Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1903)
THE POWER OF MUSIC. is concerned. Apparently what the musician had to sur|>a>a was a to hours' aitting at the instrument. This he undertook to do by hammering the key» for 50 consecutive hours, that ap palling period being only broken by three short rests of ten minutes each This feat was duly accomplished in the presence of a committee <>f doc tors and musicians. When the two days, two nights and two hours had expired, Ilancia played the Italian na tional anthem with a Jubilant flourish, and left the piano amid the enthusi astic chi>ers of an enormous audience. The whole of the receipts were given to the fund in aid of the survivors of the recent volcanic disasters io the West Indies. london News. In «me of the local music store« the Salt pork is a famous old- other day several >ale»men were rent fashioned remedy lor con ing experiences «*«inne«-ted wilh the when one of the party, who ha«l | sumption. “ Eat plenty of craft, been a dealer in «irgnns in a »mall way j pork,” was the advice to the in a western state, where he ha«l acted consumptive 50 and 1 oo I as agent for a big concern in supply ing th«* local trade, grew resutniacent, years ago. relates the Washington Star. “I reniemlier un incident conne*-te«l Salt pork is good if a man with the »ale of those cottage organs can stomach it. The idea that has somewhat the flavor of the David llaruin boss trade." »aid he. 1 behind it is that fat is the "My rival in the organ business in the western town was one of the slickest food the consumptive needs salesmen that ever cajoled the eliH-i»c currency from a folded fist. The fel most. low hiz name waa Uishof»—aol«l or Scot t’s E m u Ision i s the mod- gans to nearly every family in three Ptaelao tbe Blaai«. instrumrnts for M ds Oldtimcr It >• not for lack of cn method of feeding fat to counties. We gut our about »7S net, and the regular selling opportuniti»» that 1 remained unmar the consumptive. Pork is too price w ns »60. ried. "Bishop had a light wagon con- Her Niece- I presume no«; but the rough for sensitive stomachs. structed especially tor carrying a cot- men do not always take advantage of Scott’s Emulsion is the most tag«* organ, and be woukl load in one the opp«irtunitiea that are offered of th«* instruments and. together with refined of fats, especially his assistant, who was a fine musician, lheui. — Woman'« H«>mr Compaukiu. prepared for easy digestion. would start for the country. A LUNG BATH. * i “One da> he drove to a farm owned Feeding him fat in this and managed by a wealthy ol«l Irish 1« la a WoNderrally Kerreehlag a»d lady who couldn't tell a music score Health-Ulvlng FlMfllMt way, which is often the only from a liasebal) tally sheet. As Bishop Did vt>u ever Luld a w atch and sec wav, is half the battle, but anti bis assistant drove up to the house for how many seconds you could keep with organ in the wagon the old lady a stream of air flowing from your Scott’s Emulsion does more came out before the door, anil with lungs? If noL make the teat, and than that. There is some her arms akimbo struck a Delsartean you will find that no matter how amull pose suggestive of the haughty deci the stream, you ciuinot keep it con thing about the combination sion. and said: stantly flowing in for more than U. “ Take thot thing out «if me yard! or uoaaibly SO seconds; but if you will of cod liver oil and hypophos Move on wid yex. I won't have no try two or three time« each day. you phites in Scott’s Emulsion musk* boxes around me. Don't ye can double the time within tiro weeks. to take it ont av the wagin. or I'll The boy or girl who will try thia and that puts new life into the •lare break it open wk! an ax.' keep it up regularly for a year, will “ 'Oh. I didn't intend to take the not be likely to die of consumption, weak parts and has a special organ out. Mrs. Murphy.* said Bishop. and should they ever la-oomc public action on the diseased lungs. ‘I only wanted to water my horses.' -peakers or aiDgsers. they will be very “It was a warm day and. after watering the anitna'u. the two begnn conversing pleasantly with Mrs. Mur- phv until her aggressiveness relaxed. Ee sure that th:.< p'eture in the form « i a label is <>n the Bishop declare<l it was too warm to wrapper of every bottle of take to the road for a while and that EmuL»;on you buy. they woultl have to rest. He present ly induced the ol«l lady to let them put the organ under a shade tree out of the sun. The two cors’iirators CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. against the pence of the h«n>sehol<! 50c. and Si; all druggists. strolled aimlessly about the yard, am* after awhile the young fellow opened tin the organ and began playing lively airs with the Irish staking out all over them. He was an excellent performer and he coaxed all the Irish ont of that instrument there was in it. an<l pres Many newspapers have lately piven currency tn report# by trrnponaible parties to thv effect ently Mrs. Murphy peeked nut at the that door. The nuL«tnnt plaved through THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO his li«t of airs an«! started <»n some of had entered a trust or combination ; we wish the old songs dear to every native of to assure the public tluit there is no truth in old Erin, using the stop« and pedals such report*. We have been niiinufneturing with grci*.« effect. M-wing machini-s for over a quarter of a centu “'And nhwnt do vez n«k fern thing ry. and have established a reputation for our- s-lves and our machine« that is the t-nvy of all like thot?' the old lady presently- «»there. Our **A’rw /Jotwr ” machine luis asked Bishon. never been rivaled as a family machine.—It “ '\Ve ii-iiallv get »75 for that organ.' ktandsat the headofail High Grade sewing machines, and stands on iu otra merits. he replie«! indifferently, and went on The “ A’etr Home *9 ia the otUy really sauntering about the yard. HIGH GHADE Setring Maehing 'The music continued, and after a on the market. few minutes Mrs. Murphy asked: It is not necessary for us to enter Into a trust ‘Wmild ye sell it nny cheaper fercash?' to save our credit or pay any debts as we have ••'No,' savs Bishop, 'that's the low no debts tn pay. We have never enteivd into competition with manufacturers of low grade est cash nrice.' cheap machines That are made to sell regard l “Mrs. Mnrnhy walked back to the less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de- «•eived, wia-n you want a sewing machine don’t house. Finally the young man closed the organ with a snap and backed up send your money away from home; call on a “ h'eir Home ” Ikeulrr, he can sell you a the wagon preparatory to reloading. better machine for less than you can purchase Mrs. Murphy came out with unmistak else where. If there U no dealer near you, able interest visible in her counte write direct to us. nance. She looked the organ over a THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO moment and then said: ORANGE, IV1A.SS. “ ‘Now. Mr. Bishop, couldn’t ye New York, Chicago, Ill., ML Louis, Mo., Atlan throw off five dollars if I'd give ye cash ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., Ban Francisco, Cal. money?" “ 'No.' said he. ‘this organ is the one I am using for a sample, and it's one i of the best. I don't care to sell it anyway, lint I have some down at the store ’ and he went on reloading. “The <’l«l Indy's Irish blood was up. She couldn't let an instrument that I could express the sentiments of those old melodies so sweetly escape her. so she said: 'I don't want nny other 100 TDS TRAJFCTORT 2«0 YDS Huerht at 50 yards jleigh’ at 100 ear»M one. Just be aisy now and wait a 1 1^3 tache» 5 02 ÍIM.W«« minute.’ and she dodged into the JU0 TAWDS TP à JFCTOKT Heir**» •» I »0 v»rds house, where the family bank, con IU AM.acbcs sisting of nn old stocking, was opened, The Up-»o-d«tr $rm tn high powe*repr«f-r« 1« the 32 40 Marlin with Smnkr/r»« Steel and she counted out »75 for the lucky Barrel usm< 32 40 Htçh Pretture Car- salesman. tridgei Thi« (^artridçe h«* a ve locity of over 2,000 feet per “The organ was placed in the narlor. second with consequent the assistant taught the old lady n flat trajectory and chord, and a» they drove away they great killing power. could hear her hammering on the organ with excruciating resulta. Down the road for half a mile they coiil<1 hear ’turn, tnm-tum. turn, turn- turn.' a» she endeavored to get her money's worth. The only time it nf- IME MARLIN FIRE ARMSCOMPANY foiled her satisfaction, however, wan NZW HAVEN. CONN., U S. A. when some visitor who could plnv dropped in. and then the music of old Erin conld be heard from the roadway for hours.” A sample will be sent free upon request. SCOTT & B0WNE, NOTIN ANYTRUST jVIarlin thankful that they coninnu«e«l when young to take "lung baths." llarjier's Young People, in speaking aliout breathing, says: “Did you ever think of taking a lung bath? One's lungs need cleausiDgaa aurclv as do th«* hand» and face. Thia i> especially true after one has been in a crowd««! boll or church, breathing iu so many iiupuri- tiea. IIow enn one take a lung bath? By simply drawing a d«*cp breath au«l then expelling the air from the lungs. You will feel wonderfully refreshed thereby and the general health will be improved." SMILES IN BRIEF. “Isn't Scribba a hack-writer.?” “Hack-writer? Not much; he d<x*sn't even earn street car fare."—Chicago Ilccord. “Are yon on intimate tertna with your neighbor»?*’ “No; but tUey are with us. Why. they know dn-ualful secrets of our» that we never heart! of even.”—llar|»r'» Bazar. “What's the matter. I.'ncle Rufua?*’ he asked facetiously as tlw old than came limping in; “got the gout?” "No, sah. Cue got de bill tn' dat w hi tew ash in* w hat I did Li’ yer las' ye*h.”—Har lem Life. Sod Experience. — The lkictor— “You’ll come around all -ighl. judge. Any physician woukl tell you the same thing." Tire Judge — “Ye», doctor: but I've heard so much expert testi mony!”—Brooklyn Life. Arizona Editor—"I see that the e*At era cult still sticks to our new- report er.” Assistant— “How’s that?” Ari zona Editor—“In writing up that taf- and-feathcr racket he mentions the victim as being clothed in ‘a gnrb of some soft, clinging material. “—Buck. OaCk.flBT’OTl.XA.. Bssrs tU lhe •'ini Han Bi^nslLrs sf THIS TRIP Reduced to FIFTY iCENTS A YEAR New Idea Woman’s Magazine r.rmerly One Dollar 'THIS is the cheapest and best • Far -.ion Mcga’ine now be- f >rt the American public. It shows Ntwlders ui Fashions. In Millinery, in Embroidery, in Cooking, in Woman's Work and in Reading: beautifully illustr. ted in colors ai.d in blacs a-.d whit:. Above all, it shows the very fashionable N ew I cea S tyles , made from N ew I lea P at - rei-vt. which cost only tOc. each. Wlld riowars as Wwds. It ha» l»een »tatctl that the only dif ference between a weed and a wild flower in that it I. a weed when it cornea up where the cultivator doe» not want it. A wildflower. Uien, become, n weed when growing in cultivated ground. One would hardly »uppoac that the ('anr.n of our gnrderut. a beautiful wiki flower of Florida, 1» often a great j>e»t to the Florida horticulturist, and is I claimed there as among the wont weed.. It appear« periiiateotjy in low ground, known to cultivator« as hum mock soil; its root stocks grow- no deep in the ground that the plow docs not turn them out, so that they grow up as bud as ever in newly plowed ground. The roots have to I m - dug out with a sjMide, in order to p clear of them.— Golden Days. BUT A CUBE OINTMENTS and »uppoiitorit» will not, positively cannot—do more tlinn relieve you. It require» an internal nmedy to remove the cause and «-fleet a permanent cure. Ark your druggist for Dr. Perrin’s Booklet on thesub- ject. PERRI PILE SPECIFIC A FREE PATTERN I ms « .»wn «elrciHM* t«> .very sub- <>.llv S i vrnl. . trar. MAGAZINE A ffrm. i»rgiitif<t| rt.i.Mrd plate«; lateM tA»lll<«na, <l«r%»tM.llllH^ « « 04n >mi« «9 ; 1.411« ff work . h<Ni>eh«»M him« . Iw im » h , etc S|»b uii I h I u (K, sold M l«.f iatr*| copy l.adr a^rm« wantetl <r9i<i loe ter99.» StrlHIt. ««•Itable, Simple. Hp-tn. «I.tlr. F.<<« anil AbMilntely Per(txl-Filting P.t|»er Patterns. Send Fiv? Cents To-day THX XEW ’37A PÜ3LISHIN0 CO C >6 Irosa va- Nov York. Al Se«vK IltowM Pertnr«t U ms U m * Ihr Bastln and Stwtog lian This signature is on every box of the fenu ins Laxative Bromo-Quinine T*bteu 'be tviuedy that rarr. i> cold la «see «la» Wine of t'anlui reinforces the organs of gem*ratu>n for the unlcal of jireg- nancy and chihllnrth. It prevent« mis carriage. No woman who takes \\ me vt L'ardui n«v«l t««ar the «outing of her child. If Mrs. I’nratu hail taken Wine of t'ar«lui before her baby cam«* she woukl not have be«-n weakened a» she was. Her rapid recov«Ty ahoul«l cotninenvl this great rcuiesly to every expsx-tant mother. M me of Cardui regulat«*s the menstrual flow. WlNE°rCARDUIJ I I I « 4 P atents r rrvw'w T rade marks Or SIGN« C opyright « A c . Anyone «end! nf a a ketch and <1*acrttHin»> may quickly «ac^rtam our «‘tuition free whether an ii$v«ntt«>n 1« probably pMt*olablu. (Oaimunlra- t tons $(ricily confident I m I 11 «u>dlx «»k «>n l*stet>la MMit free. <>M«at a**i>« y fur seuvriiqi |taieoia. Talent« taken through Munn A Cix revet a^ecMt notice. wttbo«l ch■ rye, lu th« Sckittiflc American. A hanaenmely lUnatrated weekly. I unreel eir- »illation of any aci«ntl0c hsurnal. Tenn«. a your ; f«»ur month«, |L Bold by all new»«led»h»ra, MUNN & Co Branch Offlce. In every town and village may be had, YOU ARE A FARMER Kave One Cent Buy a postal card and rand to The New York Tribune Farmer, New York City, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers anil their families, and stun<ls al the head of the agricultural press. The price iu |1 (M) per year, but if you like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at a barpain. Both papers 11.30. Send money and order to The ITEMS. Grease that makes your horses glad. Manager Wanted. Trustworthy, either »ex. by Wholesale Merchandise 'Company of »olid financial »landing, toman age Local Representative who will organize clttliH among consumers, 40 per cent »aveil forourcuetonier». Boniness no experiment but a prov en succef««. Salary $18 a week, ex- penHea advanced. Experience un necessary. Address, I). B. Clark son, Mgr.,334 Dearborn St. Chicago. PATENTS GUARANTEED j____ ,,;i»sL fe ygfr '~4, » ” - • » ‘’<»ly »n»f IK «min rari»—t"W«r high»» A«k |«w th. ni s..h| in MTsMly cteiy Ml* and ti.wit. in It» Hta.l lft»m THE M l CALL CO.. 111-11*117 Wot lilt st «« vous a.- "•* Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. *‘IIow to obtain a patent” sent upon retjunL Patent» secured through us adverti»ed for »ale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T iie P atent R ecord , an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Bend for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVARO A OO., $20 to $25 WEEKLY Work at your home, No canvatH- ing. Work legitmate anil horora- ble. Addreflfl home ; W0KK (0. 2U Spring St. Seattle, Waith* (Patent Attorneys,) Erana Building, I $1.00 U. 8. fxind Office, Burn*, Oregon, Febr. 1, 1903. Notice I n hereby given Hint Je««le Vf. Mc Mullin,of Drcwsey.llarnejr.couuly Oregon, baa fiicd notice of intention to make proof on hi» de.<«ert lftnd claim N’o. 199, for the Y.% Her 2», Tp 21, n ii ."4, E W M, before Register find Receiver at Burnt. Oregon, on Saturday, the 2Athdayof March, 1903. lie intrw the following wltneiNes to prove the complete Irrigation and reelnmntion of >ald land. Jacob Wright, Eugene A, Heath, Noah Oard and Frank Holliday, m H of Drowney« Oregon. W». F akrk . l!egl-t»r j W eekly K. Stanley Thompson. for the W%SW'4. »ec. 20. and N’ jN W,, Sec. 2», T. 20 ».. K. 32 F. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaiil land, viz: George Marshall, Walter f'roas -nd Insurance Sheppard of Burns, Oregon.and Hani Roach, of HI Ivies, Oregon. Win, Farn* Reglalef, WASHIRSnrOM, D. Oa $1.00 íñtek O ceañ Ttie Greatest Republican Paper ot the Weat. ? T is the most stalwatt ane unswe.ving Republic*n Weekly pub lished today and can always be relied upon for lair and honest re porisofall political affairs I The Weekly Inter Ocean Supples A I of the News) ii'tn ■nd the Best ot Current 1. terature. It is Morally Chan, and as a Family rapes is Vtilboul a Peer, Its Literary columns aie equal to those ot the best magatmea. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U M, Land ortlce, Burns, Oregon, Febr. 3, l'XMl. Notice la hereby «1 ven Hint the following nsmed settler ha» filed notice of hla intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim and that »aid proof will be mnde before Keirlstcr ami Receiver at Burna, Oregon, on March 13, 1903, viz: lid Kutry No ISM. of • —TkE— DK8KRL LAND. FIXAI. PROOF. A LADII S’ MAGAZINf M- CALL/ffi fer stint’» eery of the Mtw I ou W on »«'! M ao .* ih » sr-: see »-ha« treat valu. tor ir.v money It esn give ycu Mrs. Fred Vnm.tR PrmUlen« <'«M«n«r.v « t««n. 1U m »4 ■<nr«M»r, Mick. “AlHr my first bsby ws> bom I <1M not Msm to n<sin my stmnfth slthoiiflh ths d«xtoe gavs ms s took whkh hs cu«ui«l srsd very su|>«rl<»r. but li««t«od 9<ttln< better I <r«w wsskcr «vtry day- My hut- bsnd Inslskd th«i I ishs Wins of Cardui foe a wesk and m « what it would do lor ms. I did Uks ths medkin« and was very <rat«ful to find my iir«n<th and h«alth slowly rxturnlnj. In two wtsksl was out ot bed and In a month I was ahis to taks up my usual duties. I am wy enthusi- astk in Its pcsise." Its Yout'i’s Department is the f nest ot its kind............................ It brlnga to th • fiirnlv t'ie ew-of tho entire World and gives the iH'rtt ¿n<i .»RlOfll d tcuMlona of all question« of llie »lav. I lie loi. r «••♦..» give» twelv p« ••» of reading mutter » ach week un<l tiring i>nl>i.»h H In li euro it better adapted to th«» nre«laof the people went of the Alleh»nv Mountalua luttn any other paper $1.00 p ^ icf ^ e $100 Price of ballv by mall.................... 94 00 per year Prb » ‘t Siina.-iy hv mall ............... ft on per year Daily unit Sunna y by malt,............ 9*00 per year Addre.s Till: INTER OCESN. Cteleaga. »••ses••••••••••••«»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«