Un »In css College Opens Monday i BiiaJneae Men Protest. • -./> * ltegulur Jury Panel. Following is a Hat of the jurors Th«.* Citizens' Business Cellag* That the businasu meu of Burns drawn fir th« Ostober term of Cir building will be ready for oceupa i- are alive to the situation regarding cuit Court tor Harney County: ev thi« week. College will open the creation of the Forest Reserve Jo- Hill. Burns. 1 •’’armer. Monday, October 27th. und ull who ie apparent by their unanimous J. J. Lampshire, „ i» I» S.VLTKPAY OCTOBFH 35 «*•-’ „ i can are urged to be pre-ent at the signature of the petition against Fred Denstedt, •i 8. W. Hamilton, Drewsey • • opening. The first week will be its approval by the President. 1 John Budehuan, Burns. Merchant • Plain living and clear think- spent in orgnniting, arranging and This is a secund endeavor on tae ini’” ia an excellent rule of life. pianning the winter's work. Tlie Kind You Hove Always ltouglit, mid which hna been part of the business men of this Win Altnow Jr. Drewety, Stockman W. L. Spencer. Rilev, ,, In tiae Air over 30 ycurx, liua borne the alffnatnre of Clear thinking, however, require# K Teachers’ Course will be added place to bring the serious nature und bua been nuido under bls per« Julian Georgu, Lawen. Farmer. mote pain# than fume of iia are this vear, and will include all sub of the proposed reservo to the no aoniil nu | hu * v I m I ou altiee U n Infhney. D. M. McMenaiuy, Burns. »» willing t>> take jects required for state and county tice of the Government, the first Allow no one to<lec«>Ke you in tlila. being made through (he Portland A. W. Hutchinson, Narrows •» All Counterfeit», Imitations uiul ••JiiM-m.-jrood” nr« tint, papers. Win. Stewart, Burns, »♦ Experiment* that tiltlo with and rmlun-jer the health of Tom Johnson has been raising the The opening cxcreis-s will take Chamber of Commerce and has L B. Hayes, I aw«u, Stockman. InthntM und Children Experience ngaitiM Ex rlinciiU probably long ere this been used wind far sometime: uow he proposes place on th- evening of November A. W. Hurlburt, Narrows, »• by the janitor to kindle his morn ' to have what he calls "a whirlwind The public ia extended a i campaign.” Probably all Tom I'ordia! invitation to be present at ing fire. It has also kindled the , Chas Baumuti, Burna, Farmer. C. E. Pr.rker, „ ♦ » wants anyway is the dust. the*e exercises, the program of fire in tbc busioess uien of Burna CaMoriit I m tx harmless) aiibatltuto lor Ct’Mor tnl. Pare* I. L l ’ oujade, Harney, Stockman t who are determined to spiral di-( which is as follows: in>rlc. Drop* mill Sootlilug Nyrup*. It Is I'h'UMUtil. It W. E. Trisch, Burns, Merchant, rectly to President Roosevelt, » other Nnrrntk) < Lim Paul Kruger presided at a1 Singing by Audience. contain» neither Opium, Morphine u „ Farmer. Following is the petition recent Bart Simmons, aubaUuice. I im ago It I I m guarantee, it «lest roya Worum religious meeting in Holland where Opening Address by Pros, W. R. Jack Drewctt, Drewsey. Liveryman and allay a FevrrlNlinea«. It cures I h ivetwi’ii mid Wiml lv circulated and the signers: » purse of 1400 was presented to Johnson. Colle. It rrlievea Teething Troiihl - , 4 IT« (U>iiMll|Nitl<»ii E, P. Sylveater, Burns, Farmer, To His Excellency, the President: the Boer generals. Oom Paul’s1 Quartet, Byrd Family. •ml Flatulency. It •»alniilnU*» the • • .«• • . joint»-«. ;ln> J. W. Vanderpool, Riley, Sir — own ■•■intribulion is not mentioned Oration. J. J. Simerville. Stoimu-h ami llowela, giving lo-nlili) ou.i . ..I.in»' Claud McGee, Burna, Clerk, Tho Ciilldreu'M 1‘anwcou- Tho Motlit-r*-« 1 »•’• Quartet. Byrd Family. W’e tho undersiguM busiuess „ Liveryman T Garrett. men of Burns, llarnev County, Address by Secretary. llie appeal of the democratic Geo. Curtis, Narrows. Farmer GENUINE Oregon, endorse the petition of the Atty Dalton Biggs. party is aloug the some old line-. »« Chas. 8. Johnson, Van. • I Short talk by Prof. M. E. Rigby. residents of Harney County, here usual When will our brethren Boars tho Sign »» to annexed, with reference te the Jacob Wright, Drewsey, Benediction. 1« arn to m«<-t the demands of the • • establishing uf the eo-eall ‘Blue James Gilbert, Harney, (Program subject to change ) >ia\ with the philusophr ot the Alex Olson, Drewaey, Merchant Mountain Forest Reserve” sn-1 we day? i W A Robertson, Stock ruan Supreme C >nrt Decisiou. sver thst if such s reservation is I H O. Harkey. Büros, i» made it will result in permanent Just al>out ten people disapproio L. N Stallard, Drewsey, »♦ of President Roosevelt’s action in i Among th- decisions handed and incalculable injury to the bus- trying to settle the coal strike. 1 iness interests and development of down by the state supreme court The mine owners and operators Harney County. They have air-adv express-1 them this week, we note the following of the Baker City district have or In Use For Over selves. but the rest of the voting Respectfully submitted. appea t-l from this county; ganized for the purpose of securing fiupulation will have their say later Names, Occupations. a change in the recent order of the «•II. “Newton Hoover, appellant, vs. I. unaberg A Dalton, Gen. Mdse. Secretary of the Interior c.taling Alice I. Bartlett and G. W. Bart Miller A Thompson, ,. the Eastern Oregon forest reserve 1 he republicans of Washington . lett, respondents, from Harney Geo. \V. Waters, Merchant. A met ling was held and it was re County. Idaho, have nominated County. M. D. Clifford, Judge ; af Voegtly A Kenyon, do I lion. A. W. Waters, formerly a firmed; opinion by Chief Justise W. E. Huston, solved to invite Senator Mitchell do , to visit Baker Citv and look into prominent attornev of Burns, for Moore. Schwartz«»: Budeltusn, Gen Mdw the condition of affairs. County Attorney. Mr. WaP-rs is ‘ Thia was & suit by plaintiff to N. U. Carpenter, Banker. a very able law-ver and will fill the get aside a judgment recovered a- J. W. Jones ' Gen. Merchants jK.’itiun with credit to himself and gainst him by Alice I.. Bartlett, W. E. Trisch, Liquor Dealer NOT A RELIEF the p-ople w ho eleet him. lu L«-r suit Mrs. Bartlett introduc Geer A Cummin*, Merchants ed in evidence a void accre* and 1, S. Geer. Joint Representative Druggist The striking coal miner* and the thus secured the judgment Hoover H M. Horton, <>perat..r* have agreed to President wanted the judgment cancel led for N. Brown A- Sons. Gen. Mdsu. OINTMENTS .1 L. WOl.DENBERG. SR.. Proprietor Liquor Dealer Roosevelts proposition for a settle that reason, and urged in this suit Sam Bailey, and suppositories will rot. H. W, Welcome A Co.. Druggists that when the decree w as offered in ment of the now famous anthracite The services of it brewer of long years ex|>eri« nir I n» leen ae positively cannot--do more Saddler ; cured and the product of thia Brewery is of the best gride in llrn " «••»al strike, and lie has appointed <-vidftnce he could not olqeet there* J. C. Welcome, I than relieve you. Liquor Dealer It requires an internal a board of six to hear the griev to. b,r tint wuuld have l»een a col W. W. Job n «on Inland Empire. Place a trial order and you will not be disap r lateral attack and not p^nnissible^ ! Caldwell A Byrd, remedy to remove the cause ey ee ances. It i.- hoped that word may pointed. am) effect a permanent cure BURNS, soon be received that th* miners Th- Supreme Court holds that he H. C. Levans, Countv Judge « OREGON Ark vour druggist for Dr Th*>s Alle i, Sheriff could have objected thereto and by are again at work. Perrin’s Booklet on the sub ; introducing in evidence the original John Gemberiing. Jeweler jcct. F. S. Rieder, County Clerk The bar ia supplied with none W hilt the } k op.e are die<-W**lHf judgment roll canid have shown that the d«.“cre- wa«» void. Having M. E. Rigby, Citizens Business Col but the very beat brand* of public ownership of the t-oal min«» Atty-nt-I.aw P R it will be just a* well to remember bad a complete remedy at law. und C. II. Leonard, Wines, Liquors and Carbonated Harry C. Smith, Contractor t PILE SPECIFIC tlia* the labor unions have kepi failing to avail himself of it. the drinks, and the Choic* at Cigars i Burna Milling Co, , Sawmill ty|>esettiiig machines out of Ihr Court holds that a court of rqttity Your patronage solicited , Atty-at-Law is powerleti* tn intervene ami can A. W. Gowan, Government Printing Office at L. Wolden berg, Brewer cel the judgment against him.,. Courteous treatment tn all. Washington, thereby entailing »n J J. Tupker, 1 Blacksmith additional expet.se on I ncl* Sami Corner north of jiostoffice. Physician 1 be Carev act should be repeal- Marsden, • •t about to per cent above what W. N. Jorgensen, Jeweler and Opt. CALDWELL A BYRD. hie printing would otherwise cost ed. It was passed simply in the, Haines A Miller. Gen Mdse Proprietors. him. ir>tr-rest vf landgrabliZTH. Like all i Lewie A Garret, Livery Stable su«h laws it was permitted to go > Hopkins <t Hunter. Saddlers There is much obfuscation in 1 of Cod I.iver Oil is the means Hotel 1 renting the coal strike as a prob through on the pretense that it M. IL Smith <t Co. ; if life, and enjoyment of life “ lem for the discussion of scientists was for the g >od of the r»e<-ip]e gen Burns Furniture Co. ■ housands: men women .. and |iolitical economists. There ie erally, and especially the home- R. T. Ilugh-t, Deputy Sheriff hildren. McKinney. Deputy Clerk no problem a)out it. The opera *e«-ker. Capitalists have succeed W, • ".’hen anpotim i R. A Miller. County Treasurer ed in taking in nearly all of the tors have a monopoly in the authra- I i A cite mines. This no one can deny. «’ood irrigation sites tirid-r this law Cbas N. Cochrane, Ed Items the ? : •* Jas. F. Mahon, Stockman The union claims to have a right and corrnling all of the good lands ■ A. E. Brown, 1 » to rnonnpolire the labor necessary adjacent to there sites. It will re- I • • •. .* • hcait;- ♦ »• I to get the coal out If their ejaim : suit in driving the government Frank Metschan, ALL CASES ■ 1: L h..i- ’ Carpenter n< admitted then the union owns work from this section, if these i L: red A. Brown, the mines. Reductin ad absurd- landgrabbers are not Imtight out or I-’. E Wilmnrth, Ed. News ■Stockmen legislated out. They knew what Martin Bios., u m. -1 i -, .i by our new invention. Only those liurn Jcsf are incurable. Ed Times-Herald I they were d>>ir.g nt the time,and Julian I’vrd, i •p* ■ Lawyer. acquired the rights knowing that Chas V . Parrish, » I th»- government would eventually f F. A. WtRMAN, OF BALTIMOH. SAY«: DO YOU GET UP V“p. - . . . .... ¡iALriMOWF.. M<!.. March *o, ior«i. take the matter up an»l that then Incendiaries made another at . r m 7 n*‘nn Hired of leafttrse thank* to your ttratrurnt, I * ill now give you a iu!! hiatory ot luy ca»r io be at your dtecretiori. WITH A LAME BACK? t they nould be enabled to jetin I tempt la&t Friday to destroy Fort i.5e?5*rB *uu n,\ riKI*<ear l*KMU loptiig, and thi « kef* on ertting wror»-, tmti! I b-t ♦ ray Learin»' in thia rar entirely. their graft. Of course thev cannot Stevens at the mouth of the Colum X UQ<lrr went • treatment h r catarrh, for three month* without any nicer % <-oii«u!trd a num. kiduc/ Trouble Makes Tou Miserable. herof phyuUnR. ar.uznr <«thera. tie mot rtuinrut rur -prciahrt of thi’cilv*h< tubl ir’.r tl ut be legislate»! out without being bia. Efforts to find the inccniaries. only m oper .tion could t»eiv ror. au<l rvrQ that < nly temporarily, thu th- heud ©ch -. wt .h! then cea«r, but the hear far in thr affected rar would be lout ferrets Almost everybody who read« the news compensated, but this should b- who live within the fortifications.1 •’T you.r *‘hrrti«<rm-ut accidrntally in a New York j aprr. and ordered your treat- papers !» sure to know of th« wonderful pent. After I had u«e<i H only a few daj ■» acconlini: to your direction', the n<4»c .rt«»e.|, ar 1 cures mace ly Dr. done as -arly as possible. The fu ha.ve proved futile. Similar efforts p <J-*y. after live week*, my hetrtne in the «1 »»eased ear ha* I eeu entire ly reMoreu i thank x. u heartily and Leg to remain Very truly your v Kilmer*« Swamp-Roc t, ture of this section of country de to burns th*-post were made some r. A. WRRMAN, 7; d 8. Brouilway, Baltimore. Md. the preat kidney, liver pend« greatly upon irrigation, and time ago. Our treatment doe« not interfere with t/onr nnual orrn/>atinn. and bladder remedy. It is the great medi it will never be done with advan YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME •••rXT- NOTH E TO CREDITORS. cal triumph or the i.in«- tevnth century; ui- i tage to the people by private en INTEMATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICASO, ILL. Organized charity ia a good thing, covaeu after year; cf terprise alone. Drive out the gov ■ In the Count» Court of the State of On- *-•] so is ice. The old saw has been cciontific research l.y gon for Miilheir Countv. l>r. Kiimcr, h.e emi ernment work and you ¡retard the amended to read "A* cold MB or- < in the matter of tile Last nent l-.idnsy and blau country’« growth. Drive out the panized charity.” Will and Teet'iiuent of i tier special^:, and 1« T. Bf. Seaweard, Deceased. »-en jeriulo siccea;! il in promptly curine landgrabbers and schemers and f ¡«' « n. ■ . kidney. Ladder, uric acid tree I Notice ia hereby given tliut bv order of ; bini and Bright* i Direase, vzhicti Ic ths vie:;.« you open the way for the govern Stoiuaek Trouble. tho County Court of the xtata <»( Oregon, I term of kiulrey trouble. • », ment and the country will hr “I have been troubled with my for Malheur County, made and entered I -. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not re-- blessed. — l.a’t Oregonian. i. r-,«nd:.i for everything but If you have h, - stomach for tho past four years, •• on the 2nd day of September, 1902, that i t). hvor cr bladder trouble it vzlll lie iout.4 letters Testamentary were issued to the )..t t’is remedy you need. It has been tested savs D. 1.. Beach, of Clover Ndbk undersigned. May If, C. Seaweanl, ap A New Jersey police justice re I:. «■> r.any v«ays, in hospital work, in private Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of Farm, Greenfield, Mas«. “A few pointing her as sole exe-utrix of the Last prauk ¿, among the helplesa too poor to pur- centlyr fined a young man $10 fer ■ 'lose relief ar. J has proved so sucossefu! In days ago 1 was induced to buy a Will and Testament of T. M. Seaweard, any invention will promptly receive onr opinion free concerning the patent r my caae that a special arrangerr.ei., lias kissing hia sweetheart in a public ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patent* box of Cbamlterlain’a Htomach und deceased. ' mud ;, by which all readers of thlapsper park, und a similar fine was col Ail persons having claim* against said secured through ns advertised for sale at onr expense. • > hive net already tried It, rnay have a Liver Tablets. I have taken part estate are hereby notified and requir -d to :<. .pic bottic sent free by mail, also a toe!', lected from the young lady. Jerefv Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, m of them and feel a great deal better.” present them, with the pro|>er vouchers t lling more about Swamp-Roct and I xaz to justice is peculiar. fi., a c t If you have kidney or bladder troubv. If you have any trouble with your I therefor, within six months from and af Tut P atxjtt Rncono, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted V! • . v. ritin 2 mention reading this generou.- by Manufacturers and Investors. stomach try ------------- a hot of these Tablets. ter thia date, »-------------- to-Wit - --------- 2nd ------- day of — Neptein .«.zscao. ------------------------- z — ctfer In tills pap- r and Mr. Bryan ia nuking speeches Bend tor sample copy FRKK. Address, You arc certain to be pl-ased with I bcr ’ ,,l °"* to Mi ‘ 1 exec, * ,risBt h, * r place of . e:.d your address to at Cord, Malheur County, Lr. Kilmer & Co., Bing and letting his hearers know, or the result. Price 25 cents. For WOT©/? J. EVMS A OO., hamton, N. Y. Th« _ __ *A gtiesa, what might have been had sals by H. M. Horton. Burrs; Fred , r*i4<m’ ngular fifty cent and n<w. ut (Patent Attorney a,) May ÎI. C. Séaweurd, ,. >lia. ce a.! J by all good druggiau. he been elected President. Haines, Harney. Eaecuttix . COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER What is CASTO7*11 A The Kind You Have /.. .. BUT A CURE ER I N’S SCOll’S Emulsion Harney Valley Brewery The Windsor Bar ARE YOU .4 DEAF? HEAD NOISES? DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. I PATENTS GUARANTEED v — - tam MUSktSf • WMHH9BTM, B, O.