The Oldest and Most Reliable. dateli shed m the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. The Best Aavertisi ng , Medium. í f-V Valley Items rawx’at'“ vol . ie. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1902. Bl..To ear V«ar. ail Moalk« JS Crnte. NO.5. ■■■■■■■■■ victims were sneepoien. Part of Over-Work Weakens Davis’ duties are understood to Your Kidneys. have been the keeping sheep off the range. VakeaUhy KtJncyi Make impart Blood. At the time of the murder Davis Harney Lake Nunter to Capture linker Chamber of Commerce is All the bland in ystw body poses through was a refugee from justice, having Petitioned In Matter. your kijney-. once r-rrr y three minutes. Kare Bird. Thn kidneys are year •hot another siuMptnan iri Novem­ blood purifier.-.. they fil­ ber before. He was finally found ter cut ¡he waste or impurities in the blood. at Yuma, Arizona, and was If they are sick or out A Baker City correspondent to put on trial in April, 1897. He! R. Bolon, Ontario’s taxidermist, ci order, they fall to d> the Oregoiiiau of the 19th says: their work. was c«>nvioted of murder in the haajust arranged with a hunter on Pair..-,, achesandrheu- "N U. Carpentet, cashier of the first degree and sentenced to death. Harney I Ake for the capture of all matiom come from ex­ First National Bank of Burns, and He was sentenced twice after that, j the black ibis that may put in their cess cf uric acid in the Hardtaart of Enory Daaoription. blood, due to neglected ' fl. C lAvens, of Harney County, End in July, 1901, the board com­ appearance there iu the spring. kidney trouble. I and about 20 other prominent citi­ muted his sentence to life imprison­ There »» r.o other place in the Kkhicy trouble causes quick or unsteady BL R MB, OHEGOJi. ; beats, and makes one foel as though zens of the county, have written a ment. The case went through the United Stale« where this bird is bear they had heart trouble, because the heart is letter to the president and mem­ state courts nnd up to the Supreme found, and if Mr. Bolon succeeds over-working iu pumping thick, kidney- puiioned bloicd through veins and arteries. bers of the Chamber of Commerce Court of th« United State». in getting 20 ibis during the com­ It used to be considered lhat only urinary asking aid in their efforts to per- were to be traced to the kidneys, Its most remarkable feature was ing season ho will be more than troubles bat now modern science proves that nearly 'Huade the owners of the Sumpter brought forwartl nfter all resources satisfied. The ibis makes its ap-1 all caiisut'jtionai diseases have their begir.- Valley Railroad to extend their of the law had been exhausted.' penrance on the chain of hikes in I ni-.ig in l.idney trouble yon are sick you can make no mistake road from Whitney to Burns. They Then it was alleged that the two Eastern Oregon about March 1 and by If first doctoring your kldueyx The mild 1 slate, among other thing», that the and the extraerdinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer’.» men hsd been killed by J. E Bow­ remains three months. No nest Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is wool ..lip of Harney County to over ers and Jeff Gray in self-defense has ever been found here in Oregon, soon realized. It stands the highest for its 12.000.000 pounds They have 20, John c Parks, Governor elect of I or elsewhere in the United States. wondeifui cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits <)U0 head of cattle in th . country, xevB(ki 1Iiaje n statement to the ■ The birds are grown when hutxan by all drttggfc-ts in lifty- 3000 horse«, 2000 mules, all of bo.rd that Bowers told him about eyes are first laid upon them. cent and one-dollar siz­ You isurz have a which must find a ready rood to it j a week after the killing. Mr.! Tney uro supposed to go south es. sample bottle by mail non» nt market In addition to the freight Spark» furn'ihed the money for about June 1, but are never seen free, also pamphlet telling you how to find ojt if you have kidney or bladder trouble. inducement they state that» there the defense, and is said to have ex- ■ in the Southern states. The ibis Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer are 300,000 acres of arid land that pended g 100,000 in the fight. He of Eastern Oregon is a sort of T l C o ., Singhamion. tl. Y. | can be easily irrigated’ It is by was present throughout every hear- ; cousin to the ibis that was aaored ■ if i»r«»rjx»ra*rr>t ranches, and if his present PROFESSIONAL CARDS. before he »«t, out of »he city the make the soldier frightful and awe­ ment to press the exlention of the pls ns of colonization U kJ road. taxidermists had besieged his hotel inspiring to his enemv, the whole fie aim tatoue No. 70, K of P. Arcadia will soon bean interesting I with calls for Mr Gilchrist, until military world is looking fory»vian» «L Surge one. tteejn the vicinity of Vancouver for the the Short Line, instead of this ‘ and will b? removed to Arcadia.' for woolen material to «ueet the re­ Barna, Oregon escaped Oregon convicts, Tracey prize going to Nyssa One survey HURNN LODGE. NO. »3. A. O. V. W. 1 This building was i moved from i quireuients of cold climates, as well and Merrill The mem1ere of the intersects ai the Arcadia depot.— i Weiser to Ontario over eighteen as for tlie cotton khaki ti*-on cr0Up In thousands of homes, yet ' necessary evil.—Dufur Dispatch. I Haines, Ilarney. mid 7:30 p. tn. Sabbath school at day or night. ” during all this time no case has Ore if on "Diamond Held 10 a. m. every Sabbath morning. Burns. Jack” Davis Is Par-1 . , . , ,, t , Oregonian and lióme, u.k • s . bovernvr. __ _ to the manufact- . Hon. M. A. Moody has pressed a doued by Idaho i ever been reported \ , ... Preaching services at the Baptist ______ i urers tn which it failed to effect a lot of land sharks to the wall in church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, M JOKDAX Boise, Idaho, Dec 17.—Bv the cure. When given as soon us the the house, which saved an exchange morning and evening. Sunday • • NOT\A RELIEF voles of Governor Hunt and Secre- j child becomes hoarse or even as i of over 1,500,000 acres of 1-cent school every Sunday at 10 a. tn., Practical Lami Surreyor. tarv of State Bassett, "Diamond! soon as the croupy cough appears, ' per acre Indian reservation lands prayer meeting every Thursday It is clown in New Mexico and Arizona Bara*. Ortfoi, Field Jack” Davis was pnrdonrd it will prevent the attack. evening. pleasant to take, many children at noon today. Attorney-General ■for an equal amount of valuable OINTMENTS I « Services at Christian Science Marlin voted against the pardon. 1 like it. It contains no opium or land in Oregon and Washington in ! g. W. MILLER. and suppositories will cat, ' Hall, corner east of the Bank, every Thia ends one of the most remark­ other harmful substance and may the interest of a land grant rail­ |>oeitivelv can not--do more be given as confidently to a baby Sunday at Ila. in. and 8 p. in. able criminal cases that has ever road. Mr. Mood’s record in the than relieve you. Notary Publie and Conveyancer, Service Wednesday evenings at 8. been known in the Northwest. It as to an adult. For sale by H. M. bouse entitles him to a seat iu the It require» an internal remedy to remove the cause Everybody is invited to attend I X»rt|IMc.«. Ml. Bic., eorreetly ma.le I has been dragging along in one Horten, Burns; Fred Haines, Har­ senate.—Moro Observer. and effect a permanent cure. ■ O«tee at Stere. «(rm, OnfMk stage or another for nearly seven ney. these services. — - Ark vour druggist for Dr. , years. The little three year old girl of Perrin's Booklet on thesub Davis was an employe of the Mr. and Mrs Ad Gilliam fell from TO COMB A COCO IN ONB BAT ject. Sparks-Herreid Cattle Company, a chair, Wednesday of this week, H. VULP.A. M . M. D. Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tor Infanta and Children. and was working for it in Cassia and cut an ugly ga«h in her head, Tablets. All druggists refund th« Physician and Surqaon. Tin Kind Yu Have Alviyt B m 01 necessitating several stitches by County, in this state. He killed money if it fails to cure. E. W. John C, Wilson and Daniel C.Cum­ Bears the Dr. Hoople to close up the wound. Office at residence. Grove's signature ie on each boa. Bignature of mings on February 4, 189G. The —Vale Gaietto. Bwrua. — — Oregon 25c. FOR RAILROAD TO BURNS AFTER BLACK IBIS Geer& Cummins E. 0. T. G. CO. BU t A cure I CASTOR IA Ì i i I j I