| EASTERN ELECTIONS, Local and General. Wm Harris, foreman at A'vor«!, was in Burns a fe'.v duyu thin week. Tuesday elections were held nr Oregonian and Items, $2.<>G 12 states From returns nt hand au«l A Venator wan in from Crane our, there is no doubt :La» it will R. IL Ritz, of Lawen, was in town I be suHieient for nil party purpoHcs. Creek during the week. this week having come up to «1« From a natiomil standpoint, the Jorgenson repairs watches and liver somo cattle at the ILitilcv control of th“ lower branch of con- docks Work guaranteed. ranch. grcsH wus th« real contest. Many B. F Autsnms, of Lawcn. was in of lliO states elected legislatures A. L. Hunter. John Dennis,Tim«. Burns on busini**» Wednesday. which choose United States sena­ Sogcrc and Mr. Youngman left J. ('. Buckland was over from Wi.dmsday for the Lakes for a few Of prescription« is no child*« play. tors, but the «suit of these elec­ YOUR wants can lx; SUPPLIED. Call and examine the Hurney several days this week. tions Im* in no way imperiled tho Il require« v< r tlm Item« office an«» will Everything full Weight, take an honest pride in the purity ever, there was a decided change ff Judge L. R. Webster left last resume their regular practice under Everything at reasonable prices. of our drugs, and llw skill umi ac­ from tlm vote cast two years ago. Saturday on his return to Portland. the leadership of Frank Paul. curacy with which we coiupouud Following is the result in the vari­ W’e ar<* after vour trade and will use ever honest endeavor tí» President Roosevelt has named ous state* according to late dis­ An Onturio exchange states that bcm on your physician'« order. s«-cure and retain it. Retr.ernbcr November 27. as Thanksgiving Davi«l Cary has purchased SO acr«*s patches. Governor Odell and entire re­ Day. of lund lying just north of that » publican ticket elected in New A. letter from B. D. McIntyre place on winch to build a home. II- W. WELCOMED CO., York by 10.000 plurality. states be is prospering in Idaho's Propi-ictora. G. W Clevenger, who ba-<*barge Republican majority in Idaho capitol. . ............................ ■■ —............... of tin’ const-uetion of Alva Spring­ more than 6,(XX). Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Marsden are er’s new residence at Narrows came Iowa gives republicans 7 5,(XX) visiting friends and relatives in up Tuesday on husitie«» returning plurality. Judge Birdsall elected Grant County. Thuifday. to (‘oiigrcsrt. HATüKHiY, NOVEMBER M. t'JOS. Clubbing rat'8 given with any Frank Jackson took a number of Entire republican ticket elect'd paper or periodical published in ! m< n to the mountains Tuculay to in Connecticut. the I nittd Stab’s. Purllmut Will Butri-tMlli. cut wood. Frank i« in a |«o?ition Nebraska elect* republican state The Oregon Irrigation Aaaocin- ticket, but th«- vote on governor Fred Fredericks, of Juntura, was to s« ll v««ti wood, auywhere from timi convention of ov«*r 4(X> del«* is close. in Burns <>n business scveial days one to 100 i*uriD. gates will asscnibl«* in Portland during tlm past we« k. In New Jersey the republicans For a bilious attcck tak«- Cham­ ‘I u<*»«luv and W'«*ilm*>tr«il of the senat«* The mem l»er« of th“ athletic dub berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ b«*r IS and njwo the Oregon and house of assembly by reduced uro arranging for a foot bull game lets and a quick cure is certain 1 Bar AM-.n-hiti.iii ni<*«-,s tlierc on th«- majorities. i to be played Thanksgiving For sale by II. M. Horton, Burns; ■ earn«* «lav«, on which occaaion the 111 .Maryland, th«* election was Fred Wyatt, of Harney, arrive«! Fred Haines, Harney. railroads liave mndo r«-«'» to entertain I Virginia’s election was confined good pasture and plenty of water, panied by Mrs Holland and littl«* We are now receiving our Fall and Winter goods consisting ««f ul! v. ¡tor- nirr the ra.lrouds on I to th«» ••lection of congressmen and daughter, who have been visiting Enquire of Ira Stubblefield. all kinds of Dry Goods, Bouts and Shoes, Groceries, »tc Ac. til» oci*i«’«ni with u Bull or comn-rt. ' returns show that the Democrats in Boi.se, Idaho. Our stock of Ladies' Dress Goods. Outing Flinn* Is, Ladies and tree th. iter», with visits to wlu-at have elected 9 of the 10, with one Register and Mrs. Wm. Farro Children Underwear and Shoes arc unexcelled. We invite you to A Washington dispatch *«:!ion of the republican ticket , al Bank, of Sun Francisco, was to­ E. S. Snuffer camo down from eral cu-loin house, a steamboat gO0(| I majorities. approved as reserve agent for . I King and Sayers’ sawmill last Sat­ day ride on th“ Willum« It.- mid Colum- «>>1.... th«; First National Bank of Buri'!'. Other state» carried by republi- urday and is spending a few «lavs • da Rivera, un«l in other wavs us cana are: ' Oregon. in town. will best show Portlandaenterpriae. oi,;,, 7<>. O'XI Mrs Ollie Masiker, a daughter of hospit.-ilitv and desire to become Wisconsin 35,000 i Cal Demnris, of Harney, arrived i Mark Howard a former rtsblont of yesterday from the railroad with a b«*tn*r arquuin'eil with the pcopl«* Pennsylvania 1 '«’non "** horse load of freight for Hurns I the Drewsey section, was united <>t the whole stat«* and they with it. j \*pw Humpebiro «,0)0 - in marriage at Rosburg Oct. 25, to MON’MOl TH. OREGON. merchants. Il ii> expected several tlmusuml , Colorado 2.000 j j Harvey O. Lohr. They will inakej Gradaates of the School are iu constant people from all over Oregon will 1 Kansas ■10.000 1 Jorgensen is still to the front 1 their home at Dillard, Or«*gon. dcniiad at salaries ranging from 14‘J.UO tu st....>.._ lake a-!v «iitag«* of the cheap ex cur • î . Montana 4,000 with low prices. Call and sec his 1100.00,’ per "month. Student«; take th« sion rsti*» atincunc«*d by the O. Il , Utah 25,0001 line of watches, clocks, jewelry. i Sheriff and Mrs. Allen, having xt:ite’'exiiiuinatisu« during’tueir coiiras »V N , .Southern Pacific and North- ' Washington ill tile school and me prepareil to reeeiv«. in charge Mrs Horton, left Mon- , stationary, eie. 2QJXX) Mate CermicMteH on graduation. <*rn P.-i. ilic to visit Portland in igu- ' California moriiin-' * ‘ u . v b ’ r 'I ” ' p uul iii.«tittit*ioii in,(too Snow fell Wednesday Exiieu*«.’* raiige’irom 1120.00 to • **» tion u«*«-k. and it is the intention 1 Massachusetts ¡mt ( at Salem. Thus endclh chapter. W.OtK) to the d«*pth of about an inch, per year. «o'lli li Las a remarkable record. It has ! Considering the uncertain con­ is expected to return next Wed nos-! W. E. -¿USCH. Trcprirtor. ina couple of weeks. Mrs. Wil­ lieen iti use for uvur thirty years, ditions regarding the completion day from his trip to Minnesota. liams is a sister of G. W. Clevenger. during which time many million -------- BEST OF WINES. LiqiOKS AND CIGARS.—- of the building, the attendance th«’ F. M. Jordan returned tin* first battles have been sold and used. It , , . first day was very encouraging of the w(1(.k fr,|ln portlftnd wh( rc ( Dr. M. S. Kern, who has recently , Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guarani«« the ------------ standard ----- and . e .1 lias long lieen t.._ 1 with the brightest prospects for the dole- returned from an extended trip in j main reliance in the treatment of ■ largest class in the history of the he went some weeks ago as a Eastern Oregon, l<*ft vest«*r complete the last year ■ school. Tho heavy correspondence , Win. Hunley, the Harney county «luring ill! this time no case has we are having and the general out- of a medical course in the North- stockman, accompanied by his wife «■ver been reported to the manufact­ 1 western University, lie expects lo««k promises upwards of one hun- ! is in the city superintending the urers in winch it failed to effect a to return to Boise next Spring to dred pupils by holidays. shipment of his cattle.—Ontario «•tire W hen given as soon ns the reside permanently.— Boise St:»t«*s- Two new courses have been a«l«l- • child becomes hoarse or ««ven as Democrat. mun. H ed this year. A special am 1 coin- i : soon as the croupy cough appears, Thegross receipts of the «93 post- 1 plete normal course ami a course The Uniteil States surveyors who it will prevent the attack. It is j in misie. Tiie normal course offers ofliees in Oregon in the fiscal year have leeii surveying along Snake pleasant to take, many children 'Í I special advuntag«-» to those wtio ended June 30, 1002, amounted to like it. It contains no opium or wish to review or prepare for teach- !?0;,3.0.-><, or an axpenditnre per river east of Wallowa county found I j that Snake river which is th«* line other harmful substance ami may «•rsexamination. The course in mu­ capita <>f $1 oS. between Idaho and Oregon, runs be given as confidently to a baby g -• r sic is added to accoininodate those| “Jim” an intelligent caninc, ■ several miles farther east than has jis to an adult. For sale by II. M. ; who wish to take a course in either which will be retneinliercd by n ■ heretofore been suppose«!. This Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Hur vocal or instrumental music. > ♦ large number here as tho projierty i gives Oregon many thousand mon*. ney. To accommodate young men and of J. W. Peacock, was poisoned in acre« of land. If you desire to trade for, or buy young women who have been out of Lakeview lust week. During tho fiscal year which desirable town property call at this I , school tbr some time ami arc be- Chas. E. Kenyon ami J. J. Done­ ended June BO, 1902. there were , hind in their studies we have open- ■ o flice. gan left Sunday morning for Salem more public lands entered and I < cd a preparatory department. in charge of Fred Randall who was disposed of in Oregon than in any This takes in all grades below 1 aentenced to one year in the peni- of lhp pwk v Mn(llltaiBH ■ ? tho eighth, and we invite all who ' » ( and omre Innim than have hereto- C . Successors to R. A. Miller *t Co. wish to take the preparatory work tentiarv lor hor«e stealing- NEW FALL GOODS Proper tompounaing Burns Drug Store At the Pioneer Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS N. Brown & Sons Fall and Winter Goods Lunaberg & Dalton stite ; normal school The Capital Saloon s I [ i 01N I MENIS and suppositories will rot, positively eunnct-~32 acres. WAGONS! WAGONS! We will sell you a Mitehell, Rushford or Weliber Farm Bed Wagon ; 3J Steel Skein $S5.C0 31 „ ,. 90.00 3J „ „ 105.00 Send your orders to us, O. C. Co. NOTICE. » Miller & Thompson, Î .< V - V • > • A liberal reward will be paid for the return of a light brown dog with white neck, face and feet, lie is rather slim built and looks some thing like a shopper«!. M. L. Lewis. V. ■ 1 <•’ N ; 1» 1 . .. » «