Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1902)
Narrow Chest» The <>ld theory that OMMumption w.- i«i>KM itol i* utterly discredited b' mo,!« u: tiK-dical science. The getm» oi «on- « n iiuux be received from with out. These germ« are every whet« Thev are eon.Usntlv being received an.I cast out bv the healthy »«»ten It is iliv narrow vhe-te.l wlio-c ir. beritanci* r we..», new who fall .« pray to NMisutiif'- tiou becaus«.' the« •re too weak < t lung to re-i-t ami throw ott <h»eu 1 Lx tor Fierce s Golden Medical Discovery make« weak lungs It cut, • strung, obstiuate deep seat ed «ulivi -. bleeding lung >. wcakne»«.«ma«: tion ami other COtlditi«>lis \»l:i. ’i if neglected >>r un skilfully«-I tind a falsi ter mination in c«>n- •ntnptioti. -tn th.' -prinr it Snap shot«. Oregon Nule* Jack Spratt could eat no beef \V. C. Brown, u lmpuinr. of Dal Hia wife could vat no hum, las, Folk Countv, was so jubilant So wiltn t ic priceof meat w« nt up over the good price ho r-'Ceiv«'«l fi'r Th« y didn’t care a «1—■ - - n. his hops that h«'threw away $100 in nickels to be scrambled for by If money talks it at least talk- I the children of that place. cents. Tho state of Ort gon has a laml In the human race the butcher area of Bl StiO square miles. Of holds the stakes. this area. (*.S.’»‘23 square miles are The grindstone is one stone that's East of the Cascade mountains never IctY unturned. This fives to Eastern Oregon, two- One wnv to make a slow hors«- thirds of the State’s surface. East ern Oregon has a population of l’a-t is to slop his feed 137.002. Ten years ago the popu- There is generally something l.’it.on was 77.5OS. crooked about a straight tip. i President l.vtle. of the Columbia A man must have some sense to Southern Railroad, who is much know whether he has any or not. interested in getting the Deschutes Om> good way to derive an in Valiev occupied bv settlers, is in come from literature is to sell books. clined to the belief that, if the Gov- ernim nt will undertake extensive People who call each other liars irrigation in that ¡«'ountry, larger often get hurt for telling the truth. results will b«‘ accomplished than The successful pickpocket is would flow from the enterprise now- obliged to keep in touch with the on foot un<ler the Carey act. public. An Ingenioiw Tiealuient bv which Drunkard« ar«’ Hcing Cured Daily iu Spite of Themaelven. \’<> Xoxioua Ihisee, No Weülu ning of the Nerve«. V Pleusunl and >*«>«!• live Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now gcn«'rally known ami understood that brunitene»» laudi- seas«' and not weakness A body fill- cd with poison, and nerves completo |y shuttered by tieriodical or con stant use of intoxicating liquors, re quires nn antidote «spai le of neu- Utilizine an«l eradicating this poison und destroying tho craving for in toxicants. Sufferers may now cure To any one sending uh $1 .50, one yenr’a »ubaoriptitm lu the themselves nt home without pub I tems , wo will mail thu Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean one year licity or loss of time from business free or to any one Heading uh three ohh I i aubat-ripiion for the by this wonderful "H*>ME GOLD two paper we will give a year*» aubcriplioti to each paper free, Cl’RE” which has been perfected Thu or after many years of close stmlv and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of thia __ » h»uff<. and becanir x. \ hm»baffi* . <4 the .. * ■I 1 hwi i\ rui. au J - of ’ brratlk !<'»l l?e*h u»ul ha»’, t«» wonderful discovery in positively rppetite •* vrritr*. Mr. >C- I. Robinett » ! \« ri< l ean •* I waa -|«eT' t«e • ;.su<-d to t-.x I* guaranteed tn cure the nx'st obsti ....... ...... Mtx ...... ’ival Pi- . i.»covcTx Th? hr»: ’< n ’ -:t’. « «.Uxlru i i<» «‘ » wo ! ut .’.tic u- IT ufl.t l nate rase, no matter how har«l a uv>u‘d#v*«n t«c ax is‘ini st that «Trade J. The Admiral Clark testimonial tvi¡Miiii’Hivn. wf whkh iwveial »ux hr th drinker Our records show the mar .1 n. Ila I a’.mo*4 given up i?i u ht n t x ■i nd* |*,''«m»>d rue to fixe x,-,.r t .«;<-t committee which is arranging for Jorgensen is still to the front velous transformation of thousands M<<Teal I hmxacx * a fair tn *. c . r the presentation of a sword to the with low prices. Cull anti see Ilia »i^ u*e uffuin ami in * -h >rt tirr»" xx««- ■ ’it. Ii «v»ntiuur«l it-* u#r until I hu 1 t..k< it of Drunkards into sober industri- For Winter Rending vou cannot find a more liberal offer. •oxtt en I xreigh It' }.«« n xx. ..-«I valiant commander of the Oregon lino of watches, clocks, jewelry, whe-u 1 comtnrns'rd I oalx xveighol p-uii■’* ouh ami upright men. If any of the above, however, do not strike you as what vou It miiv on< .i »»»Ms th»” MatrnK.Lt 1 vw»11 ' k . during th«' late war, have receive«! stationary, etc. pk-.tscU to answer any inquiry ’ I WIVES CURI YOUR HUS want, write uh we will give you a good lilwral olublung offer about IlKKt aud Secretary Mitchell I \s*xTpt th » substitute for ”Gohlen Mt with any periodical publish'd in tbo United Staten Don't put BANDS!! CHILDREN CURI Idseoven " Not!iing" iu<t as c ' “ is so sanguine «»f success that he For a bilious attcck take Chain YOl:R FATHERS!!This remedy is it off. Nit w is your time Addrri>H, l»r. lhcn-e's Pleasant l'ellet- «k .li has arranged transportation from the cloggetl system from impurities. berlain’s Stomach ami Liver Tab I I in no sense n nostrum but is a spe Phila«l« !pl»ia to Portlaml and re lets and a quick cure is certain cific for this disease only, and is so turn for the Admiral and his wife. For sale by II M. Horton, Burns; skillfully devised ami prepared thai ' Fred Haitie«, Harney. it is thoroughly soluble end pleas Jorgenson repairs watches and ant to the taste, so that it can tie “Something New Vinter the Sun. clocks. Work guarantee«!. given in a cut« of tea or coffee with WAGONS! WAGONS! All doctor« have tried to cur« out the knowledge of the person We will sell you n Mitchell, If you desire to trade for, or buy C ATARRH by the use of powders, taking it. Thousands of Drunkards Rushford or Webber Farm 1!< d neid gases, inhalers an<l drugs in desirable town propertv call at this have cured themselves with this Wagou ; paste form. Their powders dry up ollice. priceless remedy, and us many mor»' :;t Steel Skein $R.'.00 the mticuous membranes causing have been cured ami mn«lc temper ‘,»0.00 34 1 them to crack open ami bl-cl. Th« ate men by having the “Cl’RE” ad (Tubbing rut-a givtn with any 105 00 »1 jiowerfiil acids u«ed in th«- inhalers paper or periodical published in ministered by loving Jricnds ami Send your orders to us, O. C. Co have « ntirelv eaten away the same the I'nittd States. relatives without their knowledge membranes that their u.akers’.Lav«- in coffee or tea, ami believe today nime«i to jcure. while pastes and n with Incendiaries made another at- that they discontinued drinking of «ointments «'snnot reach the disease water-1 tempt laLt Friday to destroy Fort ’.heir ow n fr<ewill DO NOT WAIT. An obi anil experienced practioner Stevens at th«' mouth of thoColum Do not be «lelmled by opp.m-nt nr«l who has for many years made a bia. Efforts to find the inceniarics, misleading ‘ improvement ” Drive «-!.<.-« study and specialty of the who live witbin the fortifications, <«ut th«' disease nt once ami for nil wood WOOD.—Good Juniper treatment of CATARRH, has at. for saie in any quantity, I’riceg bave proved futile. Similar efforts time. Thc“HO.MEGOI.DCVRE”is bi«t perfected a Treatment which going up. Call on W. E. Huston to burns the post were made some sold at ihc extremely low price of wh«-n faithfully us«<l, nut only re :n the Dnrkneimer building, One Dollar, thus placing within time ago. lieves at once, but permanently reach of every L<>«ly a treatment more «•nr« s CATARRH, by removing th- ’ effectual than others costing <25 to Mr. 0. 1’. Daugherty, well known A Remarkable Rceortl. «iiuse, stopping the discharges, and throughout Mercer ami Summer Chamhei Iain’s Cough Remedy ♦•«(*. F ill directions accompany curing all iutlamniation. It is th»- counties. W. Va . most likely owes hn9 a remarkable rec«ird. It has each package Special advice by only remedy known to science that his life to the kindness of a neigh been in use for over thirty years, skilled physician« when reaneshd aclnallv reaches the afilictcl parts, bor. lie was almost hopelessly af- «luring which time many million without extra charge. Sent prepaid the Southern Oregon State Normal School opens Wednesday, i Ins wonderful remedy is known tlirtiii with diarrhoea ; was attend battles have been sold and ue«-d. It to anv part of the world on receipt September 10th. Full faculty ; improv« d building; exhaustivo ns “SNI FFLES the Gl ARAN ed bv two physicians who gave tiim has long been the standard uml of One Dollar. Address Dept H-t’.H.I course of stndv ; ea< h «b-piirtin- it filled by a specialist Latin TEED CATARRH Cl’RE.” and is little, if any. r-'.ief, when a neigh main reliance in the treatment of EDWIN 1’. GILES «t COMPANY, | and economics added for th«- benefit of those preparing to teach sold at the extremely low price of i bor learning of his serious condi «•roup in thousands of homes, vet i 2330 ami 2332 Market Stieel, Phil in High Sch >ols. but are optional $200 in <-n«h prises for excel adelphia One Dollar, each package contait- tion. brought him a bottle of Cham during all this time no csfc has All correspondence strictly con lence in oratory and athletics, Kxp-riees light; social conditio is in*g internal and ■ xternal medicine berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar ; ever been reported to the manufact fidential. ideal Send for catalogue. • B. F MULKEY’, President. miflieient for a full month’s treat rhoea Remedy, which cured him in i urers in which it failed to effect a ('Ll F FOItl) THOMAS, Secretary ment and e’.’ervtbing necessary t<> ¡ c « r ti.un twenti -four hours. For cure. When given as roop U9 the CA.8TOIT.IA. perfect use. i -t K ’4 YW Hurt ttWQS MM sal«- by 11. M. Horton, Burns; Ered ehihl becomes hoar«-« or even us Be«r. th» ■SNTFFLES” i« the only per BigMtam Unities, Ilartiev. soon as the crot’.py cough appears, fect CATARRHCl’RE ever mid«’ •f it will prevent the attack. It is O aw .— _ —--------- —- and is now recognized as the only 1 •* 1 " H”1 4l*â’s pleasant to take, many children Dan th-. ► afe and positive cure for that an Siynatiro like it. It contains no opium or noying and disgusting disca-e. It ef CABTOnTA other haripfid substance and may cur- s all inilatnstion quickly and Be»n th» 113 K’’#ú H|W *iWar5 : be given ns confidei.ily to a baby permanently un«I is also wonder fully quick t«« relieve HAY FEVER as to an adult. For sale by H. M. Uieiuktin akes short reads. <>r ( <*>LD in the HEAD. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har < ’ATARRH when neglect««! often For kittv yeum the NEW YORK WEEKLY THIHUFiF. haa been » ns'lotml ner. 1- a<G tiiCONSl MI’TION— S.NT’F weekly new -pap« r, res«! uimot entirely by, ami I ih « Hiijmea ihr cent) NOTICE FOR PCBUCATION. FLES” will save you if you u«<- it defire and support <>( the Anierieiin people to «degree never uttained by any I C m Ian<! lluro», Oregon.22. l'RVJ nt « nee. It is no onlinary remedy, similar publication. THE Notice in hereby <iven that the fnilowinr, :ul li.; ht louas. but a complete treatment which is named ha< tiled notice of hia intention NEW-YORK TRIBUNE EARMER p ■itivclv itnar int“<d to cure tn mr ite final proof In wnppnrt of claim, anr j«a?H is made aosolutely for (armers and their iuiuilivs. The lirwt number was iMued • ATA1JRÍI in any form or stnse •het .«.-I f»t- 4 wdlbe made before Keg« »tor ami Receiver at P irn*. Oregon. *#n Not amber 1, if used according to the <lire<-tioos Jiovemlier "III, I'.SH. v .z: «hieh m’-oifipany <a<h laekag«. Ev ry department of ngr'ctilturnl iml’ift'ry is r««vorc«l Hr special contributors Dtwii«*l IV. .lorclkn. Don’t <ielav but send for i’ at mice who are leaders in their re»|s-etive lines, and the TKIBI'NE FARMER will b« II.I entre Un. »t<;, for the si?4, Sec ». Tp and write lull particulars as t>> in every sense a liiah «dsss, up to date, live, «tiilerprising agricultural p«|w*r pro S o’l V. lltClS, s., r. t-.’»»« w m . THIS TRIP Ile tiatno» Ihr fo,fowin< witn»««»« to prore votir condition, mid von will re (iisely illimtrated with pictures of live stock, model farm buildings uml homes, icorr- :T<j'rro»v •• - t « a ! Hai» • st hO vs.-4|’ •• l<M lii. «-ontluuo'ie r<-»i‘l«‘nee ujHin eu.l eultlvaifon Sold Everywhere. ceive -preial mlvice from the dis uvricultnrul machinery, elc.. 1.. r ■ « 5 62 lu» ot «kl.l I aiu ). vU: TJiitnr ▼»»! iFCJUltr coverer of this wonderful reinvth Farmers' wives, sons ami daughters will find special pages for entsrtair.ment (.tight Sf I 56 Tsrx.4 adr by MAMMED OIL CO. .1 !.. Sil». Xoah Otr.l, P F. Hein». «u<l Vvt I a .4A UMbwa «•gnrilitig vour «-as«- without cost to Regular priiefl per jeur, with l*IlMb|lX0. AddreM 1T> MB, 1 ums Or. Jinir.iio, ail of Lkwen. Ortiron The Tip «rm tn hi^*Y rn«’-ct''p/'iy’*'* W>|. I V, Reifbfor. v«m I h ’V oik I the r«;gulsr priceof i*, »tie > • 10 Martin vit!i Smoirie«« llafrrl wâinff JJ lOHifh Prrttnrf Car ‘ SNTFI-LKS’’ the “(H ARAN- tridge' I !»IH f.jpc ha » • vc- TEED CATARRH cl’UE.’’ Icr-tv «,( <«vrr 2.ÍXM) let » per •econd with consequent, Sent prepaid to any address in fUt »r-.,“« rnry anJ NOTICE TO CRF.DITull*. Í’ (I li.iitns the I nited St.itpg <ir Canntia <>ti re the »»rj.wer f A FREE PATTERN «•»•ipt of One Dollar. A«ldre«s Dept »? 40 K . k pnw In lhe Coiifitv Court of the State of Ore i'.- rae«m.«t»e • i ’S • «O ’ -• f r w'"n i »»Mr«»». •• II I U EDWIN B GILES A COM ,» t • whew e-H wOF. •• gon fo- Malheur County •• »f »i.i« ’•<•» PANY. ‘233H and 2332 Market m W» (• t .-4 «« . riFi-tf. •• In tin- matter of the Ltst ttner in Street, I*hilu«l«.'Iphia. r’/» i <r- •' n - l - Will an<l Test>ment «>( itiir f n ul/J f»r 9 T. M. Neaweard, I'eeeaae-l EftAft A,*/** - r k *< of ’** a**r*n,ffr<’ loot 3 ISII■■ overs«, or.e of the •*>'. known OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for $2.00 A WORTHY SUCCESSOR àiui BICYCLES BELOW COST ”tnp III«* Coligli uml XVurL iifFtlin Odd. MAGAZINE Irti MARLIN Finr »’VSCC -IPANV Nf WV HAVÇW. Laxativ«’ Bromo-« Dii ni m1 Tablet» «•uro a cobi in one day. No Cure, N ■ pay. Price 25 cents. Oregonian nn«l Items. $2.00 CASTOR IA . U wc pfrtnpUy obtain L'. S- BAZAR- Head DVMlsi, «k. tell er plxHu o( inventi« D for inr;ri4.>rt ou t«t< ntaHI|ty. F« r fr< # Nek, Ijow sce-itvYo s nr 111 OFC »HU iiu.noi nRuL-IWflnpj » ■P atterns A4 The Kind You Have Always Bough! Baars the tjlgaa'.xre of XNnwH «’M Prrfofdt h *» x MIO* I IS • - ’-Di ' H II r»«» k- M ttt fir * l.r •». » I h.'Lk - ' !! p Ba'tiwa <>. i, A K I the R ecall HMn-117 Ant ìht St.. I Ii»»r i ' torufli PATENTS M9CALL/TÎ for Infants and Children. S- A- _he» 1 » *••»> CO . MW llWH CASNOW& OPPOSITE U S PATENT OFFICE t- WASHINCTON. D.C. Notice is hereby gi en that hr order of the County Cour' of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, made and eriteie.l on the 2nd <lav of Sept, tnher, Hk)2. that Letters TeHta.’iientary were iss'le.l to the ■lo.lereigned. May II. C e.aueard, Hp- oointing tier as Hole exe ntrix of the L h M. Wi I mid Tesliiment of I' XL Seawear I, <l< i-eaaed. til |M*rsonH having claim» »'zain-t Raid .•►fate are lii’rehy rotiffed and reqnir >1 to present them, w it’ the prn,w-r votw-hora therefor, within six months frnin «ml af- t. r till« date, to -wit' 2ml .lay of Heptem >er, l(k,2. to Raid executrix at tier place oi reeideneo at Cord, 'lalheur County, ■ iregon, Maj II. C. Seawrard, Executrix. w w w w fie tori.-i of th<> country, socured by u< at one-half co»«. F»«r Motto/« ..... I9(M) and 1901 Models ¿X Ciit.alrx/ius with large pAoliy/rapA«« cngravmyt ¿mi full detailed epocificâtiotiR tint frit to auy nddreaw. We SHIP OM APPROVAL to anyone in U S- or Canada mlAout a ont tn (tdvance and allo«/ 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL I&tó; no r/«lr in ordering from 113, as you do noi newl to pay a cent If the bicy«’.1o does not suit you. SOO SECOND-HAND WHEEI& t»krn In Inule by our Cbh.’kfn retal»tt or»». <0 4n *C| mtnyp«d»»iwv. IV it. »>innrl»s,»po««in< •-<!» of «li »inda a th rrvuWr -u.,lry »»«»low. A worin of l.itormaUou Writ* tvr It, IMTC WlMTKn h’ ' <■' ,"*n to r,',n •N I V nNIVIEII und i • HHiniUo jnoy model hicyrle. In your »pare flp.e you can m»k<: •»<» ««a ttiO k w.»-l< Nwldes hkvlng ri wh«»l to ride for yot.r-wlf. _ k rellkhle lu-nwm In euch town to distribute cat «Ioni. - for us In 3cbaoi'e ♦«! » hfoyriw. Writ» todnv tor fro« cataforw »«id our »| h < I"’ « w » iv . L. MEAD GYCLE CO., Chicago,' III.