r"i the giant Republic of th” north should make all our sister nations of the American Continent feel that whenever they will permit it we desire to show ourselves disin­ terestedly and effectively their friend. I again recommend to the favor­ S WRDAY DECEMBER«» !W. I able consideration of Congress the plans of the Smithsonian Institu­ I RECOMMENDATTOS IN ERES- tion for making the museum under I DENT." MESSAGE. its charge worthy of the Nation, anti t\»r preserving al the National Corporations, ami especiatly com­ binations of corporations, should capital not only record.- of the van­ be managed under public regula­ ishing races of men. but of the ani­ mals of this continent, which, like tion. It is earnestly hoped that the • he buffalo, will soon become ex­ Si-cretary of Commerce may lx- tinct unless specimens from which created, with a seat in the e Cabinet. their representatives may bo re There »bouhl be no bait in the new< I are sought in their native work of building up the Navy. pr< - regions ami maintained there in viding every year additional light­ « defy. ing craft. Register varre was interviewed Provision should lx» made to en­ on bis return Tu< »day by the 11i ms able the Secretary of W ar to keep man regarding the al) gationsof the • cavalry and artillery horses worn Oregonian of fraud in connection out in long performance ofduty. with the publication of a list of 1 urgently call your attention to lands at Huntington for the pur­ the need of passing a bill providing pose of showing them mineral in tor a general staff and for the reor­ ganization of the supply depart­ character, but which was with­ ment on tin- lines of tlie bill pro­ drawn lx fore the hearing on special posed bv the Secretary of War ln.«t instructions from Interior Depart­ ment. He said: ‘ I know nothing y ear. of such a paper as the Headlight. Alu«ka should have a Delegate The records of this ollie»* are in the Congress. It would be well straight, and to the entire satisfac­ if a Congressional committee could tion of the Department." visit Alaska and investigate its COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER needs on the ground- lt would be both unwise and un- necessay at this time '.<>attempt to reconstruct our financial svs'em, which has b-cn the growth ot a century; but some additional legis­ lation is, I think, desirable. I commend to the favorable con­ sideration of the C.>ngre»s the Ha­ waiian tire claims, which were the subject ot careful i::v- stigation ¿lur­ ing t he last session. I again cal! your attention to the n« made for a commission of experts special­ ly to investigate and report upon the c implicated questions involved. I urge the ailoption <»freeiprn<'it v with Cuba, not only because it is eminently for our own interests to control the Cuban market and by every means to foster our suprema­ cy in the tropical lands and waters H aith of us. but also because we 01 Grant County ba.- selected three delegates who will go to Washing­ ton after the holidays to look after the welfare of that section in con­ nection with the Forest Reserve. They will be supplied with plats showing that part which they hope to have eliminated. It's now up to Harney County to move. Would it not be a good idea to send a delegate, or delegation, from this county to look after that part of the reserve we want ‘ rubbed out LIFE. Life is the journey of a day. We rise in the morning of youth full of vigor, full of expectations ; we set forward with spirit and hope, with gaiety ami with diligence, ami trai el on a w bile in the straight mad of piety toward the mansion of rest. In a short time we remit our fervor, and endeavor to find some mitigation of our duty, and some more easy means of obtaining tbesameend. We then relax our vigor and resolve to be terrified no longer with crimes nt a distance, but rely upon our own constancy, ami venture to approach what we teeolvetl never to touch, We th'is enter the bowery of (use and re­ pose in the shades of security, Here th ■’hi art suitens and vigi­ lance subside» : we ar« then willing to inquire whether another ad .mice can not, Ic made, and whether we may not. at least, turn our eves upon the gardens of pleasure. Ws uppioach them with scruple and hesitation: we enter them, but ent«r timorous ami trembling, ar <1 always hope to pass through them Many a garrison has been forced to without losing the r>>a«l :•> virtue, give up tile light anil hang out the white- . flag of surrender, when lack of food lias • which we, for a while, kept in our weakened the men past all power to sight, and to which we propose to continue the struggle. But temptation suceeedr- Manv a man i= return similarly «tarved temptation, and one compliance out of business. His digestion is prepare« us for another: we in time impaired. Ilis lo«e the happiness of innocence, bv food does not nourish turn, and degrees we fi t f ill th« remembrance for lack of of our original intention, nod quit I the only adeqna e object ot rational strength to carry nn desire. We entangle ourselves in the struggle he turns business, surround ourselves with his store over to all­ ot iler. luxury, ai d rove through the laby­ I ir Pierce’s Gohlen rinths of inconstancy. till the dark­ Medical Discover v cure» diseases of the ness of old age begins to invade us. stomach and other or­ gan» of digestion and and disease mid nt>xi«tv obstruct nutrition. It restores our wav. Wethenlook back upon strength to weak, nerv­ ous. run-down men and our lives with sorrow, with repent­ women. ance, and wish, but too often vain­ "At* wit ten vears a**o I Ix-tmu to lie trill,- '.-<1 wH'i ly wish, that we hud not forsaken slolilavh troillil. . also ul u rhea.'* writ"» Mr Wm the wavs of vitrue. HftppV are Walter*, of Antrim M-. -In warm weather n ur. «■ they, who shall learn from the ex- w. -r-e. until it would tin -n me into a cr imping drill ample not to despair, but shall re- Wa* irouldeil -loiten that 1 ometimr* thought my member, that though the day is end had eunie. Tried many remedies. hut they g:iv past, and their stiength is wasted, only temporary relief. In Xovemlier. 1S99. thought I ther« yet remains one effort to be wan'd try iJoetor pierce- 1.olden Medical lliacovery made; that reformation is never I '<>t -is Pottles and took live in -iv -»-ion t'l-n tbs rht i W'Hilil wait for a tine and tak< >‘i hopeless, that he who implores on.- it-ft. Soon found I had .«ymptur ot tii- tr rttble coming back. *0 took the -i-.th liottl- strength and courage from above an. l it cured me. I have enjoyed I' ■« '*■-( 01 health this summer and the < rolil all I. 'on­ »hall find dinger mid difliculty to your ‘Golden Medical Discovery. I i-j- 1 rtnr -< iny many thank* to Hr. Pierre Ibr hi- give wuv before him. Go now, to r mc-dy. Ibr it did so tnnch for me. W ord- • . 1. not xpre— how *erere'y I buffered. ihy repose; commit thyself to the * If any dop'd the above »tatement b-t them nddr- inc. and I will take great pleu-urc 1.1 care of Omnipotence; and when answering • Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse th the morning c ills ugmn to toll, be­ bQwvla an 1 stimulate th- «’ng«: th liver. gin anew thv jnurn«y.— Ex. STARVED OUT, EASTERN OREGON W.VTS SENATOR. \ Eastern Oregon wants the nam­ ing of the next United States Sen­ ator. And whv no', ’ that por­ tion of tho State cast of the Cas­ cades has never had but one United State» Senator, the lion .1, H Sl iter, and while it products two- third« of the produce shipped abroad and ha« u little over one- third the population of the enti/c slate, it is igi.ortd in tne mutter of’ representation in Congress, so far being given only one representa­ tive to three from W estern Gregor. Eastern Oregon's ambition, then, is a most honorable one. The rap­ id growth of her industries and rapidly incr'asing population with the large field open for national assistance, demands whnt is justly due it—a representative in the UpjKT house of Congress. A united effort on the part of the repn »entntivi « ami senators Iron: Eastern Oregon to the state legis­ lature which meets next month, will bring the desired result Ea-t cm Oregon wants a senator, and w by not ? It has been suggested that the citv should take step to offer the neeessi ary stimulus to induce tIn building of a railroad to this plat < . In line with the movement it is farther suggested that our re, .< - tentative in the state legi-latun this Winter, introduce a bill grant­ ing the town the right to issue bonds in the sum of ?I'MiGisi f,.r building iaiprovements. and th -. should the occasion require it. we would In- in a position, without d • lay, to make a substantial off'-r It is a fact recognized bv all wh > ire acquainted with inilroad con struetion, that something of tl .- kind will I m * demanded if we ever secure a railroad, ami i ow is th< time to be giving the matter your best thoughts. The Chicago W. \|y Ii.t» r Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub lished in Chicago in con noct ion with the great daily papers, It contains a judiciously s'ltu-ted summary ot the news ol the nation and world the best stories, home, farm, woman's, and other special departments, and fair, patriotic, able editorials, written from a Re­ publican view|»oint. It is by far the best general newspaper ot the Western States. The regular price fui the Weekly Inter (h e in is $1.00 and for the Harm v \ alley Items •fl 50, but subscriptions will be re­ ceived at this otlice for the two papers m combi.uitioii for one y< ar for only $ 1.5o. For a bilious a'trek take Cham­ berlain's Stomach mid Liver Tab­ lets and a quick cure is certain For sale by II. M. Horton. Hurns; Fieri II.lilies, Harney. THE HOME GOLD CUKE \n Ingénions Treatment bv which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in .•'¡lite ul Them-elves. ■| has been Tho Kind Y. hi lLm’ Ahvnv lbiught. nini wIridi in tt-e to:- over 30 year», Ims I... borne tlio slgnntni* nf timi li.m l»ce;i h I umler Ids fM-r- sona! superi l»i i th« ' ita iiilinicy. • Allot/ no o io h di celit you In this. All ( ouiHcifelt«, lmltatiom ami ••.Hi«t-a -• ;<■<• I” tn'«' »«"t Exi.crii muta Him tritio with mid eiHlum:| !u- -, V'.cplno. :. I uUi«t* \»l«'l» " "»n ami ITatuIcne.v. Il te- iinilat « tl»e C. m il, ripulal' . tlm btoin x-li .uni itali il», giving I;«-;.Itili litui ni, timi sleop. T )>»• < iiihli n**» INinaei a TT"' Mutlier’ I r i'iut. cEKutNs CASTORIA ■ VAY3 N j Noxion« l>e»cs. Ne Weakening of tile Nerve*. \ l'!e:i»:int ami Posi- live < ure lor 'he Liquor Habit. I* is now gem rally known and 'iiblersti <'d that Drunkcncss isatl' s<-a»e ami not weakness A body fill In Uae For Over 30 Years. cd w ith | oi.M n. a 1 d tn r\ escom pletc • ÉCMC,»iv, 1«MWX*» ly shattered bv iieriodical or con­ stant use of intoxicating liquors, re qtiir s tin antidote capable of neu- tralizinr ami eradicating this poison and th stroving the craving for in- t<>xi.-wills. Sufferer- may now cure themselves ut home without pub­ licity or lo-s of lime from business ' by this wonderful ’ HOME GOLD CI'RE wl.it-h bus Iwctt [« rficted after many wars of dose sttplv and I treatment of inebriatr The faithful v-<- ii.-i i.rdii g ’o directions of this woi-derf’ul discovery is pnsitivili guaranteed t1» cure the most <>l»t- • At tiie recent irrigation conven­ nnte case, no matter how hard n tion in Portland, a committee was drinker Oar records show the mar appointed to look up statistics re­ 1 velous transformation oftbous-in r. same to be forwarded to the De WIVES < URE YOUR HUS L V.'OLDENBERG, SR., I'riq rietor. pirtment of Interior Malheur BANDS'! CHILDREN Cl'Rr County is at work gathering data: YOUR FATHERS!!'! his remedy i Th< services of a brewer of long years experience ha« I ceti ar- Other counties are doing the H'ine. in no sense a nostrum but is a ape cured ami the product of this Brewery is of tho lest grade in the and isn't it about time Harney cilic for this disease only, mid is so Inland lGmpi.e. I’tuee a trial order and yon will not be disap­ County, the place of all places for . sk idftilly devised and prepared that pointed. g »vernment work, was doing some­ » it is thoionghlv -olutde and plets BURNS, OREG N thing. tut to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup often or coffee with­ Thi re wiil Is- two vacancies front out the knowledge of the person Oregon at the Annapolis Naval taking it. Thousands of Drunkard» The bar is supplied with nono A -adeu-y during the coming school have cured themselves with this l>'it the very best brami« of year, due to the failure of ail nomi­ pricelt er- recentexamina'ion held in Wash­ ate men bv I living tho “('I RE” ad­ drink«, and tb< Ulioietst Cigars. ington. and the fact that Senator ministered by- loving friends and Your patronage solicited. Mitchell did not nominate. Sena­ relatives without their knowledge Courteous treatment t<. all. tor Simon's successor and Senator in coffee or tea. and believe today Mitchell will lx requested to make that they discontinued drinking of Corner north of postofliep. nominations after the 5th of Maron •.heir own free will, lx i NOT WAIT. LEE CALDWELL to fill these places. The next, ex­ ! Do not be deluded by apparent and Proprietor. amination will be helfeverybody n tr-:itment more forgery. Du'and was tl.e organizer effectual than others costing i 25 to and manager of the Durand Organ $50. Full directions accompany One Cent Company, in Portland, and at the each package, ^|>eeial advice by Buy n postal card and rend to The New York re(). I 1 1 liit 1 o 1 he 1 n ext R' icohi », an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Mann fact urers and Investors. Stop f lie < Oil*» ii nnil Work ofE (lie Cold Send for sample copy FREE. Address, Laxative Bromo (ju in inc T>bl« ts EVANS « CO.f cure a cold in one day No Cure, (Patent Attorneys,} N > pay. IT ice ‘Jj ct tiU. Evans toiiilflt'ig, ▼ { rt i ’ H»W Harney Valley Brewery The Windsor Bar IFYOUARE A FARMER 'f ' < . r r t I * •< . L nn I 1 n t l>. WASHINGTON, D. C.