PubiiSDOd in Utts rhe Oldest and Most Reliable. ♦ f • ■ , » Tho Best Advertising Medium. Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. < * ■ • Harney Valley Items ■V VOL 19. P»H- S’- < sa». Rdlior and Msi,«s»r. BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1902. |>r Ywr. Hix Mouth* 75 Cent«. NO. 2, ■■■ i .HfL»" UP DESCHUTES VALLEY ttallroad Survey to Completed. Bend I« be possible to produce a photograph with every color showing, resembl­ ing for all the world a paint* I picture. A photograph of a bunch of Howers by his method will show the roses red, the violets their real color and the buttercups their golden-yellow tinge. If the plan is practicable and inexpensive, the whole photographic world will t,e revolutionized. Prof. Leckenby's discovery was mule while working in his labora­ tory a few days ago. He quickly put his idea into practice and dem­ onstrated its fea»iuility. As near as can be ascertained the new method is the name in the old sys­ tem of photography up till the act The plate of making the print used is a C raerner isoehromatie, such as are in use every day The difference lies in the emulsion on the sensitive paper. The slight differences in the shades on the negative plate are just enough to act tn different ways on the paper during printing arid produce the several colors, and after the toning and fixing operations, which are also probably unlike those in pres­ ent use, the picture comes out re­ splendent in colors instead of all the same slate or sepia tone. TO BEGIN IN 1903 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Unric Ham on Orrpon Arid kiUoey Trouble Makes You Miserable. — Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers 13 sura to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. j j the great kidney, liver |l and bladder remedy. The Government is to commence ' V'V.V, ¿.OU medt- I I ( , Al • ' - It is the ¿1 ¡ cal triumph cf c the nine- work in Oregon next Spring under 1 i M’t p century; ur.- , ¿LI -;t.cntn cent ir—iL lr: I . covered covered afte after cf the general irrigation law. says a i scientific research ly 'Tt Washington correspondent to the j Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ Oregonian. This determination der specialist. and Is has been reached after the depart­ wonderfully successful In promptly curing tame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ ment had gone over the proceed­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the woret ings of the recent irrigation conven­ form cf kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec- tion in Portland, and been con­ cr.imcndcd for everything but it you have kid­ vinced of the earnest desire of the ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Jost the r;. .ic.’y you need. I. has been tested people for Government aid in the in so many ways, in hospital work, in private reclamation of the semiarid por­ practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- ctiace relief and has proved so successful in tions of Eastern Oregon. The char­ every case that a special arrangement has acter of the work and tho localities beet, made by which all readers of this paper 1 wh o have not already tried it. may have a where it will be undertaken will cample bottle sent free by mail, also a book not be decided upon until the com­ t riling more about Swamp-Root and ho-./ to had out if y->u have kidney orbladdertrouble. mittee designated by the conven­ When writing mention reading this generous tion reports on the several feasible offer in thi3 paper and send your address to projects in the state, and designates Dr. Kilmeric Co.,Bing- those tiir whieh there is the gri at- liamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and iLw ot su-amn-Pnc*. est deinat.d from the- people. The totter sizes are sold by all good druggists. Landa—boon to Choose Hite. The board of directors of the |Columbiu Southern Extension Railroad Company ve«tcrf the extenwion from Shaniko to filiti.'*. OREGON. i Bend, a distance of a trifle more i ; than 97 miles, says the Oregonian of Nov. 29th. These ma pH will now go to the United States Land Office al i lie Dalles for filing, in order that the company may have right of way across Governarent land. It is notable, however, that tho Houth'-rmost 27 miles of the route will cross very little Govern­ ment Lmd. Prospects of irrigation in that country, together with the K FITZCKKALD, F. N ttIKBEK. BIGGS & BIGOM I promise of the railroad, has I imi I I r<*Ma, the effect of putting most of the Government lurid into private hands. Everything is now ready for the preference of the majority is to be financing of this project and for ( lucorporiCcd.) respected in this work a« far a? its and recoved fiom hie disgust. construction, President Lytle ex- ‘I don’t hitch tip with royalty, possible. peels to have all arrangements any how.” Abstracts Furnished ami Title Guaranteed to all Lands in Harney Arthur P. Davis, who represent­ for putting construction made Tlxn the Mayor smiled. A County. ed the Hydrographic Service ot the crewH on the liue early in the youngster of 22 years had snubbed To Exploit Borax Field. Governili nt at the convention, Spring. The grades arc very light REAL ESTATE has transmitted a report to Hydro- one of the most noted figures <»f • and tho curvature is not groat. A sample of crude borax from a grapher Newel., but. aside from a the Nation—a man who once haerccptib’y from lately discovered in Eastern Ore­ full reports of the convention. Mr. ! then Attornev-General of the I nit- __ dead level. From Shaniko it bears gon. has been sent to Woodard ther«h«-s- Levans, W M. t- With thin lino complete«! to marshes, a rather expensive process, Neither gentleman makes any ref­ earth? Tiiis is why tho May«e Mrs Eunice Thompson, Sec. Bern! Central Oregon will belong and the price is higher than usual, erence to any of the numeri' us pro­ stuiled. This is why Prince --------------- , to Portland's trade field. If it can about $l'»0 a ton owing to the fact ject.« i’na.t were mentioned in Ore­ Vajiravudb preferred to feed him­ BURNS I.ODGF. NO. »7, A. F. «t A M. |U| AKSPF.N A «¡I AHY lie constructed t<> Betid next year, that all the borax producing field.«! gon. and will express m> opinion self rather than to receive the Meets Saturday on or before full inrxtn. (pishtied brothers fraternally invited, as it is now hoped to do, it will in the United States are controlled; on their merits until the irrigation courtesies of the City of Portland. W L. Mar »dm. John W Geary. < E. Kmyon, \V. M. F. K. Rieder, The Mayor had notified His ¡•eat the Nevada, California «V Ore­ by a trust, and the ndditioual fact committee'« report is submitted. Physicians <£ Surgeons. Secy. * gon line up from Reno If con ­ Highness that lie would exli to pre­ that borax boraeic acid are enter ­ Tho present plan, as roughly out­ Burns, Oregon. P.I KNH LODGE, NO. 03, A. O. f. W. sent the respects of tin- citv at 1 W struction shall be delayed bevond ing more largely into use in manu ­ lined. is for the Geological Survey Meets st Brown hail every Friday eve­ U^^OIlice st residence. ’Phono 20. next year, tho line from the south o ’ clock. Promptly on the niMiutv factures than ever before, in the to send into Eastern Oregon sur­ ning. Visiting brothers fraternally in- x-ted. Tho«. Sagers, W. M. Chas. N. may gel there first and California face of a constantly increasing de­ veying parties, which will thorough­ he was at the depot, where the < ’uvlirans, Recorder. trade will dominate half of Oregon. mand. P. J. Tormey, of San Fran­ ly examine the most popular site, royal train was resting. He was Qiaos a lirons. cisco, who controls the drug busi- and probably two or three others, accompanied by C. F. Beebe, eh air­ If IKNEV LODGE, NO. 77, I. O <» F. J. W. Bici;«. Dalton BlfffS. PHOTOGRAPHS IN COLORS. every SatnnUv evening, iLown's j ness of the Pacific Coast, and L. C with a view to formulating plans man of the entertainment commit­ hall. Visiting l.n,there fraternally in­ A.ttorncye-at-La tv, Clarke, of Woodaid. Clarke A Co., for the construction of storage res­ tee of the Chamber of Commerce, vìi. -d. Frank O. Jackson, K.G. The Ding Sought Secret Just Diseov- of Portland, have undertaken to ■ III RNS. OB EG ON. visitors were invited on board <». Biniti,, Secretary. ervoirs. and accompanying canal < eren by Prof, «.eckenby of Union. exploit this new field. The deposit systems, and to make estimates of the first ear by II. Y. Darnell, in Z*Office in Bank building. Tl'l E ( tltt'I.E. Nt» lit». WOMEN OF appears likely to prova a richer the cost of such works, as well as charge of the ear. This gentleniuu Woodcraft. Meets 2nd and Jtli Toes- Union Republican: Prof A. B. i one than a gold mine, and will add showing the amount of land each was an American, and his nativité duv at Brown's hall. Mrs. Tilli « Jordan, Lechenby, of Union, who has charge Mrs. tone Whiting. Guardian. W” IIAUS A FITZGERALT» accounts for bis courtesy, Did the very largely to the wealth of Ore­ will reclaim. Clerk. of the State Ex|xriment Station gon. As long ns the people of the state visitors wish to see the Prince? Thornton Witllainr, U. FitrjeralS. here, is proving himself to bo a Cltttrclt AiiMouncrinc'it «. are disposed to allow the Pilot Well, that young worthy In-got of Attornsj-st-Law, soiarjr rulillc. lender in profound scientific re­ There will he two vacancies from Butte Development Company to Cunlolongkorn I. begot of Maha search. Lau-, Notariat and Real Eotate Sunday School at Ilaruey the Oregon at the Annapolis Naval Mongkut, was at dinner. Bnt their He lias made a number of im­ Academy during the coming school proceed under its contract with the first Sunday of ca^h month nt 10 Practice presence would be announced to portant discoveries in the past few year, due to the failure of all nomi­ state, provided the state selection o’clock, A. M. On the second, His Highness. Would they few Burns. Oregon. years in the field of agrostology, in nees of Senator Simon to pass the is approved, the Government has third and fourth Sundays of each seated until the Prince would re- which he is an exper , and now he recent examination held in Wash­ no desire to undertake a reclama­ month at 3 o'clock I’. M. Preach- i ¿W“0ffiee in Masonic building iceive them? Indeed they would, is about ready to give to the world ington, and the fact thnt Senator tion project in the Deschutes Val­ ing s«jrvicos every second Sunday and so they waited. of the most important discov­ Mitchell did not nominate. Sena­ iev, which would materially inter­ at 8 P. M. Chowfa Maha Vajiravudb, etc., R. D. Burrow, M. D. ; one eries ever made in tho field of pho tor Simon’s successor ami Senator ior'' with the proposed development At the Presbyterian church was, however, no better in manners Physician and Surgeon. tography. By his new method he Mitchell will be requested to make under the Carey act. Burna, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. than his name sounded, or rathor The Government has more de­ Divine services the third and fourth ^ff^Otlice ut Burns Hotel. Rooms, !is able to produce a f.hotograpic nominations after the .'th of March tailed information regarding the looked in print.. The young scion Bundays of each month at lla. in. 1 and 2. (’alls answered any hour likeness of any object, with all the to Illi these places. The next ex­ Deschutes N alley than any other of royalty whose barbarism was natural colors of ttint object stand­ amination will be held in April. and 7:30 p ni. Sabbath school ut day or night. section of Eastern Oregon, but data only gilded with eiriJization. de­ ing out on the print, a feat that has ID a. ui.wirv Sabbath morning. | Burns. — — Oregon such as are needed will Be gather­ sired more to “feed his face” than held the attention of chemists and Governor Geer has granted a to respond to the courtesy of the Preaching services at the Baptist other experimenters in that branch pardon in favor of Ezra Durand, ed elsewhere by the field parties city. He went on stuffing himself church every lai and 2nd Sundays, ¡of scientific research over since who has been serving a 12-year next Spring and Summer. "Carry to the gentleman.” said morning and evening. Sunday p M. JORDAN, Daguerre made his first reproduc­ sentence in the penitentiary for mayor snubbed . he, w hen enough food had dropped echo'll every Sunday at 10 a. m.j tion and Niepce discovered the first forgery, Du~and was the organizer Practical Land Surveyor. inside to allow hie tongue a little prayer meeting every Thursday sensitive plate. and manager of the Durand Organ Affront of His Royal Exclusiveness i play, “carry to the gentleman m v Burnt, Oregon. evening. Photographs have always been Company, in Portland, and at the —Discourtesy of a Prince. regrets, and say thnt I eannet see Services at Christian Science untrue as regards color. The vio-, beginning of the hard times forged him.” Hall, corner eastof the Bank, every g w. MILLER, “Tell the Mayor I cannot see Inland purple shades show oil the Home notes in un effort to save his This Message was borne back to Sunday at lla. m. and 8 p. m. finished print us though they were company from failure. lit“ has ■ him.” the callers bva flunkey who look­ Service Wednesday sbeninge at 8. This is the way His Higness white, the yellows and reds as de­ served less than six years of his Notary Public anti Conveyancer, ed very much like the I’rinoe. The Everybody ia invited to attend Mortgay««, nerd», Etc , correctly made. turned down Mayor Williams yes­ cidedly black. It has been the time. tlunkey appeared feauins Grove's signature is on each box. £W*0t!iee nt residence. Siguature of hchu l escaped from the royal lim- Laxative Bromo*Quinine Tablets his method he is confident it will 25c. Burns, — — Oregon ‘ha r-wrriy that errrrw •» fold In mw da/ Geer& Cummins E. 0. T. G. CO. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought