Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, November 22, 1902, Image 2

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t -“ tt
sideraMo time in the anthracite
regions as special representa­
A. King Wilson in a letter up- lie Roasts Williamson For Ilia Paul tive ot t onkiy’s Home Journal
tlou <>u The Irrigation Question.
and give« a fair am! impartial re-
pearing in the Oregonian «>1 recent
port of Li inve-ti' ntions. lie auvs
date, sava:
Continued from First page
Ihe condition of the miners and
I "As the laws of onr state, in re­ Mr Williamson hus been foisted on
their families ha* been grossly mis-
lation to the use of w ater for irriga- the Republican party to help his
represented to the public nml th it
s m'ltniY NOVEMBER S3 I! >02. ' tion, have been mentioned ' in the
business in sheep and cattle raising
they are not nt nil tho down-trod-
press and on the platform, it may and so to prevent the resort to any
den, poverty-stricken class they
It in announced by on»' of Sena­ be of general interest to present n practical system of irrigation. I am 1
h.'ivu been represented I»*’ many
The Klnil Toit la
Alwaya Bonghi, nnd wii Jt ini» bent
tor Hanna's closest friends that the brief statement of them.
not surprised at the trick, when 1
jenrs, lai« borito ('io .'anultu*«' of
Senator will retire from activ»* poli­ I I "The doctrine of riparian rights reflect how cunningly he ha« play- !
they oie'auiotig th»* b -t paid work
nnd l.iirt bcctliuaò ti nier til*» |»«*r~
tic* at the close of his present term is defined us follows :
ed it on the people of tuis state by
* !» i Infhnry.
«olimi Mtperx Islot
inginen in the world; th it they
as Senator.
l’nder no condition
I»i tilts.
'• ‘Every proprietor of land on taxing its citizens to protect his
have good homes and educated
will he allow the use of his name the banka of a natural stream Ims flocks aguinst coyotes. That is a
All CimutcrfeitH, Imitatimi!« nnil“òu
’ -with of
in connection with th«» Presidency, a right to have th«* water ot the nice little trick for rich men to put families. Ou the other hand. Mr.
Kx|k*rim<'iifs tliut trillo wltli limi • ••»
Knight tliHS iot spare the oper­
stream c»»ntir.u»* to now in its natur­
luteuts ur.d Chihlrcr.— ExpcrLai■•’* :
al course, ii * i: was wont to run. on a community which has no ator. He brands ns false th»* state
President Roosevelt is down ir, without dimintiation in quantity earthly interest in his »took except
menlof the operator that he cannot
Mississippi on a IwHir hunt. If the or deterioration in quality.'
to buy ut u good price, what be has
pay u higher price for labor with
"Ifthis is the law of Oregon, it to sell. But let inc refer to hit* in­
iH-ar- are us coy as Virgiuia turkeys
CnatorlA i-< ;i li-rmlci*» niibstUul'
out working lii.s mine tit u loss
their safety is assured. Tb<* first is a property right and cannot Is.* terview in The Journal:
g«»rl<-, l»f»>;i i r.iiil Soothing' •*■'.' ■ n,
" The fact of the inatti r is" Buys
bear caught was tie»l and held for taken away by un net of the Legis­
" ‘There are many people.’ said
(«mtiiln. vcit!t«'i‘ Opium, Moi'i'l.,
Mr. Knight, ‘ that the combined
miliNtance» li ■ :»•'»* la it'« E*uir.‘.
the President, but he refused to lature, nor by a constitutional a- I Mr. Williamson, ‘who have no’
profits of the anthracite <qx*ratvr
inni i.liaj • i’ovcclshncss. It <m
»hoot it. as to do so would I m * un- mendment. Projicrty cannot be realised the magnitude of this sub
for the past year represented six­
Culi. - iti-
* • ’ (hlinr Tr< i
confiscated in that manner.
ject, and there are moreover, man)
nini l’iatb’
»ii’lii! «
teen («*reent on tho stock of the
"It one invests his money in dig­ powerful interests which are more
companies, while private mine­ I
Th»* supreme »*ourl lias ordered ging a ditch and using the water to or less openly arruyed aguinst it.
Th» i
owners, who work at greater »1's
»he disbarment of Henry St. Ruv- irrigate land, can a party who owns To convey my meaning more clear­
ndvantage in th«» matter of freight-
tier, a prominent attorney of Port­ a falls and the bank of the stream ly : Many private irrigation com­
rates, in no cast* that 1 have been
land. The charge against St. Ray­ further down the river compel the panies Eave applied to the Interior
able to discover, uisde less tlinn
nor is th»* wilful withdrawal of two irrigator to run tho water back Department to take up arid land
fifteen percent on the investment ’’
pages <>f testimony from the rtcords again into the river?
under the Carey law. These com­
"But,” continued Mr. Knight.
in the case acainst Frank McDan­
"Can an irrigator s right to wa­ panies obtain the land ut ti nomi­
"from u soci.ilog cal standpoint,
iel, afterwards convicted of the ter lie shut off l»v some one further nal price, and propose, after bring
I tho worst feature of this c»»h>s*al
killing of Adelaide Olaire Fitch, up the stream turning the water ing wale" on it, to sell it to settler»
conflict ba« been tho gen» raI »li-s it
and the substitution of two other from the natural channel?
at a figure which may be cheap for
¡»taction ati'l destruction of e<»n-
sheets reading differently, ir. lieu
"The doctrine of appropriation is the land, but which will return an
ii'knce that it »-rested. It is per
thereof. The evidence was so con­ perhaps the mostorigiu.il contribu­ enormous profit nevertheless These
1 eoptibli* in the miner's Imine. It
vincing of the guilt of St. Ravtmr tion of our western civilization to corporation^ ar»* naturally op|u>«e<l
i« seen in th * fm*■•« of himself and
that the supreme c-turt was t. rc»»l the sei-m«- *>f jurisprudence, Ac- to the government undertaking the
his family. Thrift, economy, the
to its unpleasant conclusion.
I w ording to this doctrine, a right to work of reclaiming the arid land.«
education of the childre»), the pav-
;ho use tif the water of natural foi the l>«*neiit of tin* Nation, to­
m< nt on the homes, i*ll seem to be
There is u movement on foot for streams, not already appropriated ward which end the irrigation forgottnn, «r.aliowed Up ill the
dirret nomination of candidate« by by others, mav be acquired by Association will bend ull its en- memory of his gr'.evann «. As one
th» |»eoplc. It is u known fact that simple approjiriation, irr»'spective ergies.’
walks the streets of >henntideah. a
"Now this is an utterly false
the ring rule and machine features of the ownership of the lands
general air of »ulled depre-s'O!»
of our polities, which so often de­ through which the stream may flow stu’ement of the operation of the prevades th'- pliiee. Neighbors «»I
Carey law. Mr. Williamson has
feat the voter's wishes, find their or any other considerations.
years refuse to »peak as they pas»;
willfully misstated th- law
opportunity mainly in the conven­
nkept children loiter in the alleis
tions where delegates nominate has adopted this doctrine ef appro­ or he is ignorant of its c-ffe : as *vh»*n they should I c in school, and
candidate.«. Direct primary nomi­ priation and used the foillowing well as its words That lu’ . r. • ■ > ven tho house of G»xl is not free
to the state of Oregon, one i Hi
nations would bring tne affairs of language:
from the curse thrt bus fallen over
its three million arid n
government at least one step rear-1
the land.”
er the is-ople. The tendency of the ati»>n which is lir.-t in time tn be condition that tne state irri alo th.»
prior in right, .-»nd that such appro­
time is toward a more direct gov­ priation constitutes a vested right, land, by the construction o. stri-a-
The Christmas number ’of the
ernment by the people, with less which the courts wiil protect end ble works.
New Idea Womans Magazine will
"The state of Oregon hss no
politics and politicians between the inlbrce. When the waler of a
itter many features that will pro e
people and the management of the stream has l>een appropriated lor a money with which to litui ■ t,Àxi if practical ami timely value dar-
nations affairs.—Grants Pass Cou­ b»'iiefi»*ial use. it is an appropri­ such u gigantic work. Bui. .t c-ii n • ing the coming holiday Maron.
L. \V< »1.DEN BERG, bit , Pro, rietor.
ation of ull the tributaries thereof not tecure possession of one single
above the point of original diver-
The second installm»*nt of ‘‘The
•Til»-serviré* of a brewer of hmfr years ex peri» nee has leen •»•-
■ sion. Prior apptonria'tion, under acre until it has irr.gated that acre. Journal of a London woman
cured ami the nroduet of tins Brewery is of the best grade in th«»
Oregon farmers have now decid­ the doctrine of the Pacific Coast Il has therefore passed such an
"Christmas Presents for Mon;"
act of Legislature for the purpose
Inland Empire. Place a trial order and you will not !»»• ili-ap-
ed to huld’an institute in Portland States, is a paramount right.’
‘•How to Entertain a Christmas
“In other words, if at the time of getting this land, that capital
on January 2<>th next for the dis­
House Party;” Im xpensive Gifts
cussion of various topics and for the water is »liverted from the may be induced to take up the for a Christmas Tree;
" ‘ A Child-
educational purposes generally.
>» will
rens Party for Christmas,"
There are many granges in the ually using it, the diversion cannot such capital shad have fair profit
each ami all add their quota to the
• The bur is suppli» »! with none
If at the for its investment and be protected
state and these are organizing and ba disturbed later on.
general interest of the book The
the v«ry best brand« of
pushing along the scheme of hold- time of diversion, others on the a in it.« collection. Noone man can
content- will be brilliantly illus­
ing an annual Farmers Instituto'al stream, above aria below have suf- do the wotk, since il requires < nor-
Wines, Li»|tmrs ami Carbot uti il
trated. both in color plates and in
which farmers and others interest- . fici :>t water tor their beneficial mous outlay. Men a.ive therefore
drink«, mid the » hoie> st Cigars.
black a: d white, and the regular
cd, from Imth Oregon and Washing­ use, they cannot complain at a organized under the laws of Oregon
utilitarian portion« will far exceed
Your patronage solicited
in corporations, who have made
ion. can congregate and listen to later :i»te.
itili same presented Uy any other
Courteous treatment t<. all.
practical lectures from their more > "There is no occasion fur consti­ surveys and plans, which have
....... ““inc ot the price.
experience«! brethren on the hun­ tutional ametidmt ut or a legislative been submitted to the State Land . I,“‘r‘‘zil‘
Corm r north of postofiic»*.
dred and one things that are inci- ; act. ami both of tho questions ask­ Board" by them examined ami so
Oregonian ami Items.
d-mlal to life on the farm. The ed at ilu* lx-ginning »f this letter modified as ti> tm ct, a very exacting
s< heme is to be commended and
many county's will doubt send
their delegates to help this most and is invested in irrigation will be ment of Interior, as they «¡oubtless
proiectid. and is r«’Ciire. These will be after due insjwction, the
worthy labor.— lone Post.
laws should be known by people wotk will be constructed. The
inviting ejpitul to our slate.
contractors will receive nothing
from the state until the lands are
sold to bomdidc settlers. in lots not
and fiup|»ofdtori»:H will rot,
0n«'-«lnEar gold pieces are again exceeding one bundle«] mid sixty
p >sitiveiy vannct--do more
to be plentiful. ' The director of acres The state gets the land and
th .n relieve you.
the mint is considering ¿».¡signs for not th' contractor. who simply ha*
1 r »iity leur» tin- NEW YORK \\ LI.KI \ Titilli NI-', hu» I.erii k iiu'ioual
It requires an internal
new paper, K'iui ii:ni»>i-t
'ii,' a - liv far.ners, «mi Im» enjoyen the confi
a new serie« to !»<■ issued for circu­ u lien o’ the territory for what the
remedy to remove thecause
»i»-i ce anil »iq |»,il of the Am
>u (" ople lu h degree neverallHineii l,y itny
In married life i»generally lation during the St. Louis exposi­ sta’e has .ngre d to pay him lor his
and » fleet u permanent cure
marie on an equal footing tion in 1904, The coin is to l>e in
Ask your druggist for Dr
ol health in man and v.i’e.
work, to i>c collected in small an­
i Perrin’s Booklet on th«*sub
But how soon, i in many | the nature of a souvenir, bearing nual installments.
case», the wife loses the | ihe inscription "Louisiana Pur­
is inaile arisnhitely for farm» i
: »I II i n . in li»-M Th<* fir-1 num1 er wus i«*ued
start anti fades in fac- an<l
The whole business means the
Nuxelnber 7th, I'.r.i).
'ails in flesh, while her chase Exposition, St. Louis.” Sev­ irrigation of one
million aer<’8.
husband grows even more
Ev IV il»*p irlitu-nf of ivr eiorm il i > I « ry I» i-overeil hy «periul conti ¡'oitors
eral designs have been submitted, while the national government ba*
nigged and robust.
« I o oc leai'i r» in tin ir repitió i'O>, ml the TRI BEN E EA HM Ek will I o
There is one chief cause any one of which may be chosen,
ii evi rv sen«»' a hikih i I iihh , up to il.it. , Ihe. enterpri«ing iiyrL'ultnnil | m |» t pro
two more millions to work in nd-
for this wifelv failure ami
e a i Jiistriih <1 «irli pleinn» ci ir. e s'oilt, node) farm building« und home»,
that is, the failure of the One bears on its fac“ a miniature dition to what cLc state is doing on
womanly health.
When bust <>f Prerident McKinley, the i
iivrii iiltiir il inueliilie'y, eli-..
its own account.
then i , irregularity < r an
1 .irni'T«' wives ron» unii ilmight’ r« will Und »pecfil psgeu for cnlcrtuirinent
unhealthy drain, inflam­ exposition having been authorize»!
"One word about the D sChut»-«
llegnliir J lili lí |»| y»:ir, vi'L 111 N S IJ iV /dilli» Il I } S, I i.n - (<r.
mation, ulceration or bv art of congriiss passed during
It is precisely there that
female weakness, the gen­
Another ap­ tip! Hon. Mr. Williamson is herd­
eral health is soon im­ his administration.
propriate ilrsign bears the bust of ing his sheep arid cattie That val­
I>r. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription cures woman­ Thomas .Jefb-r»mi, through whose ley must not be irrigated, because
ly diseases. It establishes wisdom mid foresight the vast
it w 11 drive off the poachers on
regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heai i
inllanimution and ulceration ami cures Louisiana Purchase was nc«|uircd. the public domain, of which ti c
female weakness. It makes weak women The selection of the »It -ign for the
Congressman is the agent.”
etrong apd sick women well.
" V tittle
-t vrar ajto I wrote to • n f.r new coin is expected to be made
ri.lv 1 ■. • . j< Mr- f-Jizalx lit J 1 i-lu-r < : Dian ■,
AV Va. "V’Hl nlvwl Kir Io tire Dr. CivliT « very shortly.
1- ..-orite Pre-crf}rfion mid '«'.olden Mi-liuil Di*.
What the t'tial strike Has Done
<•<.,< rv.’ whit'll I <!i»l .aril with tlie mn»t h.-ipi'V
any invention will promptly roceivo our opinion free concerning tlm patent­
I »».-•* troubled with letnale wralri-t
>. lie iriria-'l"Wii pains Had a very lied f.-.iii
ability »f same. “IIow to obtain a patent ” sent upon request. Patents
Ilodand B. Molineux w is acquit-
iivirl, njl 111. til.i' in lUjr left Mile iihv-'ii» n—*
i..|<! fi.-aiiortn . Was mi wok I coul.l llarcly
secured through us advertised for Bale at our expense.
v.i.;k .ar.... my room. Could not -it up onlv e<i by aj iry, Nov. 11. after spend­ magazine contributor, has an il
Ju-t n little- white nt n lime. My liu»lnii'l not
Patents taken out through in receive special notice, without, charge, in
',o -oiii.- ot fir ri<r,-i. w imilicine ami 1 t-er-nn ing nearly four years in prison and
instratvd article in Conk« y’s Home
its iim . Tlel.ro 1 hrui taken two Iwitti* - 1 was
Tin: P a i im R ecokd , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
io .' lobe Ip ilo my work.
I n-ei! three !■< Ill« • being once condetnne'l todenthand
.Journal for November on Wh t
in alt nml it cured me. Now I do all my ¡a ,i-r-
by Manufacturers and Investors.
v -rk. Il i« the l«--i merHcioe I ever uweli."
twice placed on trial for his life for the Coul Strike Has Don»,” that
The Common Sense Medical Atlviser. the murder of Mrs. Katherine J
Send for sample copy FR£E. Address,
brings to light some very interest­
in p iper covers, is sent free on receipt of
•i one-cent »tamps to pay expense of Adam«. But 13 minutes stiHi<'e»l ing «let til.« concerning the inner
»vrfling ii -'r. A'ldrcu Dr. R. v. Pterce. for the jury to reach a verdict of,
V» l. »•» »1«
»RVACt lU'Al.r
(Patent Attorneys,)
J.r.fTtlo, N. Y.
« ■««./ • M, CON« , U 5. A.
thp toil er; Mr. Knight «pent con-
Evw Building,
What is CA?i
Harney Valley Brewery
7 The Siar-i
.. I