WORK FOR OUR REPRESENT ATM E<., Ii «o slionld rsiimincn list .»f the PUN- 1 NI PARAGRAPHS. men a ho I i.ive left their uiflrk on Pu - i- -Nell—"Dill Ml«» Billy- the world, wc should tin I tb it, is To urge tin i h'ctiou of an East­ n,rule, it is not composed of those v.m» i t h - i’ l «a* u »even- blow Hell, «h .'n’t g*t the prince ern Oregon nut i. for United States who were brilliant in vouth, or who Phil* \ ► . took the count. gave grout promt«? at the ottlset of i1 i i - Krconl. Senator. V.’s th« matter with .lliu»'in'.‘r their enreerr-, but tatlu r of the Bills for a High School in Burna. •Poetor say» it'» a complication plodding voting men who, if they Plavvit pingqtong, golf, bicycled and SITI KPA Y DKCFMHER27. t!K To make Harney Count»' a fair have not dmried by their brilliancy, got a motorcar, and thr four kinds of I face» were too much for him."- I on district. t have bad the power of n days work ilnn Answers. Vet cz jola and the allied powers Giving the county courts the in . them, who could stay by a Eezymark “ \ lady tidd my fortun. wish President Roosevelt to arli- I right to tax mtgratorv bands of task till it wriis done and w» 11 done: yesterday, nnd she »aid I would meet trate tneir differences. It will 1-c who would have the grit, persist­ with a fltuncinl reverie." Seepltck sheep. "And did you'."* L'*rymr.-k—‘‘Sur< ' in good hands. ency. common sense and Lumwty. She charged' me $C." Ohio State .tour- Givii g Burns tl.o right to ¡."tic Il i« the steady exercise of these nal. ‘‘Troubled w ill f IfO.iW for ordinary, Jiomely virtues united Bid y oil ever trt any i>f*nv medicine'.'" Washington will be asked for $!<*♦. building improvements. with average ability, rather than a a-iked the druggist, 'uh, yc«-. blit it UK> for the Lewis and Clark Fair, deceptive display of more showy I wasn't that that give it to m*. I hud it lor.gbefore 11 ook any of your stuff.' t hia s ho being recommended by THE ENJOYMENT <>F MISERY, qualities in ynvth that enables a Yonkers Sfaie«man. t ne commission appointed to look man to achieve greatly and honor- "By the vv ay," reminded the curious into the matter. ablv. So if we were to attempt to irquircr. •'«hat's a »ynonymona ft i How can any body et jov being make a forecast of the successful prosal ■ r -I . ■ I ■ ■ \t. r- pl.ed Joakley, "there's ‘ton»«>rial . men of the future, we sh ’t.ld not emporium.* No time should b*= lest in organ­ miserable? and linircntting parlor.' " Men do, nnd so f that hanger-on fruni th' convention should take this matter mosphere of gloom. cast"" Horrible llank—“lie's »tilt They towin by a short route—Ex. in hand and see that an organiza­ trouble to their breasts, bangin' or.t" l ariat Luke—"Down ai make mountains out of mole hills, ______________ tlie Red I've saloon"" )i« ri ilde llank tion is effected. ■.Nau; bangin’on t<-w acuttonwiMid and there are tears nnd groans I tree at th* edge of town."—Ohio State The respect which President where there should bo smiles. .<• Late press state that Roosevelt has comma*'!.d in Ger What fools' The Point of Biffcrener. -"Youdon't Marconi’s experiments in wireless Perhaps yon have a cynic in manv ami England prou is ■ to mean to cite your g.iverumrtit a« an telegraphy between Cape Breton, of a republic." ’AVell," an­ vour employ. You cun pick him hold in restraint any lorritorial exsniplc swered the South American dictnt< i. Canada, and Cornwall, England, out with yonr eyes shut. He has temptation those natioi s may ex- I "tticrv'a only i ne ¡idle different c l.e i avc proved entirely successful. tween our republic and yonr*. Instead the blui s from Monday morning peril nee in regard to Venezuela. This is liable to cause a slump iu <-f elections wc have revolution»." till Saturday night He will tell Washington Star. the price of cable stock. vou that he always gets the worst Two Sinner» "It ■ very wr«nr to Those states which are wifi : I of it from every body: that hia enough to r.tum th? s: m • men to ••II a fal»«'h-io.I.” said hi« mother l<< It is r.o surprise that u number talent isn’t recognized: that he isn't theSei.ale and the house year year ittle Jimmie, who hnd caught him ii ■ne. “Then wi-'rc both offul »loner» of Webfoot papers are opposed to getting enough money ; that there after are the ones who actually ain't we, mmv?" queried Jlmini<. th* election of an Eastern Oregon is no future for him—nnd a lot of participate in and profit by uuti.>u- "Beth! What do inti mean?" "ttliy. you told Min-u« Smith yi-stenlay that Hi*, for United States Senator tommyrot like that. al legislation. yon lto|Me burning in your A Pacific cable, under the sole rst insect know n. 1» aoinef ime« 11 in< |k. breast and you can ’ t be miserable representative Burleigh, of Wal­ I control of the I’nited State.«, prom­ rs tong. Il in wingt*»«. but some ape long. There is always a tomorrow ises to constitute another nom , :... .( “tick in«*ct* bate l>enutiful lowa county, will intro luce a bill colored wings that fold like fans. ahead. Perhaps it will bear more ment to President Roosevelt’s tirai I Several factories have been built m nt the coming session of the logisla- fruit thin it did today.—The Germany for the manufacture ••r term. lure to give the state county at­ Dalles Clnoniclc. “fore»t wool" out of pine needle*, b i torneys in placeof district attorneys. is used fur making underclothes anil This would certainly be an im­ Scnat >r Beveridge’s report on the for -tufting mattresres and furniture. Oneclause in the President’s mes­ territorial bill is a ma-t-rlv state­ One of the rr.o-t important indu*- provement on the present svsti m tries attaching to the cheap power sage seemed too important to be and is the plan aow in force in ment of the facts and an able de. now produced by Nitrars is the- etc* ■ most of the states. Each count» crowded into our coudenstd report, duction of sound conclusions. trical tearing apart of the mclveiil*- of < ornincn unit. result ng in the forma­ in Idaho, for example, ha* i s at­ where it might get lost amid col­ tion of caustic soda and bleaching torney and it has proved much umns of wise taik about tiusts and Som*» fond mothers spore the rod powder. tariffs, ar.d so cn. In fact it seem- more satisfactory to the people A portable «tree! light of great il­ and spoil the slipper luminating power it the devier of the Hinn the former system of districts ed worthy of a separate place in After nil, patience is about the Westminster lountv council for les comprising a large number of this paper, quite by itself. Every «cuing accidents from London f< g». counties. Our legislature should boy or girl or man or woman who highest form of podtness. A cylindrical tank 1» inches in ilistn The hand of fortune often looks * -r anil I wo feet high is chai gr gallon* of petroleum, and com to dumb animals, and w ho ha« seen Oregon its own attorney, who suspiciously like four aces. pressed air fore*» tapor from the oil etiould look after al! its business the text of the message knows what I It must Im tough on the jailer into a standpipe provided witli a and not have his duties distributed that cla ise is, without being told who has a lo .of felons on his hands. burner. On igniting the torch flare» up-IS inehei to two feet. With a power mroughout the various coui tits It occurs among the suggestions of 1.000 candles. in regard to the reorganization of comprising the districts under the I.croy Beaulieu, a well-known econ­ omist of Pari*, bn, declared tfi* present system,—Ontario Demo­ of the army, and the substance of leisure class of men will han- to work it is’that congress is requested to crat. for their living in 1051. 11 <• made t hi ■ appropriate a iuw of money which interesting atatemenl in n lecture mi will enable the secretary of war to I In- eon ve rail-n of the french t h ree and one-half per cent, debt into thro»- per keep and cure for cavalry horses A flirt is a girl whose first lov* cent. tx>nds. tie said tliai tin- rate of worn out in long performance of interest i» I'ouvtaiitl.r decreasing, and duty. Think r5•'ll* w«rk of life. Tlint lia« ful servant, the horse, is toiling for stoiiinch for tho past four years, bcm il.» history r>t the range coun­ his Allow creature, man.—Little .■ »•* D. L. Roach, of Clover Nook « try: swift ruin for 30 or 4f) year«, Farm, Greenfield. Ma»s. “A few sviti* a reauliing wreck that it «.ill Chronicle. dare ago 1 was induced t? buy a require a cení iry of hard work, per­ • mx r.f ( ban.berlii'.n’? Stomatb nnd severance .and self-control to «ave. • I i-niury. Liver Tablets. I IiB-.o laltrn part nfthrm and feel ngrentdeal bctler.” If you Lave any trouble with y our «■tc-i: acli trv a lm\-of tluFe 'I'ubTcts. Yon are certain to tc pbn«cd with the rf'-te.«l grade in tbo ' Inland Empire. Place a trial order annr Is supplied with none but the very best brand* of Wince, Liquors and Carbonated drinks, and the Choir* st Cigars Yonr patronage solicited Courteous treatment to til! Corner north of postoffice. I Bar LEE CALDWELL Proprietor. YOU ARE A FARMER And Ifilve One Cent Buy a postal card and send to The New York Tribune Farmer. New York City, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer is n National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for farmer* und their families, and stands nt the bead of the agricultural press. Tim price is f I 00 per year, But if von like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at a bargain Both papers if I 50. Send money and order to The ITEMS. PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if wc fail. Any one sanding sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tho patent­ ability of same. “IIow to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale ,qt our expense. Patents taken out through us reoeivo special notice, without < barge, in T he P atent R ecord , an Olnstrated anil widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send fur »ampin copy FREE. Address, WOTOf? X CVAAW « CO., (Patent Attorney»,', BuiltHng, WASHINGTON. O. C : «\ • 5