OPENING EXPKCKES, Local and General. Adam George, of Lawcn, has our thanks for a «ack of fine potatoes. There were seventy Idg fine follow« in the Hu<-k, aggregating seventy- live pound*. They were raised on Mr George's ranch near Crow Camp i To date the Interior Depart cent ha* approved but one list filed by the State of Oregon under the Carey i act, being for a tract of 8793 acre«, lying 20 miles southeast of Binns, This is the tract which a Portland company has contracted with the I state to reclaim by means of pump ing stations. Rev. Goivan and wife, who have been occupying '.ho Baptist parson age during the abtcuce of Rev 1 Bind; and wife ex;x-i-t to start on! their return home Monday. Rev. I Gowan who is agent for the Baptist, bible concern report* a good many , sale« in this place, and on his re turn home will »top at all the small towns between here and the rail- toad to carry ou his work of distri- • buti'jn. James Ourd, of Ilarney, was a caller Monday Mr. (lard is again extensively eugr.gcd iu the sheep business. lie says the late rains ! did not carry enough moisture (<• do tiie range much good, but re ports his sheep iu fair conditior. Mr. Oard did not turn off' any sheep 1 this year as lie thought lie could make ni'ire money out <»f his wool clip unoth« r season. He iuf««rmed j us that his brother P. L. Oard who accompanied his sister Mrs. Rimer . to her home in Ohio, some weeks I ago is expected home shortly. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home <>f Mr. and Mrs II. E. Wc arc now receiving our Fall and Winter goods consisting of Thompson in this city y, Sunday all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Jtc Ac. evening October 27. 1902, the con Our stock of Ladies' Drees Goods, Outing Flannels. f.adi«-s arid tracting parties being John Robert Children Underwear and Shoes are unexcelled. We invite you to son, of Drewaey a brother of Mrs. visit our store ; inspect stock and obtain prices. We quarunto«- sat Thompson and Catherine Foiguton isfaction it« every particular. «•f Chicago. The wedding cere mony was performed by Justice of the Peace S. W. Miller in tho pres- • eneeof a «mail numl>er of friend- and relatives. After a short i honeymoon the newly married couple will take up their residence on tho McAfTee ranch imrth of MONMOI TH, OKF.l-OX. Drewsey. Mr. Robertson we under Gradaates oi the School are ir. constant stand will have charge of the Abner iteiusnl at salarle« ranging from tv Robbins ranches and cattle in iltm.OO^ per montiv Stmient«; take tia that section. -rate] exaiuhiutioiK '(uiing^iueir «-oiir*«< 'fbe ohoning exercise« of th* M. B and L. B. Hayca, <>l Lawcn, f ilizeiiH Btnlne« Collrge will be were visitors yesterday, held in the college building .Mon- Jorgenson repairs watches and • Inv ecening, November 3. A cor- diul invitation i* extendid to ail to clock h . Work guaranteed. be present at thoexercise», Tho pro Iru Mtuhbleflold left Tuesday gram. fur the John Day lifter fruit Singing by Audi* no. Frank C«wltield and wife, of Opening Address by Pres, W. 1J. Narrows ure visiting in town. Johnson. Paul Locher is erecting a cold Quartet, Byrd Family. storage plant opposite his brewery. Oration, J. J. Simorville. Quartet, Byrd Family. Chas Fields, of Andrews, is in Address by Secretary, Burn« as u witness in the Randall Atty Dalton Bigg«. case. Of prescription« i« no child’« play Short talk by Prof. M. E. Rigby. ft require« conaeientioti« caro and C. 8. Johnson, of Van, is in town Benediction accurate knowledge of drug« and this week being summoned us a their relation« toevhothor. We juror. James F .Mahon was in on bu»i- talco on honest pride in tho purity Chino Berdugo and A. Mirnndo nesa Monday. of our drugs, ai.d tlui skill end ac are in from the southern part of William Gearhart, of Van, is the county. curacy with which we compound among tho visitors at court. hem on your physician'« order. The Winter schedule on the Can Clarence Drink water, of Harney, yon Ci.y-Burns mail route, goes was in town on business Wodncs. into effect today. day. II. IV. WELCOME« CO., Judge W. A, Booth, of Crook Proprietors. 8upt. John Gilcrest, of tho P. L County, was among the visitors g. C<> , was in Burna during the <1 tiring the week. week. Clubbing rates given with any J P Gearhart was down from pajicr or periodical published in his home on Calamity tin- first of llm United State-9. ftirnttniY, N ovember t. tww. the week. Thoe Jenkins, a Happy Valley Mrs. Myrtle Curtis and little sheepman is viewing the sights in CIU( I IT COLHT daughter, of Marrows, are visiting Burns for a few days. Circuit court convened her« Mon in Burns. day with Judge M. D. Clifford on I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bonnett, of' Frank and Alina Davis, of Hur the bench Tne ether member« <»1 Crane Crock, spent a few days in; ney, spent u couple of days in Burns during the week. the cipri in attendance were: Burns this wook The supreme court of the Unit' d District Attorney Win. Miller. Judge L R Webster, of Portland, States have decided that Japanese Sheriff Tho«. A Hen. is among the attorneys in attend cannot become citizens. Clerk F 8 Ki«Lr. ance at the present term of court. Born, to the wife of W, J. Cole Biilitl Dyke Jameson, J. D Daly and famiiy, of Drew- man, October 28, 1902. a daughter. The foltewing were irawn as sey, were gucets of Mr and Mrs. H Mother and child doing well. grand jurymen: E. Thompson several days thia L, N. Stallard, Drewaey, For Sale—Hay at 15 per ton with week W. a. Ko'oriaon, „ good pasture arid plenty of water John II. Neal, the well-known Enquire of Ira Stubblefield. Jacob Wright, ,, Happy Valley sheepman, was al- | J. D. Billingsley, arrived from John B u 'I c I iiimu , Burna tending to businesn in Burns this • Ontario Sunday, to look after a W E I'riaeh. ,, Week. D M McMenamy, „ ease he has in the circuit court. Will Spencer, Riley, Clerk Howe, of the I'. S. Land Mr. und Mrs D. Carey, formerly Thus. Howard, hsilitT Oflic.! of this place, returned last of Burns, have taken up their resi The cases di-posed of up to time night from a visit with bis family dence in Ontario.—Ontario Argus. of going to pre*« are: at Hood River. Redmond Joyce, a bricklayer of IHIMI.VAL POlKKT It is reported that the Willamette John Bay. has been employed by State vs. Elia Horton, adultery; : Valley dr Cascade Mountain Wagon jury returns a verdict of guilty as I Road Company will place their Contractor Smith on the new Bank charg'd Sentenced to one year in I lands on the market in the Spring. building. Jorgensen is still to the front tin- penitentiary. with low prices. Call and see hi.« Uncle George Duncan, of Silver State vs Randall, larceny of a line of watches, clocks, jewelry, horse; plead guilty, and sentenced Lake, arrived in Burns yesterday, I enroute to Ilarney and vicinity on stationary, etc. to mm year in the peuitentisry. Jap uni Bob McKinnon left Stale vs. D«ly, murder; not n a visit to relatives. Mr Dunean is past 7-> years of age yet is Bale and f r Huntington this week uit< r the frui* bill. Poison Creek Notes. In art v. engine and a now dynamo for the >’ ite vs. t'atterson, larceny of a I • C. W. Martin and Mr. Wat*o.n ; i Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roliertson, electric light plant. «•■•If ; not a true bill. his partner in the wood trade are ; . of Browser, are in Burns this week, WOOD.—Good Juniper wood making preparations to go to the j ton llagey and family have j Mrs, Robertson is visiting with her for sale iu any quantity. Prices John Day for fruit ami vegetables. | im»v< d into their town residence for parent«, Mr and Mrs.C. P. Ruther going up. Call on W. E. Huston Bert Bowers and Ira Stubbpifield I the winter. ford, while Billy attends to his in the Bnrkheimer building, are also on the road bound for the . Atty John W. Bipgs returned duties as a grand juryman. J. H. Weider, formerly with IL fruit belt of the John Day. from a business (rip to Cauyon I. IL Holland, bookkoefier for the M. Horton, but now located at A. W. Culp is expected to pul in City Monday. i P. I.. S. Co., was in the city this Eugene, was iu Burns this week as ln*9 appearance in Burns in the Johnnie McNulty is ill with ty week to meet Mrs. Holland, who a witness in the Mrs Horton caKO. mar future. phoid fever at tho home of Mr. and bus been visiting relatives at Boise. Mrs. Sherman the aecd mother I. L. Poujade, of Cow Creek, is in Mrs. Tim Kribs. They took tlmir departure yeeter- attendance on circuit court as a of Bert Bowers who journeyed with Patsy Daly, of Prairie City, ar i day for their home at Burns.—On- juror. lie was accompanied by i her 9on from Cottage Grove West- i rived in Burns last Saturday to ' tario Democrat. Mrs Poujade who will visit friends * ern Oregon to Ilarney Valley is assist in looking after the interests ■ Newt Hoover, of Lawcn, is in during his stay. , very favorably impressed with our of his brother Jerry Daly, ‘ town this week attending to some Mrs. Jennie Dcvinccamc in from ! country. E P. McCornack. the Salem at matters he bus Im to re tho circuit Baker City Monday to look after I We notice that some uf tho old torney and banker, is in Burns this i court Mr. Hoover is iff the em her interests in the case of Billings bridge lumber is being replaced in week on busincs« matters in connec : ploy of Jones & Williamson, the ley vs Devine, which will piobably the construction of the bridges a- tion with the Bovine estate. I sheepmen, and reports stock in his receive a hearing this term of court. long the pubic highway, which Isaac Foster and W. L. Best, : section only in fair condition for Work has been delayed on Fry’s speaks well for our supervisors. G. W Shaw anticipates leaning prominent stockmen of the Silver j tho winter. new brick store building owing to his ranch together with his entire , Creak section, werodoing business Mrs. Harley Wood lift Mondtiv the delay in the arrival of the iron herds of stock to J. II. Culp for a' io tho city since our Inst issue. for Portland, in company with her and plate glass front from the rail term ot year.-’. Mr. Shaw purposes District Attorney Win. Miller j mother, who will have her eyes road. Teams which are out after to make a tour through Mexico and family arrived from Ontario treated by one of the leading occu- it, however, are expected to arrive and perhaps through some parts of Monday and will be guests of Regis listsofof that city. Last week she Boon. i » «•astern Washington with a view of ter and Mrs Win. Farro during 'suddenly lost her eyesight and State Senator J. L. Rand, of I court. drove over from Burns, a distance Baker Citv, is in attendance on spying out a more suitable location ! Hou. Will R King, lawyer, ami of 135 miles, in two days—Sump for general ranching, so we have circuit court this week. Mr. Rand editor of the Ontario Democrat, is berm informed. is council for Mrs Devine in the in Bums this week looking after ter Minor. Eastern Poison Creek froze over his clients interests in several cases .lamer. A. McCune, for several case of Billingslv vs. Devine, a from bank to hank Wednesday' which fie has before the circuit j years in tho stock business at Law suit for the settlement of certain morning, October 29. court. cn, is n candidate on the republi- property rights in tho Alvord sec Pure leaf tallow, dean, especially ; i cun ticket for commissioner of tion. prepared for cooking purposes can i NOT A RELIEF WAGONS! WAGON’S! ! Washington county. Idaho Mr. be had at tin* ranch of the writer, i We will sell you a. Mitchell, or will deliver at your door any 1 McCune is u thorough business man and fully capable of looking Rushford or Wohlier Farm Bed > where ............................................. ¿41 within the eitj’ limits after the interests of the taxpayers Wagon ; Burns at reasonable rates. OINTMENTS 3 j Steel Skein $85.00 of his county and will makes first- Do you want a milk cow. if ■o and aup|K>sitori<:> will not. 3J „ ,. 90.00 class commissioner if elected. ; call soon as they are going off positively cannot--do more 3? „ ., 105.00 i rapidly. Tho preliminary examination of th»n relieve you. I Send your orders to us, O. C. Co. it requires an internal Do you want a bill ot vegetables ? tho Thomason brothers for the remedy tn remove the cause Rev. G. W. Black and wife re If you have not laid up a supplv shooting of Lewis Scott, at the and effect a permanent cure. turned Thursday evening from for a long winter, you had better Harper ranch, was held nt Vale Ask your druggist for Dr. Roseburg, where Mr. Black has I do it now while they are to Im had last Tuesday ami resulted in the Perrin's Bookieton the sub been attending the annual state ( at reasonable rates at the ranch of discharge of young Thomason, ject. while his brother. James Thomason convention of Baptist ministers, ; the undersigned W. H. Culp. was held to appear before the grand lie will hold regular services Sun n ’S Jury with his bond fixed at. $500. day assisted by Rev. Gowan who If you desire to trade for, or buy Scott is reported as getting along will till the pulpit nt cither the desirable town property call at this I morning oreycuing service. office. nicely and will recover. Proper Compounding Burns Drug Slore HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS _ ... -J BUT A CURE PER R I PILE SPECIFIC Fall and Winter Goods Luna berg & Dalton STATEjNORMAL SCHOOL in the fi-hixil and aie prepare'l Io r-ceivr State Ortid'.-ates on graduation. Expenses railje’from |l?0.uo to $! w per year. Streng Normat eourse .-imi «eil e.piip- ped TrainingTtepartuient. The tai! term opens^Sept. 14». For i-ataloguo eontainiait Cull iniorina fion.addreea E. Il.’RESSLER or J. B. V, Butler. See v f*i-c.<id<'ii( The Capital Saloon W. E. 2AISCH. »repTi9*.cr. ------- BEST OF WINES, LIQL088 ANO CKiAifcS.-------- __ gWDrinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guaranLed Your patronage Solicited. ■ -- r « » •- y ? I Ì. ( I *. z -* ' ‘*4 -» U * V 1 - I. \ 1 ; j Miller & Thompson, 'i ?? Successors to R. A. Miller «£ Co. !'• ?» '4 < ■' '» b