Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, February 07, 1903, Image 1

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« i i I
I *.
Published in the
Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon.
F ho Oldoüt and Most
The Best Advertising
VOL. lb.
U li. «l.'lnlyr«. I’fOftfGl
«• <.<»<.•>,«M«, Kiilior ••><! Mau.tul.
Interesting Phases of the Struggle
for New Territory.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble prey« upon the mind, dis­
In Western Burney mid Cri.ok
I'oiintieM. .’UMMM» to 40.1)00
Acren Will Be Opened.
Jzurr-d by Ntorlrn of Madeira fliehe».
Men Have Floeked In from Ail
Parta of the World—Odd
Geer& Cummins
A dispatch from l’rineyille in
the Oregonian of the 2nd, save:
The order for the removal of
BUICNH. ............................................... OREGON.
fences from Government land is
imusing considerable indignation
in the Eastern part of the county.
The majority of the stockmen
blame W. W. Brown for it. A b
near as can be learned Brown
could have saved himself and many
stockmen a large amount of
I other
money as well us pasturage by
complying with the first order from
the Interior Department, but he
was not satisfied to let well enough
M. I ITZGEit 11.1».
>«•<•*>■ midTreu«.
alone, and so informed the Govern­
ment agent that he had a lot more
laud fenced, nnd in consequence
he was ordered to take it ail down.
This order raised Brown’s ire, and
I ni'orporii'i-it.)
he begun complaining on his neigh­
bors. and the result will be the
Abstracts Furniahed and Title Guaranteed to alì Lauda in Harney
opening of perhaps 30,(XX) to 40,-
(XX) acres of Government land that
has been fenced up. The greatest'
loss will fall on Mr. Brown, who
will be required to remove 100 to
Knight and Sold on Comtniiaion.
Office in Bank Building.
200 miles of fence.
As a great deal of this fencing i
has been done by cattlemen, it will '
be seen that they will be the losers,
l.odgr IHrrrtury.
and it will leave a lot of ra"ge
open to the public that will be I
Bl HMH I.OIKIK N'<>. 70, K of P.
fought for bv the sheep that come
every 1'liursil.iy night.
in from outside points every Sum-
J H M. Ml't.I.EN.
F M. Jordan. C. C.
rner. Should this be the cute,
MilliPrslieuil , K of R. S,
is a strong probability that
a large number of Brown’s sheep
Meet« second ¡out fourth Monday of
will go the wav of others that have
Kuril«, Oregon.
each month in Masonic h ill, Voegtlv
come in the way of the cattle men
building. Mr« M icci *' Leven«, W. M. lJF“Main St.—op|x»site Bank.
Mrs. Eunice Thoiup-on, Mee.
of that section and, as Brown has
large bands of sheep that will be
ranged in close proximity to a
Mneta Saturday on or before full moon.
deal of the land that has been
(J'lalitied brulltnrs fraternally invited,
W L. Marxien,
j„hn W Ovary,
thrown open, and is looked upon
< E Kenyuii, W. M.
F. S. Rieder,
PLynician» <(■ Surgei nt.
by the cattle owners as the cause
of the opening of thefencie.be
BURNS LODGE, NO. 93, A. o I W.
will naturally be the object of their
Meets at Brown hall «vary Friday «ve­ £dF“0lliee at resilience. ’Phono 20.
li ig. Visiting brothers Irstermilly in­
i'md. TI km . Sagura, W. M. Chaa. N.
Much of the land that has been
(oc-brune, Recorder.
gl'O.S ,4 IIIUUS.
under fence ¡3 but poor pasturage
HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O (>. F.
at best, but. it being easier fenced
J. w. Blgga.
Dalton Blasa.
Meets every S.itiirdav evening, Brown's
left outside, many of the stock-
h ill. Visiting brothers fraternally in­
A ttorneyn-a f-1.a tr,
Franko Jackson, N.G.
men have enclosed it with their
<’. G. Smith, Secretary.
own premises. One reason that so
£W“< Ittico in Bank building.
much of the land in this county
has been enclosed is that a large
of “road land’’ has been leased
by the stockmen, and, it -being in
Thornton William»,
M. Fltsgcrald,
alternate sections, there has been
Chui-cli A it non ne em ent».
Attorney -at La*.
Xolary Public, a tendency to inclose all the land
within the boundaries of the road
Sunday School at Harney the
Laic, Notarial and Real Entate
so as to form a square or
first Sunday of each month nt 10
React ire.
other solid body of land, tnus tak­
o'clock, A. M. On the second,
Burna, Oregon.
ing a much less amount of fencing
thin) and fourth Sundays of each
would otherwise be requited.
month at 3 o’clock P. M. Preach-
those who have done so are
ing services every second Sunday
fully aware that they were inclos­
at 8 P. M.
R. D. Burrow, M- D
ing Government laud to which they
At the Presbyterian church
hud no right they have never in
Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor.
way oppost d any one in set-i
Divine services the third and fourth <W**<Hfii’e at Burns Hotel, Rooms,
within their inclosures who
Sunday* of each month at 11 a. m. 1 and 2. ('alls answered any hour
to take a homestead or
and 7:30 p. m. Sablinth school at day or night.
In this they have
10 a. m. every Sabbath morning. Burna.
differed widely from the cattle
Preaching services nt the Baptist
barons of Northern California and
«htirch every ¡stand 2nd Sundays,
Nevada, where it was as much as a
morning and evening. Sunday p M JOKUAX,
man’s life was worth to attempt to
Bchool every Sunday at ID a. m.
take a homestead inside of one of
Practical Land Surveyor.
prayer meeting every Thursday
the great inclosures without first
liuriiNt Oregon,
promising to sell to the cattle in oi
Services at Christian Science
who had the land undei f nee.
Hall, corner east of the Bank, every y W. MII-I.KR,
Sunday at 11 a. m. and S p. m.
It’s a real pleasure to wear the
Service Wednesday evenings at 8.
Notary Public and Conreyancer, fine fitting clothes made by Strauss
Everylmdy is invited to attend Mort en kps , ¡»eetls, Etc., correctly iniulo.
Bro.«., America’s Leading Tailors.
these services.
Office nt Store.
Hit rim, Oregon, Chicago.
They’re so reasonable in
prices too. Robinson it Walton,
will take your order,
Hardware of Every Description.
E. 0. T. G. CO.
State Assodaih n Will Wait lii- courage-; and lessens ambitien; t-n.ty, vigor
ar.d cheer(ulne-3 soca
til February 75,
disappear when the kid­
neys are out of order
cr diseased.
Kidney trouble ha«
become so prevalent
that it is not uncomnon
for a chil i to be Cora
afflicted with weak kid­
neys. It the child urin­
ates loo often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able t»
control the passage, it Is yet afflicted vzith
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
the diificul y u kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment ci
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a dlceaced condition cf the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit os
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis­
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet teK- non» rf ti«*on>nort.
ing all about it. including many ot the
thousands cf te3tinioni.il letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
6z Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure aad
mention this paper.
For ten year«, more or 1 cm , say from
Oregonian. Jan. 30: “Yes. I no­
1874 to 1884, and later than this in the
northern range, there wax universal tice that the Department of the In­
prosperity ami plenty of money; to be terior expect« us to^present appli­
a cowman meant being a email, but
cations for irrigation works, if we
powerful king with a princely, king-
Join, the boundaries of which were vet want them,” said President A. H.
by precedent and by the honor of cus­ Devers, of the Oregon Irrigation
tom as far as a man on horseback
could see, and by water as firmly as if Association, yesterday. “I can see
corner-marked aiul title-deeded.There the force of his suggestion that we
was no reii., and virtually no taxes to take action if we want Government
pay. A man might own a hundred
We have had this in mind
thousand cattle, and not an acre of aid.
lam).though Reclaimed "range rights" for some time, and have been shap­
to 50,000 acre», and enforced those
ing our movements with a view to
rights with blood ami iron, writes Ray
getting Oregon applications before
Stannard Baker, in Century.
Apparently this was a new sort of the department. We have some on
free life in which man had risen above
the old slow rules of thrift, it was a band now, and have decided tj wait
simple business; turn the cattle to only two weeks longer for the pre­
glass, and when money was needed, sentation uf local schemes. Then
round them up and sell them.
But the lucky dog sometimes had we will forward what we have.
di'dicully in enjoying hi» bone in peace.
“We had to stir up the various
Lured by the stories of sudden riches county organizations in order to
in tie cattle country, other men, as
The only Don’t make anv mistake, fait rwnem-
bold ami linrdy a» the first, flocked in get these applications.
from all parts of the world, ami began I c>unty to act in tcej.dtn.e with her literame, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'«
raising big and little herds. The build­
the resolution of the irrigation con­ Swamp-Root, ami Die addreM, Bingiiam-
ing of the railroads across the conti­
ton, N. Y., on every bottle.
nent stimulated immigration;
the vention was Klamath. Now th it
great Texas boom followed the com­ we are after the others, more are
now are wild Lay, aud where water
pletion of the Texas Pacific railroad
can be obtained, oat?, barley, wheat
in 186.3. At first the early comer« wel­
comed the new rangers, sold lirma.f' mittee will do its share to have and rye. The principal oceupalioo
tie at exorbitant prices, chuckled nt Oregon adequately represi n ed in
now is stock raising.*’
their innocence, allowed them to come
iu on the ranges, nnd grew richerand applications for the Government
richer. There were times when Texas irrigation work.”
Substitute« for Panama Hat«.
steers, big and little, brought $25 each
Reports concerning lands requir­ ranninn straw hats are highly
on the range.
But the tide swelled,
and tile cattle continued to increase ing irrigation through Government fashionable in Japan, though on ac­
• ti mioti«ly
Presently the first real aid are arriving al tlieutlice of Sec­ count nf the price, which la much
higher than (lint of the orTThiary
»ettiers, the "nesters" of Texas, who
retary James M. Moore, of the Ore­ straw hats, they are bought «inly by
wished to fence the land for farm«,
Assoc.ation, the rich or the fashionable. This
appeared in numbers, an I the early gon
may be removed if. ns re­
comers, the original cowboy«, began but
so far have come only obstacle
ported in an Osaka paper, the sub­
to chafe. "Who’s elbowing me?” they
from Klamath, Crook and Harney stitutes for the Panama straw found
inquired, nnd there was prompt nnd
effective shooting, and the wholesale Counties. It is especially request­ in middle Formosa are really adapt­
ed for the purpose. The substitutes
cutting of the new fences.
ed that reports from representatives are
said to be the fibers of the
Many good men lay down in the hot
sand, never to rise again. But that, of Umatilla. Baker, Wasco, Grant leaves of a certain tropical tree of
bad as it was. did not tell the whole and Malheur Counties be sent to very rapid growth. Six fibers can
story" of destruction.
If cattle lied Secretary Moore not later than be obtained from each leaf, which Is
about four inches wide and four feet
been killed instead of men. the trouble
might have been averted, but the herds February 5, as they have to le long, and it is said that the cost of
went on multiplying until they covered carefully considered at a mee ing of 10.000 fibers is about six yen. A cer­
tain foreign firm of Yokohama is
all the range, giving it no rest winter
the executive committee of the Ore­ said to have already given a large
or summer. Each cowman scrambled
for all he could get; he argued that if gon Irrigation Association I e!o-e order for the fibers, and the Panama
he did not take the grass his neighbor transmission to Washington D. C . hats made with this new material
may therefore appear on the mar­
would. And who cared a rap for the
so that Government officials can ket this summer. If the new fibers
future? Life was short and money
At first there had been arrive at an estimate of lhe appro-, are really suited for headgear For­
mosa may lie said to have bit upon a
enough grass to support one steer to priation required to irrigate O.e
new resource.—Japan Meekly Times.
every two acres of land; in lin” a dozen
years a steer did well to make his liv­ gon’s arid lands. TheGOdays time
Chanre« for n Divorce.
ing on five acre*. After that the ratio allowed for the preparation of these (
He—I understand voting Simkins
steadily widened. So great was the
nnd his wife are not living happily
reports expirtd January 20.
struggle for new territory that whole
toget her.
herds of cattle sometimes went 20
She—What seems to be the triralile?
miles or more to water and then luick says:
"Incompatibility of temper."*
again, galloping every step, nnd work­
“Which is at fault?"
“Silvies Valley lies in the midst
ing hard between times to get enough
“Both, lie furnishes the incompafl-
from the failing ranges to keep life of a mountainous region which in bility and she supplies the temper.-"—
within their lean carcasses. And to­ Winter is deeply covered with snow, Chicago Daily News.
day there are many parts of the range
that will not support ten cattle to the largely forming the source of the
The Way of fhe F'rontier.
square mile, one steer toevery 04 acres, water supply of this valley.
The way of civilization in a new
and it is a good range indeed that will immense watershed covers an area
land passes comprehension. Its mot­
feed a steer to every 20 acres. There
are whole ranges in Texas, New Mex­ of 6(X) square miles. It is known by to seems to be: ruin first*, there is
ico and Arizona, once rich beyond be­ nil acquainted with tliiscountrythat time afterward to save. Civili ation
is a good deal like a wild. fuil-bl*>o<l-
lief. that are completely deserted a nd
the annual snowfall averages five ed boy; it must first sow wild oats,
given over to the desert.
feet. It is estimated that the water waste its patrimony, disi-race its an­
tecedents; then it is ready to begin
is ample to fill a reservoir made by the
ser’ >us work of life. That lias
placing a da n at the lower end of been the history of the range coun­
Chloroform nnd Gaslight.
Tn general the profession in this I Silvies Valiev GO feet high. Vari-1 try; swift ruin for 30 or 40 years,
country is united in the belief that ous streams will furnish ample with a resulting wreck that it will
require a century of hard work, per­
ether is a much more satisfactory
anaesthetic than chloroform. A not water to overflow Harney Valley severance and .self-control to save.—
inconsiderable number, however, pre­ during the Spring season, so that Century.
fer chloroform, particularly under es­ the waters of the reservoir need not
pecial circumstances, and some opera­
tors who have no well-equipped clin­ be used until af e - the first iriiga-
ics at their command tend to use chlo­ tion- Si.rvevs show that a restr
roform when working by artificial
voir could be made of Silvies \ al­
light, nnd particularly in ill-equipped
It is. however, known by ley by placing a dam at the lower
most pharmacologists and by many end. Silvies River shows that the
others that chloroform has dangers
when used by artificial l*g! t. but this fall from the reservoir to the lands
fact is by no means generally recog­ irrigated, would be sufficient io in­
nized. Persons have been killed by the sure the feasibility of conducting
decomposition of chloroform by gas­
light. It has been attempted to over­ the water over the lands iu Harney
come the danger of fhe production of \ alley. Irrgable lands in Harney
this form of poisoning by placing soda
Vallsy amount to 274,240 acres.
or borax sol lit ion or milk of lime in 1 he
this land about 60,000 acres are
operating-room, but these methods
have been shown to be wholly insuffi­ now under irrigation. The soil of
cient.—Philadelphia Medical Journal.
For Infauts and Children.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
The Kind You
Tablets. All druggists refund the
Reduction prices make business.
money if it fails to cure. E. \V.
Bears the
N. Brown A- Sons will continue Signature of
(■rove a signature is on each box.
low prices for some time yet.
Have Always Bought
Harney Valley is a rich black loam
capable of producing hay, grain
and all other agricultual as well as
garden products. This vast extent
of land, which can be easily and in­
expensively lr-igated, now support^
a population of less than 4000.
Once irrigated and reclaimed it
would support a population of 50,-
i 000.
Tho principal products’