Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1902)
Published in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon The Oldest and Most Rpli/ibiß, The Best Advertising Medium. > Harney Valley Items - — ■ VOL Ibr | i ’ —IF—•' -** <••!< Ii¡¡44«, Kdlfor an«l Mauucar, BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER II. 1902. NO.46. St.«<1 »r > rar. Nil Moatha 73U.U. V LONG IM GONE. *• we.^ wortby of development asi All I LU I AH WAI Lil 111 in each case th» re are large basin« Matle D.tsJi for Liberty mid Fi*- of fine land. Tho total area, rough-, — ! enprd IH h Gnatd ly estitnated, of the four basins where artesian water can be had C<Hid»-nMed Dispat« ire« Gathered Henry Long, wlm hae been cou- is in the neighborhood of 2000 or PrtHn all Fartani the World. fine<1 jn the cofloU jaU fof Extract From The Preliminar} 2500 square miles. months, made his escape Monday, Airport ol Prof ItUMell. | “In addition to the study of tire says the Vale Gazette. artesian basins referred to, Prof. For some time Loug had been Russell's trip furnished touch of The conference between Presi allowed the privilege ot sitting in dent Roosevelt and the mine opcr- Hardware of Every Dateription. _. . . _ . ... ¡nlcrestiuthewsyofgeneralgeol- the sheriff’j office, or walking in The recent investigations in this , , , . I ogy and geography, and especially ators and labor Ixxlies, proved a the court yard during the day, and Hl'UNM, OREGON, section regarding th« irteeiao water jnre(ereBce u>thoextinct volcanoes i failure. I while this lilierty was given him supply by one thoroughly acquaint- southeastern Oregon and the I A new movement has been made last Monday hi- made his escape. ed with the under ground storage, Cinder Butt»« in Idaho. I to eomfiine the plow companies of A. W. Glenn, the acting dc-jmty. uiav he of interest to many of our “One ef th«1 greatest needs of the the country with a capital stock of | who had charge of the office, during readers. The investigation here people iu Idaho and Oregon who $75,000,000. ! Sheriff Lawrence's absence nt Joi- reported is a result of Represents- are interested in putting down ar- don Valley, allowed Long the usual tive Moody's untiring efforts iu tesian wells, is detailed informa-j The government will soon sink a privilege of the court yard and a- « number of artesian wells tn Ne behalf of this portion of bis dis tion as to how to drill uud care for braska to ascertain how deep it bout .3 o’clock in the afternoon trict This is only a beginning, as such wells Of all tho drill boles will be necessary to go in order to when Mr. Glenn's attention was the investigation w is the first step Prof. Russell saw in ths states re get a continuous llow of water for occupied in the office for u few nec»-i>SHry to further work. «■ d it is ferred to, be failed to remember a irrigation pur|x>ses. minutes, Long made a dash for hoped that Representative Moody's single instance in which th" work' •owe saddle horses hitched near bv M. Zola tho great French Nov and unhitched two of the l>ret ani efforts mav be still further crowned was properly done. In some in with sunecns by the government stances, as uear Bums, tho wells elist, died from asphyxiation br; mals, one of them l»eing the race taking steps to sink a well without doubt would have been fumes from a stove. His wife was mare belonging to Stacey Bros, I iicorporu'e«!. ; in this nart of the state to establish highly successful had proper easing prostrated in the same room, but which he mounted and rude rapid Ab»tri(*tB Furti »uhod ml H Titlr Gu iranteod to all Landein Enrnej beyond a doubt that an artesian be?n put in, but are classed as fail W'll recover. She does uot know ly away. He tried to lead the other County. uree; and in other instances wells of her husband's death. flow can bv had animal, but as he experienced some which are now flowing have de-1 Extract from tho preliminary re AL ESTATE The State Department has ap- difficulty in this, he abandoneil tlie» port of Prof Isreal C. Russel), dated creased in volume owing to the; , pointed James O. Jones, of Ala-iidea «oing a couple of hun4- September 20, i'.M)2. ] caving in of their sides eo as to be l bams, to go to Nicaragua and in- re<^ yards. O Ili ce in Batik Building Bought and Sold on Com in is-ion. “Four very promising artesian ' practically useless." sped the canal to ascertain what, sooner Lail Long mounted t aeii s were d «covered, one of them,, -------«».------- effect the recent earthquakes in;wbenhewasdiac<«reredbya >Hitn- however, being the westward ex- Ex_(iov<.raor wiiitenker Dead that country may have had on it. ^*r Ulrwiury ]»ersene. Deputy (>lenn. PROFESSIONAL CARD.". tei »ion of the Snake River basin, I burridly secured a horse and ptir- R cmxr I odos N o . TO, K of P which was examined in part last Kx Uorernor j„|in Whiteaker,! Ir. u circu>ar letter 1 iistu.aster-j guej tjie fagjtj,«. The direction M wi «very I'lmradji night. J tl MeMVLLXN, summer. The artesian basins re-. d}e(1 TriUrgjay nif;ht at[ Genera! Payne informs postmasters ukon wafl up tJ|e Westfall road, F M lor.lati < C tBj Mr Glenn r pursued ferred to are >« follows: , his home in Engene John Wbit-i and employes of the department L. , ____________ ____ at full -^ speed r__ H Mattherahrad, K «I K 8 PHOTOGRAfHER “I 1 he Baake River artesian eaker(Was the first governor of the !lbal tbev u,u6t no’ UFe lheir past-, unG> nenr the Wdi. Anderson place, basin which begins on th« east> : state of Oregon, having been elect- ' ; l’“n f«- - PurP°* cf treating n... for » ‘ k lie p»- i ■. Bbout 15 miles above Vale, he came 1’1’KNH CH GTEU NO. J9. <» F. S Burna, Oregon. , near Glenn’s I’errv. extends west M.-rta •••con I and loa th M >,idav of ed in‘June 1858 He was iniugu-i biflueuce, nor take > within 200 yarde uf his fertner pi is- racb m >nth in Vlasoier hoi, Vorally Main St —opposite Bank. ward beyond the Idaho-Oregon rated July 8 of the same year. jt active part in any campaign. oner. Long however had the ad- tMiildina Mr« M mric Levan«, W M bound-try and reaches well into Mrs Kunicr Thompson, Ser. being believed that th« bill for ud-i montbiy coinage eUteinent,v*uUg5 of having the iietter bore. Oregon.' Th« northern portion of miMi^n of Oregon as a state had! ¡>bUe<j bjr tJ,e Director of t|ie Mir4j and soon r.xle away from his pur- na IKKDENA OKAKV tbits basin Prof. Russell d.d not ex-’ passed congress. There was no!Bhowg that September. 1W, the■ •uf*r’ aoJ WM rest in the dark Mr. BURNS lORGF, NO 97, a F. .< A . M. W L MarxJro. John W Oeary, Me-ta Haturday on or before full m< inon. amine, but it probably embraces telegraph or rail conn ctious with; (otal coinage executed at the mints :G,eun **-’• he fired foor B,10,e at /’t.yirt t « h « <í Surpsons. Quilifird brothers fraternally inviteli, tho region southwest of Huntington, of the United States was $6,762,115, him as a parting salute. <- t. Kinyon, W. M. F. 8. Kinder, Burns. Oregon. Willow Creek vi Iley. Several wells! the national capital and after ISeey. Up to the time of going to pre»», |tiiueit was ascertained that the' ag fej|OW9 . Goljt g3 gilver gj^'Olfu c it residence. 'Phon.' 20. were put down in this Basin last I bill for the adtnissiion of Oregon as > go 83U65; lcinor coins. $370,uOO. nothing more has been heard of the U RNS LOGGE. NO. ML A O. I ' W. summer and fall with the hope of a state had not passed and it did ' ! fugitive, the pureurers have all re- Meet« at Brown ball ev-ry Friday eve obtaining petroleum and all but; I not pass that body until early the : A dispatch from Manila says; turned, and we presume Long is ning VLitimt brothers fraternally in- giniHA Bums. v*lvd. Thea Sagem, W. M. Chas. N. one re-ultod in n surfaco flow of next year. As soon, however, as j that the Moros are about, done for ■ going on bis way rejoicing. J. W. Bina Dalton Hits* t'uviirane, Recorder. water, The basin below tne arte official information was received and that the Americans are before! Henry Long will be remembers* A ttorneyo-at-La tr, sian head is something like 130 I of the admission of Oregon, Gover- their last stronghold and are pre-j ;the man who shot a Chinese restsu- II IRNEY I.O0GF, NO. 77. I O O F BttKXS. OKEGON. Urda every Saturday evening, B own’» miles long and embraces all the : nor Whitosktr assumed the duties] paring to make a fina! assault ¡rant keeper at Ontario about the f ball Visiting brother« fraternally in-1 in Bunk building. land in the Soak« River valley be- of his office. which will in all probability put' middle of July, and escaped, but vitati. FrankO Jackson, N.G. C. <i. Sinidi, Secretary twoen Glonn’s Ferry and Hunting He was for 12 ; years a memlier an end to the trouble in that see- was afterward captured at Silver • y ¡ton and in tho lower portion of the of tho Oregon legislature a'tid in‘tion, Citv by F. W, Tony, then deputy TIT KCIUCLK. NO 1«. WOMEN OF t^tbUAMS A rtTZOERALD Owyhee and Malheur River val- 1878 was elected to congress where sheriff. It has been reported that Woodcraft. Meets 2nd and 4th Tues Thornton William». M.' Fiteccrnld. I The lady managers of the St. j i Long baa frequently mud« the |; levs, which is below the twenty five be served One term. day *t Brown’» hall. Mrs. Till! •Jordan, Altoraay-M Law, xotary PabUcJ Mrs. lone Whitinu Guardian. Lottis Louis World’s Fair have adopted a ■ statement that he would never g« h'u'Adred foot contour The ar esian Clerk. Laut, Notarial and Real Rotate ; n'l'kd is perhaps higher than here resolution which eliminates from ' to the penitentiary and it ln-gins 'mentioned, but of this Prof Rua-i Jorgensen is still t« the tront; concessions anything that savors of to look like he knew what ho was Practice Cb nil'll A n Milliner men ts. Itiirua, Oregon. sell is not prepared to make a deli-1 with low prices. (. all and see his ,|ie dance« performed on the Mid- talking about. Sunday School at Harney the iMT'Otlice in old Másente building nite 9ta einent at present. Judging; line of watches, clocks, jewelry.'wgT t|)e Chicago Fair, The res- first Sunday of each month nt 10 olution was introduced bv Miss from tho data in hand, flowing) stationary, etc. On the second, •»’clock, A M For a bilious atteek take Chain water should l>e obtainable atj For Sale—Hay at $5 per ton with Gould, third and fourth Bundays of euch p M. JORDAN, berlain ’s Stomach anil Liver Ta1>- Nampa, Caldwell, etc in the Boise good pasture ami plenty of waler-!; j IFanipton Moore> of P retie h- •nontli at 3 o’clock P. M Philadel- iets and a quick cure is certain Practical Land Surveyor. valley. The total area over which Enquire of Ira Stubblefield. ' phia wgH lapt Friday unanisougly ing servioes ererv second Sunday For sale by H. M. Horton. Burns; Kurtii, Oregon. it is reasonable toexnect that flow- at 8 P. M. A plcssant retreat for the tired • elected president of the National i Fred Ilniucs, H«ra<ey. ) ing water can bo had is not loss 11 anil thirsty — Caldwell A Byrd's, ! League of Republican t ’ hibs and At the Presbiteri«» church g W M1LLF.R, j than 700 square miles. ! v E. W. Weeks was — re elec ted secre - u' " -1-" — -i—•-.< Burns. Rev. A J. Gwin pastor. j “2 The Otis valley artesian ba-i ■ corner north of the postoflice. The convention indorsed tary. Tire cuuveniiuii «iiuurscu 1 : S tate or O hio .C itv of I oi . edo « Divine services the third snd fourth Notary Public, and Conveyancer, sin embraces tho valley of that; Call on N. Brown A Sons and L cscas C ovnty . ) Sundays of eech month at lla. in. Mnrt;agtJ<, Deeds. Etc., correrli y raa«lr. i Roosevelt, urged the statehood of; name iu Oregon where tho coiuli-i give them your order and let them Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Oklahoma, Arizona and New Me.vl and 7:30 p m Sabbath school at Uflloe el etere turn«, Ortfun. lions are such as to justify the hope m.ike you figures. 10 a tn. »very S>bb<th morning ieo and condemned the trusts in a he is senior partner of the firm of that flowing water can be had over F. J. Cheney Co., doing business Clubbiug rat?s given with any i ! most forcible manner. Preaching serviers nt the Baptist H. VULP, A. M . M. D. an area of some 50 or GO square ; iu the City of Toledo. County and paper or jieriodical published I in' •ihurch every 1st ami 2nd Sundays, miles fund State aforesaid, and that said firm The McKinley monument Physician and Surqeon, morning and evening. Bunday “3. The Harney basin embraces the United States. , is growing rapidly. Some time i will pay the sum of One Hundred school every Bunds) at 10 a. in. ffBF“()tfice at residence. , tho country a I kjii I Harney and Mal since unknown p-rsons started a Dollars for each and every ca«o of — — Oregon heur lakes, and is by far the lar prayer mooting every Thursday Burns, A Remarkable Record. 10-eent, cent and 2 cent endless i Catarrh that ennuot be cured by I livening. hajn _ sc })eniil j in connection with i the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cute. gest and most important basin dis ChnmbetIain’s Cough Remedy c ____ ____ i ¡bus a remarkable record. T covered Its outer rim mcasiues Serviaes at Christiau Science | It lum ^0 monument fund. Up to date1 Frank J. Chenev. something like 100 u.iles from been in use for over thirty years, Hall, corner east of the Bank, overy • fully 50,000 of these letters have Sworu (0 before m« and eubsoril>- northwest to southeast and 50 to during which time many million '* been received bv Judge Dav, pres-'.ed in iwy presence, this 6th dav o Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p tn., 60 miles fiom northeast ,o south battles bare been sold and used. It ! i<lent of the association, at Canton, December. A. D. 1S86. Service Wednesday evenings at 8. west. The area below tho artesian ; has long been the staudnrd and und forwarded to the treasurer.« \ Every boil V is invited to attend A. W. Gleason, / t hese services. head cmbiaces practically all the main reliance in tho treatment of olllco. Many letters ar? from j C Notary 1 ublie. flat lands below the level of Burns croup in thousands of homes, vet European countries. Do not lie deceived bv those who ad Hall’s Catarrh Cure io taken in vertise a $(>0.00 Sewing Machine tor and Harney and includes not less during all this time uo ease has 120.00. Tbla kind of a machine can The National Livestock Associa ternally, and acts directly on the than 1G00 square ntiies. a part of. over lieen reported to the tnanufact- be Isiught from us or any of our which, however, is occupied by.urers in which it failed to effectn tion. several of the large Western blood ami mucous surface« of the dealers from.fl.1.00to $18.00. WC M»Kl X VARIETY. Harney and Malheur lakes and tho euro When given as soon aa the railways ami the Ooveruosent legal system. Send for testimonials, free. 4 THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. adjacent swamps. F. J. Cheney 4 Co.. Toledo, O. child becomes hoarse or evon as department, will be in the fight The Fctsl determines the strength or against the packing house trust. Sold by all Druggist. 75c. “ 4 Tbs While Horse artesian soon as the croupy cough appears, V -r.AnrwiAmi. woukness of Hewing Machines. The ! President Springer, of the associa- Hall's Family Pills are' ibc Iwat. D esign « 11 is Ikonble F«re«l combined with other b.tsin is situated in Eastern Oregon , it will prevent tho attack. r FffTN ' C orvrioht « Ac. strong points mnki * I lie New Horn«* t » the cast of Bteins Mountain, and. pleasant to take, many children tion. made a statement last Thurs Anri«« Mwidtnir a nkelrh ami dsserlptkm mar the best Hewing M h < blue to buy. quickly JUf«»rtAln our optnton free whether an invention is probably patentable, (*<»m$Niinim- us shown by the structure and like it. It contains uo opium or day, ufler a conference with Presi fl«»na«t.rictlyonnfldent(al. Handbook on aont free. Oldest mmw for n^nirtri« im U omim . warm springe, will moat certainly other harmful substance and may dent Moore, of the Kansas Citv P awii I s IMA an U»mi>«b Muun A Co. rwestrs tprrMl rnitte«, without charte, tn the wo HiHQtUiicturviiud prices Ixforepurchasing yield flowing wells. Tho area bo- be given as confidently to a baby- Stock Yards, and oilicers of the THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. low iho artesian bend is by osti- as to an adult, For salo by II. M. association. A capital of two mil- 1 TW» »taataure ta o« «ve(y txm o< U m c « i j > s « A h»nw>maly Illo«tnta4 «nwttr. tsrreM etr- oaaaac. M»aa. Horton, Burns; Fred Haiure, Har- i liuu dollars will be represented in Laxative Bromo-Quinine .-nlaUnn at any srisntia« toomal. Vorws. M • mate luO square miles. j . mwi tour months, |L SoMbyullpowMoslsr» 11 t'ulon Bq. N. Y., CMrafo* HL, Atlimla, Go., the fight against the trust. ’te russOy »*»* «mm « e»M im •»» *RF x.,S.ui Fniirt-«'«.r»| ‘ Each of the basins referred to uev. MUNN &Co >•«*• —»New York Ht. Ifnlijta, lMllMi,T> ro» SAtt er Hranrh oWlna. P W., WMihinçt*n. T». < . Hr*nri ADTCCIAN IA/ATTQ IN EASTERN OREGON GENERAL NEWS Geer& Cummins \,.l & I P atents Scientific American. i