, I nei»» in ■ I Hi »N« Proverbs " “ When the butter won’t ccmc | nt a penny in the churn,” is an old time daiiv proverb. It often seems to v irk though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried I k cause the children do not g .in strength and flesh we s .• rive them Scott's Emul- sion. It is like the penny in the works and 1 H Ik because it •cause there is something b a tonishing about it. Scott’s Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites e-peciallv prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste a i.l the remedy takes just as naturally to the children l>e- < ause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale anil thin children Scott's Emulsion i.> the most satisfactory trcat- ment. <1 We will send you the penny. /. e., a sample free. sure that »’>>• picture in the n r .». et a ùbcl is on the vr3Yout |>ositions The spendthrift uses his op|»or- of this kind you can obtain it free tunities before he gets them. by writing tor the Civil Service announcement of the Columbian Many a man thinks he needs a Corres|>ondence College, \i ashing- wife until after he is married. ton D. <’. The Civil Service Com­ mission will hold examinations to The fast young man who length­ secure young men ami women for ens his nights ulso shortens his these places during March and I days. April, at Pendleton and Portland. From .".04G appointments during The easier it is to get a man to the first year of Mr McKinley s talk the easier it is to get him to adminstrution. they have increased quit. to nearly five times that number. President Roosevelt is a firm be- I Many a farmer earn» his bread in the merit system, and us long as man's he is president these appointment bv the sweat of his hired brow. will continue to increase. — •— ,— j Another thing for which civilize A Philadelphia firm, according tion is clamoring is a noiseless to a Pres* disputed from that city, 1 match. ht» received an order from the Japanese government for several 1 Some fellows acquire the reputa­ X-ray machines, which are > to be the tion of being spenders on borrowed use« for « novel purpose, money. firm »omelime ago sold to a repre- sentative of the Mikado an X ray Modified arbitration is prescribed machine, which the Japanese ex­ plained, was to be used in the as the modified milk of the coal government mints in Japan for the cocoanut. detection of dishonest employes The doctors will tell you that who stele coins bv swallowing some men die hard while others them. The machine was used to examine the suspects as they left are dead easy. the mint daiiv and of course, it re­ vealed the presence of a >_v coins Multimillionaire Stratton's mill­ "in their midst ” The teat was so ions «ill not multiply very rapidly satisfactory that the Mikado or­ in the hands of tho Colorado law­ dered several more machines hop­ vers. ing to prevent the form af theft re­ ferred to. I’rof. Patten, of Dartmouth col­ I h»v» h J o,Ci.»..'n tu v-c yuu BUcVOraugM Stotk and Peul.'ry Medi. vìn< ard u li p c- niot i ;r 11 < ap-t.-k t «I ai:y more limo )M'r-,>iis -ime,hi tzp vt tu I h .- edh'l I y food. Vile» jrudr «tock imi p ultry uro sick jrivc tlmm misi- ■ • I |e, tu k t e!«. l .J 11 thè l .veli ami tir ni» thè turpi.I livi-r mi l thè ,,i:imul »> ili I«' corvd, if it he possi- file i > « i.io it. Ul.u-k-lirniishi stock .imi l’nullry Meihcine unii r» i< thè l-oui !» ami »tiri up thè tei ivlf tea tini .ovtr. Horseawurklx-ttcr. Case« jjive umro milk, ilog.1 gain tl< h. Arni h< II» In. merem-i'i. It - di' « thè problcui . York ' . The sweat box ha« been declared illegal and police authority» n av l>e com ladled hereafter to put sus­ pects in an ice-box and freeze the truth out of them. In everv town J anti village may b< hail, Mr I). P Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Summer ciiuntit -. W. Vs.. nio»l likely owe» his life to the k ndnesH of a neigh­ bor. IL- wus almost hopelessly af­ flicted wnh diarrhoea ; was attend­ ed bv two pn -‘ici.'t.s .vho gave nim little, it am -e ef, when a neigh­ bor h uruing r f bis serious condi­ tion, brough' h m a bottle of Cham­ berlain's <’olic, < holers and Diar­ rhoea R, in' »1» winch cured him in less than twiutvfour hours, For sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered Haines, Harney. cheap mach inc* that arcniu not be de- » elvcd, when you want a m win" machine don’t m nd your nn»ney away from horue; call on a *• .\r»r lluiHe ” Drutrr, I m * can sell >«»u a >*ttcr machine Ibr h s* than yon can pun-imse • « wtw r»-. if titère is no di aler near you, write direct U» us. G. W. Clevenger is in the field with the hightest prices for hides and pelts. He has fitted up a THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO traveling conveyance and will make regular trips through the orange :, mass . N«-w York, Chicago, lit. St. Louis Mo., Atlan­ county this winter. Keep your ta. <■;*., Italia», T« X., San I ran«-1*«•«», « ai. hides ami pelts for him and re­ ceive the highest market prices for t hem. TRY A The Chicago Wo-kly I utcr Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub- WOOD.—Good Juniper wood I lished in Chicago in connection for san- in any quantity. Prices with the great daily papers. It going up. t all on W. E. Huston contains a judiciously »elected THIS TRIP U3TM TFAjFCTOlrT 20« YDS TXJ^TOtT in the Durk’neimer building, He««! • •« 50 verde He.gb» at H»0 *ar«s ' summary of the news of the nation I ..'J tar We 0 TÄND«: TPAjrcrOkY and world, the best stories, home. Heigh* •' • »ar-* I I« AM in.bee Jorgensen is still to the front farm, woman’s, and other special The Up-»O-^4fr orm in high the J? Marlin with Smuktlew Slat with low prices. Call and w his department-, and fair, patriotic, Harrrl us ,,g ?? Premure Car- iridfei J hi» Cartridge ba« a vr> line of watches, clock», jewelry, able editorials, written from a Re­ lociiy of over fer • per •«•conJ wth consequent stationery, etc. publican viewpoint. It is by far flat tr»i?. rnry and great killing the be«t general newspaper of the power Jorgensen, optician, jeweler and Western States. The regular price for the Weekly Inter Ocean is -Il.00 stationer. and for the Harney \ alley Items $1.50, but subscriptions will be re­ Oregonian and It' in». .+ 2.00. I..E MARLIN FIRE ARMS COMPANY ceiver! at this office for the two NE W MAVEN. CONN , U S. A. papers in combi,intmn for one year His Life Saved by Chnniberlain's for only fl.50. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Reduced to HFTY l’ A Remarkable Record. "B. L. Byer, a well known cooper I of this town, says he believes Cham- Chamberlain’« Cough Remedy CENTS A YEAR berla’n’s Colic. Cholera, and Diar­ has a remarkable record. It hn« rhoea Remedy sav'd his life Inst been in ti«c for over thirty years, Formerly summer. He had been si< k for a during which time many million month with what the doctors cull battleshave been sold and used. It bilious dy -outcry, and could get I hn« long been the standard and nothing to do him any good until I main reliance in the treatment of tie tried this remedy. It gave him croup in thousands of homes, yet immediate relief," saysB.T. Little, during all this time no case has merchant, Hancock, Md. For sale evr been reported to t he manufact­ I r:!3 s :’-e c' eaper.t ar.d best be- T F sl Miigazt: e ?. low tshews by H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred urers in which it fai let! to'fleet a f - t - Arr.e-:ra. • Haines, Harn v. 7 • '/. cure. When gin h ns »oon as the Embroidery, it Cocking, in I child becomes hoarse or even as Woman s X’ rk nd :. Reading: ooaut.fuliy i?.»’r. teci . crxrsai.d oAraTonx^., soon ns the crotipy cough appears, i.i black a d whit-. A. ve all, it B»*ri the Ihe K • I Y-i Pa.a Alwa/3 Bought it will prevent the attack. It is ws tn-very fas'.icrab'.e Nsw I cea Signatur« S I.ns. made from N-w ! sea P a :- pleasant to take, many children of -.. :C’. v^st ¡Oc. -ao... C -ZJ l . >-» -x- » a .*. -A. xa . . like it. It contains rio opium or L.e Kind iO'J HM8 AIWSJ'S Billet I i Bear» the Send Fir? Cents To-day other harmful substance and may UgaatBN f a p -t'e T r y of th- L’?« 'r t A ‘r *< - \*' be given as confidently to a baby 7.• • r a- iffe wha: f ’ *a: * u? ef i ■ i.’en-r.iy .: can i. s you. as to an adult. For sale by II. M. o TOTXX Beat» the Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Hur­ THE HEW ID'Z FülI.ISHtHO CO Bigaatar* t.4 Ireit«»’ M»w York. N T ney. t «r WMe 1-1 Standard CHI C». XOTK'E I OK i EI’.LI* ATION. Land Of.ioe. Burn <. Orcgoa, floc, ri, pin”. Notice U hereby given th%t the following uatnvd settler I ima flied notice of hi« int» niton tn mnkc final proof in suppor- of hU c.H.m. and that »aid nro--f will b • male be'or • Kegluter and Receiver nt Burn«. Oregon, on February IK:’, viz Rf Entry. N. of Henjam In Newnan, ft r the j:»iNW»-i, E»aMW»4, ?»er-3«», T 24».. It 3 » E IV M He names the foil.»wing witm»MM*s toprove hfa contiuiotiH residence upon and cultivation of A&sd land, vir Edward O'Hara Livc ny, Alpbera Venator, Charle» It. PHcr«»!* nil Edwii'd Colwell u 11 of Venator, Oregon. Win. 1’kRKE Ilrgistrr. eta u«c rXe aedmary 40 Hl> » pn* • >te«.rb I4r> rrond valnrtfy. in • h- n v >|«ttuo»i free wiiether mi Invention is probably paient able (nninnihi . li.inawtnctiy » »urto.'i.rlui. ¡1 ut«lbtnbination ; wc wish i » assire thf public that then* is >10 truth in davs ngo I was induced to buy a n r*-p»rt.s. W p bavt* lx4*a nmnufiirturintr box of Chamberlain’s Stomach and > uitnr machines forever a quarter o! a <1 -ntu- t -.ani have esralslUhed a nj iuta tion f«ir»»ur- Liver Tablets. I have t-iken par* F lv< s and our machine«; that is tlw * nvyofnll • * hers, hur ina« bine I.,«* ofthem and f- el a great deal Ix-tter I -ver hvn rivait d as a family marhin«*.—It ► tndsat the head of ail JJ/r//> f.rrtwing If you have any trouble with your I lacliiiH <. an -"on, f»**« . 12, ¡902, Notice Lt ht re by given tlmt Mury A. <>nr«l, A«lmiiiittratri n of the otiitc oi Jo»epli E. i’wr k j»rr year • l’rl« »• if Siintlm by »pill ....................