Loss of Flesh Oregon Not«'» THE HOME GOLD CURE Snap shots. I Matrimony has spoil««! many \n Ingenious liviitinent by which The Oregon State Irrigation friendships. Pruukartls are Helmr cured Pally Kssociation will nu t t in Portland. in Spite of T’lu'iii .elves. llappim «« is never perscrv« «! in When you can’t eat break* November IS and 19 So Notions Post's. No Wen killing of Thedefunct Gilbert Bros” bank family jars. fast, take Scott’s Emulsion. the Nerves. A I’loasatit anti l‘«>si- at Salem has announced» dividend Widows and widowers ouyht to When you can’t cat breac of live Curt- for tin Liquor Habit. III per cent on all claims that bo re-paired. □nd butter, take Scctt’s have been allow«d. It is now generally known anti It isn’t a crim«' to be rich nor in Emulsion. When you have understood that DrtJtikencss Uadi- <’. A. Fitch, editor of the I ak«>- it a virure to b«' poor. seas«« ami not weakness. A body fill­ been living on a milk diet anc vieiv Herald, died last \\ ednesdav No man objects to lieinf under- ed with coison, nml m tv «•.'■complete want something a little more night at Lakeview from auovenlose rated l v the assessor. ly shatter« <1 by periodical or con­ nourishing, take Scott’i of morphine, taken with suicidal stant u>e of intoxicating liquors, re­ Whip m« an thing« can pass intent. Emulsion. quires an antidote« npalde of lieu- through some sweet lips. To get fat you mu t cat The Crow i Prince of Siam, who A dishonest man suspects every tralizim ami eradicating this poison is now touring the East, will visit and destroying lli«' craving tor in­ fat. Scott’s Emulsion is c Bortland the bitter part of this honest man he encounters. toxicants. Sufi« r«'i may new cure great fattener, a great month. From there lie goes t«> Enough is as poo«l as a feast, but thcniM'lvos at horn«' without pub­ San Francisco. most of us want » surplus. strength giver. licity or lors of timi' from business Those who have lost flash Bert Heaton, charge'! with the Money talks in a language that by this wonderful ”H< >.M E GOLD CERIC” which has been perfectisl want to increase all body inutiler of Benton Tracey, at Junc­ all the world can understand. after many years «if ch>«< study ar.d tissues, not only fat. Scott’s tion City, last May, was last Fri­ You cant expect the owner of an treatment of inebriates. The faithful day found guilty of murder in the automobile to have horse sense. Emulsion increases tnem all, second degree. use according to «lirections of this bone, flesh, biood ar.d t The Oregon Land *V Livestock Those who liavc disagreeable wonderful discovery is po»itiv< h “. news to t«-ll you always find you in guaranteed to cure the m< st . nerve Company last week file«1 articles of A man may be a big gun in poli­ nate « use, r.o matter how hard .< For invalids, for con­ incor|H>ration with the County Clerk drinker Our record« show them «r valescents, for consumptives, of Lane County. The capital stock tics without being leaded ull the vi firns transformation of thou- nd • time for weak children, for all of the company is $1 ,<*'",*,CW, ami of I)rm k r«ls into sober ii dustri the principal placc«'f !>vsires» is Eu­ Appropriate epitaph for a b ««-ten- who need flesh, Scott’s gene. The incorporation are K. A der; “He had a ‘smile’ for ev ry- ous an ! upright men. WIVE" « I KE YOl’R HI S Emulsion is a rich and com­ Booth, John F. Kelly ami Gsorge body ” BAND"!' CHILDREN - I’Rr fortable food, and a natural H Kelly. The objects of the incor­ <*f all sad words of tongue or p«n. YOER E \ 1 II ER"!!Thi- rem« G is poration cover nearly everything in the saddest are these: “IK’.* a l.a- tonic. in no sense a i I’H'ritti« Lut is « -p«‘ the livestock buisness. This com­ been. ” eitlc for th's «lis»-a*«- only, and is so Scott’s Emulsion for bone, pany has been for met! by me tn hers skillfully d«vi»ed ml prepare«! tl a' Cheap notoriety generally ll.s flesh, blood and nerve. of the Booth-Kellv Lumber Com­ it is thoroughly »olulde ml pleas­ the price mark conspicuously n *’ ” - R »d cast their bread on the _L. water it from tl.e Military Wag« the wrapper of evtry bottle i tak ing it. Thun - 1« ■'« <>f D : ok ir un«i desirable town property call at this 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Mountains whieh has I - ate man bv having the (’( RE ad 'k .¡..sing oil ice. 50c. and $t i ell druggists. to De m tre valuable for «' u inistere«! by lovii g fiiet «1- n i <1 than for timber. An t- v in­ For Sale—Hay a» 15 per ton with relatives without th«ir knowledge dustry is thus to be dev« good pasture and plenty of water, in cofiee <>r t-a. and I elii-ve today Enquire of Ira Stubblefield. that th« y dis dry. urers in which it faildi to c!f< < t a without extra charge. S«-ut. pn-panl An <>l«i and «-xjtcrienced practioner stationary. etc. cur«'. When given as so-jti :is th«' to nnv part of the world on receipt who has for many years ma«Ie a cliihl be«- ¡bis hoarse or even as of One Dollar. Address Dept II L’l. close study ami specialty of the soon :is the croupy cough appear«, EDWIN B GILES «V COMPANY. WOOD — Good Ju • c oo ; Boitft curing ail inflammation. Jtisth« Bean tho ofiiccs in Oregon in the fi-’cal year lL-rten, Burns; Fred Haines, Har­ ffigaator» only remedy known to science that ended June 3!>, 1902. amount'd to ney. of • actually reaches the aiilicte«! parts C $693.057, or an expenditure p r ,ì 1 te lij.iMMnEocM J Ins wondt-rful remed}’ is known mu u-an it, capita of * 1 5S. 'SNEFFLES the GCA It AN TEED CATARRH CERE.’ and is o y. t ' «r> tl x yx.. TO <•< KE V < IS <»XE I» 1Ï I Basra Ju ' Ki: '' ll,w *l,ra-'r: Bk""1 sold at the extremely low price of T»k<> Laxative Bromo <¿iiir.ii.« fùfM'.sra tine Dollar, each package contaii - kakc-s short roads. of Tablets. All druggists refund the imt internal and external medicine money if it fails to cure. E. W. r ii lli-iont for a full month’s tre-at- ■> Grove’s »«-nature is on each box. i :<-nt and everything nec''s«aty to 25c. its pi'rfect use. A FREE PATTERN oZtL. ;.d light 1 .«ds. “SNI’FFLES" is the only per­ (your »»wii M’lr»’«»»«U» to ever* Ktib* I Otilv » ««•i.ts ,i tear. WAGONS’ WAGONS! fect. < ATARRII Cl’b’E ever made Wo will sell von a Mitchell. ¿'f ami is now recognize«l as the only rale and positive cure for that an- Rushford or Weld er Farm Bed food f >r evi rytliing noyirg ami «lisgusting ir s ; l.ntr y ..rtiOLD in the HEAD. i. .'k , Il .«. I » «t««>n, etc Sul» s« STA?;r>Ai;i>oii. < <>. / %« fib«: t«> d.»V, or. • • . Semi your orders to us, O. C. Co. t»«r l.-ic-t Copy CATARRH when negl«-e*e«l often I . - 1 : . 1 • ' . I' ■ . (I for tcfwi. —srTWjurr ?xi i——— Siylislt, Rdt.iblf, Simple. I.'ptn- l.-a-K to CO N SI M i’TION —“S NI F «l.ttr. I.« H •! .toil A l>**olul<*ly PctI«xt l iltiitz l’.t|M-r P.ithTii". FEES’’ will save you if you use it NOTICE. nt om-e. It is no ordinary renieily, A liberal reward will be paid fi« Reduced to FIFTY bm a complete treatment which is the return of a light brown <1 i CENTS A YEAR positively guarint-e«! to cure BAZAR « 'AT.\I«’RH io any form or stage with white neck, face »nd feet. Ib­ i if use«l aecoriling to the directions is rather slim built and locks tom« Formerly which a ¡company each package thing like a sheppenl. All SfMfn'v Mln ne.I and PiwforjlIons Mww Don’t, delay but send for it at once 9r.c M. L. Lewis. t?»r Bd4in* «’.nd lines. ami write full particulars ns to f»t«’y P« . «I |x rrnta r,v If—»"><’'• I ;h*r Dollar A* ».. . rey vour eomlition. ami you will re­ .< «I » • . TtlE *1 C A L L CO ceive special advice from tin- • ». » I «•«iverer of this wonderful rem«' iy f olic, Cholera am! Diarrhoea >■ I ■■ ' ■ I— (•«•giirdiiig vour -ase without cost to JP-inedy. ‘Hi j is l' o ;;rd tC'.t vou beyond th«; regular pri«.-«' of "B. L. Bver, a well known coop»-r Fa: . Mi -az.-.': i 3W b;- "SNI’FFLES” tlm "GI ARAN- of this town. i-avn he Ix-lie-, « - (Jhatn- ; the . .m-: -lena p-tiic. Itaiicw^ TEED CATARRH (’ERE.” w Id •i.i ,:z- i- Miliinery. S< nt prepai'l to any address in berla’t«’» Colic, Cholera ami Diar S-r.trcid !.. Cockivç. tn rlioea Remedy mv««l bin life hint ma- a w’j; d i.i Eftdfnft tin- I’nited States or Canada on re­ Illus J ii. ci. . - s : d ceipt of Dm* Dollar. A«ldre«e Dept summer. lie had been sick for r, ii.;-. a-«1 w Ale ve all, it 11 PH EDWIN B. GILES A COM month with wlrit the doctors call ,-.vst-.- - --■ f II A-ltrs Hcn •• »• ■ « n for <• > ? _____ ____ ----------- ....------ j., rfnobeck, ? I’ANY. 2330 and 2332 Market 'bilious dysentery, and could get /¡.ns - •; ' -.vi’.« F/.- frcer<|«>rt on n.C . .«»»f.ii;»y. F WASHINCTON.DC.’ ? ,ii.. ., N > pay Piice 25 «■ ..... h I. . .................... W W W« ■W. ’PHin M To liny our sending un 11 50, one year’«« •uLvcription to the I tem *, uu will mull th«’ t'i>i«*ag>> Wevltiy Intel-Oceun m««' s«ar free, or to any on«« »ending u» thrv«’cueh «ubscription for lhe two paper wu n ill give u year’» »ubcription to « uch paper fr« e, «r The OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for 32,00. For Winter R I'.idit’g «ou cannot fiid » nmre blwrft! < r. r h " e er. «1 not «.trike i u »• uh • l <‘U If any of ill' b h .««t, write uh '«, .« « I vive ion u t'i’ii . lib« 1 al clul«' « g ol1« « th any |.< • « «11 <• j uhi li <1 i« t « l'un <1 H u ' i h D« t't put it o!l '< 1 0«. till! A«ld «• • I ’■ r * I »• O r <*s*on A WORTHY SUCCESSOR court«- of Htudv ; ea« h department tith'd by a i«pe«!ialii i economic» »tided forthe benefit of th«>*e preparing to teach 1«. High Sch -ol». but are option.«). $200 in cn-h prize» for excel > ' cn in oratory and athletic». Expense» light; »ocial conditio i* ideal Send for catalogue. B. F MI’LKEY. President, ( l.ll'I'ORD I HOMAS, Secretary X ■ÄEASE Buy u | Obta curd mm sen«) to The New York Trilmi «■ Fariner. New York Citv, 'or a freo specimen copy. Th» Tribune Farmer in a N’a'iomil ILm-tra- ted Agricultural W.«kly for farmer» end • h ■ «ini Ii. h nrd -luiiili. a* t h* head of th- »gr ur.ii pre«- I he p ice is i’lOOpe xe»r • i’ oi. li!.< ii you e . h »ecure it u th mur ci» . Divorile l «c»l lira »paper. 'I ho 11 EM-* ii * I Lari« tin Both piper» ■ I 50 Sri « nionri an«l ord r to The I • FMS hcfi mu MAGAÏÜHE^ ip j o miiih "Ml'CALL/6 I I / V GA5HDW4 BICYOLES BELOW OOFJ E di (71 ill t I 1 W&9 CuwinterfJ 19412 p’OTf 0Vck of on« of U n * .known (J* /a TFWWWf4(.l(,|i|».s <(f tho conni!.’., S'’ ’U4”il ralt 1-j u* • • n* ’" Avodefr: 1900 and 1901 Model ( ' :<>i ‘ > i»i ;a j.'<..'.7. a .,7, , full > ■<•» •* U< < <1 t<« ;«ri'.- n c ■ ' li I I.'. \ < b «l'i* . 1 • ' o' •* ■ , 500 SEOOHn-HAHV in fm/h* by pur i r» 4| <*” n . rf. C t> M:*i 'folti r™k< JL rj'Ui”. ci'-wl n < Siur tv VU Tir»**» rniilpnicnt. un »idi ’|rw.‘-i»« « »D»fr «.<> < f mt :«, »Hat«, « l D’ fe« In olir W»r ti’** » »»»»•Irycsiilotr. A n’"rld <•( Ut «rr»«a|b 1 Urli» ■ 1 t» RIDER AGENTS WANTED liKU rnufjci Wrych». In your linn* you ran »nil*« 5 WF WAHT n n '’nh' h: cy< If’fiHft.. f/,r r LI* ■■ hihih <•> n tviTk N-kh-i iiavlntf n v»h rido fo» aoih <’*- In j t< h idjah to