Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, January 03, 1903, Image 2

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'and office. When 1 so stated to
Gen. Miles aiivs that the most
President McKinley, he requited reckless display of individual
When ai*qmiinted bravery he ever saw was during
Hamlett In Kestguatiow to Tak«* me to remain.
Elicet February 1.
with the situation here, he desired , the Civil War, when a regiment
to timl another place for me. but was marching into battle, led by
Oregonian News Bureau. Wash­ until that was fount!, he wanted no its young colonel. Shells begun to
ington. Dec 23 —Binger Hermann change to take place, 1 have now f dl and four or five men would drop
For Infants and Children.
linaliv been forced out of the concluded, as the year is drawing at a time. They were com puta­
general land office. At a recent
conference with Secretary Hitch­ ' submit mv resignation to the I’res became more and more deadly
cock. it was strongly intimated to ident, st» us to give him an opnor- they showed just a symptom of
the commissioner that his resigna- ttinitv for the app»>intiuent and hesitation. Suddenly their youth­
The agitation coining from Baker tion would'no acceptable ami Her- confirmation of u successor la»fore ful leader rode out in front, waved
Ii Wi'i.i ( able Prcparaliottlvr As
county in favor of a law iilniti„g m«nn has decided to comply with the expiration of this Congress. his sword io the air ami yelled :
i latingttteroodi - dilegui q
, ,
the wish of his superior and resign, I marie known this intention to “Move up, move up! Do you want
I luti* llw Stoioat-fc-. an! i kiwis cf
»lie grazing ot sheep on the public
, .
, .
to take «fleet February 1, when he the Secretary some time ago, and to live fori ver?’ Gen. Miles char
domain, to within two miles of the j wU1 pa>bably b<, guoCeeded by his he has understood that I would aeterizes this u- a ’>p»*cimeu of ut­
settlement, brings to tuiad the assistnut, William A. Richards, of resign about the first of February. terly abandoned courage* ’’
¡T\ ii i.'s DhviStionChrcrlu!
• s.u nil M ('Olitili»*-, neilli
splendid sentiment exp:ess*d by Wyoming. Th»* resignation has While 1 know nothing about, I
ni'in.M''r|»lutw nor Muter, il
O. D. Teel at the recent irrigation ■ ,,ot
been tendered, but will be
A Reniarkable Record.
X )1 NA.'tCOTIC.
Chamla-i Iain’s Cough Remedy
convention at Pendleton.
forthcoming in a short time.
, .
. .
. .
. ,
This is tho culmination ot a long pointed to succeed. He would has a remarkable record. It has
“-■*>to< k raising, mining, agncul-
, .
and persistent tight macle on Her- make a worthy ami capibleollieiul. been in us»» for over thirty years,
r «u«.
tur*», lumbering and mercantile
, ., '
.. ..
“I will go back to Oregon before dining which time many million
uiann bv the Secretary tor the past
n/.\ .S irä » •
pursuits stand side» bv side in east-
. .
, two wars. 1 here has always been 1 long and resume m v I »w practice. battles have been sold and used. It
ern Or«*gon. each sustaining and
* .
¡liteJ Jw'■ V r .* *
3 tension between the two officials, So far. I have kept aloof from the has long been the standard hi d
strengthening the* other. No in-
. . ,
, ,
which, on several ocassions. threat- Senatorial tight ind do not care to main reliance in the tnatment of
du.strv should sutler thut another
ened to force Ilermaun outofothce. discuss future movements at this croup in thousands of hou.es, vet
mav thrive.
. ,
pc erteci Remedy fort
. but up to now without result.
during all this time no care has
m ¡.Sour Sl.i’.ivv.h.P
This should be the sentiment ot
Commissioner Hermann has h» id »•ver been reported to th»* manufact­
. , ,
I.ate m IMO it was believed that
W ot Hi .( i c\i.|l I. hi - ! vw I .!
eviTV man in the great inland etn- ,,
< ,
s.'in Ì.OSXIP S1X1T
■ ,
I Hermann was to be forerd out of office for nearly six years, having urers in which It faded to effect it
j ire. where the diversity ot occupa­
oflice bv Hitchcock, because of his been appointed March 27, 1S!»7 cure W lien given us soon as the
F . i bir.iti Signature of
tion is so great.
disagreement with the Secretary. His term is longer than that of all child becomes hoarse or »ven a«
Each interest should be a prop
. The latter intimated tn the Presi­ ’ predecessors, eave two Under both Siam a* the croupy cough appeals,
to the other, as each adds to the ,
dent that a change could be made administrations he Ins boon high­ it will ptevent the attack.
I' is
wedth of the state an<‘ country.
and Commissioner Hermann, dis- ly regarded at the White House, pleural l to take, many children
T.ie-e should K* a determination
, satisfied with his po«t under the particularly by President McKin pfe,. it.
It contains no opium or
on th« part of every citizen to stop
condition«, told the President he lev His relations with President other harmful substance and mav
the clash, wherever fonnj. Har­
would like to transfer to another Roosevelt have been most cordial. be given as confidently to a baby
mony is the twin brother of pro­
office. President McKinley offered The President only recently com­ a« to an ni’ult. For sale bv H. M.
gress. If eastern Oregon gets the
to appoint him civil service com- plimented biiu on the manner in Horten, Burns; Fred Hainer, Har­
recognition she deserves and ho]«-s
I missioner. but that oflice was not which he has carried on his cam in* v.
for she must come before* the
to his liking and was declined. paign against stockmen who have
»•ountry united in purjmse. united
While McKinley was looking for unlawfully fenced in large areas of
A mi n:s’er in a neighbiving
ii. sentiment and tree from bitter-
some other place for Hermann, the the public domain.
town in laving Ii a v in - before a
It so hapjfens that tomorrow
relations between commissioner and
I congregation at a revival meet ng
it i« a wid<* country, It has
Secretary became severely strained Secretary Hitchcock will have the
produced fortunes untold for the
•recently thus dcscriled etern’iv:
and Hermann finally told McKinley replies of two clerks in Cotinnis
pioneers and will yet unfold richer
•You shall suffer lor all eternity!
that, if some satisfactory office sioner Hermann’s office, who have
and greater prospects and stores
Do you know what that mean*?
could nut be found for him before been charged with irregularities,
I’ll tell von.
It u little sparrow
¡or prosperity. At times, in certain
the ensuing Oregon election, he and n bile Ilermanti is not held r»’-
oe-upations. and certain industries,
were to dip his bid into the Atlan­
Would voluntarily retire in June, sponsible for their deeds, it is
tic ocean and take one drop of wal­
there arises a complication of inter­
1M2. ail of which has been related thought by the Secretary he should
ests which seem to lw beyond settle­
er a duv ami hopacross ihec<»utitrv
Then followed the have had knowledge of the work­
ment; but there is a broad, plain,
and put that drop into the Pacific
tragedy at Buffalo. A.« soon as the ings of their division. The accused
and then hop back to the
open highway by which ail tbiok-
new Administration was w.*ll under men one Hurry King, if the District
Atlantic, one bop a dav. after an­
iiigcitizenscan arrive at a just and
way. Secretary Hitchcock again of Columbia, chief of the drafting
other. and if lie kept it up till the
equitnbl»- conclusion.
brought pressure to bear to force division, and Frederick P. Metzgar,
Atla »tic were as dry as a bone, it
Ranges and forests are two of the
Hermann’s retiremen’. But with ofKansrs, a clerk in that division,
wouldn’t I e sun up in hell ’' It is
greatest resources of the west. No
the Oregon ele‘tions approaching They ar».* charged with making
not necessary to add that many
U-tterneSH of feeling nor urjuft
President Roo-evelt concluded that copies’of official map« and tdats
Jegi^latio should be brought forth,
sinners came up that night ami
it would be unwirc to permit the upon request of attorneys and con-
that the meeting continuid fur some
hastily in dealing with the issue«
testatits before the hind oflice, do­
1. WOI.DENBERG. SR , Proprie tor.
I change, and nothing »»ns done.
that arise from their final adjust­
From last June up to the present ing the work in oflice hours ami
The services of a brewer of long years experience tins I een se­
ment.— East Oregonian.
time the friction bet.v.-en Hermann selling the maps, pocketing the
ami the product of this Brewery is of the best grade in the
Stomach Trouble.
and Hitchcock lias been growing money, which should have gone in­
Inland Empire. Place a trial order and jmi w ill not be disap­
“I have been trouti.nl with mv
An agreement, among the web­ more and more intense. The Sec­ to the oflice. In other instane» s
-tomaeb for the pa«t four year*.''
foot aspirants for the senatorial retary adheres tu the belief that they are charged with requiring says I). L. Beach, of Clover Nook BURNS,
the commissioner is to gome ex-i other clerks in the office to make
toga, for the election of an Eastern
Farm, Greenfield, Mass
“A few
such maps or tracings, cither in
Oregon man to the senate, would tent responsible for the widespread
days »co I wa« induced to buy a
oflice hours or at home, allowing
I m - an eeasy wav out of what now land frauds in Westi rn States, and
liox »>f Chamberlain's Stomach ind
them to remove official papers
appears will be a protracted con-
Liver Tablets. 1 have taken part
Hermann is not accused of com­ from the department over night, in
Tho bar is supplied with norm
of them and fi-el a great deal belter."
plicity. it is Lehi that his adminis­ whi< li case they divided the inom-v
the very best brands of
If you have any trouble with your
tration of the land office has been with other clerks. King denies the
Wines, Liquors and Carbonated
stomach trv u box of these Tablets.
Town Talk, the newsy semi- lax and that bis interpretation of charge in toto.
You are certain to l>e phased with
drink«, ami the Choicest Cigars.
weekly of Awhlanti has oeen Fold the laws has been fo looee as to per-
Metzgar was private secretary to
the result. Price 25 cents. For
Your patronage solicited.
by Geo C. Stanl»-v to S. I,. Burton, nut the spread’ »if the fraudulent ' Hermann when the latter first be-
sal» bv 11. M. Horton, Burns: Fred
r. centlv nt the Evansville, Minn, practices which are but recently enme Commissioner.
He was
Courteous treatment to all.
Enterprise. We wish Bro. Burton unearthed. Tim secretary held shortly appointed chief clerk of the Haims, Harney.
Comer north of postoflice,
that the commission»r has not ex- land office by Hermann, but held
— ercised due diligence nor r»*quired that oflice for a short time only,
such diligent*« on the part of bis when he wa- reduced to a’clerkship h is Been taking this paper lor four
subordinates. By ov» r rul.ugmunv in the drafting iivisiou t>v order of years without paying fur it. failed
A tnotonnan in Chicago ran his car rigid decisions of local land oflicers the Secretary Wh 1»; <• i«f clerk. to get the last copy and notified us
Metzgar m ule himself ridiculous that “if it occurred again be would
hanging the gulf below. He wouldn’t letter of the law. it is said he has by giving out an interview on pub stop the infernal riui ’’ That’s net ve.
want to repeat the experiment hecaiiM-
the clii.nces .ire that he'd never again en<,<»ttrng»‘d <-nrides«r.e*s<> on the part land topics which showed him to
baie the same grx>] fortune.
For a bilious attack take Cham
■ of local officers Furthermore, the have no practical or intelligent
One* CJcsxi’t
Once in a
’s Stomach and Liver Tab­
' local officers have passed up to the understanding of th»- affairs of his
win.« some one
to The New York
v.h»> ha* travel-
land oflice and the lan»t oflice to oflice ar.d these interviews l»d lo lets and a quick cure is certain
id to the very
Tribune Farmer. New York Citv. for u free
the Secretary records in cases where the investigation which insulted in For sale l>y II M Horton. Burns;
e<1 g e of tile
danger line of
I fraud was apparent on their face. Lis rednclion. He has always Tied Haines. Harney.
stornai »t dis­
The Tribune Farmer is n National Illustra­
I but when no discovery of the fraud been a close friend of the Commis­
ease stops just
Agricultural Weekly for farmers and
••I :-me to t.ive
I was made until the papers reached sioner.
Don’t believe all the lies that
1 is health, tint
their families, and stands nt the head of the
I the Secretary’ oflice. In fact. s;*v-
A high Government official is von hear in these times.
the majority of
A care­
agricultural press. The price is |1 00 per
]-«>p!e go .across
i oral decisions of the Secretary have authority for the statement that a ful man must be discriminating.
the line, and slight
year, but if you like it you can secure it with
flatly stated as much.
man reio ntly discharged from the
syntfHonts ul indiges­
vour own favorite local newspaper, The
tion grow to disease of the
This was true of the apparent geological survey for stealing and
»tomach. involving the other
ITEMS, at a bargain.
Both papers $150.
The city Ctniiieil of Millon pro­
frauds in Oregon timber lands ami selling Government books was i, on
organs of digestion and nutrition.
to The ITEMS.
The first sv mptont of indiges­
J state lieu land selections, where the day following his discharge, ap­ poses to tax ali dances held in
tion should receive prompt atten­
that place.
tion. Indigestion and other forms of records indicating fraud were not pointed to the I ind office by Her­
i tomach "trouble” are [lerl’ectiy and per-
closely examined or held up until mann when the latter was fully
niunentlv cured by the use ot Hr. Pierce's
<'.olden .Medical Discovery. It strength­ they reached the »Secretary.
The acquainted with with the man’s
A philosopher is n man who ch ii
ens the whole body bv enabling the per­
receid. The case was at once se« how oiherr* make un ti big mi -
fect digestion mk I assimilation or i<«xi.
"I hnvr been suffering tor al»»nt eivht »"ar-,-
ami particularly those in Oregon, brought to the attention of the take*
wrltes Mr« It rierct-. of Miltsnrnig. K>. 'H:..-
I -ul -cvr-rsl d«etor« murai ini sono tor female
wa« largely instrumental iri induc­ .Secretary by Director Walcott, an
«lUnrn ami other* lor rtomseh rronble. '.ut
received no relief Wh^-n I wrote you foe adì i.-
ing the Secretary to call for Her­ investigation followed and the
B rds of a fi atber fln«k
I wi.« hardly a*.le lo work, «ml you H.iviaed me
• at fo <ln. I le-g.m to take yoot me.li. im- and
charge sustained. This discovery — Hid fo do j 111 bi • its < t I he * a me
Our foe returned if we fail. Any one sanding sketch and description of
mann’s resignation at this time.
t ie < ffert* hn-e be* n gote.
I was uniler t‘ e
.-s-tor * taire every «utnmer tefor* this. I took
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tho patent­
To The Oregonian correspondent is «aid to have greatly arou«e<l the stripe.
i ine bottk-«. five of * .»olden -Meditai lri«coverv.
1 ur of f-'smtite I’rvM-ripti.n.
. o live ,i-d*
ability of same. “How to obtain a patent’’sent upon request. Patents
Secretary Hitchcock, tonight said: the Secretary ami to have been in­
i f the tvtli-t-. ‘ Dr. riercr's lm-dicine* will m
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
nit that ion claim for them. Heliive I w-onl.l
“To rny knowledge, Mr. Hermann strumental in bringing the incident
have Inen iu my grave if I had not taken th. m
Healtn brings wealth more often
1 atents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in
I have not re­ to a close.
Accept no suhotittlte for ’’Golden Med­ has not re«igm<1.
wea th brings health.
ical Otwoverv.” There is nothing "just ceived his resignation
T he 1* v tent R ecord , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
That is all
as gurxi ” for diseases of the stomach.
by Manufacturers and Investor«
I kke . l»r. Pierce's .Medical Adviser 1 care to say about the matter ”
Stop the ('migli
is «ent />rc on receipt of stamps to pay
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
ami Work off th«* Cold
expense of mailing oh ! v . .Semi a one-
cent stamps or the (took in paper covers,
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
or ;i stamps for the cloth-bound volume.
“For the past year, it has been cure n cold in one day No Cure, Thin aign»turo 1« on every bo« or the rrenuinc
{Patent Attorneys,)
Address I>r K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X' Y
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet«
my intention to withdraw from the N j pay. Pi ice 25 cents.
Evan* Building,
‘ he remedy that rnrvw a
nnr »l*y
hekmaxx r<»G<>
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears tho
Harney Valley Brewery