PubhsWsd in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. rhe Oldest and Most Reliable. VOL. 19. L 1|. I j|*|. Ij. Ter »ar. Hi« >1 oil H im 7.'» <<*•»!» . NO.6. «■w STRUCK a SNAG irrigation; the remaining fifteen DO YOU GET UP million acres constitnte ■» stock rat ge, of ideal proportions and un­ WITH A LAME BACK 7 paralleled for cattle raising. It i- a region of valley, plain and Hr C'ntiie! lie Nnw! He Con Kidney TraoMe Makes You HUcraNe. Fore»« Hesrrv«* ftetnrnd out; u. the region ofmarvelous pose ibil ¡ties, X Willi»mson, coi'gr“>‘-iiian-(1leet , I covered after years it from Oregon's second district, cam»* j scientific rosearch ly lother word« all that is neemssary of absolutely incaleuable worth. Hardmaro of Every Description. Dr. Kilmer, the emi- to Canyon City on Monday last for to find out juM what the fores? n " n:nt kidney and blad- From 35 to 5G bush«ls of wheat c .r specialia, and is «erve means is to attempt to do per acre from 35 to GO bushels of tin- purpose of personally int«-r- BLUNM. OKEGON. v-occerfully tticcescful in promptly curing vicw'ng tlm people regarding tbe something in the way that has oats and barley per acre; thr<-e farw back, l-.idncy. bladder, uric acid trou­ been customary and then l»e jack­ crop» of alfalfa per acre per year, proposed Bln«» Mountain forest re­ bles and Bright’s Disease, which Is the wcrot of kidney trouble. serve, and if the honorable gentle­ form ed up with a round turn Dr. Kihi r‘s Swamp-Root li not r:e- each crop averaging two tons |>er The latest instance of this kind acre—these are some of the valley man was here we are not advise«! or.wncndedfor everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver cr bladder trouble It will be fou- -i that ha» been brought to the no viehls indicative of the soil's won­ that lie made any s|»ecial effort to just then me-'yy o.i need. I; has been tested obtain the viewB of the business in co many ways, in hospital work, in private i tice of th«-Democrat is that which derful fertility. pi . Ik :, among l!:C heiplecs too pocr to pur­ men of our city, says the Grant chase ••fleets the interests of the Sumpter relief and ha3 proved so successful tu Scores of lakes dot the atil County Ni-.vs. We are reliably in­ every case that a special arrangement his Valley Railway company plains and their marges areliterally b.-en made by which all readers of this paper Officials of that company have va»t deposits of Lora x. worth tl<>0 formed that when he came to town who have not already tried it, may Lave a X bottle : nt free by mail, also a bock just received notificatioii that the per ton 1 hew deposits are of in­ he went at «nice to u local news-: compile filing more ;.bout Swamp-Rod and iiow to upplir|M»ru'<*<(. / Il is a known fact that we have this. He don’t know vet which office puts u stop lo the proposed acres of an inland empire awaiting way to jump, but he is trying to eonsti uction of the 8 V By from the magic touch of the railway among us a few ¡»orsons who are Abstract- Furnished and Title Gu irimtecd to a!» Lands in Esrnry timl out.—Baker City Detuoeuit. Wlni’iev south into the John I 'n. surveyor's chain tobe transf lrtued actively opposing the creation of County. valley und Harney county ns CHI from a terra incognita into a region this reserve from purely personal PEIBLO MOUNTAINS, templiil»d tluj coming year « nd of such richness as would shame motives and not from a real desire REAL ESTATE to promote the welfare of our roun- Sutupter People Deleloping Milting- will defer « Xtmtion of the roud in he dreams <>f an opium eater. ty and its business interests. Some Property There. definitely Bought ami Sold on <’ tropics lands Ever since see a possible chance to view the who has been absent lor the pu«t I.nd l»Jrn. fourteen months, is now i i the city tijMin the moneys which they have ■ conferring with his associates pre­ In this the company ini^ht ori west, southeastern ( tregoo Ki «ois I iUMie No 70. K <•( P 1 Leer, soliciting from the people of paratory to taking a trip east. might not i»e successful. At any i has been a field for vague drjams. Mee*« en-rv rhurMÌa« nijrt.t. For the past year or more. Mr. ' our county. rate it would occasion considerable ! Th»- powerful inlluencc» that have F M I or drill, <* C ¡Canfield has been developing a We recognize that the permanent S iloiti>-r-li<'rid , K of it. H. time and expense uik I on this ac . in the past been brought to bear PHOTOGRA! Hb'R i mint ih> c<>iiii»any may postpone i by the millionaire stockmen of the creation of the proposed forest re­ I group of gold copper claims in tbe H'itN« CH .PIER S o . mi , o ES any attempt to carry out the ex­ I region to prevent any* tort of in- serve is a very serious «piestion for Fueblu mountains, in Harney M ••••«» «econ t and fourth Monday of lliiriis, Oregon tension for years to come, greatly va-ion of the territory which they : the people «f Grant County: we county. Associated with liitu in •■urli ni .fitti i'i Mason*»- trill, Voegtly building Ur« d iggie Iu*iena, W M fJÌ^Miiili St — Opposi'«- Bank ! to the deiiimeiit not oi ly of the claim as their own. explains tn a realize th it different conditions the enterprise are T. W. Davidson. Mr« Eunice Th<»aip«on. Se«;, rai.roud company tmtofthecountry measure the reason it has never pri vail here than do in any other Dick Neill and Tom Dunphy. The character of their <*re is into which the road was to he t x- been chosen as a goal for some touuty in our state, and we knjw Hl BNS l.itlsiF, NO U7. A F. .< \ M IŸI AKSPKX a GEARY chalcopyrite, carrying considerable that tbe department of our govern­ tendtd. Meet« Saturday on ur before full moon, branch of transcontinental ment whit h has these mutters with­ gold valu< s. Fine specimens of (plllltl'-d hCiXlier« fr.itern.illy i«oll»»'l W L Marwl.ti. John w Geary, railway The most coherent ex- I E Kenyon. W. M. F. n» Rieder in itsjurisuietion knows of these native copper have b«?n found on THE ! SLA SII EMPIRE. Pby*i ians . O F. ascertain by development what It is a known fact that Mr. Wil­ J. W. Ilice«. Dation Ilice» to the interior country und its need cupation is ns certain as mundane Meet» every Suturd*v evening, B own’s they have and then the public may liamson is jiersonally a strong ati- I of railroad connection. hall Visiting broth -r» fraternally in- Attorneyc-at-Law. affairs can well be.” Vltv.t Frank <1 JackOM, gain some information. At present voeate of the forest reserve, any III UNK. OKKGOX. In purl the Herald says: C. G. Stni li, Secretary their holdings are not on the mar­ In the Spring of 1901, when tbe i statements ly* may make to the Think of it! A territory 2' ’> times in Rank building. contrary notwithstanding, and if ket. Till E CIRCLE. NO KIA. WOMEN OF the size of Rlnxle Island, 12 ti es Oregon exhibits were being ship Woiidcraft. Meet« 2nd and Jth To««- he was an honest man. making an Jefferson Review: A man who larger than Di-lcware. eight times I ped to the Pan-American Exposi­ dut ut Brown*» liait. Mr». TiIlia Jordan, honest investigation of the question, .Mr», lone Whiting Guardian. WILLIAMS« FITZGERALD has been taking this paper tor four tion at Buffalo. the train contain ­ as big us Connecticut, six times. Clerk. he sttiely would bavo gone among vears without paving for it, failed ing the immense timber exhibit, larger than Massachusetts, almost Thornton William», M. Fitzgerald. the people while here a*id have to get the last copy and notified its twice the zize of Vermont and New consisting of a marvelously large At'orney-at Law. notary Public, Church AiiMoiinccmentH. Hampshire combined, larger than slick of Oregon fir. halted as Ka­ heard the opinions of as many us thaf“if it occurred again be would Lan', Notarial and Real Ertale |H*ss>ble from those who have beet» stop the infernal rag.” That’s nerve. New Ydrk, ami tqual in an i to mela for an hour or two. A loco Sunday School at Harney the taking an active interest from pur« Practice the entire state of Ohio—this vast motive fireman who was admiring first Sunday of each mouth at 10 Don't believe all the lice that Burns, Oregon. territory without a single line of the huge piece of timber at Kamela motives ami from an ardent desire o’clock, A. M. On the second, to promote the public welfare of you hear in these times. A care­ ¡railway and 175 miles remote from carved bis name mid addr ss with third nisi fourth Sundays of each fW“<)IIicc in Masonic building our county instead of conniving] ful man must lie discriminating. P. M ’ a knife on it. A month later ti e the nearest transcontinental sys ­ Breach- month at 3 o’clock former received a letter from a with schemers, whose only interest The citv council of Milton pro­ tem ! ing services every second Sunday' in th«' mutter can be said to be of poses to tux all dances held iu Buffalo voting lady saying that the R. D. Burrow, M- D. at 8 P. ,M. I It is an empire—a region rich in th«' denomination of the most per­ that place. all the varied resaurccs which have writer had been impressed with the At the Presbyterian church Physician and Surgeon. sonal »nd selfish. made the west famsus—mining, size of the timber and also his Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. • The News has always Oppose'tl For a bilious attack take Vhiua- name, and thought she would write Divine services the third and fourth r4F~ A correspondence follow»«!, a money­ reserve ujkjii the lines indicated in. lets and a quick cun is certain and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at day or night. Oregon I stockmen of the southeastern Orc- < order traveled to Buffalo. a young the temporary order withdrawing For sale by II. M. Horton. Burns; 10 a. tu. every S.ibbath morning Burns. - • I gon have built a Chinese wall a- ami winsome lady shortly arrived these lauds from settlement and I Fred Haines, Harney. Preaching services at the Baptist , round it—a wall of retiticenco re tit Kamela, and os«d to exist be­ vation: flftee.t per cent is suscepti- Tablets. All druggists refund the Physician and Surgeon, tween the devil und the deep blue I hie of cultivation under existing money if it fails to cure. E. \V. Bears the s» a The prop«)Be