Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1903)
Putrii shed in <h« Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. ¡The Oldest and Most j Reliable. * ! The Best Advertising; j Med ium. Harney Valley Items. r*. "3/ BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1903. CUTS RED TIRE Î.’.ÏX'.'JTA™. NO. 14 the evidence upon which said I DO YOU GET UP Ixmnty was granted cannot be held sufficient for the allowance of WITH A LAME BACK ? pensions. Despite protestations to the con I Fulton Erected on the Forty Moody Make« Find of Indian trary. it is evident that the Pensioo 'body who loads the new>- seeoad Ballot. War Records. to know of the wonderful Office is demanding a very strict cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, compliance with the law in all In ths great kidney, liver dian war pension cases and is not and bladder remedy. Salem, Or., Feb. 20,—Charles W. Oregonian News Bureau, Wash showing that liberality which had It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine Fulton was elected United States ington, Feb. 18.—Since his atten been ezpected. teenth century; dis Senator tonight at 12 :12 o’clock. covered after yean of tion lias been called to the fact icientific research ty Victory came afler scenes of in-1 that a number of claim« of Oregon I COMPLIMENT TO MOODY. Hardmaro of Entry Otte riplion. Dr. Kilmer, the emi tense excitement and amid the nent kidney and blad Indian War veterans are being re der speciaMst, and Is BURMA. jected either because “the records House Committee on Indian Af wildest clamor from his friends. wonderfully snccwJul In promptly curing OREGON. fairs Regrets Hi» Retirement It was on the 18th ballot of the Isme back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou of the War Department fail to show evening and the 42d of the session.1 bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst service of the claimant,’’ or “there of kidney trouble. Washington, Feb. 21 —The House At 11 o’clock the opposition made form Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root Is not rec is no record of his having received Committee on Indian allairs today a futile attempt to unite upon the ommended for everything but if you have kid pay from the United States,” Rep liver or bladder trouble it wilt be found paid a delicate compliment to Rep name of H. W. Scott, of Portland. ney, j«st the remedy you need. It has been tested resentative Moody has been con resentative Moody and two others Mr. Scott received the unanimous In so many ways, in hospital work, in private ducting a syitematic investigation i practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- members by passing the following support of the Multnomah delega 1 chase relief and has proved so successful ia to determine why the records ore resolution: tion for two ballots, On the third every case that a special arrangement has deficient. After several weeks’ been made by which all readers of this paper Whereas, Our colleagues, Repre ballot, or the 18th of the evening, 1 who have not already tried it, may have a search he finds that the rolls of sentatives Moody, Eddv and Shel- when the minute-hand of the clock | -ample bottle sent free by mail, also a book i many of the old companies are not i telling more about Swamp-Root and how to den, are to terminate their services was pointed to within three min find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. properly filed in the record divisions as members of Congress with the utes of midnight, Mr. Nottingham, When writing mention reading this generous M. FITZGERALD. F. H RIEDER. BIGGNJtBIGGB I of the War Department, but had offer in this paper and Pr**»ul«*ut, »e<-*y mim I Treaa. Attorney», close of the present sesston ; there of Multnomah, arose as hie name send your address to years ngo been putawav in bundles fore, be it was c tiled and made the first break Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing in the archives of the Pension hamton, N. Y. The Resolved, That we, the members from the Portland members for regular fifty cent and Office, without classification, with of the committee on Indian affairs, Mr. Fulton. He was followed by tlollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. out any record whatsoever; in fact. Don’t make any mistake, but remem desire to tender these gentlemen Mr. Banke, and then, after several : their presence there was not known (|ii<aor|Mtru*4xl.) cur thanks for their always court other changes bad been made, by ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s to a single official of the Pension Swamp-Root, aud the address, Bingham I Office. He further finds, since eous and intelligent assistance in Representatives Fisher and Jones. I ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lauds in Harney legislation pertaining to matters Mr. Jones’vote, however, was r.ot through his efforts the recordshave Co ■«tv. connected with this committee and needed—he wns the 46th man. To been recovered, that pensions are gon’s public men. Arriving at to express our sincere'regret that Senator Daly, of Benton County, , still disallowed because the “records Astoria, Senator Fulton hung out REAL ESTATE the pleasant relations which have the fortune of completing the of the War Department” do not a law sbingle. For a time practice existed between us are so soon to triumph of the candidate of Astoria show service, a mere technicality Bought and Sold on Commiation. Onice in Bank Building. was not brisk and Mr. Fulton wait be severed by their retirement from fell. He was the 45th, and it took upon which adverse action is be- ed long and patiently for that first Congress. This body will thus be 45 to elect. j ing taken in many cases. client. Eventually th« client came, deprived of the services of three of When Mr. Nottingham abandon To cure this evil, and in order to and the young lawyer was not long its most valued members, who are ed his Multnomah colleagues Mr. have the records properly filed and in convincing the public here that held in high esteem and respect, Fulton had 35 votes. It had been PROFESSIONAL CARDS. recorded, he has introduced ami there was something in him. for whose prosperity and welfare arranged that the Marion delega will secure tne passage of a resolu At first Mr. Fulton took no active Brass I xhmik N o . 70, K of P. the earnest wishes of this commit tion would vote for Mr. Scott cn 1 tion authorizing the transfer of all interest in polities. He shunned Meets every Thursday night. tee go forth. the next ballot, and if Mr. Notting F. M. Jordan, C. C. ! Indian War rolls from the Pension the partisa i strife that was period ham had seen fit to abide by the H. Mothersliead, K of It. S. Office to the record division of the ically waged, but in 1878 be was DEMAND A RAILROAD wjshes and plans of his delegation, PHOTOGRAPHER. War Department, where all other caught in the whirl. In 1877, he BURNS CHAPTER, NO. 4», O. E. H. it is quite probable that Multnom military records are now kept, Meets second aixl fourth Mouilay of I Executive Committee of Portland ah County would have been suc i.ud formed a law partnership with Burns, Oregon, . When this is done, many of the J. W. Robb, who was managing Re rseh monili in Masonic hill, Vo gtlv Board of Trade Acts. cessful in its effort to elect a man Main St.—opposite Bank. IsiUding. Mrs. Maggi«* Levena, W. M. Oregon and other Indian War publican affairs here, and in the Mrs. Eunice Thompson, Sec. from Portland. With his conver claims that have heretofore been following year Mr. Robb caused I At a meeting of the executive sion to Mr. Fulton the tide in the rejected or still await action, will to be nominated for Stale Senator BURNS DODGE, NO. «7, A. F. A A. M. M AHSDKN A UK ARY committee of the Board of Trade, direction of that gentleman set in, be passed to issue. from Clatsop, Columbia and Tilla Meet* Satur<iav un ur Iwforo full muon. ! held yesterday afternoon, a resolu and on him, therefore, rests largely Mr. Mjody further discovers that Qtialifled brother* fraternally invited, mook Counties, and after an ener W. L. Marxien. J„hn W. Geary, tion was introduced by Mr. Schell the responsibility and the honor of <;. E. Kenyon, W. M. F. 8. Rioter, many claims of survivors of the getic campaign won out by 70 /‘/•ysicùi ns <C Surgeons. Secy. calling for the appointment of a naming the new United States I Cayuse War are being rejected be votes. Burns, Oregou. committee of two to make inquiry Senator. BURNS LODGE, NO. «1, A. O. U. W. cause claimants cannot show pay In the early ’80s Mr. Fulton was into the railroad situation of Cen B^^IBIice at residence. ’Phone 20. The order in which the changes Marta st Brown hall every Friday eve- ’ by the Government and the rolls elected City Attorney, and in 1888 ling. Visitine brothers fraterna II y in- 1 tral Oregon, says the Sunday Ore- from the opposition to Mr. Fulton of this war do not show the length i was a Presidential elector, carrying v!te<L Tlioa. Kagrnt, W. M. Chas. N. j gonian. was brought about was as follows: back to Washington the vole of Coahrane, .Recorder. of service. In lunning down this! QHiGS A mous. The resolution provides that a Nottingham, Banks, Croisan, Oregon and casting it for President ¡class of claims many of them ofi , committee of two, with full power Hume, Havden, Johnston, Mulkey, If ABNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O <>. F. J. W. lllgg». laiton Bigg«. men who have received bounty Harrison. In 1890 Mr. Fulton de Meets every Saturday evening. Brown’s to act, be appointed by the presi- Steiwer, Fisher, Daly and W N hall. Vimting brothers fraternally in-1 Attorncye-af-Law, heretofore, Mr. Moody discovers feated Hon. John Kopp tor state dent of the board, and that said Jones, of Multnomah. Kay of vited. Frank O. Jackson, N.G. 1 that years ago an Oregon com mis Senator, and in 1898 was - again HI RNS. OREGON. C. G. Smith, Secretary. committee confer and act in con-! Marion |iaj however, taken up his sion filed with the Auditor for the elected, defeating Hon. John IL ®N^Utll<-e in Bunk building. junction with a like committee to abode in the Fulton camp at 11 . War Department a list of men who ■ Smith by a narrow margin. He TOI.E CIRCLE. NO. Utt, WOMEN OF be named by the Chamber of Com-' o’clock, when the name of Mr. Scott Woodcraft. Meets 2nd and 4th Tues served in the Cayuse War. Those was elected again last year. Mr. day at Brown’s hall. Mr*. Tillis Jordan, merce, said committees to select a was first proposed. yyil.UAMHA fitzukrald whose names appeared on the list Fulton was President of the Senate Mr«. lone Whiting. Guardian. fifth member from the citizens of Clerk. were paid for their services and the at the session of 1993, and again Thorninn William», M. FttageraM. Portland. The duties of this com- CHARLES WILLIAM FULTON Territory of Oregon reimbursed to in 1901. Altnrn«)-st law, xolarjr Public, : mittee are to wait upon the officials Church Announcements. the extent of $100.000. Those! The new Senator married Miss i of the Columbia Southern Railroad Career of Oregon’s New United Zxnc, Notarial anil Real Ertale Sunday School at Harney the veterans of the war whose names; Ada Hodson, September 5, 1878, Company and ascertain, if possible, States Senator. first Sunday of each month at 10 Practice. were not certified by the commis and has one child, a son. Mrs. the cause of the company’s inac o’clock, A. M. On the second, sion were never paid and the terri Fulton is a charming matron, Burns, Oregon. tivity and failure to extend its line I third and fourth Sundays of each Astoria. Or., Feb. 21.—Charles popular, gracious and tactfuL tory never drew from the Govern- I £W*Offieein Masonic building from the present terminus at Shan month at 3 o’clock P. M. Preach- William Fulton, who was elected 1 merit any allowance for their ser- iko to Bend, as projected some time . ing services every second Sunday to the United Slates Senate to suc vice. Lonsdale Cambric 9 yards One ago; also to urge all possible haste at 8 P. M. ceed Senator Simon, will be «50 Apparently, therefore, owing to| R. D. Burrow, M- D. Dollar Cash. N. Brown A Sons. on the part of the company ia the years of age on August 24, 1903. the limited information contained! At the Presbyterian church , matter, if such extension is still Physician and Surgeon. He was born in the city of Lima, on the old company rolls, the only j Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. ¡contemplated, and to ascertain the I salvation for these deserving veter- O., 1853, and at the age of 2 years Divine services the third and fourth gW'Office at Burna Hotel, Rooms, feasibility of other routes that his parents removed to Magnolia. . ana is to i ow file claims for pay Sundays of each month at Ila. tn. 1 ami 2. Calls answered any hour might tap Central Oregon from the Ia, where the family resided for 16 with the state and have the state and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath school at day or night. north and aid in the retention of years. At Magnolia Mr. Fulton Or«'iron i seek reimbursement through the 10 a. tn. every Subbath morning. Burna. its trade for Portland. received his early education, at Government. This, of course, will Preaching services at the Baptist ** I had a terrible cold and could tending the common school. In probably make it necessary for the hardly brea.he. I then tried Ayer’s church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, The largest and most complete 1871 his parents moved again to Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im next Congress to amend the Indian morning and evening. Sunday p* M. JORDAN. mediate relief.” stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Pawnee City, Neb., at which place War pension act so as to recognize W. C. Layton, Sidell, III. school every Sunday at 10 a. m.i j Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Practical Zxind Surveyor. Senator Fulton took up the study the claims of survivors of the Cay prayer meeting every Thursday Boots and Shoes and Groceries in of law. In 1873 and 1874 he taught Burnii, Orcfon, use War without this suggested re How will your cough evening. Eastern Oregon. Sold at one price school, and during part of the time be tonight? worse, prob quirement, for these claims are as Services at Christian Science ably. For it’s first a cold, meritorious as those of veterans to all. Every thing first class and attended an academy. Hall, corner east of the Bank, every Q W. MU.I.KR, In the Spring of 1875 young Ful- whose names were certified by the we solicit the patronage of the then a cough, then bron people of Harney County- N. Brown i ton determined to come West, and Sunday at 11a. in. and 8 p. in. old commission. chitis or pneumonia, and Service Wednesday evenings at 8. Notary PMic and Conreyancer, I Mr. Moody discovered the status A Sons. early in that year be landed in at last consumption. Everybody is invited to atteml I Mortgage«, Deeds. Klc., correctly made. It’s a real pleasure to wear the I Portland, a total stranger. His of these Cayuse claims in running Coughs always tend these services. Office at Store. Burna, Oregon. down the case of Mary E. Carnahan fine fitting clothes made by Strauss finances were at a low ebb, but he downward. Stop this Leadinir of Clatsop, widow _ of _______ Hiram ______ Carna- J Rrns Bros., , . America ’s Leading Tailors, secured a position as schoolmaster _______ ri_____ _ Tailors downward tendency by Jorgensen is still to the front han, who served in the Cayuse War Chicago. They ’ re so reasonable in in the little community ot Waterloo, taking Ayer’s Cherry Pce- TO CORE A COLD IN ONE »AY with low prices. Call and sec hie «fc Walton, Linn County. After teaching a term I in 1847-48. Carnahan had secured prices too. Robinson I toraL line of watches, clocks, jewelry, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TWw : Be.. Nc-.-M. aS ho came to Astoria, arriving here 160 acres of land warrants, but his W>H take your order, stationery, etc. ^Tablet«. All druggists refund the If you are in need of glasses con-'in 1875- Sioce that titu® he TO31XJL. money if it fails to cure. E. W. name was not listed by the com- Pension Office holds ' eult Jorgenson the optician and | haa k'en a resident of this city and The Kind Yoa Have Always ! mission. The ' ■ Grove’s signature is on each box one of the most prominent of Ore- that the granting of a bounty or jeweler. 25c. HOW IT HAPPENED Geer& Cummins E. 0. T. G. CO. Colds I „ !______ I