V Pubiished in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon f ho Oldest and Most Reliable. The Best Advertising Medium Harney Valley Items VOL. IB. U l BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1902. If. Urlqlyr». I*>r 7t. <'oah(»»«. a.lltor >n I’rr \ t nr. Sia Month* 7 5 Cent«. NO.52 . ............................................. . men and possess a high degree of Thons;.n.ls Htwe Kidney Trouble intelligent<*. Apart from the mit.- I an.’l Don’t Know it. i'rul lands and town sit< s, no land 1<>t tie or common ^ias, with your Jnaltad of purchasing the lands .Mountain Forests <>f Eastern wrucr and k: it stand twenty (our hour«, a Frneticuliy the Entire Indian , ~« z sediment or set- fr jiii the Indians and thi n opening Oregon W ill Bron New Piati. * j »If"? indicate:, an Territory to Become Availa- *- p/Jl j utihealihy condi- ble for Settlement, them to settlement tinder the nv\ 4 L>.' -r'V/. ■ “on o( tha k.-i- Iloinr-st'’id act, us has been the neys; if it stains I ly k) ’ M TZ , . your linen it b usuul custom, the government has f','w'' ^7 evidence ot hid- Oregonian News Bureau, Wash- Lt ' r !^i.-t-i ne7 trouble: too entered into treaties with the In­ Within th" next tow months lands dians bv which the lands will be ington, Nov. 15.—Secretary Hitch­ Hardware of Ergry Description. frequent deeire la pas.; it or pain ir cock has finally determined that a _ (hc bjc«, ( a; j in 'lie Indian Territory will be al­ divided among the inenibcra of the Hi; it nm , proof that the kidneys and blad­ OREGON. lotted to the lueinborg of the five tribes by a scheme of equalization forest reserve shall be created it;, convincing der are out of order. What to Do. civilized iiatioun, mid stiles will bo of values. Having asccitained by the Blue and Strawberry Motin-, There io comfort in tint knowledge so tains <>f Eastern Oregon, but the mad» which will give the Indians appraisement the average value of often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- i greater uinoonl of wealth pcrcap* the Itti.d, th? total urea is divided lands included by the Presidential Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in c-tiring rheumatism, pain In the ita than any »thcr people in the by the total number of registered proclamation will be only Govern­ back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ment timber lands or worthier« if tha mlnary pas-^jo. It corrects inability world, und will «fiord h6n.es to Indians, and to each is «Hotel u to hold water and scalding pain in passing thousands of white families. By trai t worth the multiple of the av­ mountsin «umtnits. 'The proclam­ it, or bud effects following use oi liquor, ation will not issue until the In ­ wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant recent tribal ratifieations of 1< dila­ erage value, ana, ordinary effect of Swamp-Roct i; soon ized nation» of Indians have con­ cciye as much a- 2,000acrcu. while in the reserve, uml to eliminate realized. It eta ids the highest for its won- such birds now included in the) ¿•rfiil cures of the most distressing cases, cluded the negotiations which will others may receive net more than withdrawal us have lie' n denuded ’ 6 > j ;* * • r-iedicine you r.hcutd Save the forty acres in a more valuable situa ­ gradually opeu up to settlement be i. ikki by druggists in 50c. and$i. sizes. of limber or »re owned or occupied I You may have a sample bottle f this practically the entire Ir dian Terri­ tion In every instance the In­ AH towns or ' woudeiful discovery by large holders, tory. Of tho 31,000 square miles dians must retain for life, or at I u<*or|Miru*<*r< st re- Brute* I n(MM N » 7«l, K of I’ gave to Colonel Einmet Callahan, a citizen in the success of anv as J It MeMCLLFN. M»*‘ M •• ' h«irMÌiM H’jrht. •late yet to l>e announced, 500.4X10 sources of the Territory are ofgreat of Baker City, wl •> has Iwen urging *<1 and all irrigation works in Oregon. b’ M h»r«l«n. <’ C acres of coal and asphalt lands will value. Approximately GO per cent the es'.ai.l sliiiii nt of a reserve from ; S «>11 I »•••! (..’i tli I .««I iv «d I Secretary Hitchcock save it if . arid lands, but when I see a coyote 4W m-itti! »I » ‘ fi « \ II» f4P**M>inRl — opposi’? Bank. torv approximately nine hundred ash. hickory, pecan, liver birch i ■ iHiiiilii.g Mr« 11 li»*»»' ». W M ' his purpose to create n«« lieu base in a lamb skin,sneaking about th« towns, ten of which find in lfM'O a and cottonwood. Mr» Eilttic Tlt .«ip-<»n s,.<- > »■» •nnizimr fl»o li ’im \ Mountain i r«»> n 4 n i n a»A. — J—— of a /I flock. ..—I— I I can’t help feeling in making the Blue re- edge The hi* governing the disposi­ p'-pillytion of over two thousa'al |yj A HU.XA a l.MKY N,uiv each While tho covenants with tion of these lands provides that serve nr to permit chancus for fraud»: U goo»i ga ne <’ U.NK I iBGF . NO !•". » g. .< I W L M«r»deu. John W (¡«»ary, of any k.nd. The reserve he favors 1 this is precisely the ¡»ositionof this '»!•» t* <«» »»r h» r»» ini’ m< th»- dilierent nations vary tn their all Indians receiving ao individual will be irregular in Fli.-ipc, a check- man Williamson. He is one of Pl come citizens of the U.iited States, paper of the 24th tilt., ‘Several men tMF”0!bce »t residence. ’Phone 20, acres to di»|)O»e of within a year, an and, basing their claim on this pro­ be all Govern.nent land. He finds that much opposition have been named to me, who here Tkss (Unii SO. u;< l (i. ü. W. viunl area ul the end of three years, vision and the argument that citi-, »I ■«•)• at Hroan lutti m ri gridar «»•«- that lias been manifested by Oregon grown rich in the sheep business and double that amount at tho end zeiis of tin’ United States cannot oi'UC Vi.itins '.r.ith.-r- (r it.-r’ially in- DIGUS A HIGGS. people was based on misconception without one dollar’s investment in T Sacara. W »I Oha» N. »It4.it be governed in the disposal of their ’ of five years. J. W. Illes.. Palton tv.es> <'«stirai) , K.'.sir.ivr of the purpo.-e of forest reservation». land and practically without con- Unlike the teserviitions previous­ property, many persons are now i 1I< ‘ gives assurance that the timber ! tributing auvthing to the adcitnc«- Xltontrys-at-fxitr, ly opened up to settlement, this is making ninety-uine-yeiir leas?» :| IE NEY I.OI' i . NO 77. I <» O F reservation will not i,n any way in- ment of the country or to its sup- Iti KSH. OV.EUON. *1 •■•(» oven S mir I .v evening, It own*» not wil<< and uncultivated l i id. with the Indians, and some are terfere with the location of mining ¡»ort. A business pursued upoa lull Viaiiing liroth ra fraternally in- gipponi.*., in Bank (mil lini: Seven million two hundred thous­ making contracts for sales. The .il,*.I Frank <> .1 «ckaon. N G. claims, neither will it prevent cut- this plan, it is urged, is in its no­ and acre, uro already occupied as Secretary of the Interior, however, C G Sini li. Nwret try ting of mature timber. It will, ture predatory ami as such, itotight y^ii.i.tAM» a rtrzuEK.iLD farms and three und a half million denies the correctness of this argu- however, prevent corporations ami not to be allowed to inierferc with ft' E CIRCI F. N » RD. WOMEN tig acres arc under cultivation, Thcic . rnent. He holds that the law can >1. FlUxeraM, W...*|.-r iti i|....t> 2n I ml 4th Tno.- Thornton William., speculators from acquiring title to; operations founded upon u settled dai it Hroan'» h ill Mr* Tilli lor ian, Kt'ornrya*. lav. votary ••ubile. is $62,181 (A'0 lnvcsie«! tn farm have no such intent utul therefore large areas ot valuable land in this and domestic connection with tlw lira, lone Wliiting Guardian. property in this great fertile tract, cannot be so interpreted, and that Litte, Notarial ami Real Retate Clerk. region. Io the detriment of the in-i country.’ whose broad valleys and rich its only efieet is to confer oa the Practice ter< sts of settlers. I ’ rotiction ot “Whec thifi newspaper n an went prairies yield Hbunduntlv to even ' Indians the right of sufirage. It is. Burn» Oregon. 4'tin roll AiiMouncciiients. the most carele-H cultivation Ti.e Ti.c more than probable, however, that water supply is of equal import- last summer in the train of Will- /^“Otlice in Masonic building Sunday School at Harney the total value of the f irm products of the case will soon« r or latter be anee to timber preservation, he iainson to Prineville, he wrote ‘the first Sunday of each month st 1<> p M. JOllUAX* the Territory amounted m lh99 to carried into the courts and a test hold-, and to this end the forests people here arc epposrd to irrign- o'clock, A. M. On the second, of the Blue Mountains will be per- tion.’ Of course the people with $27.672 000. Farniifg methods: -uit will setile the contr »versy. third and fourth Sundays of each |H'tuate<• six months whom Mr. William-on's inJlu« nc<* Practical L imi Surveyor. under tribal ownership wore most Aire oly hundred-* of far-se *ing in­ month nt. 3 o’clock P. M. Preach- or a year, says the Secretary, before brought hitn into contact, thepart- Burux. Oregon. wastf.il, und under tho new regime vestors aro on the 'pound securing, the r«-scrve shall finally Is; estab- ners, of the candidate, in the she» y iiig services ••very second Sunday tile Territory promises to become leases from tne Indians of large at H P. M. lished, but when it is created its -nl(f cattle business, are opposed to g W Mtl.LEl: the El Dorado of the West The iH.rtious of their prospective allot- lines win be permanent There irrigation. Nobody else in that the Presbyterien church At proceeds of the sales of the coal and me.its, and in many instances I Notary Public ami Conveyancer, will be no jnst ground for continued region is opposed to irrigation nuc pastor. Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin asphalt lands and tho town sites those lease» contain options for fu­ haggling for the exciusion of some Continued on Seooml page Divine M'rvices the thinl »ml f.mrth Miirt-’tcp*. !»<•<• 1-. Etc , • rre. 4 10 a. m. every Sabbath morniiig. H. VOLP, A. M . M. D. now on deposit in the National i No “rush'' noconfusion, no lottery every rc.-ci ve heretofore create 1. Frank J. Cheneyuiuk< s «• it-li tlm'. Preaching services at the Baptist Treasury, will be similarly divided. and no "sooner«’’ attend this re­ sr.vns is cwstic . Physician and Surqeon, he is senior partner of the firm of church every 1st «ml 2ti'l Suntlnyn. This influx of cash, it is predicted, markable transformation of Indian F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business »Ilice at residence Continued on Fourth page. inorniiig and evening. Sunday will not only make the Indians lie Boasts Williamson For His in the City of Toledo, County and — — Oregon Position on the Irrigation aclioul every Stiudii) at 10 a. m. Burns, willing to sell their lands at reason­ State aforesaid, and that said -firm Quest ion. prayer meeting every Thurmlnv able prices, but will make th« in ex­ Stomach Trouble. will pay the sum of Om Hundred evening. “I have been troubled with my cellent cuBtomers for those who Dollars for wicii and every case «if A Journal reporter called on ,, , . that .. . cannot , . lie cuiea >. ur j have merchandise to sell, and will stomach for the past four years," Service at. Christian Sciene« \f...... * ( atarrli »... li. muir v M . H4’WM|wip«'rN hi. vnintolr vrlatvly trivi givi n n <*w cvtrrvnr.v Motor Alfred ]•. Sears, the well- 1 . ... .. ... Hall, corner e ist of the Bank, even to r< pni’t.i by Irn’HponsIblo parti» to tlKJVtR'vt. open an era of unparalleled pros­ says 1). I.. Beach, of Clover Nook •’ - , , , the use of Hall s C atarrh Cure, Farm, Greenfield. Mass. "A lew known civil engineer ot Portland, Frank I Cheney perity throughout the Territory, sun l«y at lla. in. and 8 p tn i lini NEW HOME SEW1NG MAGHINE CO While mineralogists believe that days ago I was induced to buy a for an expression of opinion eon- Sworn to before me and subscril Rerviea Wflnesflav evenings at H. THE I . I l'iiU'rc.) a trust or • ■•nl.lnation ; w<> vì-li Everybody is invited to attend bi usMire th<- |tibllc timi Ih. ir Is •••> truth In the whole are which is to be <’ivid-«: lx).x of t’hnniberlain’s Stomach and cerning Congressman Williamson’s ed in my presence, this 6th day »urti ri p.iT^, Wc hnvr I . lil:UHUaeturinv 1 have taken part remarks on irrigation io The Journ­ December, A. D. J8S6. these services. •..-winx -I I s for ov. r n ••uurt.-rot n «viitu- among the Indians is underinid Liver Tablets. r.v, unti luive t.th!J*h<* rlts. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken io- known to exist, only the known You are certain to be pleased w ith of American ¡Irrigation engineer», Thr •• X«w llmur’' ietlteonlu •■*••<»» cents. For and one whose broad experience ternally. and acts directly on the the result. Price 25 Itlfill fiK.tUE Sctrhttt JKacMno ieoal ami asphalt fields owned !>»• ffce inarkct, and known devotion to the inter- blood and mucous surfaces of tin, salj by II. M. Horton, Burns: Fred ItPnot ne. »»:iry for nslnvnlirlntnatrust the Choctaw and Chickasaw na­ j _______________ ests of Oregon entitle his opinion system. Send for testimonials. fre»> G.Hivei.urvT.-dlt "» )«i.v uny <1. bt.< «■< «.■ hnvc tions, and aggregating 5, i > ixi.l. bis to p'i.v. W<-liavp nevi r t nl'-rwl Inin to consideration, lie is. moreover, F. J. Cheney Jr. Co.. Toledo, H. OcaioNa ..... . villi inanuinctiir.r»oi low arido acres, will be segregated and sold O ofvrwhts Ac. )-lH-a|iinucllIn. H tlial armarlo tr> s. Il ivrar l. familiar with the practical op ra ­ Sold by all Druggist. 75c. as such. All the other mineral Anroo» >rndlna • »nd dvarrlntlon mn |< vi urmi, Inti-'n-io rinrlt». lx. noi I»- .1.-- mil.-iilv »xwn.un .«ir i.pwnon freo wlioli vani n »• vili« inur-hltio don't. li'.mls in tne tract can be purchased tion of the Carey law, having been Hall’s Family Pills are tire J km *L l.»«<> |» >ir.*«Nr IMienlnblr. pmmiunky- wlid y..ur moli, y nw.iy Unni lionn-, cali orti • »«»«nctirninBikHiriaj. Il>ndl»«iok.»ii l*»i»triii^ ' engaged in making the surveys and For Infants and Children. " .Veir limite ” flvulee. li. < ali - Il yon a at various perionsin the next few l'aienr« fakmi tliroiivli Munii A lRiH.»Hn«, D, ti». Gii.. Pillili». Trx.. R;in I ran. l«< r>, ' fil. , I r ✓ )