Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 27, 1902, Image 3

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The little three )«ar old girl of
Mr. and Mr* Ad Gilliam fell from
a chair, Wednesday of thi* week,
and ent an ugly gush in her head,
ih '< < *MÌtatHig several rtit< lie* by
Dr. Ifooplu to eluso up the wound.
Aule Gazette.
It is understood that un < JTort
will be made to change the date
of Oregon’s state election from the
first Monday in June to the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in
November, al the coming session
of tho statu legislature. There
would seem to be no reason why
iff prescriptions is rm child'* play. this slnr.ild not be done.
It require* cuuscientiouB care ttrul
accttratQ know ledge of drug* and
Hon. M. A. Moody ha* preaecl n
their r«lati»tiH to each other. We
. lot of land shark* to tho wall in
take *tt hotieet pride in the purity
tlio lioune, which saved nnexchange
<»t ottr drugs, ut.d the skill und lie
uf over 1,500,000 acre* of 1-cent
curacy with which we compound
|a-r acre Indian reservation land*
Lent un your physician'«) order.'
<mwi. it) Now Mexico and Arirona
for no equal amount of valuable
lantl in Oregon and Washington in
II. W. AVIXCOMEA <•<> ••
inter«st of it ¡«.nd grant rail­
Mr. Mood's record in th«
I house entitle* him to a seat in the
i acuate.—Moro Observer.
Proper Compounding
Burns Drug Store
A question him arisen among
luwvcrsasto whether or not the
ollicc of stute land agent exists.
The new Bellinger and Colton code
*av« it docs not—Times Mountain­
eer. Bellinger and Cotton may be
wrong, though there are very few
people in the state hut what hope
they are correct. It would have
Is vii greatly to Oregon’s ieput.ition
und financial interests if h«r law
makers Lad years ago discovered
that a state land agent was tin un-
necessary evil.—Dufur Dispatch.
Si U> <1 Ollto.CtTV i I ToU-TxM
Lt»« AH Col NTV
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
In- is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney .t Co , doing businea*
in the City of Toledo, County and
Stat«* aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay tie- «utu of One Hundred
Dollar* for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot !•« < tire 1 by
the use of llull'ii Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscrib­
The old K. S. b. store building
ed in my presence, ttiis (¡th day o at the corner of Main street and
December, A. D I.MW.
Nevada avenue has been torn down
A. AV. Glea>on.
and will be removed to Arcadia.
\ -
• SKA I. >
Notary Public.
This building was moved from
/--------- >
Weiser to Ontario over eighteen
11 all's Catarrh Cure is taken In­
ago. and was first occupied
ternally, and acts directly on the
T. Danilfon und Seth II.
LI >o«i ami mucous surfaces of the
Oliver as u store building, being
■ysleiu. Sind for testimonials, free.
F. J ('In ney A- Co.. T> b 1 >, 1 >. the first general mercantile store
in Ontaria. The firm ufterward
Sold by all Druggist, 75c,
merged into the Kieecl. Shilling A
Hall'* Family Pills are the best.
Danilson company and later be­
came the Oregon Forwarding Co.,
A lteniarkablc Itccord.
one of the largest inercuntile firms
Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy in Oregon.—Ontario Democrat.
hiu> u remarkable record. Il hns
been in UM« for over thirty years,
4a Acrobatie Ptaalet.
during which time many million
A Milan correi poudrai tel.» ..f
Imitier have been sold und used. It pianist named Ikmcis, who at Venice
Las long lieen the standard and m-ently net himself to break tho rec­
main reliance in the treatment of on! of piano playing. no far a* time
I» enr-erned.
Apparently what the
croup in thoesands of homes, yet tnU'i n ‘ nd to turpai» wa« u 4«
during all this tim« no case has hours* sitting at the instrument. Thia
ever been reported to the manufact­ he undertook to do by hammering the
key» for it) consecutive hour*, that ap­
urers in which it failed to effect n palling period being only broken by
cure. When given as soon us the three short rest* of ten minutes each.
feat was duly accomplished in
child become* hoarse or even ns Thia
the presence of a committee of «loe-
soon as the croupy cough appears, tors anil musiciana. When the two
it will prevent the attack. Ilia day*, two nights and two hours had
| expired, llancia played the Italian na-
pleasant to take, many children 1 tionnl nnthem with a jubilant flourish.
like it.
Il contains no opium or and left the piano amid the enthuai-
other harmful Fubstanc* and may istic cbeera of au enormous audience.
The whole of the receipt* were given
Le given iu coniidetitly to a baby to the fund in »Id of the survivor* «if
as to un adult. For rale by IL M, the recent volcanic disasters in the
Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har­ West Indies.--London New-.
1‘karlaa the Blame.
Oregonian and livrai«, *2.00.
Th)» ilfnatuie I* on evsiT bo» ot lb* iconu.ai
Laxative Bromo-Quinine
reoioö/ »bat eure» n e»M la one day
4 bancss for ■ Divorce.
lie—I understand young Simkina
and his wife are not living happily
She—What seems to be. the trouble?
“Incompatibility of temper."
“Which is at fault?"
“Both. Be furnishes the incompati­
bility uud she supplies the temper."—
Chicago 1’sity New».
A Happy New Year
those taking in the
Oregonian and Items, A'bHi
Fall and Winter Goods
We are now reradvi.ig our Fall and Winter goods consisting of
Frank Jackson, and 'J. J. Ain;-
kind* of l>ry Goods. Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Ac Ao.
rnerville have broken up tbeir
stock of Ladies' bn m Goods. Outing Flannels. Ladies and
wood camp and will probably re- j
John King and family have re-
Underwear and Shoes are unexcelled. We invite you to
tn «in in town the reiuainder uf the ’
turned to town.
; inspect stock and obtain prices. We quarantee eat-
J. II. Jordan, of Lawen.came «I»
IL B. Duncan, of Ftletn, a broth­
on business Wednesday.
er of the late N. E. Duncan, of
J. L. Htx, of Lawen, was up for Draarsey, was in Burns this week
on business connected with tbs
the Christmas festivities.
administratorship of his brother's
Miss Alma Bowers is the guest of
Rev. and Mr*. A. J. Irwin'
J. W. Shown, of Harney, wae in
Carrol Cecil, of Silver Creek, W the city the first of the week en­
among our holiday visitor«.
route to Hot Lak«, Union county,
Joo Rector, was in from hi» horn« wfiere fie will rusticate for awhile
Graduates of the School ore in constant,
in the hope of benefiting hia rheu­
at Crow Camp Christmas day.
demand at salaries ranging from »40.00 tn
matism.—Ontario Argue.
per month. Students take th«»
A. P Duncan and son, Leonard,
J. A. Oard. of Rock Creek, was in
Mate examination v during their emirs«
aie spending the week in Burns.
in the school and .ore prepared to receive
Burn* on busineaH Monday, and
Slate Certificates on graduation.
John E. Harper and family. of Tuesday. Mr. Oard says he has
Expenses range from »120.00 to »175.«0
Narrows are spending tho week
his sheep on pasture nt hi* Lawen
per .year.
ranch and that they are in fine
Strong Normal course and «'ell equip­
ped Training Depart ruetit.
Many a man is compelled to lx*
The fall terra opensjiept. 16.
u nuisance in order to attract at­
O. Calkins was taken liefore the
For catalogue containing full informa­
tion, address
examining board Tuesday and
We understand efforts are being adjudged insane. AV.AV.Johnson
made to secure a pardon for Mrs. and Sam Motherehead were un­
pointed guards, they leaving with
the unfortunate man AVedttetduv
James Paul, the Happy Valley
enroutc to the asylum.
ahi-eptnan, is spending tbe holidays
in Burns.
Th«' Christmas tree exereiree at
Business College were enjoyed
M. R Bigg*, of Prineville, was
W. E. THINGS. Vrejvister.
large crowd. The building
in Bt.ru« on business several days
was unable to accommodate all
during the week.
thoae wishing to attend ar.d num­
The man who feels like the king ber« returned home. The program
Drinks mixed to suit your ta*La. Courteous treatment guarautod
at night usually feels like a deuce was excellent and wae well ren­
• *
in the morning.
*1 •*
Your patronage Solicited.
This paper and The Chicago
It is reported that a movement
Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one
is on foot to have all gambling laws
yeai. “Special deal”
repealed or at least modified so that
The Burns public school closed open gambling cun be one of the
Wednesday for the holidays and industries of the state. The bill
will be presented to the legislature
will open Monday, January 5.
when that body meets in Salem
Joel Smith returned thia week
next month.
from Winnemucca where ho went
G. W. Clevenger i* in the field
with u band of company cattle.
the hightest price«) for hides
Lost—a gold watch chain and
He has fitted up a
charm. Finder will lie rewarded
and will
by returning same to this office.
make regular tiipa through the
It is reported that N. U. Carpen­ county thia winter. Keep your
ter has purchased the interests i hide* and pelt* for him and re­
of W. Y. Kingin the sawmill busi­ ceive the higbeet market price* for
The ease of Hull Hotchkiss vs.
The Band bov* gave an open air
George W. Young will be^enrd be­ concert from the balcony’ of the
fore the State Supreme court De­ Rum* Hotel Thursday afternoon,
cember 30.
which was appreciate«! by a large
.Jorgensen, optician, jeweler
Lunaberg & Dalton
A large number of the Island
boys participated in the event of
the reason-— the Band Boys Christ­
inas dance.
number who had gathered for the
occasion. The boy* are showing a
marked improvement under the
efficient leadership of Prof. Frank
Miller & Thompson,
Jorgensen is still to the front
Burns Lodfo, No. 97, A.O, U. W..
with low prices. Call and see his
line of watches, clocks, jewelry, last evening, elected the following
officer* for the ensuing term : H A.
stationery, etc.
Dillard, P. M. AV.; J. J. Tupker,
G. W. Clevenger and W II. M. W.; A. C. Welcome, F , II. S.
Williams returned Thursday from Brownton, O.; F. W. McClintook,
a hid«' buying trip through the Guide; Cbaa. N. Ctichrane, Record­
Silver Creek Faction.
er; L. Woldenberg, Jr., Financier;
WOOD.—Good Juniper wood H. M, Horton, Receiver; Wm. G
for sale ia any quantity, Prices Farrc, I. W.; Ira Stubblefield. O. W.
going up. Cull on AV. E. Huston i
Mr. I). P. Daugherty, well known I
in the Dttrkbeimcr building.
throughout Mercer am! Summer
The Business College students counties, AV. A’a.. moat likely owes
laid aside their studies Monday i his life to the kindness of a neigh- I
evening for <i short holiday vaca­ ' bor. He was almost hopeb-ssly af-
tion They will resume their work . dieted with diarrhoea ; was atterd-
again Monday.
ed bv two physicians who gave nirn
The city treasury was the re­ little, if any, re.ief, when a neigh­
cipient of some very substantial bor learning of his serious condi- |
Christmas presents this week. tion. brought him a Lot tie of Cham­
They came through Recorder AVold- berlain's Colic, Cholera und Diar­
enberg assisted by Marshal George. rhoea Remedy, which cured him in
less than twenty-four hours, For
L. B. Springer came in from sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered
Cord. Malheur County, yesterday, Ilnines, Harney.
wher«' he is spending the Winter
The Chicago AVeekly Inter Ocean
with his sister. Mrs. May Seaweard.
’..«'only weekly newspaper pub-
He expects to leave for home to­
<1 in Chicago in connection
: with the great daily papers, It
Peter Oard, of Harney county,
contains a judiciously »«lectcd
passed through the city Saturday
sutiiuinrv ot the news of the nation
last enroute home from a visit to
and world, the best stoiies. home,
California and the east, Mr Gard's
farm, woman's, and other special
brother and family accompanied
department«, and fair, patriotic,
him from
able editorials, written from a Re­
publican viewpoint. It is by far
the beat general ncwspajicr ut the
We will sc rll you a Mitchell, AA’cstern State«. The regular price
Rushford or Webber Farm Bed for the AA’cekly Inter Ocean is 11.00
Wagon ;
I and for tho Harney Valley Items’
Steel Skein 185CO
’ $1.50, but subscription.« will be re
34 „
I ceive»! at this ollicc tor the two
8? „
I papier? in combi.htrion for one year
Send your orders to us, O. C, Co. , for ouly
Succegaora to ft. A. Miller 4 Co,
tricts. I nion and Willowa will
constitute one district and Baker
Sab»tl«at»a for Panama !«•<•■
county will constitute a judicial
Panama straw huts arc highly
diet rict bv itself, if the plan as nt
f.»^hior.at!r in Japan, though on ac­
present contemplated is carried count. of the price, which is much
higher than that of the ordinary
His Life Sav«d by ('hauiberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
‘•R. L. Byer, a well known cooper
of title town. Bays he believes Cham-
berla'nV Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy saved his life last
summer. II«- had been sick for a
month with what the doctors call
bilious dysentery, and could get
nothing to <lo him any good until
he tried this remedy It gave him
iiritncdiatc relief,” eavs R.T. Little,
merchant. Hancotk. Md. For sal«
bv 11 M. Horton, Burn«; Fred
Haines, Harner.
Joe Clark, Charley lA>ggan. Rad
The Capital Saloon
Mi*» Oltlfimer—It !» no! fvr lack of
opportunities that I remained unmar­
There is a movement on foot to ried.
Her Niece I presume no’; but the
divide th)' Eighth Judicial District,
consisting of the counties of Baker. nwn do not uhui. takr nd’untsge of
the opportunities that are offered
Union and Wallowa, into two dis­ them.—Woman's Home Companion.
straw hat», they arc bought only by
the rich or the fashionable. This
obstacle may be removed if, ns re-
|>orte<i in an Osaka paper, the sub­
nt it ute* for the Pauama straw found
in middle Formosa are really adapt­
ed for the purpose. Tlie substitutes
are said to be the fibers of the
Iraves of a certain tropica) trie of
very rapid growth. Sil fiber* can
be obtained from each leaf, which is
about four inches wide and four feet
long, and it is said that the coat of
in,w)o fibers ia about six yen. A cer­
tain foreign firm of Yokohama ia
said to haic already given a large
order for the fibers, ond the Panama
hats made with this now material
may therefore uppear on the mar­
ket this summer. It the new fibers
ur* really suited for headgear For­
mosa may be said to have hit upon n
new resource.—Jaj>an Weekly Times.
Local and Genera!.
For th
by : « : : i
Strauss Bros
Goad cl«tkM;<vatrthata aack tohappi-
Maa. loa pain the poixt In 8tHUM Bros.'
■ad«garweat*. They armnadeadentileally
(• yovr «xaiet mAaihure by highly aktlied
U1 Im (a ei*an. aanitaly «hapc. Every detail
from frat te lut glvan the in in alert attentfen, th«
ranlt being garments distinctly share the erdiaary
and absolutely satisfactory
wlli *’*der
how it ran be done at the low prier« qnoted. OH and sec
oir liuoof 600 samples efebolcMl new waoleu.