Local and General. City election March 3. Oregonian and Iteina, ♦2 00 Charley Owena Alvord Monday. wan in from Lonedale Muslin« 11 yard« II 00 N. Brown it Hon«. A. I*. Duncan and aou, Leonard, are in from Venator. Proper Compounding Of prescription« b no ahi Id's play. It require« coiiscteatioaa caro and aeeurato know hid go of drug« and their relation« to each other. We taka an hoiuwt pride in the purity of our drugs, ai.d the skill and ac- cutaey with which we (Compound hem on your physician'« order. Burns Drug Store H. W. WELCOME* CO., Proprietors. HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. M ITU Kl» l Y, FE Illi 11,1 It Y ”< lito.!. Feed Rearer, Weather Cohl. The extreme cold weather of the last few weeks, requiring heavy feeding of all kinds of stock ia caus­ ing much uneasiness among stock- men. Hay is getting scarce, and should the cold weather continue much longer there will be con­ siderable loss of stock. It is thought that our local Blockmen have plenty of feed to carry them safely through the winter, but a few outsiders wboX'ame in last fall ‘‘bought short," and now that when their feed is utmost gone they cun find no more for sale. It is reported that the 1*. L. 8. Co. is out of feed at all their ranch­ es in thia county, and uro now scouring the country to find hay. They succeeded in buying 1000 tons of Thomas Bros, near Beulah, for which they paid $10 |ver ton. ' The (Jo. has driven several hundred ! head nf cattle to Parma Idaho, where they secured hay. Il ia also reported that the hay sujiply Is almost exhausted in Hurney county, and a heavy loss of stock in that section is anticapat-1 ed.—Vale Gaietto, W. J. King, of Lawen, wan a visitor last Saturday. J. J. Donegan ia expected home from I'jrtland today. Loren and Guy Hembre, came in from Silver creek yealcrday. Mr« Jasper Davin, of Harney wav a Burna visitor Monday. Assessor John E. Loggan was over from Harney Thursday. W. I). Martin, of Hurney, upending a few days in Burna. ■The sheriff is eendingout notices Lonsdale Cambric 1) yards One Dollar Cush. N. Brown Jk Sons. for the payment of taxes for 1902. The law provides that 1902 tuxes F. I). Barrows and a Mr. Cassa- are due March 1 and for 15 days day have opened a saloon in John three per cent discount will be al­ Day. lowed upon ail payments. After If you are in need of glasses con­ March 15 the regular tax must be sult Jorgenson the optician and paid and beginning April I the jeweler. roll we be declared delinquent and Rubt. Moffett and wife, of Drew- penalty and interest added to the sey, were guests at the French original sum unless a payment of one-half the amount of tux is made Hotel Tuesday. in which case an extension of time A pair of full sjock BA H, Royal is granted for the balance until the Cow Boy Bools reduced to 15.25. first Monday in October. The pen­ N. Brown A Sons. alty will amount to 10 per cent Schwarts A Budelman have and interest to 12 per cent commenced moving their stock in­ SEND IN YOL’R ORDERS. to Fry’s new brick. SEED GRAIN. J. II Neal came in from Happy Wheat, Valley Thursday and is spending Oats, a few days with his family. Barley. N. Brown A Sons. Il is reported that A. Venator ia has sold all his sheep to a Mr. Anderson, of Reno, Nevada. • Jason Bennett was in from his Sam Parrish and Kenneth Mur­ home aouth of Hurney Monday. ray returned yesterday from a All grades of chewing tobacco 50 business trip to Canyon City. cents jar pound. N. Brown it Song. Geo. W. Hayes and Mrs. Etta Wm. Strode was in from the Happy Valley country last Sunday. Jorgenson haw a complete line of stationary; school supplies; books, etc. Horton were passengers on the incoming O-B stage last night. Mrs. I. H. Holland, of Burns, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Luella Murray at Boise.—Ontario Demo­ Born. Friday, February 27, 11)03, crat. to die wife of J. C. Byrd a daugh­ J. L. Sitz, L. B. Hayes, John ter. Cary, Craig Catterson and Bent Red*Hell, Dixie Queen Tobacco. Einbree are visitors fromLawm 50 cts pur pound. N. Brown .t today. Sons. The amendment to the Burns Mrs Rose Kern, of Lawen, ia the charter leaving the matter of issu­ gue.»t of her sister Mrs. Effie ing bonds to a vote of the people Symes. has been signed by the Governor. J. R. Gould returned yesterday New line of Clothing samples from a business trip to Wild just received by N. Brown A Sons. Horse, A Fit guaranteed and every gar­ W’ I). Harley and wife ure en­ ment handled by us is made by route home from a visit to Portland White Labor. and San Francisco. Kenneth Murray, a former resi­ This paper and The Chicago dent of Davville, but now residing Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one in Harney county, was in town a few days this week on busineva.—~ yeai. "Special deal” Canyon City Eagle. It is reported that F. S. Miller Both houses of the legislature and Dalton Biggs have purchased passed the bill to repeal the scalp the While Front Livery barn. bounty Law. The eastern Oregon John Gemberling contemplates senators and members of Mult­ the erection of a atone building the nomah voted against a repeal when coming spring on his lot south of it passed the senate. the bank. Geo. Sizemore is in receipt of a Mrs. Chas. King came in from letter from George Hulse, a former Happy valley InstSaturdav to spend resident of the Drewsey section. a few days with her parent« Mr. “Chub” is over in King Edward's and Mrs. Dyke Jameson. domain and thinks he has found A special meeting of Inland the "place of all places,” Edward N. Deady. who was en- ' Lodge, No. 70, K. of P., is called George Marshall was down from gaged to assist Special Inspector for tomorrow,(Sunday)at 2 o'clock. Greene in investigating the land All members are requested to be his ranch on Trout creek Monday. He save lie putin the days during frauds, and was assigned to thej present. the cold snap cutting willows and Southern Oregon district, left Hose-i Mr. A. E. Millard and Miss Noris succeeded in clearing ten acres of burg last Friday for his home in ! M. Jenkins were united in marri­ land which he will sow to tame Portland. Mr. Dendy's departure age last Saturday at the home of grasses. is pursuant to a report from Wash­ the bride’s father, Samuel Jenkins ington, D. C., to tho effect that his The sale of whiskey to the In­ on Duck Creek, services hud been ordered discon­ dians will be one of the live con­ Send N. Brown A Sons your tests in the city election next week. tinued for the reason that his work orders for Boots and Shoes during This illegal practice should cease was completed, although he has so the next 60 days. Twenty-five and it is the duty of eyery law far received no official notification i cents reduction on all foot wear ex­ of this from the secretary of the j abiding citizen to see that men are interior. Although Mr. Dead)’ cept Queen Quality. elected who will do their duty. holds a commission for a perma­ For a bilious attack take Cham­ Judge Morton 1). Clifford is ex­ nentposition from Secretary Hitch­ berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ pected to arrive in Canyon Citv cock, he lakes this “discontinuance lets and a quick cure is certain tomorrow evening from Portland, of his services” as being equiva- For sale by H. M. Horton, Burns ; where he and his family arc resid­ to a peremptory dismissal. Mr. Fred Haines, Harney. ing this winter. An ndjourned Deady take s the loss of his position Miss Lennie Robertson returned term of circuit court will be con­ in a good natured, don’t-care sort last week from a visit to Portland vened by the judge in this city of manner and will make no effort and with her parents at Drewsey, Tuesday morning.—Canyon City to regain it.—Roseburg Review. and has resumed her osition as Eagle. as book keeper at Miller cen com- missioned by her majesty to make a bust of the late F. Clark, John Brown's nephew and successor as highland at­ tendant. t. Now is the time to secure Call and see if wo don't mean business STRANGE ACCIDENTS TO A WOMAN IN EACH. The t i 3 ci I Miller & Thompson, g g I Successors to R. A. Miller A Co. i g g i GREAT MEN AS BOYS. K kats , it is said, was born in a livery stable. P owkrh , the sculptor, spent his youth on a farm. J ames M onros spent his boyhood in the country. Jonx C alvix was an apprentice at the cooper's trade. P aoanini began hia career as a child laborer in a factory. Tumtan, the painter, spent his boy­ hood in a barber shop. E uwari » iRvtR®, the preacher, spent his youth in a tanyard. R oi ' ssrau '6 boyhood was spent in the home of a watchmaker. G eorge F ox was brought up in the humble home of a weaver. W ashington ' s boyhood and youth were passed in the country. ScrvBMiiT was educated for a school teacher, but preferred music. ItiTHKRToBn B. H ates was'a good scholar and a modest, kindly boy. GATHERED 'W I HERE AND THERE. Tna French levy » tax on coffee to the amount of *300 a ton. T he pick of the Thousand Inlands have Itcen Hold this season by the Do­ minion government. Most of the pur­ chasers were Americans. In mauy in­ stances excellent prices were realised, competition being lively. Foiled.—“Madam." said the wander­ er, “perha|>s you nmy notice that 1 am 1 almost diHcalceated—" "I don’t talk Dutch." said the lady, as she slammed (lie door. ’ And I sized her up fer Boston raised,” sighed the wanderer, | and plodded on.--Indianapolis Journal. Í1 Have your measure taken it for your new Fall garments. It is the only proper and satisfactory way of buying your dotbes. Make your selection from the tailoring line of Strauss Bros«, S ty Chicago Good tailors for over a quarter century. You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes made by Strauss Bros.—faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. They’re so much better than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low and you’re perfectly safe in ordering, because if garments are not satisfactory, you needn't take them. We will be pleased to show you samples—Call ROBINSON & WALTON V I