Published in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. rhe Oldest and Most J Reliable. ;The Best Advertising Medium. r—o ’Tti h i ■ 11nrmiiimrrrirrrr Harney Valley Items T r-W BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1902. VOL, 18, • Il Musik. 76 C.oM. NO. 48. Trade and tbe Manufasturers’ Ae-i I strike off. The President will urge ! immediate resumption of mining, socialion. la respectfully requested in thin movement for the advance­ and the operators are expected to ment of tbe general welfare of the begin next week. slat«. Condensed TMsi»atehen Gathered The Associated Pretwi learns Men Interested In Irrigation to To th» end of enlisting public Make Investigations—As­ Front all Parts of the or id. (hat Generals Corbin, Young and sociation Formed. sentiment, a state conve itiori aili ‘ Wood have tendered Earl Robert* be held at Portland, November 18. ' a cordial invitation to visit the About 150 delegates will be en­ United States and that the British titled to attend. They will be ap-1 The coal strike is ended. commander-in-chief replied latter The Oregon Irrigation Aseocia- portioned as follows: Hard arana of Evory Deten ption. The Boxers are 'again active in that he bail practically decided to I tion organizsd yesterday for three To be named: accept the invitation in November BLU KN. parts of China. OKEOON. express purposes, says the Oregon­ By the Governor, 20 delegates ; I ' of 1903, and that there was a possi­ by Mayors of cities, two delegates, James Younger, formerly of the bility of his crossing in time to ian of the 17th lust: First—To investigate the rights and one additional for every 2500 notorious Jesse James gang, com­ witness the international races. i of private irrigation companies in peoplo or major fraction of that mitted suicide iu St. Paul Sunday. ¿¿J’ Rol~’t3 'desires7ba'l"Gene7ai the state ; to look into the status of nawber ; by each Board of County A New York society has entered | ^"re,,c^ aneople of the stale to Lodge* professional CARDS reception fronr the German Govern- carried out. says the Tribnne. All the immediate necessity of showing den. ; ment. The State Fi6b Commissioner. the large restaurants of tbe city, it Hesita I. mmik N o . 70, K ol I’ that Oregon is interested in the J It MaWULLKM. Meets evrrv Thuradav night. The State Dairy and Food Com­ new irrigation system, and to lend President Roosevelt is now able is contemplated, uro to be drawn F M loril.u, C < Í lite Government encouragement to missioner. to walk without tho assistance of under on« central management, H Mutherthrad . K '>1 It. S Members of the Legislative As­ crutches. However, a slight limp the bead of each establishment, PHOTOORAt HUR. ’eater upon projects in this state. A H Devers was circled presi­ sembly of the State of Oregou. 'tt'RN's I'll iPTER «> ■'» i» E 8 is noticeable, and he uses a cane however, to retain tbe direction of Hurns, e»regno. The State Veterinarian. his own place. A large grocery \| M’COII I aliti »I »»KÌ a V <>t dent of the body, and J M. Maip*on Mrr. reaentatives in Congress of the miles from North Y amhill I from which all the cafes will draw ; adopted: MAKSDBN AOX A RY 1 Monday night. The robbers se- ¡their supplies at wholesale rates, is Where*», Tbe counties of lh»‘Stele of Oregon. Ht'RNH I 'HtitF. NO 97. A F. « A M. W L Maretas. John w Oaary. County Judges, Commissioners, cured about $200 front the passen- ! one feature of the combination. Vie t* '*Htur><> or het -re ful' un K>n. •tale of Oregou lying east of the f ri-yti-iant A Surr/eone. Ql.lifl.a produced, ac- and Surveyors, , • E Ktuyon. W. M, F. H. Rieder, The 15th annual convention of Barns. Oregon. The City Engineers and Survey- ! cording to the census of 1900, grain Kecy . It was announced in Chicago, ; the f ational Livestock Association Ä^^Oflice at residence. 'Rhone 20. crops as follows: Wheat. 7,100.000 ors incorporated cities. the 15th, that the meat packers HURNS LODGE. NO. 93. A <». U. W. All members in good standing of would enter the combine tc form a met in Pittsburg, Penn., last Sat- bushel«; oats. 770.000 bushels; bar­ i urday. Three hundred delegates M-*«ts a’ Itrown liait ev rv Friday eve­ ley, 1,227,000 bushel»; rye, 93,000 the National Irrigation Association. meat trust December 1. provided . "”^n at7ndan7e representing ning Visiting brother« fraternally in­ QKIOSL DIOCS. viteli. Tinta. Hsgttn», W M. Cha« N. The Governor-elect ot the Stats Imshel», corn. 49.000 bushel», and J. W. Biss». Dalton Bin» the money market was e.w. livestock exchanges in all tbe prin- Coe bra it". Recorder of Oregon. buckwheat, 200 bushels, aggregat ­ A ttorneye-at-La w, Probably the oldest living navy cipal cities. After the reading of ing 9.239,200 bushels of grain. Il IRNF.Y l.oixif’. NO. 77. I <>. <> F BVBNS. OKIOI1N. I officer with the rank of Rear Ad- theseeretary’sreport.J.B.Blarch- M<*<,ts every * iturd tv evening, H own'n Whereas, The productive capaci­ Cadetship For Oregon. i miral, iu the person of Thomas O. Jfortl- of Omaha, read a paper on lull Visiting brotlvnt fraternally in­ n^TOfliee in Hank building. ty of Eastern Oregen undor irriga­ vited. Franiti» Jackson, N.G. Selfridge, died at Waverly, Mass.,'^e beef trust. The combination C. G. Smi h, Sei-rotary. tion could bo increased tenfold’; last Thursday, aged 81 years. |j“»‘ formed, he eaid, requires a which would mean a grain crop ap- i The vacancy in the cadetship ilua us a nTzuEBai.» capital of 188,000,000 to absorb tire TP K CIRCLE. NO WOMEN OF proximating 100.000 000 bushels' from Oregon al the Naval Academy The British army which was properties of the various packing Woodcraft. Meet# 2nd and 4tli Titea­ M. Flitter»!«. da. at Brown'* hall. Mr*. Till. • Jordan, Tbnratua Willi».. annually, besides dairying, horti­ at Annapolis, resulting from the sent against the Mad Mullah in companies Jt will require a profit Mr*, lone Whiting. Guardian. At'orn««-At Law. salary FukliC, culture and diversified farming on Cleik. failure of a former appointee to Somaliland are reported in a |X»ril-1 of $100,000 a dav to pay 6 per cent ¿au, Notarial and. Real Eclat« a large scale, thus opening to sei- ous position The whole country interest on this capital. When Practice. 1 tlement vast areas now not utilized, pass the physical nnd educational j is alive with natives »locking to thcy add $100.000.000 more of ('ll ii reli A it non ncrinr n t a. Burns, Oregon. and adding to the material prosper­ examination, has been filled by i the attack. watered stock it will take a daily Sunday School at Harney the fj9**Onice in old Masonic building ' the nomination bv United States ity of the entire state. first Sunday of each month at 10 I A dispatch recicved in New profit of $250,000 to pay 4 per cent Whereas, Exclusive graiu farm­ ' Senator Simon, of Harvey 8. Craig- ¡interest. When Ibis combination o’clock. A M. On the second, York Sunday buvb says that President I ors ouuuav iu »». I icdiutjh *. ing has been generally abandoned ¡of Marion County, as P«nc«pal- 1 • . CMtrOt of vineziela, defeated the sees fit to begin operations it will third and fourth Sundays of each p M JORDAN. in Western Oregon for dairying and practically plaee a mortgage on Preach- month at 3 o'clock P. M Practical Land Surveyor. other branches of agriculture and j i The young man is 18 years old, is; rcbe|g jn a seven days’ bloody bat­ everv head of livestock in the ing services every second Sunday I for manufacturing, and unless the|a Bon Hon. David Craig, of tle in which there was .‘1000 casual­ K«r«$, Or at. 8 P. M. 1 United States. This mortgage will eastern section is opened to the ag- Waldo Hills, and is a native oft ties in the rebel camp. have to bv paid by the producer«. church At the Presbyterian j riculturalist there is grave danger that place. W. KILLER, ! Santos-Dumont, the inventor, pastor. S Burns, Rev. A J. Irwin —■ t that within u few years the states Senator Simon also named Ral­ will submit a proposition to make < Divine services the third and fourth Notary Public and Conveyancer, will be forced to purchase from < eigh E. Hughes of Portland as first ; a Hight from Faris to San Francisco S tate of O hio ,C itv of T oledo .< Sunday* of each month nt II a, tn. L i scas C ounty . t Mortr«*»da. Bo., rorraetly nada. neighboring states food products’ alternate, and Edward L. Metschan in a new airship which he is nowi and 7:30 p nt. Sabbath school at Oflca al Stoye. Sara». Ora«"« Frank J. Cheney makes oath that which should be raised upon its ot Portland as second alternate. building. ¡The condition of the' 10 a. tn. every Sabbath morning. own areas. Young Hughes is a son of Ed. j trip is that he lie paid $2u0,000 if; he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Jt Co., doing business Preaching services at the Baptist H. VULP, A. M . M. D. Whereas. 1 It is of the utmost irn- ’ ' I Hughes, formerly a dealer in farm- 3Uceefsfu|. I i in the City of Toledo. County and church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, i ing implements at Portland and portance that the State of Oregon Physician and Surqcon. morning and evening. Sunday Mctschan is a son of Hon. | The New York Yacht club has State aforesaid, ami that said firm take advantage without delay of ¡Fred i school every Sunday at 10 a. m, £W“Otüce nt residence. Phil Metachan, formorlv State. sent a cablegram ta Sir Thomae will pay the sum of One Hundred the irrigation law recently enacted . — Oregon hy the Congress of the United Treasurer and now of the Imperial Lipton accepting his challenge fur Dollars for each and every case of prayer meeting every Thursday Burnii, . — evening. '¡tho America’s cup on the same Catarrh that canuot l>e cured by i States m order that it may make Hotel. BUY THE The three young men aro all conditions for which it was raced the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. use of a fund amounting to over Services at Christian Science Frank J.»Cbeney. of • an age. They are &»«• tb* last time. The first race $900,000 now available for irriga­ practically hi »»u iiviwii » v Hall, corner east of the Bank, even Sworn to before mo and subscrib­ well developed physically, and wi» be sailed on Thursday. August tion work within its borders. Sunday at Ila. m. and 8 p in. ed in my presence, this.Gtli day '* 1'6)3. Resolved, That the president and have each received an excellent ed- i Service Wednesday evenings at 8. December, A. D. 188G. secretary of this association be and ucation in the schools of this state. > Connnandan t J. D. Snvinan. a Everybody is invited to attend A. WJ Gleason. I these services. they are hereby instructed to tele­ ¡They arc earnest, ambitious yeungI n(jUd Bwr f|ghter ¡t 8ave a J seal I Notary Public. I>o not bo deceived by those who ad- graph to Mr. F. H. Newell, Chief l men and each expresses confidence’ digpatch of the 17th from El v«rti*e a StiO.UU Hew ing Machine for Hydrographer of the United States in being able to pass the critical' T„ai( enroute to Mexico City’to Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in­ This kind of a ntachine can Geological Survey, requesting him mental and physical examination : with President Diaz relative ternaliv. and'acts directly’’ou tire be IxniL-lit frinii us or any of our dealiini fruuiÑló.UOto flS.OO. to begin work on reclamation pro- to which they will be subjected.,^ a larJrp trBct nf land jn thejbloo.1 ami mucous surfaces of the WK MARK S VARIKTV. 1 ¡ects under the present, irrigation The examination takes place at southern republic to be cnlouized system. Send tir testimonials, fre*. THE NEW HOME IS THE ÌEST. law at such point er peinta in Washington, D. C.. on November by Boer refugees. F. J. Cheney c. I The great anthracite coal strike OBBiaNB Double Fee< combined with «Mhsr offer the best assurance of success1 Hall’s Family Pilis are the heat. * Iff OaevNMMTB Ac. strong )>oiiit» niski-n I he Acw ll<*Bse 1 ia settled at last. A commission Anyone «ending a Rke«rla4 aofkw, without rharve. in tho we Biau«*k»lureotiti prò«» b«n>repurctMS!i>g retary and tbe Treasurer of Oregon Tablets. All druggists refund tlm betweon the operators and tbe President Mitchell, , of money ■> if ■, it >».>o fails to cure. ... E. W. lire oiaic ... miners. - -------------------- ------------------- —t___ » constituting tho State i.nuu Land Board. mviivj THE NEW HONE IEW1HC IMHINE <0. constituting A h»r>i'.«nm«ly lllnMnt»<1 wwklr. I/inwl W- •MBS«. BAM. and of tho Portland Chamber of Grovo’s signature is on each box. ¡the Miners’ Union, will take the BromÓ-Odnine™ colanoti of anf at-lantlflf lonroaL T*rm». B A yeir : four month», IL 3ol4 by ptUátonBn- N.T.,LUI«»«»,Ht, Atout», G», j necessary me sures ’o call the u,,. r^r«« » reto in our hl i*>ni«,Mo., mure, r*».,a«» EmnciMo, Vii Commerce, Cum merco, the Portland Board ot 25c- zoc. re» esu ev F •<. t >.T: SEEK »RID LIND Geer& Cummins SEWING MACHINE P atents WrittforCIRCULARS SdtNtifle JlmtrkaN. GENERAL NEWS