Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, November 01, 1902, Image 2

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Th«* above is a honding for tin <*d-
i’.orisl in the Oregonian of Oet. 27,
the closing paragraph of
Miss Colombia, we don’t like
your canal anyway.
Cuba has rejectai ¿he treaty fav
orc«’ by tho l'uitfld States.
The coal strike «commission be­
gan its investigations Thursday,
President Roosevelt on Monday
celebrated the forty-fourth anni
versare of his birth.
‘Th«» truth about the Carey law t
appears to lx» that it has been set
aaido by tho new growth of senti
merit for Government action in ir­
rigation. It represented, in its pas
sage, the theory, sound enough at
the time, that “th»' arid la- ’« are
the states.” Th« Government was
asked by thecrazy Trims-Mississip­
pi Congress to improve the lam)
and let the state« own it. This
was out of the question. Wo must
elmuse between Government aid
with Government ownersnip, or
state ownership without Govern­
ment aid. The Carev lu»v seemed
necessary because Federal irriga­
tion work was despaired of. But
a tew short rears have s«'en the rise
Rc|H>rt« fr«im Eastern state« ns-
cures the republicans a safe major-
itv in the next House.
nod the • i.actment of the Maxwell
It now becomes perfectly
A special session. Wht?
Are jj|,, to ¿oppose that the Federal
the reasons put forth such as to i Govemmeut will consent to spend
justify th«' expons«» of an extra‘the proceeds of its land sales in
►< sei.in.
reclaiming arid lands and l« t the
lauds themselves Is- parceled out
Th«» propose! transfer of the ami a«lministered under state aus­
The Maxwell era may be
Panish Islands to the United States
ex jiected to put an eml to tbc Carey
has fallen through. Th«» Lands-
regime, an«l the best that occupants
ihimg of Denmark has refused to
already in th«' field can hope for is
ratify the treaty.
to get fair treatment fortheir vested
It is reported from Brussels that
\ Protest XV Iddi Protests Too •.inftcrv.aticn >>f th“ timber nml
M lie li
wat-T ot the Rl'ts Mountain region
is not a(T«’ct«sl. but. on th«» contrary
The agitation in Northeastern it i« cinpbarizeil, bv tho movement
which seeks to »lofetil any ami till
Oregon over the proposal to place
project» for for st reserve, for by
the timbered parts of the lllu,'
this imminent it i» nuule manifest
Mountain range under the * forest that,us relali'd to ill«-»«» ititcreius.tho
rcaervo” regulatio is proceeds, pos­ “coyotes are at th«» corral "
sibly, from lack of mutual under­ without proteetiim th«» Blue Moun­
standing between the agents of the tains will literally !>«» skinned.
Interior Department ami the peuplo The trt«w will b«» cut down at «1
who conceive their interests to be enrri««! to Eastern muiket; the
menneed. The former have been range will lie « uten out : amt with
over-hasty in tho r«'con.tm-ml«tti in the destruction of both forests and :
of spesilic lines for tho proposed grain roots the spring« will go dry !
reserve, and tho litter, through The precipitations of lb«» Winter
alarm and irritation, have fallen storm«, in»le;i I of being held in
into angry ami radical opj»oaition storage for the summer supply «>f
when a more judicious ami rea-on- the rtreuin* which tluw out of th,
able altitude might better have mountain spurs, will ru»h down the
serve I all th»»ir legitimate interests bur«» mountain nides in torrents ami
Therefore, through haste and folly 1«: lost. The vivifying breasts of
on both sides, we have on hands th«» mountains will drv up ami
not a rational consideration of the «uffering generations of lutin will
matter at issue, but a hot fight wonder ami grieve tit the lolly
marked bv tuueh bitterness and which pt imilted this condition to
tending toward a political M-ttl- - I m > brought about.
Extension of tho forest reserve
over the timbered re
If it be true, -as the spnkwniin
Blue Mountains is, in
for Baker ami Grant Counties de-
of The Oregonian,
clare, that the reserve proposals
cover a wide arcs of settled country
in which imnortant industries are .»f the time a» related to the p«-rmn-
established; that it threatens to de­ nent mteres's of Oregon
mtii «ie-
stroy these industries without no-
comtdisliing any compensating | fined an<l which is m»w under con-
good to the country ; that it has ’i«lerati<>n mav ro«|uir«’ revision:
conceived in aid of a selfish and but it is f'umled upon u sound
sordid interest, and that it will principle of action, and no matter
harm rather than help the perma how opposed, it ought not to be
nent interests of the country, then abn« «!<> rd. Imbed Un« very ener-
■y great mistake has tx-*-r. I
*J‘‘°B**I*o*,*t •on « which it has
a very
forth is kUggcstive of mutiv« ’
made ; and ifth<- facts are sufficient
to sustain th«' charge, there is nut for its eniiKcemeiit.
The Kind Ymi Ham AI wu . vn 1l<>ii;,bt, nml whh-li Ima bevi»
in il.«» fur aver 30 yi'arx, ims borne tin» »1« mit uro of
ami ba h I h 'I' ii mu!«» un<l<»r ht* |i«»r-
Honul stipcn lsl«ni ubico lia iiiihn«»y.
Allow m» «ino t«»«l<»» <'h<’ y«m lu tbla.
Alt Co«inl«»ri*»lt», Inilhitioiii* nnil •• Jti'
.'-«»«»«l ” i»rr» but
Experiments (but tritio with ami eiiilnt, ; Ilio liciilth «»t
Intimili ami C'blldren-lîx|»erlciieo again t ! ApcricieiiU
What is CASTf "’‘A
Cnstorli» is n lumnlcsa siibatltuto fu.
gorie, llropH nini Noothlnjr Njmp»»-
«-ontidns in ther Opium, .Mot-plilii«» i.
autista net». Its ngo li Its guaniiitc«'.
inni ulliiss l » Verlslincss. Il cur«»* I>1
Colie. It r«'H<-v«'* Tcethliig Trouble
liuti l latulem-v. It tutsiiullulc« Ilie
btonim li ami II o W ì 'I m » |ild“ll iieilitlr
Tilt» Chihlrcu’a l’.umceii—Tho ?lotli« i '
Bcnro tho S.(jua
In Use Fe" ‘
the Boer Generals, Botha and Ik-
The Oregon legislature will have
larev. have abandoned their pro-
a chance next winter to wrestle
j used tour of the Unital State-* and
with the problem of inlying off a
will return shortly to South Africa.
little <i«-ht of $'.tl0,00(>, th«* Indian
the slightest doubt that the Score
Stuiiiaeli I rouble.
war veterans aver the state has tarv ot the Interior will order such
Portland wants F'skl.OUO for tho owea them since IS."»."». A bill is i changes in the project as will rem­
“I havo been troubled with
la-wisA Clark exjiosition. and per­ l»ein«' prepare«!, and it will, be edy its faults Tho whole purpose stomach fur tho pa»l four »e
the i«6U- of th»» forest reserve policy is to ■svs D. L. Reach, of Clov« r Nook
haps another $100,000 after while presented providing for
mice of i-iikl.iHMi four p«*r cent
“A few
for a state building.
The p«»op! .
help the country; am! in every Farm, Greenfield. Ma-s
hut a
we believe, would not obieet to a
instance where there has been a
the bill In-come a law th»'so bond« contest the department t»a» exhibit- > h « x of Chamberlain's Stomach imi
r< a-onahle amount, but let them
will lie »old ami the tucney thus
know when- it is going to en«i.
e»l not only a willingness but a Liver Tablets. I havo taken part
rais«-! !><• pai 1 to th«* survivors of
commendable nmiety to do the ofthem and f« el a great deni better.”
the Indian wars. T. A. Wood who right thing,
The course cf the D you have any trouble with i your
f . ft
Our Washington correspond«*nt i< engines ing the project, recently
protest, therefore, should have b«-en stomach try a box of these Tablet*.
ray«: T-vte cable advices say that swid : “In 1855 the Oregon legis­ not ono of heated opposition to th«' t You are certain to be pleased with
France, Great Britain and ' lerniany • lature pissed a law authorizing forest reserve policy, but of civil th«* result. Price 25 cents. For
the payment of $2 ptr day for every demand for changes in the lines of sail by II M. Horton. Burns; Frol
have concluded an agreement f»»r-‘
1. WOLDENBERG. Ml. Pr<»| netor
«lav spent in active service. This of the special project in hand.
II.line«, Hurney
th«' military ev&cuationofShanghai
The services of a hr« w« r of hmg years cxpciix-nto bus Iren s»-
I amount was never paid, but the
There is that in the radical terms
In the negotiations leading to thi g.iV'-rnmcnt has since allo ve«l the
ami the nrofluet of tills Brewery is of the best grade in the'*'
The Admiral Clark testimonial
event there has also been brought Iridian fighters "•"• cents a day. We of the protest and in its hot heatled committee which is arranging for
Inland Empii'r.
Place a trial order nml yuti will not hr <)i»ap-
about an extension of th«» “oj«en- propose now to present this bill of1 method which suggests that there is th«- presentation of a sword to th««
door" policy urged by Secretare onra squarely befor«» th»- state of mor«» behind it than appears on i valiant cutnii>nn<l>»r of the Tifegon BURN.-.
The Stare Department is Oregon, ami we contid-.-ntiv «•':pw. its face. It is common knowledge i • hiring tin- late v ir, have r«eei\rd
that there are factor« in tho con­
V«TV ni'ich gratified, as both the
alxnit •’■IKK) ami Secretary Mitchell
it will be paid. W«» do n««t think
«- le.’.ntion ami the adoption of this th«-'’etc will ultimately have th^Cj tention in no wise r« latcd t * the is so sanguine of snee’ss that b«-
The bar is supplied with mm«»
I .»Iler is «lue to the initiative <«f bonds to redeem, a« the general public inter« -t, but on the contrary ha«, arranged tramq ortati««n from
but the very list brands of
very devoted to private interests,
t ‘.is count rv.
Philad« Iphift to Portlan«! ami r«-
guvernm»«nt. -h«« ild dothat.
Wines, Liquors ami Carbonat«-«l
opposed to any policy of conserving t
for the Admiral ami his wife.
iornia Ins issued bonds in this the forest of the Blue Mountain
drinks, ami the i Imicist Cigars.
Thore seems to be a strmig tin- way f««r her eurK lighters and the
region which will stop their gainful
Your pu.roiiHge solicit« «I.
His Life Sand by t'liaiubi-i-lain s
•L-reurrent among Republicans for bnmls have been taken up by the projects.
There ar«' loggers and
t.’olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Courteous treatrm nt t>. all.
tariff revision which will rectify general government. ITorhia did millmen who care not what’ be­
the same with like result. When comes of the country after they
Corner north of postofl’ie«».
certain abus.-s claimed to exist as
“I*. I. Dyer, a wi ll known ooopvr
Ix»rd was governor the subject was shall be permitted to rol> it
, VI
> t «■ town,
x s» »v 1 1 • save
r»» r* nvr
«jx-|»»7»»er *.«•>**»»»
of 11
be believes
a result of our protective jioliev.
broached I«« him But he ridiculed timber: there are sheep and
cattle j berla'n’«» Colie, Cholera. an«l Diar
But it should not be thought for n the proposition and said it wouhi
rangers who wonl«l gladly “skin” rhoea Remedy sav*«l his life last
moment that u reversal of the pol­ bankrupt the sta.e. I nm confi-
the country for their own profit; summer.
lie ha«l been sick for a
icy of protection is intemled. ; «1« nt, however that the next legis-
t her«- are lurid pirates win« are anx­ month with what the «loctnrs call
Changed comlitions insy of neces-! latiir«» will be disposed to treat the
I ious only for immediate and person­ bilious <lys»'ntery, ami cmihl g< t
r itv l«‘tt‘i loth«* revision ot the tariff Indian warveteraml fairly bv pro-
al mlvant «ge. Of coarse, all such nothing to do him nnv good until
relieilule, but the country can rest; ytding for the payment of that long
in opposition to anything he tri«-«l this remedy. It gave him
..... ...........
««sure«! ttmi whatever changes “re
¡,¡¡1^ _
,he fi.A. j,,.
and everything which htoks to con immediat«- relief.'’ skvs I’.T. Little,
nisde there will be none so radical __________
dian war veterans
_______ j yet living will I
servation of the native resources merchant, Ilaticeck, Md. For «ale
n- to upset business.
im-et, with the long deferred recog-
of the country, which through their by II. M. Horton, Burns; Fr««i
- • nition.
• iperation* are rapidly licing ex­ Haines, Harnev.
for sixty year» tin’ NEW \<*RK WEEKLY I'ltlBi NK h:ui l»e«,n s national
And there ar«» reasons to
WMkiy new■puper, rvmi annost entirely by far.iien«, ami has «•i>jo«<»i the
The Oregonian argues that a fear that some part, at least of this
«>«•»«<«» anil Mipixirt of tho American f«eople to a degree never alUined by any
similar publication. THE
WITH A LAME BACK? T**“.1 session would attempt to furious energy of protest, has its
****** ** ******** •***.*•* » tdke thè appowitnieiit of thè state springs in these private and essen­
ktdaey TrowMe Malus Tou MlserabU, prison snperint-.-ndent. soldicrs’ i tially vicious interests.
is made ansohit«»Iy for farmers and their families. The tlr«t number was ¡sailed
borne eonimamlant. adjutant gen­
The Oregonian does not contend
November ~tb, 19111.
Almost everytxxiy '»•■ho reads the new>
payers Is »are t> knew of ’.he wcndcrful erai and state lami agent « out »«f[for tbc particular scheme which
Ev *ry departuient of agr eultural in !’«s*ry ia coven«,! bv special contributor*
curea mace by Dr. thè hands of thè démocratie govern-
who are le«ders in their re-jH-ctive lines, an«l the TRIBI NE EARNER will Is
has been defired by the agents of
Kilmer's Swam'.-Rcct,
in every sen*« a high cln»«, tip to date, live, enterprising agricultural pa|»T. pro
th» ^reat kidney, li-.-er or-to-Le and vest it .rith a state the Interior Department, it may
of (Joel l.ivcr Oil is the 'nc.ir.s fiis««ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, inoiel farm buildings ami home-«,
and bladder remed;,-.
board ennaisting <«f stipe oflicers. be that the limits of the pr6pose«l
It i-j the prei? mef.-
. of life, anc! enioyrnentof life re
ugrieiilturxl machinery, etc.,
Thia action by thè legislature is reserve h ive been too wi«|ely drawn;
’ '*• cal triumph cf ,.io
Farmer»’ wives, sons an«l «laughters will find *,^»<-» h 1 psg«>s for entertainment
thousand-: ni'-n v. »men ana
: tcer.th cent-.:«;-; <: » tinhkelv to he t.-iken at either a
and it m.-iv be that some rights i .children.
Regular j.rke JI per ««-ar, wi li l’(I MbHXO. AddrtM» i’ll .MS, I urns dr.
i * M, cover««! after yea,: vf
True, which ought to be r«‘spi»ctrd have
f ,' scisniiiic rc-earca by special or regalar scasimi
When appetite fails, if re­
XjL.. Kilmer, !!••-. emi­ it woul«l r«»b «iemoeraev of thè
iinnecessari)v ami unwisely en- stores it. When food '• :
nent kidii'-y and btad-
d-r epeclali^», and I* spoils of a.Tuje, bui th«.'next g»iv< rn- erouchcil iipt>n in thin particular, |3i;n|cn, it !iit< the b’.irdcn
s n o»-fully »•jceeirf tl in promptly ejrln;; or ¡mie he republiean ami it. would
plan. But to concede this much is I
i. « I ...• , ’..¡•hie/, bladder, uric a’.id trov.’
When voulosc 11 -h.it bring.’
1 » • at.! Brief..’: F.lsciiic, • zhlch Is t..e e»ir
)«e ine.«nveriierit to change thè a*- by no means tocondenm the whole
* ♦,
plumpness of health.
f <r. . ,-f kidney trouble.
project. If the plan is in fact too
br, liil: I' r'o i>wamp«Root Is no: r-
\\ hen work i . hard MU
' dforcvcryttiln|»Lutifyuuha<zer.i.'- Salem N««ntiml.
wide, chen the thing to do ia rea­ I duty is heavy, it make' in
i ... liv -r ci- bladder trouble It will co fo:i:. J
rf7 1 P
sonably to amend it.
It would i bright.
;» .. t;«; reiiiii'fyyou need. I.hosbeentectei
t i -c many way-», l«i horpital work, In private
we fail. Any ono sanding sketch ami description of
Candidfltcs for the Democratic seem that if the Baker and Grant I
of -h
it i» the thin
• i. tire, amonp the l«olplcjr. too poor to p«.r-
any invention will promptly rcceivo our opinion free concerning the patent­
. aoe relief and has proved so euccesef-j; In nomination in 1!KH— Win. J Brvan, County protest w« re prompted by ! wedge: the thick end 1- i •'»
» r»y case that a special arranfemet.i has Grover Cleveland, Dave II. Hill, right f urjiose it would take this
ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents
- r.i;.d« by whl'-hall readsrs of thl.e paper
socitrcd through us advertised for sale at our expense.
< . I.ave not already tried it, may have a Arthur P. Gorhani, Richard Olnev, course, and th« r<- is reason to pus - I when vou hate it, and can i ù
i;»le totiln sent free by mail, also a book and Tom L. Johnson, Tak«« your pect its motives when i
Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without, charge, in
it argues. ’ gust 't?
t 'ii >j t lore about Swamp-Root and ho- / to
ub I’ I TENT R ecoko , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
f. uloitt If you have kidney or bladder tiout/e. flick. This represents every shade riot for a nx.difit.il seb« me r>f reser-
Scott's Emulsion
V -.» x-rltfii^i.ionilon r iadiirj ihh|;enerou.« of every Democratic doctrine, faJ ' vation but
by Manufacturers nml Investors.
a i-
tor i. complete over­ Liver Oil is thefood that ia;«.
t ier hi this nap rand
Semi for sample copy FREE. Address,
you forget your temach.
r".J your aHrecs to
I «. i;fhMr£iCa.,Binf-
would leave the vandals free to free samnlo. Its
Uu.b!« ’■ • »' . ■ I1
l 4 »ton, N, Y. The
sumrlsc vou’.
Senator Mitchell left Portland wreak their worst.
I'rgular fifty cent «nd
(Patent Attorneys,)
• Olli? 11ZC5 are cold by all good drefrist;
Monday for Washington.
1’je argument f»-r Gjveri.ujent 400 Pearl Street.
Harney Valley Brewery
COC.A.-.a ¡JI.OQjsUl ¿.-Ciifami.
Evans Building,