and (luito which il is noi tuoni M. It nnd L. B Hayes, ol Luwen Local and General. worn in Burns this week. They doirtibta nn«i nocoaiary lo reeervo, cum! up to di liver u bunch of cat­ nre located upo.t minerai land# Oregonian and Items, ♦2.00 tle which they had sold to be ileliv T In* pnldic iiihTMt in proferìing Jorgenson repairs watch*» rind ered nt the Hunley i *. -b. Mieli foli'*!, and tlie piiblic interest il:. in devrluping devi loping the fin* mineral minerai resourc resourc- ­ clocks. Work guaranteed. A. R. Gre'-no, special agent es of the lands, arc nut nei-esmrily ' .1» Il Cochrane left on his return the Secretary of the Interior, arriv­ eonllictirig, and it would m-m un- to Nampa, Idaho, yesterday. ed here u few days ago from Lake rcnsomihlu to assun-o that the County. We understand he is here Alva Hpringer, of Narrows, i currying on of eitner purpose must upon tiuainei - last Saturday. to look into the propo ed forest re­ be tn tin* exclusion of the other. serve. O. J. burst catu» in from b¡M Itis with this view of tho matter Bev. L. W.(iow,in, r*rBoise Idaho that the abovi’-mimid proviaious ranch on Pine Greek Tucsduy. will fill the pulpit at th" Baptibt were made, which render the two J. II. Jordan, of Lawrn, was ill church during the absence of Rev. interests so readily co-operative. Burns on business Wednesday. Black. Rev. Gowun, accompanied ' It is a well known fact that Of prescriptions is uo child's play. Thus. Ilowscr, of Hurney, was by Mrs. Gowm*. arrived hem last It requires coiiHcientio is cure and tho protection of timber upon among the visitorsduritig the weak. Friday. aecufat« knowledge of drugs ami I the public domain, generally, from If you desire to trade for, or buy The opening of the Citizens Busi­ theft mid from dmougu by grazing their relations to each other. We n, next Io impoMiblc. Ide * irabl® ,own Pr°PcrtV rftl1 ®t tbit» ness College Ims been postponed and II es, take in honest pri-lc in the purity until Monday, October 27. This while the inclusion of timber areas office. i of our drugs. u«.d the skill and ac-1 Antone Egli, of Wogontire, wan was uiaui* necessary by the ear|«-n- within I'lrcsts renders timber dep ouiaey with which we compound redations thereon practically iui- a Burns visitor several days during ter? being unable to complete their Fem on your physician’s order. work by Monday, the date set f< r fxweiblo, bring« grazing within 1 the week, absolute control, mid groatly re­ Clubbing rat?s givin with any the opening. duces tii«- danger from fires. These paper or periodical published in China Torn, who was cunlinc 1 in li. W. WKAAXAME& CO., facts csonot fail to atqwnl to min­ the United States. tin county jail for several days la.-t Hropi ivtora. ing mid other inU-n-sts depending: week awaiting examination before For Sale—Hoy at $5 per ton with the county hoard as to his sanity so largely upon the maintenance good pasture aod plenty of water- was released the first of the week. ! of th timber supplv. “It is desired that any opposition Enquire of Ira Stubblefield, It seemed to be a case of a little to the reservation or any I Tom ColHhf( of P-iel<.Vi ¡, in more wniskey than chinaman. KAl'llK u k V, Ol’TOBEE I* laug portmt, of the area which has been lhiH ,eclion for ,h(. of Rev. II J McDevitt, who for temporarily withbrawn for the pro-. purch(wing a ban<1 of eallk. nearly three years past, lias had: \ EiCNMENT'M VIEW po*ed Blue Mountain Forest Re-1 eliargc of tin- Catholic church of; servo should he placed before the i Ernest Bulc'fl'returned Wednes- this place, n--rived imti. r from ■ Continued from First page, D'-pir'mi-nt in the form of pe- day from n srveral inoutbs trip “The additional lands recoin- titions, signed by tho partiesopp«><- ! through Colorado oml I tub. Archbishop Christi«- Suml.iy ut hi* mended by Su|M-rint<’ii<|enl Ormsby [ ing sm-h reservation. The peti- | |>. W. Ralston sod George Dukck trmisf< r to Tillamook. Oregon. He for reservation, which were not departed for bis new field Tuesday. ....... "'•‘’“W 'l' ^>|x* the lands - t|ocktncn of Ginja(I1 countV) urc covered by the reoimmendulion of which it >. destnd should not be jn |hii 8(.ction b(Jying (>anl(, L'-c Caldwell returnid Weilncs- Geologies! Survey, Superintendent i n-Hervcd, mid should fully slate tho day from Pendleton where he Iris ; Onmby's report having bn»*n refer- ' reasons upon which the objections Hit ilev bus returned from been to place hts son, Johnnie, ;n r<*d to that bureau by the Depart­ are based. Wry Respectfully Ontario where he has Iwen snper- school. While absent bo visited a ment (Sigmd) BINGER HERMANN intending the shipment of nut fully recover- timber or stone on their own lands The mail service between Burns ■edfrotn un injury received last or claims f >r the purpOR*s enumer­ new local: oii and is doing a good and Prineville has been increased ■ Jaunarv. Mr Bulkier savs stock ' ated, or for necessury use in devel­ businc«». from two to three times a week to ! is coniine in from the range in his I oping the mineral or other nHtuml .lees Ferguson and wife arrived i neigblMirliood in very poor enndi rerou'ces of the binds owned or from Burns last week utid will visit commence November 1. occupied by them, ami such perrons with relatives until after the fair. The first rain for several months tion. and that they will soon have i are, the.-Prineville I j c Welcome and County Judge de.-itli of Abner, the youngest, child ; I on their claims or lands oocupiid Journal. IL C. Levons are having u part of ‘d Mr and Mrs. John 1». Daly. . of ■ by them within the state or terri­ We wish to call your attention their Ian'1 in tl,c KXe Grass ! coim- i Drew>ey, October 15th. Sir. and tory where such reserve is located, Mrs. II. E. Thompson and family,! but riot for «.de or disposal, or elec to the display “ad” in this issue of lr5 »ceded to winter wheat. | Mrs. ('. W. McClain and Miss Lena : on oilier lands or by other peruons N Brown A Sons, the pioneer tner ! WOOD.—Good Juniper wood , Robertson left immediately on re' j “('or|s>raliocs and th»*e requir­ chants By their long experience! for sale in any quantity, Prices ceipt of the news for Prairie City* ing la.’ger amount* of titnne- than in this country these gentlemen i going up. Cull on W. E. Huston where the funeral services and i*i- <-ui. re so ably i-e given tinder the are wide a wake as to the wants of ln the Dnrkheimer building, j terment took place yesterday. I ' <* us* piovi-ion, enn obtain tim their customers and by their court­ J. D. Combs came over from John Died—Tn Burns Monday. Octo- j , ei uud'-rthe timlier -ale provision, eous treatment to all have won an Day Tuesday on business. We which will a 1-0 be found in the cm lablc reputation. Drop in and I understand he has purchased a her 13, 1902, John Henry Zuercher. of acute nephritis, aged 22 years, 2 , t circulars p is Iclievod that the see them band of beef cuttle from Henry 1 months and 1 day. The deceased liberalitv of these provisions will Cnpl. and Mrs. A. \V. Waters Black well. was born in Portland, Oregon. In be at once seen and appreciated. ! arrived homo Sunday from Burns, Sheriff" Allen returned Thursday Septvmbcr. 1900, he was married “You will h I m > note that provis­ Ore. They have been out during from a trip through the country to Miss Lulu Coleman at John Day, ion is made for granting rights of : the summer visiting relatives and districts where he has been sum-! and lust Fall moved t*> Harney way through forest reserves for j taking an outing through Oregon i Besides his wife, moning jurors for the October term j County to reside. Vi gon roads and other purposes, nnd Mr Waters returns looking 1 15 months. | of circuit court. Court sets Octu- i ho leaves a son, aged eivl that all waters within the re­ much improved in health. He 1 ’ Tho remains were laid to rest in tho her 27 r ’ 5 serve may l*e used for mining pur­ ' was somewhat surprised to lenrn Henry Lau»(<-r. wlm has Iteri, Burns cemetery Weiinrsuuy. poses etc. under the state or federal of his nomination fur county at- I’nc'ieJimmy Gentry won his laws. , torney. but will accept and take off I spending a few weeks in Burns 11. Voegt- suit against the 1’. 1.. S.Co., in the “It is often the case that, some of his coat and work for the success visiting bis old triend the finest forests in the public lands ; of tho republican ticket Com now ly took his departure Thursday i circuit court at \ ale this week. till tho polls close, lie is a pretty morning for his home in Pittsburg, ! The suit was for the recovery of I I $1580 damages, which the jury in * good campaigner himself—Weiser Pennsylvania. returning their verdict cut down to .? NOT A RELIEF WAGONS! WAGONS! World. $1130. This is probably the wind­ We will sell von a .Mitchell. up of tho Company's endeavor to Rushford or Webber Farm Bed Stomach Trouble. retain possession of the Rinehart “1 have been troubled with mv Wagon ; OINTMENTS Spring ranch, as wo understand th«* •”} Steel Skein $85.CO stomach for the past four years,” Company has given notice that the v and suppositories will not, 34 „ ,. 00.00 i savs D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook will not appeal the case. Atty positively cannot--do tuwro 3} „ „ 105.00 Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “ A few I than relieve you. Semi your orders to us, <). C. Co. Bi«8a represented the plain­ days ng<> I was induced to buy u It. require« an internal tiff’s interest in the above suit. r. nu'dv to remove ther-r Burns Drug Stnre : HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS, i I t . . ________ . _______ . a i ' At the Pioneer Store N. Brown & Sons i i Fall and Winter Goods We arc now receivi.ig <>.jr Fall and Winter goods cxMiweting of ell kinds of l>ry Good»', Bo.its and Shore. Groceries, &e -Av. Our stock <>i Eadie..' Dr«-aa Goods, Outing Flannels. Ladies ami Children Underwear and Shoes are unexcelled. We invite you to visit our store; inspect stock and obtain prices. Wequarunt&e sat­ isfaction in every particular. Lunaberg & Dalton STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMUI TM.IOKEGOJi. Graduates of the ScUrxd.arc in constant «ternani]*.! salaries ranging Irani f4 i.'«e t<- ♦ tlXl.OO] per month. Studenti, take th«- «tate. exatniuatiM « dnring'tUcir <- Successors to R. A. Miller A Co. . U¡ X. 1 • « t; V I