Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, November 29, 1902, Image 3

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HEIH. (>
Proper Compounomg
Of prescriptions is no child's play.
It requires coiiacietitioua care ami
accurati knowledge of drugs and
their relations U» each other. We
taka mi hornet prilli* Iti tin* purity
of our drugs, m.d the »kill und u<
cutaey with which we eompmiml
Lem on your physician's order.
Burns Drug Store
Il \V. W ELCO.Mi: A CO.,
S tate <» c <litio, (T iv <,c T««ttm> i
I.C4CAS Cot \ IV.
Frank J. <'h< imy tnnk< « o ith that
he is senior partner of the firm of
F. J Cheney «V (.'<», loing business
in the City of Toledo, County uml
Sialo aforesaid, and that said firm j
will pay the sum of < hie Humlred
th» la«« for «avh and every case <«f 1
Catarrh that <-nnnot be «urei by i
the use of Hull s Catarrh Cure.
Frank J Cheney.
«’•vorri to liefore me ai d sub«« rib- ,
e«l m mi pro-em-e, ibis Clli <liy of,
|hc«’ii lo-r. A. D isst».
A W G|«a-oll.
Notary Publie.
Ha ‘s < «ta-rh Cure is taken in- j
1« ti .ally, aii'l acts directly <«n the
1>1 «««I ntid mucous surface* of the
System Send for testimonials, free.
1-' .1 Chenin «V Co., Toledo, O. :
So <| bv all Druggist. 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills lire th« host,
A Remarkable Record.
The football game Thanksgiving
was the occasion of tlm gathering
of a I'air-sizod crowd at the Fair
grounds to witness this rough
though fascinating game. Tim
ground was frozvd hard, but tlm
many bard bumps on Mothe earth
did not H'-eui to cool th ? ardor of
tlm struggling youths, but seted
contrary, seeming to strengthen
their grit. In tlm latter part of tlm
first half Jay Gould the Red's left
half, met with an accident which
rt Milted in his receiving a broken
collar bom*. Fra .k Gowan taking
P1 r ,-’ p ••• <!*•• gaine.
The tirnt hull' resulted in no »coi».
lor p|,1,pr
though the Orange
>""»y limes in danger
1,(111 during tlm entire play in
this half was in Tlm land of Orange”
and when time was called th«- bull
was on their 5 vnrd line.
Things wer<> reverted in tho sec­
omi and the genie was finally won
on a touch down by llibtund. Me-
Kinney failed to kick the goal.
Score 5 to (I.
F. Welcome, , center
gunid Esmond,
L Mace,
left guard <’. Lewis.
J. Swick. right
t mkle I'. Megan.
C. Ltlekey. left tackle T. Garrett
•LieCald W'-ll, right .'ml II. Felton
<Hibbard, left end A Racine
right half E Swcek
N. Reed,
F Cushing, left half Juy Gould
F Gowan
A. Welcome, full hock Youngman
M'-Kinney,Capi. Q B Capi. Smith
Umpire—I Schwartz
Referee — II K Thompson.
Linesmen— Homer Reed and
Con Wyatt.
Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known
throughout Mercer uml Summer
counties, W. \ a . most likely owes
liis life to the k imine» sot a neigh­
was almost hopelessly af-
fin ted with diarrhoea ; was attend-
rd bv two physicians who gavenim
little, if any, re.ief, when a upigh
bor learning of Ids serious condi­
tion, brought him a bottle of Cham­
berlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diar­
rhoea Remedy, which cured him in
le««s than twmtv-four hours, For
sale by II M Horton, Burnt«: End
ll'iim ->, Hurney.
Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy
bus n remarkable record. It Ims
be*-n in u«e for over thirty years, ‘
during which time many million 1
battles have been sold and used. It
has long been tlm standard ami ' Dr. R D. Burrow, who for the
main reliance in th« treatment of | past two or three »ears has been
croup in thouaamls of lion.< a,
located at Roseburg, arrived in
»luring all this tirm no case has Burns last Saturday and will Io­
ever Lien reporte«! to th*-mamifact- , ,.att. ||Cr,. i.e-manenllv Dr Bur­
urers in which it failed to effect a I row comes highly recommended as
cur'« U hen given as soon ns the a physician and is a very pleasant
child becomes hoarse or • ven as gentlemanto meet. His office is
soon as tlm croiipv cough appears, nt present at the Burns Hotel rooms
it will prevent the attack. It is 1 and 2. Calls answered at ui»y
pleasant to take, many children hour of tlm dav or night.
like it. It contains no opium or '
ollmr harmful substance mid may
Lc given a« coiilidently to a baby
W<‘ will s<ll you a .Mitchell,
its to an adult. For sale bv II. M.
Rushford or Webber Farm Bed
Ilortan, Burns; Fred lliiiurs, liar Wagon ;
•» 1 Steel Skein
A allow «■•«nipl ’oou. «Ii-,'. ii.< -
biliouMiCTS an«l a contai tonano
lire « '««ninna indi« ¡0 ions <«f liver
gqitkidneydieMSM. Hrnnachaad
Isiivel tr«iiibl<w. H'Verv US they lire,
give iiiuneiliat«' «aming by pnin,
bwl liver and kidney taniblM,
thongh I'.**» painful at tho start. arc
inn h harih r In « «ire. Ì h«.!l« ril's
Hlai-k-l irauulit iu 'V i i - fails to i■< « •
tit diwn usi liver and weakened kid-
in-i-i. Il st i t up th«' torpid bur
to th!..« o.'l tint germs of 1« « »nd
I ague. II. is n icrlnin pr«'i< iito"
■ <>f «-hob r i nini Briizht » <li-< a. e « i
B iim kidmn«.
■ Oranghi thoiisuii’l«»«I i«-- an lun«•
■ ait hniuano ;■ 11" "I11 '■ I
■ low fnvi'r. Unni tamilici live in
J l>.-ifixl l.«,aitli an«l luive no other
I ibs tor than The«lford'i Black
5 Oranghi It i(iil« ayi on I and f< r
B n«- iti an i-iiiergeiicv aii't saves
K ui.iny up'n ii«’ « ails ««I a «lector.
Mullin«. S. C., March 10,1901.
' have (Md I heiltord's Bl.i< k Bi .night
f«n thrt«y»srs .m«llh«ive not ha<|(«> it<>
to a doctor «in«« I have hern taking it
C It h the b«‘it m ó n; ter mr that 1«
K on the market for livti ami kidney
t ouble« and dy»pepila and other
«■ft compiemu.
* «,4»
Local and General.
Oregonian uml lt<-ma, +2<H).
Jorgensen, optician, jeweler ami
Richard Haines, of Harney, WHS
a visitor Sunday
Newell Hull was in from Silver
Creek Wednesday.
Fred Olky, Sr. of La wen, was a
Burns visitor Tuesday.
Isaac Foster was in town several
davs during the weeks.
R. D. Burrow, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
st Burro II »tel. Rooms.
I and 2. < rills answered anv hour
day or night.
lliley M. Horn. <>f Watson, Mal­
heur County, « uh in Burna la»t
Saturday making proof on his
timber ami stone claim
For Winter Wear
__ - ....
It is reported that V. S. flqrtis
han sold his mines near Silver City
Carrol Cecil was in from bilver to Etisterii parties for the com>¡der­
YOUR wants can be SUPPLIED. Call and examine tho
Creek the first of the week.
largest stock of General Merchandise in Eastern Oregon.
ation of $20,ODO—\ ale Gazette.
Atty. John W Biggs returned
Everything the best m Quality,
Loyd Johnson arrived from Hun­
y« -t-rdav from Canyon City.
Everything full Weight,
tington lam Saturday with u ecn-
Henry Welcome was in from hie aegnment of drug« and holidiy i
Everything at reasonable prices.
Clover Swale ranch this week.
good« for II. W. Welcome <t Co.
We are after your tride and will use ever honest endeavor to
Walter Parker came in from hin
James Morison, for several years
secure and retain it.
lmiim nt Warm Springs, Tuesday.
atypoonthe I tems , was visiting
Sheriff and Mrs Mien returned in Burns last week. Jim is now a
lart Saturday evening from Salem resident of the Qwyheo country,
Ira Stubblefield ha« moved his where he has taken up a ranch and
family to the Newt Ilughet ranch. ente-ed into a partnership with
Andrew Grecly, who also has a
Scott Hayes, of I.uwen, wiih in
place in that section, ami together
Tuesday making proof on nis home­ will start in the cattle
The young gentlemen left here
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hattley re­ Sunday with u number Of cattie
turned from a trip to the railroad i which they will take to their
1 ranches.
This paper and The Chii-ago
I. S Geer, Dalton Biggs ami N. U
Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one < 'arp- riter. a part of Hurney county’s
yrin. "Special deal”
| delegation to the irrigation con-
Robert Drink water, of Harney, j venloin held in Portland la«t week,
was in town Tuesday inakin g final have returned home. Mr. Geer
proof on his homestead
states that Harney County should
For Sale—Huy at $5 per ton with I <• well pleased with the out come
good pasture and plenty of water ■ of th.- proceedings. While nodefi-
1 nite site was agreed upon for it.iti-
Enquire of lra Stubblefield.
Jorgensen ia still to the front ating Government work. Mr. Geer
We ar«- now receiving our Fall and Winter goods consisting « t
with low prices. Call and see his Says a large number of the dele-
kinds of Dry Goods. Boots ami Shoes. Groceries. Ac Ac.
line vf watches, clocks, jewelry, pitei reeogtiizi th<- Silvios river
stock ot Ladies’ Dress Goods. Outing Flannels. Ladies and
¡project as oecunving first place.«
stationery, etc.
Underwear and Shoes are unexcelled. We invite you to
Justwhat will be done bv the Gov­
Lost—A blin k mackintosh at the ernment in this section, rests en-
visit our store ; inspect stock and obtain prices. We quarantee sat­
Fairgrounds Thank>giving. Find tirelv with the peonle. Thoso in- isfaction in every particular.
er will confer u favor by retur ling terestd in this mutter, uud all .
same to John Sweek.
should be. will read the dispatch
Tho Oregon Law School Journal from Washington published on
it a now monthly started last month 1 the first {«age of this issue. Im­
a’ afoui. S T Richardson, e-iitor- mediate action should be taken to
in-chief, is Dean of the Oregon Law assure the Department of the hearty
co-operation <«f all in this section.
Mr. uml Mrs. Baili-v Hayes, of
Daniel Lyons, a sheepherder em­
Gra I late« oi the School are in constant
Burns. Harney, County, visited the ployed by McMullen «t Lytle, of
iljin in 1 at salaries ranging irorn $4 1.On to
past week at the residence <»f Mr. Drewsey, was found dead in his
JlPl.iX), per month. Stmlents take tie*
state examination i «hiring tiieir i-mirse
am! Mrs. D.ivid Carev io this city. camp <>n the mountain east of hen­
in the H-hisil and ait* pre|>are«l to rveei»«-
—Ontario A*gns.
last Saturday.
The manner,
I »
At the Pioneer Store 1
N. Brown & Sons
Fall and Winter Goods
Lunaberg & Dalton
Mr. and Mr* J. II Weidor arrived
from Eugene last Saturday and
will again take up t>*cir residence
in Burns Mr \\Cider having se­
cured a position with the electric
light company.
State Certificates on graduation.
or cause, of his death is
Expenses range from $120.00 t«i $175.0«
per year.
not known here, though it is pre
strong Normal course and well rqui|«-
siimed it is a case of suicide
r»ed Training'Department.
William Lvtle who discovered the
The fail term ojiens^Sept. 1(5.
i odv. did not investigate, but hast­
For catalogue containing full informa­
tion, address
ened to overtake Sheriff Allen who
or J E V. Butler, Secv
R. D. Baker and Miss 'Theresa
Merritt, both of Fife Crook County,
? »
were unit'll in murriagc al the very much excited and «as utittbl«
Cottage Hotel Saturday evening, to tell any thing except that the The Cdpit^l
man was dead. Sheriff Alien in­
November 22, 1V02, by Ji
W. E. 2SI5CH. Treprictcr.
structed him to notify the officers
the PeaceS W. Miller.
l at Drewsey ami have them invesli-
William Catterson, of Lawcn, ' i gate the ease but at this time no
arrived from the railroad Sunday
Drinks mixed to 6uit your taste. Courteous treatment guarantor
j news has been received from there.
with freight for Burns merchant«.
The identity of Lyons is somewhat
<»n his outward trip he took his ! obscure here owing to there being Your patronage Solicited.
parents to the railroad where they two persons by the same name,
’.Hl 00
: i . j
will seek a new location
105 00
. supposed to be in the Drewsey sec-
Semi your orders to us, O. C. Co.
L B. Springer having rented his .. tion. One is a middle aged man
town residence will leave in a day « formerly of Huntington where he
For a bilious attack take Chain- or two for Cord. Malheur County, Imld a responsible position in the
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ where he will spend th«- winter ear department, and the other an
lets and a quick cure is certain with his sister Mrs Mav II C. Sea- ' elderly man who has been in this
For sale by II. M. Horton, Burns; weard wife of the late T. M. Sea- ■ county for a number of years.
Fred Haines, Harney.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, were
The Chicago Weekly Inter <>cean
WOO1».—Good Juniper wood down from their Trou*. Creek home ' is the only weekly newspaper pub­
for sale in any quantity, Prices Wednesdnv. They were accom­ lished in Chicago in connection
going up. Call on W. E. Huston panied on their return home Thurs-1 with the great daily papers, It
by Miss Noll i lemlem n, who after :
in the Dnrkheimer building.
contains a judiciously selected
a few days visit will leave for her I
summary ot tlm news of tin- nation
homo in John Day.
Herr Krupp, tho great German
and world, tlm best stories, home,
John .1 Watson, of Poison creek..;
gunmnker, is dead. His estate is
••j farm, woman's,
and other special
T» V...
was circulating a petition during department ts, and fair, patriotic,
valued at $125.000,000.
the week asking Congress to pen-; .lbp. editorials, written from a Re-
sion the Indian War veterans. . publican viewpoint. It is by far
Oregonian and Item?. $2.00
Successors to K. A. Miller JE Co.
Mr Watson is one of the caily In­ the best general newspaper ot the
dian war lighters and is a pioneer Western States. The regular price
Stomach Trouble.
“I have been troubled with my of 1852, etn migrating to Oregon for the Weekly Inter Ocean is $1.00
ami for tlm Harm y Valley Item«
stomach for the past tour years.” from Ohio.
50, but subscriptions will be re­
We are in receipt of an advance
hiivs D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook
at this office for the two
I Fann, Greenfield, Mass. "A few copy of tho Secretary of the Interi­
combination for one year
days ago I was induced to buy a or's annual report. It contains
box of Chamberlain's Stomach and many recommendations ami re­
Liver Tablets. 1 have taken part ports of various projects before the
ofthem ami feel a great deal better.’’ department. Chief among them '
If you have any trouble with your we believe is the recommendation i
stomach trv a box of these Tablets. for a general overhauling of the Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
You are certain to be pleased with land laws, making them more Tablets. All druggists refund the
the result. Price 25 cents. For stringent so as to keep the lands money if it fails to cure. E. W.
sal* by II. M. Horton. Burns: Fred from falling into the h inds of the Grove’s s’gr.ature is on each box.
[ landgrabbers.
Haines, Hurney.
Miller & Thompson,
" iff« kid»jj ro-
I h« «Itord s