Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, January 31, 1903, Image 3

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Hc<Tctnr,v llltclicork May Pa**
Oregon In Irrigation Plan*.
A late Wnshington dispatch to
the Oregonian, which we give space
below, confirm* what was said in
un article taken from the same
i pnfwr lust week.
Although the plans and other
data regarding the Silvios River
project wore forwarded to the state
irrigation committee some two
weeks ago, the papers are evident­
ly being held up there ns ample
Of prescription* is no child** play.
time has elapsed for them to huve
It requires conscientious care and
reached the hand* of the Govern­
accurate knowledge of drug* and
ment officials, but they may yet
their relations to each other. We
arrive in time for official notice be­
lake an holiest pride in the purity
fore any action is taken on other
of our drugs, ui.d the skill and ac­
projects. The dispatch referred to
curacy with which we compound
above is as follows:
hem on your physician’s order.
"A* soon as Congress adjourns
ami Senators and Representative*
are well switv from Washington,
Secretary Hitchcock will take steps
looking to apportioning among the
Western States the Irrigation work
first to be undertaken under the
general law passed last session.
Until that lime r.o public announce­
ment a* to choice will I h > made, as
HirtJHIHY. JANUARY 31 liHtt.
ttie Secretary has determined that
|>olitical interference will not be
Oregonian and Items, 12 00.
tolerated with re gard to this great
Homa people's lack of *en«e is work, but that only such projects
more conspiciuus than their lack as are, on their face, most attrac­
tive and promising, shall be con­
of dollar*.
sidered and followed out.
Thia p «| ht nod The Chicago
‘ The chance for Oregon securing
Weekly Inter Ocean fl oil for one
one of the first works is fast ebbing
yeai. “Hpecial deal”
away. Since the irrigation con­
A train ran into a wa«hout east vention held about seven weeks
of Pendleton .Monday. The engi­ ago, the Geological Survey has
neer it ml fireman were killed.
heard nothing a* to local projects
Lost— a gold watch chain and from the *|>ecial committee, and is
charm. Finder will he rewarded somewhat at a loss to understand
the apparent lack of interest in the
l»v returning name to this office.
Hon. Ixrvi Ankeny, of Walla work on the part of the Oregon peo­
Walla, ha* txen elected Unite! ple. Already the survey has sub­
State* Senator from Wusninglon. mitted to Secretary Hitchcock the
records with regard to a number
That man who confessed to a of projects that are recommended
murder he didn’t commit show* more or less strongly, but none in
that some menjustcan’t help lying. Oregon.
“The survey officials here have
"This is alxivcall a reading age,
waiting for the irrigation com­
but how many people read the
which was chosen to advise
Bible?" Hsh-h —Boston Journal.
the department as to the most
A cablegram brings news that favored localities in Oregon, in
there is to lie less ’.ilierly in Russia. ordered that the wishes of the peo­
Ilow can there be les* than noth­ ple might be carried out as nearly
as possible. If this report is not
soon made, the survey will not
Stockholders’ Meeting.
have time, before the Secretary an­
nounces his choice, to inspect and
Notice is hereby given that a
report upon the site of proposed
meeting of the stockholders of the
works in Oregon, and the state will
Citizen*’ Business College Associa­
have to take u second choice, and
tion will be at the College, in
possibly wait for a year or more,
Burns, Thursday February 26, 1903
until sutliioient funds have accum­
for the purpose of electing officers,
ulated in the Treasury to cover the
and for the transaction of such
cost of the favored Oregon scheme.
other business as may come I-efore
‘ In the meantime, nothing has
the meeting.
been done with regard to the De­
All stockholders are requested to
schutes withdrawal under the
be present.
Carey act, upon which a report was
Dalton Biggs, Sec’y.
submitted some weeks ago. Unfor­
tunately, the Geological Survey
For a bilious attack take Cham­ knows more about this locality than
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ any other, but, with private enter­
lets and a quick cure is certain prise holding right of way 'and
For sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; there being no disposition to up­
Fred Haines, Harney.
root vested rights ir this vicinity,
some other, site must be chosen.
If Oregon is not on the first list
S tatic of O hio ,C itv of T oi . kdo J
works to be constructed, the
Limn C ounty .
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that most it can expect next Summer
he is senior partner of the firm of will be detailed examination of
F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business several projects which are reported
in the City of Toledo, County and upon by the local committee, if
State aforesaid, and that said firm such report is ever made.
will pay the sum of One Hundred
Both houses of the state legisla­
Dollars for each and every case of
have passed the library bill,
Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
which was amended so as to apply
Frank J. Cheney.
only to Multnomah county, instead
Sworn to before me and subscrib­ of to all the counties.
ed in my presence, this 6th day o
The birthday of President Mc­
December, A. D. 1886.
Kinley was observed Tuesday by
A. W. Gleason,
J ska i.
Notary Public. the leading men of the Nation
at a banquet at Canton, Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ President Roosevelt headed a nota­
ternally. and acts directly on the ble gathering and delivered an ele­
blood and mucous surfaces of the gant eulogy on his pedecessor.
A bill relative to Road Super­
system. Send for testimonials, free.
has passed the lower house
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, ().
state legislature. The net
Hold bv all Druggist, 75c.
the time that Road Super­
Hall’s Family Pill* are the beat.
visors shall begin their duties from
June to January. It also cuts out
penalties for failure of any elected
or appointed Supervisor to qualify.
For Infanta and Children.
The bill further provides that op-
The Kind You Have Always Bought I pointments to vacancies may l>e
Baars th# /'if,
■ made at any time by the County
| Court.
Signature of
Proper Compounding
Burns Drug Store
Local and General.
Oregonian mid Item*, 12.00
February 2,—Ground Hog’s day.
I. K. Venator is up from Lawen
Jorgensen, optician, jeweler and
Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Brown are
visiting in Burns.
Newt Hoover cam* up from Law-
en yesterday, and i* today fixing
up hisbonds as stock-inspector. to
which position lie wa* appointed at
the recent meeting of the county |
court, He sav* his first trip will
take him in a few day* to the
southern part of the county, where
a disease is said to exist among
sheep. Stock in his neighborhood
he *ays are in good condition.
About the 1st of March we will begin "taking stock" art!
will until that time close out many useful articles for less
than actual cost.
We need room for our Spring Stock.
cash and room is worth mere to us than the goods, the mare we
sell the less we have to invoice.
Now is the time to secure
Call and see if we don't mean business.
A report has been current in
P. G, Blume is down from his Burn* the past few duys to the effect
home on Upper Bilvies.
that W. D. Hanley of this place,
Wool Boot* reduced to 75 cent* M. K. Parsons, of Salt Lake and C.
E. S. Wood, of Portland, have pur­
per pair. N. Brown A Hons.
chased all the Pacific Live Stock
L. B. Springer, is in from Cord,
Company’s property in Oregon,
where he is spending the winter.
consideration said to be in
John D. Daly, of Drewsey, was the neighborhood of $2,000,000
in town last Saturday on business. However we are unable at this
Graduates of (lie School are in constant
John Ott, the Drewsey sawmill time to confirm the report.
rlernaml atjMlari*** raniriri/iron» 140.00 to
man, wa* a visitor in Burns .Satur­
Harney County, the last week ex-
|liM IM j>er month. Student* tak* tha
)>erienced another sudden change
ui.itH examination* dtiting their <<*ir*«
Gighams, Calicos, Outing Flan­ of the elements that go to make
in the Hch<x>l and are prepared.to receive
Stat»- Certificates on graduation.
nel* and Muslin* reduced—N. up our weather. The mild Chinook
E.x|*-n«es range from fl 20.IX) to
Brown A Son*.
of last week was this week chang­
per year.
Strong Normal coarse and well equip-
Your attention is called to the ed into a blizzard that would com­
I>ed Trzining Department.
change in the advertisement of pare favorably with a western Kan­
The fail term opens.Sept. 18.
sas and Nebrarka zepher, accom­
Lu.iuberg A Dalton in this issue.
Fur cz'aloguu containing lull informa­
panied by snow in sufficient quan­
tion, ad lrea*
E. 1). RESXI.EK,
Jorgensen is still to the front
tity to make the pedestrian forget
or J B. V. Butler, Hee'y
with low price*. Call and see his
his earlier teaching whenever a
line of watches, clocks, jewelry,
snow drift was run againBt.
stationery, etc.
Cards were received here Sunday
Al Weatherly and Albert Altnow
of Drewsey, passed through Ontario announcing the marriage of Benja­
Sunday enroute to Portland—On­ min D, McIntyre to Mirs Violet
Cecilia Sav, January 21, 1903, at
tario Democrat.
the St. Michael’s Cathedral, Boise,
W. E. 7EI3CH. »rcpnetcr.
A heavy wind played havoc Sun­ Idaho.
Mr. McIntyre is well
day night with Hues on the school known in this county, particularly
house, Business College and I. in Burns, where he resided for a
Schwartz's residence.
number of years, and where he i gMF“ Drinks mixed to suit your ta*u?. Courteous treatment gi.arautod
holds property interests. We
The East Oregonian says: Ore­
many friends here in wish­ Your patronage Solicited.
gon has set a most excellent ex­
and bride ull the happi­
ample for her counties to follow.
long and happy wedded
She don't owe a cent. Don.t forget
Lunaberg & Dalton
The Capital Saleen
In case the Oregon legislature
Please send us your mail orders.
Prompt, attention given to all. N. cannot agree upon a U. S. senator
and they want a good man, there
Brown A Sone.
are several in Prinevelle that could
The bill appropriating 1500,000
be recommended that would not be
for the Lewis and Clark fair has
adverse to assuming the senatorial
passed both houses of the legisla­
toga. Not as they are aspirant*,
ture. In the house there were but
but would discommode themselves
five dissenting votes and in the
to see Oregon and the dear people
senate only two.
represented well.— Prineville Re­
It’s a real pleasure to wear the view. Under the same conditions,
fine fitting clothes made by Strauss there are probably two or three men
Bros., America's Leading Tailors, in Burns, who would be willing to
Chicago. They’re so reasonable in sacrifice their present business to
prices too. Robinson A Walton, heed a call from the people.
will take your order,
Lee Caldwell is in receipt of the
Carroll Cecil, a prominent stock- monthly report of the scholarship
man, of Burns, passed through our of his son, Johnnie, who is attend­ I
city Friday on bis way to Eugene ing the Academy in Pendleton.
where he goes for a visit with his The report is an excellent showing,
children, who arv attending school and is proof that Master Johnnie,
at that place. —Prineville Journal. is availing himself of the oppor­
Red Bell. Dixie Queen Tobacco. tunity, and putting forth his best
50 cts per pouud. N. Brown A efforts to fit himself for future life’s
work. His standing is as follows:
Albert Caw 1 field, who lias been spelling, 90; reading, 85
working for James Mahon at Stock-
ton, California, since last Spring, analysis, 93; written arithmetic,94;
is in Burns on a visit to relatives mental arithmetic, 95, history, 100;
and friends. “Buster” looks well composition, 92, physiology, 95;
and shows good keeping during bis instrumental music, 90; vocal
music, 88— average 92$
The “Funnel Gang” agai n proved
themselves the victors over the
"Ping Pongs” in the third game of
the series for the basket ball cham­
pionship of Burns, Wednesday
evening at Locher’s Hall, by a score
of S to 11-
Governor Chamberlain has ap­
pointed J. W. Morrow of Morrow­
county to succeed L. B. Geer as
state land agent. Mr Morrow was
at one time joint senator for Mor­
row, Grant and Harney Counties,
defeating A. W. Gowan.
Remember N. Brown A Sons
have reduced every pair of Shoes
and Boots in their store except
“Queen Quality.”
Reduction prices make business.
N. Brown A Sons will continue
low prices for some time yet.
Still No Senator.
The present week has brought no
change in the senatorial situation,
at least as viewed from long range
The vote is nearly the same ns last
week. Tt is as follows:
Monday—Jan. 26—Fulton, 21;
Geer, 13; Wood, 14, scattering, 18;
absent and paired, 24.
Tuesday—Fulton, 32; Geer. 17;
Wood. 17; scattering, 21; absent, 3.
Wednesday—Fulton, 33: Geer,
16; Wood, 17; scattering, 20.
Thursday and Friday—Same as
The state supreme court Monday
reversed the decision of the lower
court in the ease of Hull Hotchkiss
vs. George W. Young which was
A handful of common sense is
appealed from this county. The
worth a bushel of book knowledge.
case was regarding water rights,
Any young man who is in love
and the decision of the lower court
likes to say good night the next
was in favor of Young.
We will «ell you a Mitchell,
Rushford or Webber Farm Bed
Wagon ;
3j Steel Skein $85.C0
3$ „
3J „
Send your orders to us, O. C. Co
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. M .
Grove’s s’gnature is on each box.
Have your measure taken
for your new Fall garments. It is the only proper
and satisfactory way of buying „your clotlies.
Make your selection from the tailoring line of
Strauss Bros«,
Good tailors for over a quarter century.
You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the
clothes made by Strauss Bros —faultless in style,
fit, finish and materials. They’re so much better
than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are
astonishingly low and you’re perfectly safe in
ordering, because if garments are not satisfactory,
you needn’t take them. We will he pleased to
Show you samples—Call