Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1902)
i I iû Oldest and Most Reliable. The Best Advertising Medium. t Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1902. • 1.30 I’rr \ <*nr. Mit Aloni II « lùCfBta. dillicvll to prosecute fraudulent DO YOU GET UP mineral entrymen, but udequiite steps have been provided to in WITH A LAME BACK ? vestigate each alleged mineral en-i Kidney TiwMc Mikes You Miserable. Evidence of Frullìi« In Three trv, aud in cast a where timber ia ('oMdcnaed Di»|>i*t«-lies (latliered Ahnort everyt xiy «zho read« th« news- being cut from alleged mineral l'rom ail Parts of the World. Oregon Districts. psperj Is aure to know of the wonderful claims upon wliicb no mineral ex cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, ists prosecutions will follow. It the f.reat kainey, liver Th. opinion seems to prevail in I and bladder remedy. A Washingto dispatch to the the department that if the local ‘ - It is the rveat medi- A dispa teli from Manila dated cal triumph of the ninc- Hardware of Every Description. Oregonian of Oct 29lli says: land offices arc innocent of all col- Octolzer 30, announces the arrival: ; , 1 tcenth century, The Secretary of the Interior has lusion, they have been decidedly of General Miles and party at that fo£3/___ 1 . covered after yesT- of » » • • J’■ j scientific reaear-cii ly .. OREGON. just received positive evidence of negligent in not detecting evidences place. •Xj L.. Kiimor, tv: etr.i- U7 j ■■ " ■'/ ...... Had extensivo fraud« being pcrpctraU-d of fraud long before they became > ¿,r -pejajj.,. a;xj )a The editor of a Spanish news iu Oregon under the timber and apparent at Washington ¡.nd were wcndcrfully successful in promptly curing stone act, whereby Certain persons confirmed by investigation. While paper published at Manila has lama back, l-.itfncy. bladder, uric acid trou bles and bright's Diseioe, which is die wor d are seeking to acquire absolute the precautionary steps being taken been sued for libel on General J. farm < I kidney trouble. Franklin Bell. Dr. Kihncr’s Swamp«Root h rot re~- control of the richest timber lands will save to the Government hun cr.unin.lodfor every thlr.£ but if you have hi. in the public domain in that state. dreds of thousands of dollars in San Francisco is preparing a ncy, liver cr bladder trouble it will be fout.d The most Ihigrunt violations of the timber lands, it will yet tempora big reception for General A. 11. Jurttliei r.iedy you need. It has bees «e: to i insomary vzayr, in hospital work, inyrrvats law have occured in tin- Roseburg, rily retard the timber development Chaffee who will a-rive from th«? practice, among the hclplees too poor topur- I 'IT7.GER tl.D. F. S BIEDER. BIGUH & BIGDw ch.iee relief and lias proved so suz ceoe’ui in I.tikeview uml Dalles land districts. of the state, as bona fide entries Philippines shortly. her’y mid Tr«>na. Atlorreyn, every case that a special arrangement has According to the Secretary’s ad will lie suspended along with all been made by which ail readers of thi.’.papcx The visit of the Emperor of tier- who have not already tried it, may have a vices people ure being shipped into others. sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book these districts by carloads and are Washington. Get 29 —Upon fur many to England is expected to t :lling more about Swamp-Root and bo-.v tj I immediately entering the forested ther investigation into the timber bring altvut more friendly relations fold out if you have kidney or bladdertrouble. When vzritingmcnlion reading this generous - lands ui-der thu timber ami stone laud frauds recently umurthed in between the two powers. ( ( iicorporii'cd.) offer in this paper and act In other instances large tracts Oregon, the .Secretary of the Inter It is retried from' Washington . end your address to______ . Kilmer £iCo.,Sing- Kiitr'.-1-. Abstracta Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Landa in Harney are being denuded of their timber ior finds that in the quarter ended that the government may ignote D: hamton, If. Y. The County. by parties who arc doing assess September 30 there were in all Colombia if it does not d<nl fairlv regular fifty cent and Uon>. <>r »».unniv««, .'oiiar sizes are sold by all good druggists. ment work on what they a»s*rt to Oregon land districts G25 more in the Panama Canal negotiations. REAL ESTATE be mineral developments There timber entries, covering 100,000 DiscloFcres of a fotmer British. The Chicago licioni-Herald save i« strong proof that 11 large number more acres, than were re[Hjrted in Bought and Sold on Commission. ambassador to Austria is causing that two big combinations are of these alleged mineral locations the quarter ended June 30. If this stir in Europe, lie is| planned by the big meat interests. quite a are on non-uihicral land arid have pare had not been cheeked the. charged with giviug away state The packers will combine first, been Hinde purely for the purjiOBc nublic timlier lands in Oregon ! l.«»Ugr 1*4» ertui y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. secrets. and then effect a merger of *11 the of acquiring the timber. When would soon have become a thing of! ,, ... , stockvarde in the thi« is accomplished they are a- the past. The Secretary has figured PruKH Ixxioi: Mo. 70, K of 1‘ Mrs. Minute Cooper, who was, , . , country. With , , , 1, 11 r> 1 I the exception of the < riieugo Meets every Dinrednv night. batrdoned. out that if there was the satr.e pro-i shot last Saturday at Pueblo, Colo.,. , . ,, , . stock , 1 „ , , yards, which are cun trailed iu B<>«- F M Jordan. C C. So positive and convincing is the portionate activity in timber en by 1 red PmbertB of bait Lake, who I- ,, , . S MotlierMii-ad, K of 11. S. ton, all the properties involved are ¡evidence now in the Secretary’»i tries in each of the stales as sud then killed himself, is improving PH0T0CKÄ1 HER. owned and controlled by the own hands that immediate steps are to; denly developed in Oregon, there and has a chance for recovery. BUItNM CIIUHER l’io. MJ, <» E. 8 ers of the principal beef-packiag Burns, ♦»regoli. be taken to prosecute every one of would not he an acre* of vacant M.-<•<» .u«<.<iti>l timi fourth M'.ii'luv trf Mg”. Falconio, papal delegate to plants. i.iu'h ni mili in Maaonie li i i, Virngtly tho fraudulent cntrvmen. As a! public timber land in a year’s time. Main St —opposite Bunk. liiitliiii’g Mr« .M .tfiric tavern, W M J Canada, has received a cablegram first step in this direction Secretary The Oregon frauds are not dissimi The submarine torpedo l>oat Pro Mr« Eunit-i- Tli •m[i«<)n. Hee. 1 from Rome officially notifying him tector was successfully launched at Hitchcock today ordered that all lar to those discovered in Idaho |UJ AKSHEX h okary of; 1 Bridgeport. r, 'entries in Oregon under the tim and Montana two years ago, w hich ' I of bis appointment to the idliite BI7RNH lODiiF, NO »7, A F. <« A M. Conti , Conn , Saturday. buturuav. The 1 he W L Mark«!eu. John W Geary, Me •<« <uttir<Ì4i <wi or tx-íes (till nmon. ber anil stone act bc suspended resulted in a large number of pros papal uulegatc to the I mted States protcctor ifl ¿,.,,¡5^,4 for harbor ,k. I wh L lieud'juartes at Washington fenM> she is GO feet lung. 11 feet Q'llllll -.< l.r.all.T« tr.trrn.llv in ItrrI, Phyoi iano it Sur<}eone. pending specific investigation, and ecutions. i E K. mon. IV. if F. H. Rieder, Burn«. Oregon dir cted that each timber entry man Heel. The discovery of these wholesale I Alfred E. Jessup of New York, beam, and has a displacement <>f ----------- ----- -- - - - ■ ------ • . ■ ¡¡jH Otlice it re»i<lrncu. 'Phone 20. bo served with a notice to show violations of the law' will act as an . ■ now head of the testing lalmratory ■ 6-> tons submerged. Iler power is BORNS I.OIJOE. NO. »3. A O. V. W. ciiu»o why Ins entry should not bc inducement to urge upon Congress i in the supervising architect's ollicc electricity when submerged •nd Muet, ,t Hroan liait rv rv t-'riilav <>vo- cancelled If. during this suspen at the coming session the necessity of the treasury department, has ac gasoline when cruising. Iler build ning Vi«itinit brother« fr*t.Ttuillv in- gtc.os A tkiGS. v1!«.!. Dni« Hairers, W W. Chas. N. sion. any ontrvman attempts to cut for the repeal of the timber anil cepted the nosition of chief assaver ers believe she can destroy the sub j. w. B.<;< mitón Hirsi (\xhr*n.>, Recorder or remove timber from the tract stone act. Not only does this law of the Chinese mint ut Tien Tsin, ! marine defenses of any harbor in AUorneyn~nt-La :c, sought by him, he will be prose offer opportunity to speculators but China. the world. H IRNEY IXJlHì , SO. 77. I O O 1*. IltKXk. OREGON. Merla *> «rv S itur.l «V evening, H own'« cuted to the full extent of the law. it permits the acquisition of timber i I A dynamite bomb, the weapon of lull Visiting hrnth-ra internally in-I fWoflh-i- in hank hniMing The strike commission is still at Tile ordered investigation will lands worth $50 to $100 and more vitiiif frinii <J .lii kaon. N G. a deranged assssain, Mew t_p the include the land offices at Rose an acre for the nominal sum of work in the Pennsylvania coal home of Joseph ( hicagt« C. *i Stni li, Heerte try I yyILLl.V M» 4 F1TZGERALD burg The Dalles and Lakeview to $2,50. When that law was enact- i fields. They have decided that the Sunday, killing two members of determine whether or not they have ' ed it is said the price was reasona new scale of wages for the miners ¡the family outrrght and injuring Thornlou William». M. FitizertM. will begin November 1. They will tl'»rney-*’.Iaw, xuiary rubile, been in collusion with the perpe ble becuuse of the inaccessibility of several others. The house was set trators of the extensive frauds. ■ the timber. Now that the great adjourn today for a week when on tire ami burned. The deab are Law, Notarili and Seal Estate will resume their investiga-1 The department some time ago ■ timber states are well developed i th-v lJ Era et ice Joseph Kordeck, eruis aud legs tions. < li il retí \ ti n «» ii ncriiirii tx. Burini. Orrgon. , prepared blanks upon which was aiid’rneans of transportation afford blown off; Lucy Kordeck. aged - Ito be taken testimony of witnesses ed. it is contended the Government £W**OQìcein Musonic building The battleship Oregon left Sail years, body blown to pieces. The in all entries made under the tim- should derive a greater revenue Francisco Saturday for Honolulu. injured are Mrs. Lucy Kordeck. p M JOKOAN. ,■ her act. and these blanks were sent from its remaining timbered do- ; The big war vessel is on the wav . tlesli blown oil' right side, injured o'clock, A M in larce numbers to every land, main. to Manila where she will join the internally; may die. Seven child third an<l fomth ¡'radicai Land Surveyor. office in the L'nited States. It was There is a bill now on the Senate American fleet in Asiatic waters, ren who escuped were injured, but month nt 3 o'clock P. M Burnii. Oregon. ■ noticed that in the returns from i calendar embodying the ideasof the and become the flagship of Admiral . not seriously. The explosion <**- ing services every second these Oregon ot ’ iees testimony war Secretary, and renewed efforts will Evatis, m h<> is in’command of the cured while the fnmilv was asleep. at 8 P. M. g w. mili . er . not submitted on regulation blanks, be made to secure its enactment, squadron. At the Presbyterian church and many vital questions and an- It is said that President Roosevelt I Burns, Rev. A J. Irwin pastor. Notary Puhlic ami Conveyancer, swers which were intended to show is in perfect harmony with Secre rpi The report is current in Wash S tate of O hic .C ity or Tiiumm L uscas C ount V. ♦ Divine services the third and fourth MortgAge*. Deed«, Etc., correctly mide, ington that Senator Quay will be tin' go d faith or the illegal pur i tarv Hitchcock in hi.« desire to ar- ! Kurils, Oregon. • 1 Frank J. < 'henry makes <• ith that Sundays of each mouth at 11 a. tu. oil ire ut rlDfu. r .1 . \ , prosecuted for his violation of the po«e of the ontrvman were omitted r. st. fraud« arising under the pres- he is ts-nior partner of tlie linn ♦>:’ and 7: !0 p. m. Sabbath school at I each time. Tho land officers as j ent land laws, ami it is not improb-1 civil service law in allowing hi« In a. tn every Sabbath morning H. VOLP, A. M . M. D. sert that they never received the able he w ill 4 crsonallv advocate Il l!l1' • to appear on the lett. rheads ■ !’• >^- 1 heney A" Co., i.«ing Uusim’s« ' and Pre.tehing services at the Baptist Mauks, hut all other ofiiei s exper the revision of those laws that are of the circulars asking for campaign inthe( ityot lo’iedo. County Physician and Surgeon. contributions from Government <................. * Rt,’n ‘i!li<^ M,l<^ chtireli every Island 'Jtvl Sundays, ienced no such inconvenience. Be- now so objectionable. . will pay the sum of One Hundred <ÍF~ i Hlico at residence. ernbloves, although the parties con morning ami evening. Sunday eitise of the coin, idonco of tho fail- The local land ollic.-rs in the Dollars for each and every case <Z — — (»regoli ! uro of the blanks to show up and school every Sunday at 10 ». n>. I Burns, three districts whero frauds are corned will say nothing about the Catarrh that cannot !»■ • ured l>r prayer meeting every Thursday the immediately ensuing flood of said to exist expre« «« surprise at mutter. the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. evening. timber entries, mostly ofaques-1 the accusation and invite a full in The cable line-between Vancou Frank J. Cbenev. tionahle nature, the department vestigation. Services at. Christian Science ver, 1>. C., and Australia has been Sworn to before me anil siil>seril>- Mnny ncwspnpcrs hav«* latri? ri veti rum ncy Hall, corner cast of the Bank, every 1o ivports l»y irn'spoii'ilblo partir# t” thriMlvet feels that a thorough investigation Stomach 'I rouble. completed though it will not be ed in my presence, this Gth «lav must be held toestablish the status | “I have been tronbitd with my ready for business for about three 'ttinday at 11 a. 111. and 8 p. m. December. A. D. f sSG. THE NEW HOME SEWiNG MACHINE CO ot tl’.e land offices in question stomach for the past four years,” weeks. The time of transmitting H'Tvieo W.ednesdav evenings at 8. luul a ini»! or rnmblnaUon ; wewl.-li A W. Gleason. One of .the land olliees under in «avs D. 1.. Beach, of Clover N<x»k a message between the two places Everybody is invited to attend io nnsiin- Ilio |>ul>U«* that i I wto k «m tratti in seal Notary I’ul.lie. I huc H reperì». VVi> li:iv«’ bc<-n niiitiufacturli.u those services. *'A few will be about five minutes. The Hewllltr tiuirhlti.ifi.roveru qUurtorofu r. ntu- vestigation reported cash receipts Farm, Greenlield, Mass. rv,uivl havvcstabllnlieil :i r. imtatlon fnrour- tor limber and stone entries for the davs ngc> I was induced to l>nv a Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken- in cable is 7900 miles in length and «. 1«, e inni our nuuìiln. «limi1.« tlie < nvy ol all BO YEARS* nlbiT-i. Olir •• irir Mowir” nia.Iilne Im- quurter ended September 30, ex box of Chamberlain's Stomach and brings into living a British tele- ternally, and acts directly on ths H. vi r l« n rivuhd a* i lainll.v in telili» . li EXPERIENCE abilitili ut tlie In ni tifali Hi ah fi vaile ». w In»' .ceding those of the proceeding | Liver Tablets. blood and mucous surface« of the 1 have taken part graphic girdle around the globe. imii-hine».aliti <<l.«<>n II., nini veril». q uirter by over $100.000, and an oftliem and feel iigreatdeal better. ” system. Send for testimonials, fro . The “.Vele Monte” in thè onlV reali» l other office reported an excess of If you have any trouble with your. A special to the Miner from Butte Mldll ti MAH E Sete hi fi Xurhiue F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, • • ott thè market, ¡more than $GO,000 for the same stomach try a box of these Tablets. !’■>> L>‘at «>'»» ’*‘r '“uSt sensation- Sold by- all Druggist, 75c- li ¡anni n.'.i-MOry l’or 11« toenler Intuii trmrt lon.vr our vi.«Ut ..r |Hiy uny .l.-bt--u» w> hai. quarter. You are certain to bo pleased with ai robberies that has < ver occured Hull’s Family Pills arc tlx i«‘«t. For the whole of the last TRADE MARKS n.i.l. I»t» t<> |>.n . \V< bili. n. ver . tilt-reti inni Price 25 cents. For >” tl"' history of Western Montana D esigns coni peti Iloti wllh tiiiiiiulli<Siir> rsof low gnidi- (¡•cal year the Lakeview district rc- the result. C opyrights A c . i-lu-upi.iuebliit» liuti are inaile t<> .«<>11 rcgar.1- sals by II. M. Horton. Burns: Fred ; was enacted ut Plains Sunday. turned only $11.1!)7 from a.iles ot Anrmte MniNtiff a RkFlrh mid dof»<Tlp<l(»n n»«v Irai of uny lulrliwlo inerite. )•<> noi bc d.-- nulcltlv iKNervfnhi <»»r <>|dnk»H free wheilior ad .» iv. d, wh.-ii jou wiint »M-wlng hiavldnotlon't. timber and stone lands; Roseburg Haines, Harney, ' news <>f which had just reached Diwfiti'jn !• pr«»i'Mj|y <’«m»n»m»lra- M-n.l volli- inviiy troni brune; .'allori a tlotiRstrictlyrontMenfial. on Patent« i that place. A wealthy Flathead f»rnf frt*. OhlrH »urrtKty for rhm >» hi « piiiwin . Moine ” ¡Mailer, Ile i ali *11 yon 11 returned $71.157 and The Dalles! PaiwntiN tuWen tbr»uuh Munn A Cd. r.'vttre For Infante and Children. lieto r macldnc fnr I.- rm thnn voli < un piirvha». 9j>rci«i tuitkf, rhRnre, In the Indian named Machall was robbed < ti»>wli»-n-. If tli. ro U in» li. ar jou, $5,752. writti illrvct lo 11». Saturday night of $22,000 in cash, The KM Y m Have Always Bonghi While it. will bo easy to reach . .'J...: .. - ? 1 «rr«t dr- A ’in ..w»i,h Illi.rtrnUM »«•*!». THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO the fraudulent entryman under the This siunuturo is on every bos ui tbe gennins the money consisting of 1100 bills Bears the tUlMfltlH r.«u <>t ,..y m-Ki.rltt.’ fourtiMl. To-m». »:> » '.mriixnth»,p. .«..l.lbr«'IIwwwlMSn. ORANOE. IVIA.SS3. laxative Bromo’Quinine Bi^uatw« of New York, l'hl.-iign. 111.,HI. Toni.*, Mo., Aliar.« timber an 1 stone act, it is more ’ h, that cun , u coM in one day ' and 120 gold pieces. LANDS HELD UP GENERAL NEWS Gcer& Cummins ................ ilF E. 0. T. G. CO. NOTINANYTRUST CASTOR IA Scientific American. ÜiÖNIi4Co. ’'""""'l New York /trarrli e»m«*»«. » I’ St., W WI Ifib'tnn. ?>. c. ie i tri. «In.. limili«-. Tex., San Ei-'ti■l”'". «'.•>».