arr once breathed part*, with u In the Canterbury Di«x«.-san Gazette sixth of its oxygen amt contains an there is an interesting an«l authentic equivalent amount of curbonic aciil gas; r«xord of the use of Act» of the A pestles air breathed six time will not support as a Qiristian name. The entries arc in life. the registers of Bought« «* under-Blenn. P iekcisg the flesh with even the Actstipostlc, son of Thoma» and Eliza finest rcedlc hurts I m - ciiu 1.«* the nerves beth l’egden. from Dunkirk, was bap- are so thickly matted just under the tiz d August 3. 1795. and the buri; 1 of skin that not even the finest [»«¡nt can this Actsapostlc l’egden, aged 7(1.years, be introduced without wounding one or took place November II. 18C5.' The more. name cet ins to have been abreviated fo Actsy, f .r the vicar of Boughton baa hear«! .- parishioner »peak of her uncle Actcy I’cgdcn. Ar- in. Acts of the Apos tles, »on of £ichurtl and Phoebe Ken nett, wa i baptized at Boughton church For Infant? and Children. April U, 1S33.- Not«- and Queries. It is now a law that a permit shall not be granted to any per»« n, company, corporation or associa tion to move his or their she« p for treatment from one county into another, nor in any case fora great er listane«« than five miles, except Willing to Qualify'. that said sheep may be moved for A few days ago a recruit was taken to treatment to any place upon the be sworn in bct’ore the magiHtnite. rang« usually occupied orcontrolled Everything was going cn tiwi.umingly by tin owner thereof, an«l except till the magistrate asked the mon th-- following question: "Kave.yen < ,, r that during the summer season, been in prism?” At tie« the man looked when such sheep are grazed in the startled, but. quickly recovering him he blurted <.ut: “No, . Ir. 1 have timber«-«! mountains, they may be self, never beep In jail. Ini! I don’t mind do moved for treatment to the edge of ing a feiv da;. If y oti think it n«--« »- the timber, irrespec ive of «listane«-. »ury.”- Lam!-i.i TeJ.-jraph. Th«' ICitnl Von «luve Always Tlouglit. noti v.lilcli hu» boon ia use for «»er HO year»« bus borito (he Higiuiliire of a:i«l h i i b<*< a in.ule under III» per sonal ;:p«-i-v l-.lot* t ill«-!' 11* Infiltiey. Allow i.o ««ii« («><h*«-!*iv«• y«>u hi this. All ('oiiiiti-rti-its, Imitat ions ami •* .)«i»t -n*-i;<««>.i ” uro bat Kxp<*t'iim*nlH that trillo with utul <'inlang«-r tlm liralth of liilimts ami Chihlren l'.ypcrl«*n«‘o against IIxptirimcnU What Is CASTORIA Cantoria is a hartal«"«» substituto fcr t'a-.toi- till. 1‘ gofh-. Drop» ami Nootlilug SympH. It Is i’l«‘ii*m t. It contiiiiiH ueilln-r Opium, 'Im phiti** nor otlo-r Nur« otic Mibstum-«-. It« n;;«* I*« it« p. tut ran 1 c<*. It destroy > Worms timi allays t'cvcrlHliiiOHS. It < urt*s D'arrlurn ami Wlml Colic, It r«-ih v «- h Teething Trouble», cures ('<m*tipatlon uml l-'liitiil«*ik-y. It assimila!« s th«- I'ootl, regulates tlm Simun« h nmt Bowel*«, giving licnltby am! imtnrul sloep« Tlu* Cltlldrvn*» I'amu-ea- The Jlotlu-r’s l-'rlctnl. CENUINE CASTORsA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼i « ctMtiur 90t»Miiy. vv Musai* atsiD siw JMir 'W Harney Valley Brewery L. WOI.DENBERG. SR . I’r«>| rietor. Th«-aervi« ea of it brewer of long yenrs exjierience Ims been se- cured ami th«-vrotluct of tins Br«-w«-ry is of the best grade in tho ’ itilmi'i Empire, l'lace u trial order and you will not be disap pointed. BURNS, _ — — — — — _ OREGON The Windsor Tlie bar is supplied with none !>tit th«* v«-ry best lirnixl» of Win« », Liquors im«i Carbonated «1 ritik», aii«l the Choicest Cigars. Your patronage oolicited. Courteous treatment to nil. Corner north of postoflico. Bar LEE CALDWELL Proprietor. IF YOU ARE A FARMER Zkncl Ono Cent Buy n postal curd and send to The New York Tribune Farmer. New York Citv, for u free specimen copy. Th«- Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers mid their families, and stumls nt the head of the agricultural press. The price is fl 00 per year, but it you like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, in a bargain. Both papers fl 50. Send money and order to The ITEMS. CASTORS A The Kind You Hâve Always Bought ei^nmuru of Thifl »ipnntnro i« on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo*Quininc Tablet» bv t hat <•••!•< •» n cult! In <>n<* day and economics added for th«- benefit of tho»«- preparing to teach in High Sell xds, but ar«* optional. $200 in cash prizes for excel lence in oratory an«l athletics. Excuses ligh;; social comlitions i<l«*al. Send for catalogue. I’. F. MI LKEY, President, CLIF/ORD THOMAS, Secretary