Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1902)
P — X. .M I over i’.GOJ head of stock, says that When this occurs it is proposed last winter ho ouly f«'I one beast, to draw down tint surface of the a milch c nv, that he kept in the reservoir permanently twenty to Nearly ?•' mil. a in a s.mtlieilv stable to furnish milk for the fam forlv teet. and to convert nil of the direction froui Burns is situated ily. Tho rest of the slock did »veil reservoir site, except the river jne of the inost noted points in the all through the winter upon the channel into irrigated farming history of Oregon,—Wagontire . _ uri;i>. g c.i; respondent I range. Snow scarcely ever falls in land and. if mee««ary, construct s vrr RPAY OCTOBER is IWJ. ‘ lo the Baker City Democrat II is this region to exceed four inches, another reservoir for storage pur ~z _ noted as having been the spot and then gone rally disappears , poses higher up on the stream. Age gives added respectability where a train of emigrants from the | within the next 24 hours. III* Life Navi il by Tliaiuberluiii's The outlet for stock in this terri-1 to what is honorable; it makes vice eastern states headed for the Wil- Colic, Cholera nml Diarrhoea Remedy. lamcttevalley all perished at tho tory is either Ontario on the east, contemptible. *T>. I. Bver.u well known cooper hands uf the Indians. The only lleptmer on the north, or Lake i evidence left of this littlo band of view on the south. Everybody from of this town, says lie believe« Chiun England has poor craps tnis year, argonauts is the half burned wag- Burns is talking of th« (ircil East berla’ti’* Colic. Clmlera and Dinr but we can spare her a slioat or < ons that marks their lust exploit. ern railroad lh<* survey passes rhoea Remedy saved his life last two and a few roasting cars. He had hem si< k for n Wagontire mountain is 6G2O feet in abouttw.i miles south of Wagon 1 summer. tire i ountain. be rs a little to the month with what the doctors call height and from the summit one St. Louis has a good sized wash oj* (he most-xtensivo views is tube north to pass Stems’ mountain and 1 bilious dysentery, and could get hanging out in the front vard. seen that has not probably its par- will puss between Malheur and i nothing to do him any good until Some of the other municipalities allel anywhere else in America- Harney lakes at a place called the tie tried tin« remedy. It gave him I immediate relief," rays B T Little, Tho Horsehead mountains are in Narrows ought to follow suit. About 12 miles cast of Wagon merchant, Hancock, M<1. For sale plain view 12 miles to the south. tire mountain is situated Big by II M. Horton, Burns; Fri d The mere fact that you feel like Iron mountain »tamls out with its ': Stick canyon. Nobtaiv lives the-e Haines, Hainer, , ... . . .... . . sugar loaf contour like a lone sen- loating does not entitle you to take but something has hsppened at I . . . , . ,, ■ tine). 2-> miles to the east. Ihe1 np the time of a busy luan telling ... ... James Hall was arrested In Sher» which w ll go ................. . ,, * ... , glass Buttes Im in a cluster, seem- this particular pou t ................ him how tho world ought to l>e run. • ; , fth- «tate of Ore-1 >•! Brown <»f Buker county, >«t thi intc the history ol ... .................... ______________ mgly onlv a hands throw distant, Ingstrum ranch, seven miles not’h 2’1 miles to the north. Looking lie gon. and perhaps of the whole Pa cific coast, in company with the Durkte, la-t Saturday, on a Whether he proves fuceesaful or VOhj th(lge points t}.ut rea|lv seam facts about the big redwood trees, charge of horse »teulii.g The odi not. President Roosevelt has tarn- clos. at hand. Stein's mountain We don’t write this for the sake of cer" *l“ve l>” 1 0,1 " ’rsilsince «1 the gratitude of the American limits the view to the cast,SO miles incurring the jealousy oft’alifornia. 1 ll‘t J’»Iv- Hall is the l>sl oi a people by his effort« to end the distant Warner mountain closes the animosity of Nevada or the gang of slock ru.tlers that hnve in the vision 70 miles to the South, c'al strike. festrd this part <>f Oregon for wars, vhila on the west you can look rage ot Idaho, but will relate a fact that can easily be substantiated, all the others having either I nch If the American j>eople once lx»- awav beyond the Three Sisters, ISO convicted or are awaiting ’rial. miles, and see Ml. Ilood looming but which many will doubt. A conic convinced that it i« a ease of short time sgo the people of Wagon State Senator <!• otgr C Rr"* • • 11 up, breaking all record«. 200 miles J. Pierpont Morgan, et al. versus distant. But to the north the Snow tire discovered a rage brush that has prepend a bill rigtila’ing th Theodore Roosevelt party lines ; mountains prevent one from seeing could more reasonably bercalled n ' setting of tires in 'unber and dur will be forgotton in their haste to ’ beyond 50 miles. tree, for it was nineteen feet high ing slashing tim- in this state, anil render the verdict. Nestled under these mountains and Ii id a solid trunk six feet in will present it at the coming session Th< Silver lake lies 20 miles vast, with circumfert nee. A section of tins of the Otegon legislature Muring the Grand Army encamp- Hurney lake 20 miles beyond tree exhibited al the world’s f ir -enormous loss of and ti e ment in Washington a former Alkali lake glistens like a piece of in St. Louis would create more suffering of people tins ic«r cau-ed wonder and astonishment unmng bv the lire» I as 1 d t utor Browi • member of Mosby's Guerillas en , silver 30 miles to the south, while the visitors in 1903 than would ell to prepare the bill tertained fifteen members of the Christmas lake show* up plainly any other exhibit from Oregon. If Thomas L Brophv, the mining G. A. R. Thus old time differences 40 miles to the west The settlement of Wagontirc big sage brush is a sign of rich expert, bus returned to Pendleton are buried in the patriotic pride of mountain is not very extensive, land, we arc willing to wager that from the Heppner coal fields, after the present. only six people with their families Oregon has land twice as rich as . spending a fortnight viewing tbc residing there. Their leureat neigh any other state in the Union. ; work in progress He says thin is The Senatorial question seem« to bors are .’10 miles away — Buck ■the greatest discovery that ha* be taking a rest, now that Scott creek settlement on the north. Sil THE NILE OF AMERICA. ; been made of late years in the ha« gone abroad. Geer has cen*e<l ver creek on the east, each 30 miles, . world. The opening up of trans- t<> write letters. Fulton is all at sei, whilo Warner valley and Summer One of tho most ambitious , portalion and getting the coal on while the dark horses are still in Lake are each 60 miles away to schemes conceived by prince, po . the market means much to Morrow t he dark.— Portland Journal. the south and west respectively. tentute or capitalist, now or ever, and Pmutilla Counties. Although only six families re is an engineering feat by which il Pursuant to the general for- «try The owl is no wiser than other «ide in this locality, yet it is not may be practicable to harness the jmi I icv adopted by Secretary Hitch- birds although it is a symbol of I* without other population, over 20, great flow of the Colorado river as cock, the otlice of Superintendent 000cattle fiud pasture winter and . it passes through Colorado, I'tah. of the Cascad- Reserve will Le nlxd- wisdom. It can see truth only in . summer in thi3 locality. 1S.000 Nevada. Arizona, and California. half lights and even its admirers ished December 31. when S. B. horses and 150,000 sheep roam Utilize the water for irrigating va-t Omisby, of Salem, now superin d<> not flatter its voice. Many over the hills. areas of desert, and incidentally tendent, will terminate his otlieial men have the reputation lor wis- i Most prominent among the own- create two or th'«e hundred thou I ■ 1 mi who have the same claims career. ers of this stock is Mr. Illiev. ’.villi sand acres of new land by scien therefor as the owl.— Ex. 6000, X. L. ranch, with 7000 head, 1 tific guidance of the stream so that I Mr. Hereford, with G000 head. W. 1 it will deposit its alluvium or sedi Children chafe butWtlie* and W. Biown leads ail of his neigh ment :is desired by nran and like buil 1 sand houses an<l thereby de bors as a grower of horses, his wise create vase electrical power. \Vc ii’. ■ b our blood, and or. The Colorado bus never teen it. velop strength to do a life work, holdings at this time exceeding ■. ■ we grow oider we are prone to 5000 head. He is a crank on the considered a stream whose walers our blued i : i h or | o< ". subject of hors- s. or at least it up- could be utilized to a great extent indulge in chasing the rainbow I 1 .... There i nothin';cl. • t five pears so to votir correspondent and for irrigation, but Arthur I’. Davis, . on or by. M.d building castles in the a,r‘ ; the moat of Ida neighbors, for. al- who has .-pen’ sev rai mouths in a \\ h< n -t ngth i full Ami this inclination is not ali bad thmigh he runs 1400 head of sheep, careful recon a • ¡n •< of the «itun spirits high, v.i • !:■ .-■r -»rnne moralists tell us. Even : which have always b-en profitable tion. presents . ; -.n of startling freshed, bon. i,;tw h ’ hough we never catch the rainbow to him on account of their WOO proportions vis is one of in body and mind, r ,-ii though our castles fail to find and mutton, he puts all his sur the best kno« L drographers ot tinua.1 How of rich L.ood, a foundation, we are uplifting and plus from bis Eales of sheep and the L nited Stu << <dogi< nl S lr- This i hc.ilti) -’reiigth«’ne<i forour real work of: wool into horses, saving he is go- vey. and was deta. -d a- chief by- ! When weal life. Man is a working animal, ing to hold them until he can gel drograplier of the 1-,'bmi.iri Canal no ch r, no f-pr.n but hi« Lest work is done with his . •I 1**0 apiece for them, wild and un Ccmmissivti. In stroking of his is not r. st and s • v-’s beholding tho rainbow ami I trained, upon the range lie breeds , reretil reconnaii-at . < ».»■ - id : sleep, wc are ¡.tirvc his hope moulding the clouds of mostly English Shires and Clydes .Tlm great Colorad» river is th --inset into ethereal palaces—Ex. dales, but the hor«es do not attain largest stream both in drao ny- is poor* t! tnent in it. tire normal size of their kind be ar«a and discharge tbui lien wholly B.:< - of the ’>’»;• d, is i cause of their being rari«e bred. within the arid porlmn o th« io ¡¿¿CD tit? blood rich. \\ . l:tl Over’Vtfork Weakens This is a country where it is r.ot L’nited States It is fo mid 1 v i it iiils, take Scott’s E;nv.l . d of Cod Liv r 0:1. It > .i Your Kidneys. necessary h- fe- d winter or summer. junction of the (i;e>n The year rout'd the stock of ali rivers, rising in ft mu, d wioi..’ bo.-iy going jga::’.- ünhcatlhy KlJnzy*. Make impure Blood. kinds roam the fields and plains Colorado, respect v» |y, in l(g l(l of At! th# bl - I i i your body paxci through I never visiter’ by man except when heavy rain and s mw fall. OnL a woman and child. 1 y»’.i hfcr/t I’i- 1 it, fend for (.'♦ - y.-m, kntn*y; on-i# every three ninv’.es. i ta t»* will tirrr;*< nit. Th# kidney-. ar# your he comes with the branding iron or very small part of the flow of the its a rr- oi' ; CC/. IiO\V? d»yi» i Ho?d purifier . they fi‘- to exact hi« toll for the market. Colorulo has as yet l«-en utilized P . •! f r- *, Vi.rl «j t ’r out ihe v.aae er >/«!. L Hi f'-’. “H ¿.V£ T ' . Q’lite recently Mr. Brown refuser! for irrigation. Through most of. impuritie: tn the I- If they are.-.ic!-. or o .t I I |5,(N| i ) for5l>0 head of these sntne its course this river and its tribu- of order, they fail to Jo Norn 7<> < »:ijurons range horses, saying he was buying taries flow at the bottom of pro 1 .r-^ I their work. Pair.?, achei ae.drhsu- instead of selling horse« at those found canyons from which it is im In th-- Com t < ’ iiirt of t! e Stole of Oh rnriti :n come froncr- 1.1 < cf urio ari I in rhe prices. Mr. Browns owns 5.000 possible to divert them upon irri viti lor M.illU' ir County. bl . !, due to nej’z ,--i acres of deeded htn<! rind untold In th<’ mutter oi tho Last gable lands. If its water could be ■ l. 1:1 imilbl». Will and T.tslsnu r.t of : rills c ru-ci q-l.-k cr :.... ra ty miles “f i im-jt- that no one el.«-» but luily utilized, it would irrigate vast T. If. Seuuc-.ird , Pe. <-a-u-1. i t I.,'-.»: -■:># (set r ; ■ . , he (ind his live neighbors ct.rr o -- 1 .1. l> ... areas of ti<;h land.” Niiti'-c h hernby pirv-n that »iv order of . It: 1 Ir c : t .:il>l*. I- r.: « f-.o I » I 4 ■ •/ji.’-.ini; i-i fir?;-.!!.,’ i!ii ii?.'.r-- i copy. the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, Mr Davis ’ plun is for the provis t 1C I W i I'.:iio-,!f;ii'.-i! • a:, i i i .' :i" I to be r » > t<!-rr<l that crly ur:nr..y i Right around Wagontire moun > ion of a series of reservoirs on the for Mallii-nr County, inudc and entered I ■ i ’.I js were to be tr.-i x l to the ku:-,r ;, tain a tew spring of water gush out Colorado river by the constauction <>ti the 2nd <lay of Fejih-iniier, 1902, tliiit I mx!.-in rvienct proves that i iar:y Letters Testamentary werti it>«ti<-<l to the : cvi:t? cHn-il JiTt-a-:«-. have thc.r trjir.- ami How down arid lose themselves of dams where the possible storage undersigned. May II, C. Heauoard, ap i. ; i i I.Gaey hocUle. i in the sand before reaching the is large, 'I he fall of the river is so pointing her a« s<*)e exo ntrix of the Lunt. It j’an are : ;.-’t y ,ti can make no ni:’»ke plain. This water is owned l»v the slight that reservoirs of enor » ons Wil) and Testament of T. .M. soaweard, I i>; doctoiiii£ year hi Ineyx The mild !-.c cit.aoiJiir.iy effect cf Dr. Kilme:'- six men before mentioned ami with capacity may he constructed with deceased. >v,.imp-Root, th# prt: l-.idaey rcmccy All person« having claim« auainst said : mli-ed. It .-lands the highest f r it? it they control 9<-0 square miles of out involving <]-uns of impractica- •sif il re: of ths in.. t distressing cases territory, which no or e else can in ble height. At any time, by open- estate are hereby notified ami re<piir d lo present them, «it'i Ihe pro|ier vouchers > ..-il.hin it.iir.erita vade unless thev can coax some ing the sluiceway« «»f the reservoirs therefor, within six months from ami af * • Udiiiggi'Uinfif’y- « • it andon# dollarrT-- wav if getting water from the heav- the current of the river will quick-! ter thi« date, to -.vit. • 2nd day of Bepieni < . Vo;i may ha ■# a ens or from the depths of mother ly cut the channel through th« de her, 1902. to stdd e.xcciitiix at tier place of r.’iiole t>"‘iile by mail itom«ofSwan-en-r* f , ai.7O pamphlet telling yen ho -r to bt-.d earth. posited sediment With this ex- residence at Curd, .Malheur County, . -H/yoihavc kidney or bladder trouble. The man who gave me those ception each reservoir is expected Oregon, f-'»*:.uon this paper when vzriting Dr Kilmar May H. (!. Neiweard, £ S’nghamtar., N. Y, notes, Mr Huttop. Iind who owns to gradually fill with sediment lixecutrix Œ WAGONTIRE MOI’NTAIN. I COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER The Kind Yon Have Always îloiijjit. mid v.lilcli Invi been in nie for over 30 yours, I.. in horno (ho siffinitnro of mid lia i been i- :-ilii tindi r Ills per- Minili Ntipcrv Irdou since itslnthiu'y Allow no one to deceive you in Hits. »<>.l”in« but All ('«.nut« ill’ll-, ImltntloiiN mid ••Ju i'xpcriniciit« thnt trillo viltli nu I eiidnii ertilo hcultli of ibrt ExperhncuU lulhnts ami < lillilr. ii—1 What is C lintiuk'NN s’ ’ «lo" gork’. L>ro|.-i nml Nuolliir cont ’ • ..eitiier Opium. bllilslltt Cl ’. its ti’jo Is it i r mid nihil s l-'ev<’i'l.*tiHi's«. I ' t :•«•!I.• v <a. Teet libi Col. limi • ‘ nleney. 11 us -' > >. Ntou and ! i<tv e|s, I'.ivb T'.ie i h.ld; u’.-i i’ urn i;-- T Cm’Mt. 1.1. it ,i>< rotin \\ «ruin - Wind . I'hlll CAS e •? Tiear i t !i” > nVî ! In ' so ■ Harney Valley Brewery L WOI.DENBERG. SR Pr<»| rietor The «ervicea of a bruwcr of long yetir» ex|>ri<-nce ha* lem se- cured and tlie t'rodncl of fin« Brewerv is <>l ’li- >>••«» grade in thr^J Empiii’. Place a tritìi order at.d you ivi!! not Ixi dienp point. d. P.t RNS, OREGON < The bar i» supplir d with none but the very I est brands of Wince, Li-|U»>rs and Carbonati d drink«, ami th Choie» «I Cigars Windsor Your patronage solicited Courteous treatment to all. Corner north of post« ilice. CALDWELL A BYRD, Proprietors. a a DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only there born <k if an incursblc. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAMy OF OALTIMOUt, SAYS: nr nt'•i' • !> in ; rntir !y T'- I f •’< • ' thi.a’.. . to ; i.’. 1: ; ,luic«.i, 1 a ¡‘i .•> a *. ,,•!< y>«ti a full history >i i ; i v cum *, to he t: ■-> d it v- >ir di-ct < f :i About live. yt-iUM ago inv-i’ht<ai l>’,rnn to • UFt, ,.rv!‘h’. bfl < i : •. n» ♦.• .1 11 • t my hcuritiq tin« ir ••ntirrlv illudi :w<ut t ti-ut tn» i.‘ i .r cntirrh. 'nr thr»r inouth , v!t Voti*. ■ ’tv‘pcv n num* »»eroi pby-H ia;i < .-n. »> » l • .-•jhi» r.: • .V'Htl. ;»n .!iin *’il>. vao lohl ft tir.', only an opvt.itiuil c mH help tn»-, nd » • < t Hint only I» rnt. : th t Ut» 1’ 1 n»»i » v i M Hi» ft (’vive, but tbr !•• •■• in • in th • aft' • • • 1 • r ' ’■1 ’ • ' -t • .r • t . ‘ 1 thru ‘..wvot-.r <• >»* hh , th i < - i<b tii.'il'v ti .• .<• v. \ J. and order->i yottri" ,t Al ’.» t i H- «i it » •.’• '■ f tv »1 - i •”!ci•• t > • » i ;• .i' , • <? tb.» ti' ’- t • ’Uy. a*..-r fr. <• v»t : niy h» .triti tn t i i*<’T‘» n< ’ . ( tj • ». r t ■ tl, ■.«.! • .x heartily lx”.; r- ibaiii V< ty tru1 vnui ! . A. W14KMAX T o l!i iw ty, r 1’Jnr : . V». Owe trfflt.HH nt rloct not intent rr icith yottr umtnl ttevnptttinii. ’ -T' YOU CAH CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ”*n "ITr’“* INTERNATIONAL A'JRAL CLIAilO, E96 LA 1ALLE AVE., CHICAQO, ILL. l) i !Ì à I Our f“.» returned if wo fail. Any one Bonding sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tho patent ability of ‘rune. “How to obtain a patent*’sent, njioii request. Patents secured through in advertised for h I ii at ourcx|M*nsc. Patents taken out through ns receive Special Mo/irtg, without, charge, in Tur I’ atiat R ecorp , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, con-ulted by Alamtiactnrer i end Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, MOTOR J. EVANS A CO,, (Pai cut A ttorneya,) Evans BtiUiiing, - WASHINGTON. D. Ce