< Í / I e Published in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon f he Oldest and Most I Reliable, i Items. Harney VOL, lb, /*!•»• \ • <,'i»h«i»»»», Killtur k»xl Wku«(kr. IWl .I'11 "l .11 1111 The Best Advertising Medium I BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1902. .I H I W IBI II I I »■■»■« —...................................... ■' »1.50 Per » <•■». Month» NO.47, HI m !■!■■■ prospectors and miners in the i A woman who, according to her proper working of claims and in own report, was living at the time establishing and maintains im of th<‘ Boston Tea Party ami the provements thereon, and for the meeting of the First Continental t'"iigr< ss, »lied last Saturday at the Mr. Hermann Writes on I’m- of timber, bv the government CondenM-d Dfaputchcn Gathered Home for Aged ami Infirm Colored posed Forest Reserve. trt corporations. I will make fur Frotu ali l’uri» of th« World. ther mention herein of this matter. People in Chicago. If tin- r»-p>rt« of her age should l»e correct, sin- ----- j “As stated in the Assistant Com missioner’s letter to you, dated was the oldest j>erson in Hlinoi* Telegraphic dispatches report a and possibly in the United Stat»-», The following letter from Com August 30, 1902, no final action Hardware of Every Description. missioner Hermann regarding the will be taken with regard to the enow fail throughout the Dakotas The woman was Ellen Stewart, a «lave before the Civil War. thr<<- Blue Mountain forest reserve is ad lands withdrawn on July 28, 1302. and Minnesota last Sunday. lil'RNH, OREGON. dressed to n citiz- n of Sumpter and for the proposed Blue Mountain Independent packers will build times married, and mother of four appears in part in the American of Forest Reserve, until ample oppor and operate u lurge packing plant children, the last of whom died tunity has been given all interested at South ft. Joseph to fight the big several years ago of old age. Ac the 11 th. It is as follow* : cording tn her story, she was born "First, ami of more importance parties to be heard by the Depart meat trust. in 177u, and consequently was 132 is ttie fact that the motive and pur- ment, for oragainst the proposition, His Royal Highness Chowfa years old The officials of the in J pose of the Government in this and in this connection, 1 will state 'case, hb in all ca-es of ’he estab that numerous communications Maha Vajiravudh. thecrown prince stitution in which she died, after lishment of forest reserve», are en have lieen received in the matter, of Siam, arrived in New T ork last an investigation as thorough as Saturday for a tour of this country. could be made, credited her state tirelv impartial, and bused only relating to different portions of the H. Fi r/.GI-DC \I.D, upon the desire to preserve and im area withdrawn, some favoring and Il has become necessary for the ment. Until within a few months t r« »ul«'iil. others protest!r g against the re prove. for the general welfare, the Mayor of New Orleans to call for of h?" death the woman was in forests u]K>i the land* involved ; it serve a« pronosed All these will troops, owing to the ssvirj riots complete control of her senses, and being d-« med ab»'d»iteiy es-ential receive the careful consideration of caused by any attempt to run the told many stones of men and wom en distinguished in the earlier to the welfare of the nation that the Department. street cars. jdavs of Virginia aid Kentucky. “Already the withdrawal has I iicorpora*«*«!.) the principal remaining ioresta on A Siberian newspaper says the She was born in Virginia. the public land« should be pr»eerv. Idcn revoked as to an area of about the government is considering Abf.tr u-ts Furnished and Title Gu iranleed to all Landein Lume) ed anu unproved so fur as possible, •hree township* at the extreme proposition of a new railroad to County. LEWIS SCOTT IS SHOT Th- impression that the establish northern end of the proposed re connect the B'.uck Sea with the Si serve. These lands were formerly ment of forest reserves ie intended, ■W REAL ESTATE or will be ullowed, to work an nd within the Lmatillu Ir.dian Reser beriun line. Foreman of the Harper lit an eli A special train will be used by Seriounly Wounded in a Dis Bought a-><i Sold on Coiutnii«ion. Office in Bank Building I v.i' tage io mv particular class or vation, and, in view of cert dn act* pute Oxer Wage*. industry .»t tbo expense of any other | of Congress relating thereto, it was the Crown Prince of Siam in his concluded by the Department, tipor, c.lnss or industry, can urine only . tour of the United States. He will my recommendation, that the lands visit Portland and other cities of from a misunderstanding of the Lodge IMrrriorj PROFESSIONAL CAIO» i Mttiauon t. ■ should remain subject to sale. Vale Gazette: Last Saturday the Northwest. evening at the Harper Rauch in “ The temporary withdrawal for Beux, f.omu- No. "0, K of 1* "As to th»- agricultural interests, I The latest statement issued by : J tt M. MULLEN. M'-rle everv rhur.<tnv night, this county, Lewis Scott, foreman the primuiy purpose t»eing to re i this proposed reserve was in accor b M Jor.lmi, C C. the United - tales Sit'd Company o f t be ranch, and the Thomason serve only bodies of the public dance with a recommendation made Mather»! head , K <>t R. S. shows that the net earnings ofthat B r0S-t «ho were employees on the PllOTOGRAl HER , lun<is rimr»- valuable for the timber to the Department on June 21, corporation for the last nine months rRnc l, w became engaged in adisput«* thereon than for ng»icultur-<l pur 1902, by the I . S. Geological Sur bi : rns chapter , no . 4«, o. e s tillen». Hrcirnn. amount to $101,142.158. over wages due the latter. It is Mwta second and fourth M>»idav <‘i poses, iio considctutile ao-as of agri vey. and n recommendation made mrh iuimii I i m Maaonic bill, Voeiztly flj^f“MainSt —opposi’e Bank cultural lands are reserved, ami if to this office on July 3, 1902. by It is claimed that Russia is mak- stated that ^’ott kicked one of. iHilldl»'« Mrs. M«Kiris l.einna, W M. such ureas are found to have bet n'Forest Superintendent S. B Oruasbv ing an effort to capture the Japan- IJhomasJO boys outuf the dinning Mra. Eunice TIioMipaon. See. “On January 21, 1902, Hon. J. 11 ere coal market along with that of rooID- "hcrc ,he rc»er»id they arc at ones restored |y| AKSBKN A GEARY Mit< h» li(U S Senate.)presented to the Chinese by facilitating the ; "> fhc scramble and mix-up « hid. BURNS l.OUGF, NO. 97. A. F. « A M. to the public domain upon the t-s-1 W L MurwJen. John W Geary, Hexts Saturday on or In-iore full moon. the Department petitions numer shipment of supplies from Man-1 followed, three shots were fired one lal'ltshtuent of their character as P‘>y»i iann <(• .Surgeon«. cpi-<lifi<-<i brother, fraternally invited, 'of which struck Scott in the left ously signed by residents of Mai cliur:,l agricultural lands < E Kenyon, W. M. F. S. Rieder, Burns, Oregon. side just below the arm, passing heur and Harney counties, asking "In the matter of grazing, the res-! Hoey. With a few exceptions. Eng-! enlire,y through hia . lodged gASfOffice «t rcfi'li-ni-e ’Pilone 2 ». that there be set aside as a forest', i ervation of lands for forestry pur- lishannyollicials who werecharged . jugt (he on rjpht BURNS I.OI1GE, NO. 93. A <». ü. W. poser serves alwuvs to lessen, and reserve, the entire watershed known , M-xts al Brown ball ev-ry Frid.iv eve Mr. Scott is in a. verv dan- oftt n to entirely elimina'C. the dan- as Strawberry mountain, the head with irregularities in connectmn j ning Vi-itimr brother« fraternally in- QtGGSA HOGS. w>ih the remount establishment of ' ger0UH cor.ailion ftnd feflr8 are eil. v*l«<1. rima Sapors, W 11. Chas. N. igers resulting to any interest from waters of the North and Middle i J. W Dalton Blxgi Coliran-, Recorder the British army, have been re- ' , erUiued ttbout his recovery. The tliis source. Each forest reserve is forks of the Malheur river and their I Altornryr-'it-l.aw. lleved of all rcsponsi. iiity. : Thomason bojs walked to Vab-. placed in the care of a corps of tributaries, Stlvies river anil tribti (1 IRNEY I.OBG NO 77. I O <» F BURNS. ORKGON. M'-xt* xvxrv 8 mir i «V evening, H own's According to a report received and gave themselves up to the competent oflicer«, who strictly en taries, all the lands contained hill VUitinu broth r« fnlrrnwllv in-i £MF9 UH.-.- in Rank building. therein to constitute and cotnprifc ! from Johannesburg last Friday.' sheriff. They are now in the coun force ttie rules and regulations is vited Frank O .1 ickson, N G. I C. '» 8tni h, Secretary sued by the Department for the one compact and complete reserva that country is entirely satisfied 'j«»l here, and their case will with the revised tariff rates, which.j probably be tried at this term of regulation and control of the graz tion. TOi K CIRt'I.F. N-> I«*», WOMEN <>F y^B.I.IAMS A FITZGERALD “ Ou October 19, 1901, following. it is claimed will greatly reduce; court. ing of stock within the reserve; Woodcraft. Meet* 2n I iio-l 4th Toe-- Departmental directions of October' the cost of living in that country ; Louis Scott, has been foreman of Thornton William,, M. giUxerald. dm at Brown’s Imll. Mrs. TiUi • Iordan, boundaries. Mrs. Ione Wliilin« Guardian. the Harper ranch for several years, 11,1901, I had forwarded to the Attorn.} ■ U Law, notary Public, "As to the mining interests : the C'rrk. Edward S. Bragg, consul p nera gn(j ¡g we|j and favorably known Law, Notarial and Real hítate Department, for reference to the! imuression. usually gamed through nt Havana, has been transferred ‘o. lhroughout Malheur county. The Practice a misunderstanding of tbe sit lation Geological Survey, «11 the papers( 1 the post of consul general at Hong- ThnQ)a90n boyg came here fr()lu Cliurcti \ tinoitiiccnieiits. relating to the proposed reserves Burn», ()r»'Z<»n. Sunday School at Harney the £iy Office in ol i Masonic building (but sometime.-, unfortunately.cir and projiosed additions to existing kong, taking the place of \\ i. iam Missouri six or eight months ago. culated by parlies well aware of its first Sunday of each month at 10 A. Rublee, who has b.. n trans , auj }itve been industrious bard- erroneous nature, with a view of reserves, in a number of stales, a ferred to the consulate at Havana workipg Jame8 theelder 5- o’clock, A M I arousing prejudice and sectional’ inong the states being Oregon. Ac p M. JORDAN*. third and fourth Germany is somewhat agitated only 20 yeurs of age, and Young, feeling.)thal the conclusion of min cordingly. the said petition? pre Preach - I inmith at 3 o’clock seated by Hon. J. II. Mitchell were over the stand the Boer generals I the younger brother, is only b> year» Practical Lind Surveyor. eral lands within forest ro«erves Sunday ing services every It was reported in ; old. They are distant relatives of Burna. Oregon, , prevenis the location and dcvelop- also forwarded by me to the De I j have taken. at 8 P. M Berlin last Saturday that they poe- J. J. Thomason, of Nvssu. purtnient for reference to the Geo , I ment of such lands and the obtain T Al the Presh> lorian logical Survey, to be considered in: ' itively declined to be presented to ing ot title thereto in the usual g W. MILLER. Burns, Rev. A J. Irwin ' connection with tbe other Oregon the Kaiser through the British manner tinder the general mining Divine service* the third .»nd fourth S tate oe O hio ,C iti * of T oi . ei » o > Notary Public and Conveyancer, laws, is entirely erroneous. The paper.-, and. at the same time, I Ambassador. Lose as C ount v . t Sundays of each month nt 11 a. in. Mortgngoh, De od a, Etc., oorrcctly made. law. Ac’, of June 4, 1897(30Stat36) forwarded copies of said peiitious The Sioux Indians of the Rose Frank J. Cheney makes oath that and 7:30 p m. Sabbath school at OlTice al ¿lore. Hurns, Oregon. to Superintendent Ormsby for provides that.— burl Agencv are in a state of great he is senior partner of the firm of 10 a. m. every S.ibbith morning. i “ ’any mineral lands in any for- thorough examination and report unrest, and threaten to go oti the F. J. Cheney »V Co., doing business Preaching services nt the Buptist H. VOLP, A. M . M. D. < st reservation which have been or in the mutter. warpath on account of a reduction in the City of Toledo, County ami church every island 2nd Sundays, w hich may be shown to be such,' “The Geological Survey mane of rations anil the refusal of the State aforesaid, and that said firm Physician and Surqeon, morning and evening. Sunday and subject to entry under existing- its report to the department, re Government to allow them the will pay the sum of One Hundred school every Sunday at !() t. hi , g fF~ i >tlice at residence. mining laws of the United States j lating to proposed further referva- Dollars for each and every case of — — Oregon and the rules and regulations ap ! ' tions ot lands in Oregon for forestry sale of wood. prayer meeting every Thursday Burns, Catarrh that cannot be cured by evening. The American Federation of La- plying thereto, shall continue to i purposes on June 21 , 1902, and in the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. buy the : Services at Christian Science be subject to such locution and en said report recommended the res nor. through its ex ecu tire council Frank J. Cheney. Hall, corner e ist of the Bank, every try, notwithstanding the reserva ervation of both tlm Strawberry• has issued an address to the public Sworn to before me and subscril»- mountain regioh uml the Blue appealing for financial and moral Sunday at Ila. tn. and <8 p m. tion ed in my presence, this (‘»th «lav « "This renders mineral lands in Mountain region: and Superin aid for the striking anthracite min Decernl>er. A. I). lSgli. Service Wednesday evening!» at 8. Everybody is invited to attend the forest reserves subject to locu tendent Ormsby’s report of July 3, ers, an J denouncing the attitude of A. W. Gleason. these services tion and cn'ry under ttie general 1902, recommended the reservation the mineowners, on whom, the ap- Notary Public. of a portion of the lands covered peal says, must rest the resjxmsi- Do not bo deceived by those who a<l- mining laws in the usuiil manner. Velioe a S'ihJ'd Sew ing Machine for "In the matter of the privilege by the recommendation of (he Ge-i bilitv for the hardships resulting Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken in 120.09. Tills kind of a machine can ______ j.____ of using timber for mining purposes ologica) Survey, and also of some from the coal famine, ternally, and acts directly on the lx« bought from us or any of our The sultan of Bacolod. Mindanao, blood and mucous surfaces of the dealers fro.n 315..XI to $18.u0. the forest reserve? work no incon- additional lands to the south of the V _l 1— —T n / i V ■ j . SB WK MASK h VARIETY. nr<a so recommend»d by the Geo- Philippic Islands ha« rejected system. Send for testimonials, free. i mu).j>i. v xcinuuS, VO’iience or haidshi)» upon the ■ s ’n . ij i *’j THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. miners therein, but constitute an logical Survey. i the friendly overtures of General F. J. Cheney A- Co.. Toledo. <♦ The Feed determines I he strength or *'l recommended to ttie Depart- Sumner, commander of the Ameri- advantage to them, ns the law and Sold by all Druggist, 75c. ü f¥i 4 » weal.le ss of hewing Machines. I he D cfic . ns 14 Double Feed < •»mbiiusl with other the forest reserve regulations on ment that these lands should at cnn forces in Mindanao, in a de- Hall’s Family Pills are th« !>»•«<. r C opyrights àc . slmili1,- fxiints nihk.i. the New Ifome Anton« «ontHtitf k Rkotoh tturf (leMTlrHon mut ihis subject are very liberal. It is firstbe merely temporatily with-'fiRnt letter, in which he invites the best fiewing Machine to buy. qntrklv M<’«rtah» otir opltHoii free wlicthor un tiivnnfinn in prohnbly r ttnnüibh’. Conimintlciu not only provided that tho timber; drawn, in order that the matter war. The sultan save: “The sul I ■ th»ii4 Rtrlctlf fontlrhuitlnJ. Hnn<D>«w>k un l’Htriifs WiWRCMSSSS i»v«r>f Trt’e. nuencv for nocuriiiu puldtati«. might be more thoroughly investi tan of Bacolod desires war forth growing upon the mining claims Pillant h taktn throuiih Mlitnti k C<'. hmd ! vo tpcrtal noM««, wlthout ehitrffu, la the we manmlirluruiMi.l prlcis b«lbic pun-baking with He wishes to maintain the may be used for developing such gated and opportunity given I ail interested pa ie- to le heard »ti religion of Mohammed. Cease Bend THE NEW NOME SEWIMG MAGHINE GO. claims, but p ovision is also made tore the boundaries are tiuallv de A hanituomely llhirfrntpd weeXlr. Urort elr» OHANOiC, MABG. cii I h II dii of any ii<*l«ntlCc JotirniU. Terni«. A3 a ing letters What we want is war. The» •limature ia on every box o< the gu-jm. for the free use of additional timber lermined. i yettr; îour moritha, IL dolti by »11 2SI nkmSq. JC. Y., Chieu III., Atlanta, (In., Laxative Bromo-Quinine T»n«t. W» do not desire your friendship.” ' he reznrxH that ram n rt>M Iv Diiliiw.Tt x.,San FrtncNc«», <‘ h 1 Continued on Tt ird page. within the reserve by individual 'tv MUNN*Ca.’«"> x—- New York Mt. GOVERNMENT'S VIEW GENERAL NEWS Geer& Cummins E. 0. T. G. CO. 4k ’ r.*>IL41 ttàgis SEWING MACHINE <§ Sdentliic Hmerican. âuau.b üir.tf, ¿.*j F Sl^ W«.hli>a* . I». I. ren SALE 3Y