HIM OCHCIX TRICKS OF KNAVES. Ingenious Methods by Which They Evade Pursuing Officers. Some Irkrmei of *hnri><-r. and Trick. ■ ter» Which Ila,e »a»c«l them from rrrmw of I’ruul irn lliiilr, ¿J Don’t forget the old man \\:‘h the fish on his back. l or nearly thirty years he lias been travel?.'g around the ••.orki. an 1 is stiil traveling, brintrintj health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive be brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening feed. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands fcr Scott’s Emul­ sion of pure cod liver oil—a delightful foi d and a natural tonic for children, for - Id folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. <09-415 Pearl Street, New York. 5Oc. and $1.00; ail druggists. Many newspapers have lately given currency tn report* by irro^wusible parties to thO« fleet that THE MEW HOME SEWIiiO MACHINE CO hnd entered a trust or combination; we wish to assure the puhgc tot there is no truth in rnrli report«. We have been manufacturing * -wing inurhin«afar *>\. r a quarter «>1 a cento »v, -n 1 !ri\ ■ —i.. 1 i • p .’ •:.■>!! far our* ► dvea and our machines that is ti.e envy of all others. Our ••.Vrtr /;«))/<■" nia< hine has never be* n rivaled ns a ianii’y machine.—It stands at the head ofall High O’rrtrfc > _• wing machines, and stands on its o»m m< nts. The *'New Home*’ is the only really HIGH GUIDE Sewing Alachine on the market. It is not necessary for us to ent* r into a trust to save our credit or pay any debts as we liave no debts t*» pay. We have never entered into com petition with manufacturers of low grade cheap mac hi n< s that are made to sell regard­ less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be dc- cciv' d, wlien von want a wiving machine don’t m nd your money away from home; cation a ** Aetr Home" Dealer, he can h I you a l>etter machine for less Ilian you can purchase elsewhere. If there U no dealer near you, write direct to us. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO ORANGE, MASS New York. ChL g<». 111.. St. I m-, Mo., Atlan­ ta, Ga., Dulias, Tex., ban Francisco, Cal. The TJp-fo-4tl*r’ ti • »4 "T r'*7 i if ihr î? ¡0 ’’..t -i \ S»r. -..'/<•»« st.cl Rarrrl JZ 4 ///■• • . Prc-:iu?t Car­ tridges Th s < ,ire lôcity of o', i r f second with consequent fiat traje tory ar ! great killing puaref Vg, t (Un, r„><,»« n, , j f.,r 1 finir« COMPANY Irti M*F»ul4 ncfirbe a1 Ir Iti ti.trli w’th iui tl om aro ’.»«t «*f twin a* ln»ubi«d «»’ih y ..•» »1 *11. \ U t « >!)« !•• ’a uil F..al Seri*« m- u;». C. B. M FUILIAB. “T" * ' ' ' ' ' ■' * For Winter Reading yon cannot Anti n mor«» liberal offer. If any of the above, however, do not strike yon u* what you want, write tin. we will give you a goori<* |iit;ii>u fr«v wlirthrr *n invention '< pr« hnbljr |> »torit < ommunlrA* t i«.tis Mrh-tly «•» iit)<1«Nitl*l IiHtHltMwvIi « n I’ mt«n. U. C. In every town an 1 village may be had, i IF YOU ARE A FARMER I tint makes your horses glad. V»4e I *'> I 3tnn«lard I on Cu. s /kncl Xci.'vc? Ones Oc^irt Buy a postal card and fend to The New York Tribune Farmer. N'ew York Citv, for u free epecitnen copy. The Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for furtnera mid their families, mid sluntls at the head of the agricultural press. The price is $1 00 per year, but if von like it you can iteciire it with your own favorite local newspaper, The I TEMS, at a bargain. Both papers I I 50. Send money and order to The IT EMS. Manager Wanted Trust wori hr, eitbtr sex. Tv \\ hole» , h- Mei ehand i ««• ’Com pany of solid Tmmii'ial standing, to man- ng<: Ln al Repre ntative who will organize clubs among consumers. •10 per cent saved fur our customers. Bmu m -« no i-xperimcnt but a prov­ en sm eess. Salary $1S a week, ex- pt-i:s»-» ml Vitni < <1. Experience un- iiee< «-ary. A i rborn St. t Inicago. PATENTS GUARANTEED 11 * Our fee returned if we fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for r.alo at our expense. I atents taken out through us receive special notice, without, charge, in Tni: P atent R ecord , an illustrated ami w idely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Inventors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., S20 to $25 WEEKLY Work at your home. No canviisH- ing Work legilmnte anil horora- ble. Address HOME WORK (0. 21 t Spring Nt. Seattle. Wash* bE-I RL LAND. FINAL PKOOF. I Of c< i. .■ Or< ">’i. i > I I. 1'"' : N< li<"< . •.«■!! licit .le»wle It. Mc­ Mullin.of Id .< -»'1 Unno y,< ..imty nrci’oti, Im» fill'll î Ure of Inti- .tfnn Io niski- proof on I i I h 'li'-i: olid i'll! ::i .No F.M, tortile SlJjNEl^ - <■ „ Ì p .’ I, .- . I I. IV .’.f, bi-fori- I!i-i-1 -11-r nn*l It'-' i-. < r ut li'iriu. iir.'non, on »lUnr'lsy, the 2sih dny of Mtireli, ! < He mini'- th" following wltnev-e^ In prove th'- 'o. ; - *<■ Irr itfn'Ion Mini rei’liiluution of »nói luiol .Ini' >!> Wrotht, 4 inti-lie A, Hi .th, Noali Olirti i;.nl I’rui.k IF . I .y, II of llrew-ey, <>r i-ltoll. Nirtp E fall. (Patent Attorneys,} Evans Building, TliE - - vii E I C> a T is th i mo ' stuiw.Kt zim imsw v.zç; Arrpi.'/'WiT'rt V/ccA/y put» »> lislmd lo'lm in i t an ; .w.ivv be relu I u;»ii for Bur iin*l honest re non» at .iii p M afi ur » . — ) J he Weekly int ?r Ocean ^upp it* A I • I.ilerfìry cot'tr.ins m c n.tini ) to those ot t ic t, rtH:%c.!ctmis. //., Yont <’s l'cp rimi nt Ls t'.u ^^Z î f ne si of its k it’t............................ ” J ft brin »*« to tii * ft :n Iv t »• • Cl W «ft » o « w of ♦»««• » n- r” v <»r'«l : n»1 gtrwi I Illi week h of paper. t t .* i ; I *. . . I t Of I r » m of r»’ it ni’' r ■ 111er • ach In • _•. v i w «’I» pt h v it'«» »> I t II r t'fir.f I •f in that -ahi proof wiii hiì 'I iUfiivrr ut Ht f>, KH«Ì ’ Bear« the OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for $2.00. 25 cent and àt.Oo jntckages. . i *n| '1 h -tn i To any one soniling Un $1 50, otto year » subscription Io thu lipvts, we will mail the < hicujio Wiekiy Inlet Occult onvytar free, nr to any one sending mt three cash slihseription for the I’gper we will given year’« stil>cri|«tion to each j > u ) ht free, A BRIGAND WHO LCVICS TAX-»S. Property* “Brigandage is »till rampant i;< ti.'ny rural district» in Italy.” sahl !>r. Ilavogli. the resident Itnli,.it c ' uku I, I an liuouircr representative n-cvutl; "From advices I receive occasion a i.v 1 keep in touch with hum ..lTnirs. am■ a letter fr. m u friend ia Trieste con­ tains a refer« nee to Tiburzi. o.ie of tl; iiioi-t picturesque of these iri-ebooter . Tiburzi i.. alivut At the girrii of his career he wa« as ! ail nr othcis of the same vocation iu life; in 1-.. he wa* cau.’ht. cauvicteil of highway jobbery aid ia. ar. mill ns n fenced to iinprisoniticnt for life, lie < scu|«d in 1-74 and took refuge in u wood near Viterbo» where lie lived in security, m .-pitc of 17 warrant ¡ nd a lar.-v rew nrd i for his arrest. The riason of this si curity is sin>; !e < nough. lie was gi d *o the j.o>.r- m;y peasant in t.ced <■ help could r.lw ay r. i t a gold coin from Tiburzi—oral he punished truAiis. Consequently the ; •asants were rvu1. to a si: t hint against the |ioli<-e or goveri.m-nt i ;.ii:, arie:>. and thom* w ho v ould vi diingly have given inforniu t;on were afraid to d<> » >. “After Ins escape Tiburzi altered h’.- method ot gaining a living. Jle < atisi 4 it to be made known to till the well-to-do )H-ople in the district that if Mr. I). I’. Daugherty, well known they paid him an annual contribution throughout Mercer and Summer l.e would not ii.’--rfi re w Uli tlx m, am! protect them from molcstatiev style. lie goes to Koine sonietini-s, presumably in disguise, and has even The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean tieen abroad. Will he ever be ar- Time alone will tell.”—Cin­ is the only weekly newspaper pub­ rrsted? cinnati Enquirer. His Life Savtrl by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera .«, i..mv other ali­ menti ii:-.ip[. nr v Ì:rn consti- paini bini li arerviietul. limi- (oril’s Blik k-bnuiglit tla ri.uglily vil umi ¡»ut thè I iie!. in .111 ea-y uml natura! ti atim r » ithout thè purging ei i ih invi or vthur vio­ loni vatli.u" vi. He tlm’ yen get thè origi­ nai Tinsi ioni’« Bhwk-lh’uiigut, nia4v by l'i.e t'battan.**;*a .Muli* viti. Co. N i l*y all òri. .*gi*its in j lished in Chicago in connection , I! nth In n ml Out* with the great daily papers. It I’nrroii^hi* Is Mr. Lender« in? contains a judiciously sheeted Ofiice lb y (who h:;- been “posted”) summary of the news of th<- nation : — No. he’s i lit. “Weil j -t run in and tell him he’s and world, the best stories, home, out mure than lie thought. I i-.-itne to farm, woman’s, and other special return $10 1 birrovved I:i>t week. departments, and fair, patriotic, Good day.” I’liilaiielphia Pre**. able editorials, written from a Re­ WAGONS! WAG ).\Si publican viewpoint. It is by far We will sell you a Mitchell. the best general newspaper ot the Western States. The regular price Rushford or Webber Farm Fed Wfigoii ; for the Weekly Inter <)<•• an is Steel Skein $85.BO and for the Harney Vailev Items $1.50, but subscriptions will be re­ 3.J „ ,, 90.00 ceived at this office for the two 3; „ „ 105 (X) Send your order- to us. O. C. Co papers in combination fir one y ar for only’ $1.5.fT C'j-’Y’.S T P « U« -h» It S3 tI ' •. » i1 UJir-v. i ' ■» Y*»r<: tl • j^CTOkr i. • 1‘. .... tache« To the habitual «Timbal it i* often I <>f vital Importance that be »huitld be able to c; uiuiunicate iwiftlj and »«■- i vretlv with an uicctnpliee. either to I elaborate a »chemi* of ra»vality er i .end a w.irvinp- if imminent darker from the police. Niubo. i klu w. lat­ ter than l e. however. bi ami.itig biv.- »elf of ti.e orthodox channel* he run- the ritk of «iiwovery. Hi me it is becoming a common practice for clev- er rogue» never to communicate in a siraigl (forward way if the, v;.n avoid it. but, irsteail. to *et up Mini i'»<* pc- 1 euliar p -t < tliees. which are e»«en- rially their • wu, say* C;.»»«'!!’* Sat­ urday Journal. A typical ca-e was that of a man who was "wanted” in cvinectii n with certain notorious turf fraud-. When the warrt.i t was issued he nought »bel­ ter in a »hubby lodging in a back street ■ 't five wiles from the Bank of Eaglet. .. lie had friends who »trvt’g- ly objected to his capture, mainly be- , cause his api earunce in tl e dock Would have led to unpleat ant c< se­ quences to themselves. ltut they were all so well kn< w n to the police and detectives that it wa» in possible for them to send a ntci’age direct !y to the fug it iv e. though lie had adopt r im alias, niu.'i i.-ss to pay him a «’.-it. All of them. hi never, agreed to keep watch on his behalf ami to semi 1 ini word immediately they had reason to fear his place if refuge was in dan­ ger of discovery and the time come for him to make a final bolt. One of the watching grig learned of the coming danger to the fugitive by methods he saw fit not to talk about, and carelessly sent the servant of his lodgings t i dispatch a wire to another of the allies in Edinburgh. to»the ef­ fect that his aunt was dead. Tie be­ reaved tieph.-iv mastered his grief so far as to in turn d!»; itch a wire ac­ companied by a telegraph money or­ der. to a hi stler in the city uf L*’n- don. desiring him to st i d half a dozen black ties to a given address without delay. The article* were duly taken to the gentleman in retirement by an unsuspecting errand boy. and the trick was done. Every apparently in- significr.r.t tietail was a part < fa pre­ arranged code. The firm sending the lies, their number and color all con­ vey er! a Lint to 11 i _ rson most inter­ ested as to the sats.t mode of flight, the best port at wrhit h to attempt em- barkatie n, and the very street in which he was to jostle against a sup­ posed stranger who was to surreuti- i tiou.-Iy transfer to him a store of u: tu-y iii.l I !» pa-sngr c< vat< r-fnll». which had I u»peetrd < f being in teagiir with a pane to ex­ plain to liis ciistoti'er* generally with a legacy left to him by his uncle, i nd every morninc be handed a quart''an of milk ill at Smith’s area door- U'd every morning Smith’» illegal corrv- sponi'eti.e was lying at the bi tto u of that quart can in a metal b< x. and the «t< nt cook who took it in (fi r appear- urci-s are shockingly deceitful) w •» one < f the most co Ì I v |>v rnff'l I I v bv »» lit I X I (I . V4C« ) . w < I .............. If 'M) per ymr * i h î. k . c 1 ' ll <2 O'l ! . r lt-,'1 ! * $t. no ; r y »‘Hr * ! in. I vi i it oi i: v v. < an • . ; • . .; c s •; li i o • * ; > **â w AS m O csis ;