A THE ORIGIN OF GOLF Some fonti mother« spare the rod and spoil the «lipper. After all, patience ia nbout the i highest form of politness. The loan or w. man who lisa bacoiue I user sated Ui golf must need» huow soinsthjug of its urigiu over in Scot­ land, lu his book. '“Vhe Art of Golf.” -dr W. G. Simpson tells the followirg 1 pretty story as to h<>w the game hwd its beginning: ‘‘A shepherd loading his sheep would often ohanca iip*>u a round'peb- hle, and. having his ervok in his ha: d. would strike it away: for it is a» inevi­ table that u wan with a stick in his band should aim a blow at any louse object lying in Lis path as that be should breathe. Over pastures green this led to nothing; hut iviee upon a time a certain shepherd, feediug his sheep on a links, perhaps that it St. Andrews, rolie,! one of these stones into a rabbit scrape '• 'Mary," quoth he, ‘I could not do that if 1 tried,’ a thought which nerved him to the attempt. But a man can­ not long persevere alone in uny ardu­ ous undertaking, go Mr. Shepherd hailed another, who was hard by, to witness the endeavor. 'That is ruse.* said the friend, and. trying, failed. i They now searched the grass for the rouudest stones, aud bmiitg deepened the rabbit scra[*e. so that the Manes might not jump out of it. they set themselves to practice putting. •‘The stronger but less skillful shep­ herd, Hailing hintself worsted at. the amusement, protested that it was a fairer test of skill to play for the hole from a considerable distance. With this arranged, 'he game was fouml to be much more varied and interesting The sheep having meanwhile strayed, the shepherds bad to go after them. •'This proving an exceedingly Irk­ some interruption, tliev bit upon the I ingenious device of nailing a circular 1 couree of holes, which enabled then» to p’av nnd herd at the same Time. These holes be.nr now many and far apart, it became nevesiary to mark I their whereabouts which was easily done bv mean» of a tag of wool from n slicep attached to a stuck s primitive kind <>f dag still used < n many greens, aiinoat in its original form. Since these early daya the essentiAls of the game have altered but little.” i ---------- * ■ The hand of fortune often looks suspiciously like four aces. , It must be tough on the jailer I who has a loiof felons on his hands. Sonic folk see tn to think tha’ to forgive is human and to err divine. When a woman uiisplaee« any­ thing she always think« it has been : stolen. Don’t forget the old man v ith the fish on his back. I or nearly thirty years he 1 's been traveling around the \ orhl, and is still traveling, b inging health and ccmfort nerever he goes. io the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh l.c so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish arc now grown up and have children of their own. 1 Ic stands for Scott’s Emu!« sion of pure cod liver oil—a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flush and strength. SCOTT * BOWNE. Chemlota. -«CO-415 Pearl Street. New York. 5Oc. and Sl.OO: alldrugfiiti. NOTIN ANYTRUST Mar v n- wapanrra haw lately gtvrn currency n purta by .rre-pouiible parties to the «fleet Ilia I THE MEW HOME IEWINQ MACHINE CO fold entered a tnst or combination; we wish to a-nd have cstuhllalicd a reputation for our- ► Iv. - anil <>ur um, lilncathat la the envy ot all • ■for-. <>ur •*.X«ar Hanir" machine ha< ii - v . r lio n rivaled as a family machln.-.—It Mund» at the hmdofall High Grotto sewing rnu<'hin<-a,and stands on lu own merit«. Ike “ Xew floMr” i«theo«alp realty HIGH GSADL Sowing Xnehine on the mnrket. It 1« not wexary for os to enter info a trust t< • fave our cn-dit or pay any debts an we have nndetita to jay. We have never entered Into roinpetition with manufacturers of low grade rfu-.ip iUMchin,« that arc made to sell regard- I- -.« Of any intrinsic merit». Do not be d»- ■ Ivcd, when > ou want a ar wing machine don't ►. til your money away from home; call on i. •• .Vere Hnmr ” Dealer, he can aell you u l-ett* r inac bine for lev than you can purchaae « le-where. If there la no dealer near you, write direct to us. THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE CO ORANGE, MASS New York, Chicago, III., St. Izrala, Mo., AtUin- tn, < >«., Dallas, Tex., ban Franclaco, Cal. TRY A Martin s 0? i««b«« JOO YAVfifi T»AJFCTONT Hetwht M I SO peni« Th* Ur-tcMtM irnjinhigh power is i tie T? <0 A! ar Un with SmairelfM Slcti liarr r/ uimf 3? lOHifh PmiurtCtr- trilgfi Tin« Cartridge has a ve- loettv of over 2,OfX) Fert second with consequent f’at fraiertorv and treat killing power. NFW BAVIN, CC» I , U RANT •«■œartr j One Dollar • I 'THIS is the cheap«', ar.d beat * Faihicu Magazine row ba- I ! th-. Ame-iexi public, it shews N«w Ideas in I'nahiotA, in Millinery, Embfc.de y, . ... in Cooking, .joking. in Woman's Work nd in Reading; i beauttf.il/ Ulus! ■d in colors aid In black and w‘ Above all, it s' >ws the very fa nable New lot* S vlss made fr New lot* P at - irews. which c •'y /. each. ; I Send Fiv? Cents To-day f-it mg!» »ryot 'co lea* Won*»'» y»i»ztvt and tev ■ »« r'«ai ra.ua ‘ i the money It can t‘ •• you. THE MIW I«. r>t i-ut... FCBLIkJtIWO CO X.w W T Probably a married tuan «hows his yea:s more than a bachelor be­ cause he has to carry a few of his wife's. ------- - --------- Jorgensen, optician, jeweler and stationer. i This paper and The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean 1150 for one year. “Special deal” Lost—a gold watch chain and charm. Finder will be rewarded bv returning same to this office. • m « sms ' i l«r»»lae FMIr. Jorgenson is still to the front with low prices Call and see bis litje of watches, clocks, jewelry. stationery, etc. Maj. .lames B. Pond, of world-wide repute as a pilot of celebrities of the concert stage and the “lyceum.” tells of a waiter, a Scotsman >-f whom he I once inquired the exact time to leave to catch the morning boat plying be­ tween the river town where he was visiting and the next stopping place on Lia itinerary. ‘‘Werl. I canua* tell ye jist whit tip-.e ‘twill be; but If ye’ll leave flve min- uites afore ye ae*- the steamer cowin’ roon the p’int. ye'll jist be in time to cotch it, sir.”—Philadelphia Tin es. WOOD.—Good Juniper wood for sale io any quantity, Prices going up. Call ou W. E. Hust-ill in the Durkheimer building. For a bilious attcek take Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets and a quick cure is certain For sale by H. M. Horton. Burns ; Fred Haines, Harney. There is a movement on foot to divide the Eighth Judicial District, consisting of the counties ot Baker, Union and Wallowa, into two dis­ tricts. Union and Willow« will constitute one district ankl. IkreylltK»,, k«««» »11 U»r II«« u« I,«,« ««rd II tor iki l«»l tv» y»an. I n««»r «•<« aiy rkUdrr» •ay vUwr l««Mhr. i tklak I r««M »•«•r Be aki* 1» w«k wltkoat It us «reoant »t tolas treaklvd wllk • -aatl|Mtl«a. laar aaadklaa 1» all U>at krepa ap. V. «. lr»'4«LA.X>. For Winter Reading you cannot find a more liberal offer. If any of the above, however, do not strike you as what you want, write ua. we will give you a good liberal olubbing offer with any periodical published in the Uniltd Si ales, Don't put it off. New is your time. Address, BO VIARI' EXPKRIKNCC * ■ P atents J, TRADX or» < «RAM« D c « mn « C opyright « A c . Anron* «eT.Hi.rf a akoirh and deMTlna mar nukkly MBONtain <*ir optnwwi frw» wh«ily pMBfitahU. CowtrnunW-A- tn n« fit ridir coundentuü. Handbook on Eairnia • ■ • fr.'.» « »I.I pm nrrnry for ••runnfjfilsfiU. I*««ent« takm thr-uMh Munt. X Co. rj ' u*t wt’boMt ebnrre. ia th« Scientific Hmerkan. A tmnù»H-ly It1.iotrat»4 «reeSIv. ! vml Hr miai Ion ut «»v artonus« >H*n*aU Tanta. SI a uonlt». fl. AoM byall »«»»OMtan. New lori ?o \ CX r MU Wutilar«. D. c. cours" of «tody ; ea' h departin'* i filled bv a specialist Latin and eco i' aMAS. S«errtarv i Jn genera! the profession in Uiis country is united in the belief t ha t ether ia a much more satisfactory anaesthetic than chloroform. A not reorsiderab*e number, however, fr*-- fcr chloroform, particularly under es- pecia: cireumstsrcea. and acme opera­ tors «ho nave r.o v.e.l-cquippcd clln- o .- b ut tueir command tend to uaechlo- rniorm when working by artificial light, and particularly i;> ill-equipped houses. It is. however, known bv most pharmacologists and by many other» that ch'orofcrm has dangers when used by artificial tight, but this fact is by no means generally recog- nixed. 1’er-sons have been killed by the decomposition of chloroform by gas­ light. It has been attempted |<> over- cotr.c the dangt r of the production of this form of poisoning by placing sod.t or borax solution or milk of lime in Hie operating-room, but these methode have I; eii shown to b- wholly instifli- licnt.- 1‘hiLir .................... . ’i-lplód Mrcical Journal. WAGONS! WAGONSi We will sell you a Mitchell, Rushford or Webber Farm Bed Wagon ; Steel Skein $85.CO •'H if 90.00 r 105 00 Send your orders to us, O. C. Co. The Chicago Weeklv Inter Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub lished in Chicago in connection with the great daily papers. It contains a judiciously selected ■umruarv of the news of the nation and world the Best stories, home, farm, woman's, and other special departments, ami fair, patriotic, able editorials, written from u Re­ publican viewpoint. It is by far the best grnerul i»ewspa|>er ot the Western States. The regulnr price fm the Weekly Inter Ocean is 11.00 and for the Harney Valiev Items 11 50, but subscriptions will be re­ ceived at this office for the two papers in combination for one year for only $1.-50. . J , . 1 * T . he tried tl»IH retne«iy. It gave him i ' imn.edinfn sov. U T t Little, tssl. | immediate roliof relief,” ’> eays B.T. * «‘»♦’reliant, Hancock, Md. For sale H M. Horton, Burn«; Fred ( Haiuc«, Hurney Í IFYOUARE A FARMER i Mr. D. 1’. Daugherty, well known ! throughout Mercer and Summer counties, W. Va., most likely oaoh his life to the kiminer's of a neigh- . I»or. He was almost hopelessly af­ flicted with diarrhoea; was attend­ I ed bv two physicians who gave nim I little, if any, re.ief, when a neigh­ bor learning of his serious condi­ tion. brought him a bottleof Cham­ I berlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diar­ rhoea Remedy, which cured him in less than twenty-four hours, For sale by H. M Horton, Burns; Ered Haines, Harney. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken in­ ternally. and acts directly on the bl rod and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney atc.-e .f OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for 32.00. < blurutuem aa« Ga»ll«tol. of Ite kind in H mv Always Bot^l To any on* sending us $1.50, ona year’» subscription to the I tems , we will mail the Chicago Weekly Inter Oeeun one year free, or to any one sending us three cash subscription for the two paper we will give a year's subcriplion to each paper free, <>r The Had the Moat Seleaee. The Oregon Lumber Compat-t and the Sumpter Valley Katlw v have pai«l $40.000 per ve«r i s tithing, into the Mormon church for the past three years. This is 10 per cent of their annual income Bear, tka SDaatue •f o I Constipation is not hl ng more than a ck»tg>iiR of the bow via ami nothing k-u tluui vital stag­ nation nr death if not relieved. If every const i|>ated auffrnr cvuld realise that he is allowing pohonous tilth to remain in his sv«tain, ho would soon g. t relief. Couvtipation invites all kind of «fotnagioa. Headaches, bilioua- tress, cold» and many other ail­ ments di-app,-ar when oon»ti- pated bowels are relieved. Tbe.l- ford's Black-Draught thoroughly ■ leans ent the bowels in an easy «nJ natural manner without 11« purging of .-aloiuvl or other vio­ lent cathartic«, IV sure that yon gvt th«* origi­ nal Thedford’s Black-ltnwgnt, rua set the boy right. ‘He won.’ was the prompt reply, -because be bad more science than the other guy.’ Chi­ cago Chronicle. I S. A. Reduced to FIFTY ' CENTS A YEAR ! Nev? Idea Woman’s Magazine I The more the amateur learns about gardening the more he doesn’t try to raise his own vegetables. O hio ,C ity or T oi . kdo .) L l ' ucas C ounty . j i I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that I Le is senior partner of the firm of | F. J. Cheney 40. for th« »h« SW »W quartar of ot seetloa 21 tn To'vnthip Mo. 21 «., Manga he. MH B Sha name* a, witnesses : Jam.. Oard. Pater Oard. J. w galee and Moab Oard. all of Lawn. Oregon. W m flirt, kfllitu. Buy a |»ostal card and send to The New York Tribune Fsmier. New York Cilv, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers an«l their families and stands at the head of tho agricultural press. The price is $1 00 per year, but if yon like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at a bargain Both papers $1 50. Send money and order to The ITEMS. : I »1.00 — t M w - j W eekly I i ^ ter • J • e •ï-ool O cean ! : : The Greatest Republican Paper of tho Went. TT is the most £ stalnart sat unswerriag Repubticaa Weekly ye- lisbed today aod can aiwaya be relied spoil for fair aad howeet re- ports oi all political affair« • nr»-1 The Weekly - Inter Ocean Napgllee A I of the Na«ra } • UdE? | «nd the tl Beat ot Current Literature. {«^4» It ia Morally Clean, and as a Family Taper ia WiibMM a Peer. It» Literary column» are equal to those ot the best magaxiaes. It» Youti’a Department A ihe f nest ot Its kind.......................... ” f.-m-lv tbn ew of tfco «wir» w »rt