— I M. !.. Lewis, of Burns, x*-tiirni«i Honson ticket« to tLo 1'air an for sale at 11. W. Welcome A Co. from Portland the fore jmrt of the wi.oli. ami spent a couple of days Tin? Burns public s .-Iiool opened i and H. M. Horton’s drugstores. irtour city. Mr. L«!wis propoaea to i Thursday. Jorgcnaon repair« watches «nd build n Udephono lino from Prino- L. 1. ('lark, of Narrows’, is in villa, via Burns, to Ontario, a Southern Stouk Company Call on N. Broun A Sons and upon the work and to have tlx* ilm- four nights next w< < k. give tin m your order and let tlx in [ completed to Paulina by tlx- first Quilts :tml Blankot« ut N. Brown make you figures. of January. A Boris until you can’t rest. To Prineville, the cmsfructioti The M. ,M. Co., of Ontario, offers I Princvillo will hold a Fair and a cash prize of for th< best ewe of this line will mean much, and I race meeting commencing Oct. 15. and lamb nt the Fair. our citizens abolii I tak< hold of the Of prescriptions is no child's play. matter in earnest ami arsisi Mr. ‘ IN 1‘GRSES AND I'REMII'MB. ALSO A LARGE NI'MEEU If you desire to trudo for, or buy Miss Bertha Williams returned It riMpiirea oonscientio'is core and j Lewis to complet«- his enterprise ae OF SPECIAL PREMIA MS. ; accurate knowledge of drugs and desirable town property call at this last Saturday from n visit at the ¡spí.-edíly a« poeriNe.—Prineville* office. Mahon ranch in Anderson valley. (heir relations to each other. We Review. take sn iionout pride in the purity Thon Ann Id ami wife, of Drcw- Caldwell A Bvrd. of the Windsor of our drugs, and the skill and ac­ sev. were visitors in Burns Inst I Bar, handle nothing but the very Johnnie had a little mule, its curacy with which we compound Bunday. best line <>f goods. It you are look­ hoofs were hard as rock. He used them oo your physician's order. Peter Scbeiltx arrive«! from Hunt­ ing for something first-class drop to hitch the donkey up ami drive ington Thursday with a six horse in and see them. Full control und manageinent is vested in the following Board of uroti. d the block. One day the load of freight Directors: Dalton Biggs, president: James F. Mahon Itwuc Foster, The Beautiful $25 chiffonier on little mule lie stopped and wouldn’t II. W. WELCOME* CO., •I. M. Baiton, I. S. Geer, A. M. Byrd, A. E. Brown. I»r. W. L Clubbing rat’i given with any exhibition at Lunabi rg A Dalto.i’i e I move a shoe, co Johnnie took his I*ro|»rh-t<>ra. Marsden, Harry Smith. Al Weaih«rly, J. 1*. Withers. Geo. A. will be given away the last day of jsicki-t kuifi and struck him just a i p«|«-r or periodical published in . B. J. Smyth, Hr . C. T. Miller, Isaac‘»chwartz, Simon Lewis. Secretary the Fair. If you haven ’ t the par ­ lew. N'«,v when that donkey filti the Puitect, i Chas. N. Cochrane. A pleasant retreat for th«* tired Tho *l’s° ,llove'’ The Southern Stock Company is , nn<’w®^ and thirsty—Caldwell A- Byrd's, billrd to show in Burna four nights , a,:< ‘ » haven t found him yet .—. corner north of the postoffice. H ITUKIHY, HBPTEMBEH A». tWJ. - — next week. ....................................... This trooipe is giving r i Drop into Lunaberg A Dalton's good satisfaction where thev are i*oi m > u Creek Notes and »•■<• the b-iiGlilul chiffonier the traveling, and arceuri* to make a ; Ontario betnocrat. firm will give away Sept. 27. , J. Blume ar>«i wife, of Burn« hit her«.*. Airs. I'ranlx Whiting who was For S’ah—Hay at $5p' rtmi with au*ld<«nly taken ill not long since, A full line of everything now.— Thursday. good pasture and plenty of water. N. Brown A Hons. is again able hi be <»mc in Barren Y'alley Thurs­ notic«ftble on wamr in bucket« and are engaged in invoicing tlx stock Professor Rigby will b< at tbe head day. pans sitting about tbv writer’s door in the store of J. W. Join h A Co. Mrs. Davo Schweitzer, of West-! of the Burns Business C< liege which y awl. Jorgensen ia still to the front will commence its work as soon as I f .11, passed through Ontario Thurs­ We are now receiving <»ur Fall and Winter goods consisting of G W. Shaw recently purchased with low prices. Call and sc*' his the new building is completed; day enroute home from Missouri, I all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots anhoes are unexcelled. Wic mvita you to prop«« t to place on bis Gradon The Ontario postolTi<-e ha« Iwcn week for Ontario, where Mrs. Hol­ visit ••nr «tore; insp«-ct stock and obtain prices. We guarantee sat­ ranch, made a third clasa office with a I land ami Iittlc daughter will visit S tate of O hio ,C ity or T oledo ./ j isfaction it. every particular. Mon who tramp the country oyer salary of $1100 a year, to take ef­ L vscas Cof.vtv. ) friends and relatives for sometime, an tlx* Lord’s day with the gun on fect Octolier 1, 1902. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Mr. Molland returning to Burns. tins shoulder, Istir unmistakable he is senior partner of tbe firm of Born, to tho wife of Jeff Cawl- New Wrapper! New Wrapper F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business testimony that they m ith< r fear field, in Burna, Tucailay, Septem-' goods.—N Brown & Son«. God nor regard man. in the City of Toledo. County and her 1G. 1902, a 10!b boy. Mother Floral Hull has been placed in j State aforesaid, and that said firm A W. Culp exp«-its to sturt for and iittlc jnc doing well. will pay the sum of One Hundred condition for the arrangement ofi Western Oregon in a few days. He The beautiful chiffonier nt Luna [exhibits. If you contemplate mak- Dollars for each and ererv case of" MON'MOt Til, OKEC.IIN. also anliccipatea making n tour berg A- Dalton ’ s will lie given away [ ¡ u .. an exhibit do so at one«-. Ry Catarrh that cannot be «-ured by ­ < Graduates of the School are m . eonstarrt through Washington his object ’ * I 8. pt. 27. Ktep I ik-nuindjat salaries ranging from MO.GO t« iii umi learn how | doing this you will save those hav- the use of Hail’s Catarrh ( ure. being to find a new location. ♦100.00 per month. ^gStuilents take 11* you may become its poss< saor. iug charge of the Hall a rush of' Frank J. Cheney. I Mrs. J. Jones has purchased •-ratej esuvninuliuB« durin/ tneir connw Sworn to before me and subscrib E. S Snuffer camo down from work after th«.- Fair opens. in the school and arc prepared to receive Assessor Buchanan’s home place ed in my presence, this Gth day State I'ertiticates on graduation. WAGON’S! WAGON’S! in Burns, th*» purchase price wo I McKinney's sawmill the first of the December, A. D. 1886. Expenses range from 1120.00 to |17a.f4 We will Jell you a Mitchell, undi-rstniid to be $1100. Mrs. Jones week. 11«! in suffering with a very per year. A. W. Gleason Rushford or Winona Farm Bed . oxpecta to occupy her new homo painful »welling on his left arm. Strong Normal course and well equip Notary Public I I tied Training Department. (lie first of October I / — \ Caldwell & Byrd, the genial pro- I I Wagon ; Tim fall term opens Sept. !C. RJ Steel Skein $85.CO Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- Religious services every first day prieiors of tho Windsor Bur, corner For catalogue containing full informa­ 90.00 V 3A „ j ternally. aud acts directly on the of th«* week ut the resilience of W. north of th« postollic«1, solicits your tion. addraM E. D. RE8SUCR. 105.00 31 „ M blood and mucous surfact's of the II, Culp. T)>«^ apostu’io orde • of custom« for any thing in their line. or J B. V.,B«tier. Xee 'v iPrssidcnt. Semi your orders to us, O. C. ; system. Send for testimonials, free. worship strictly observe«!. All who I James Brandon «ml Dav« New­ Harnev County ’ s annual teachers j F. .1. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O. have a full purpcee of h**urt to first man will have a string of Company institute was held here Monday, i Sold by all Druggist, 75c. seek tbo kingdom of God and his horses in th« r* lay race next Sat­ 5'uesday and Wedncs«iav of this , Hall’s Family Pills are the be«t. righteousmise, are cordially invited i urday. Two or thr«-e otb< r entries week. A large majority of the • I arc expected. to cast their lot with us. A Remarkable Ilecoril. teachers of tbe county worn in at-' Who wants to buy a well broke Chamberlain's Cough Remedy For a bilious attack take t'batn' tendance and much inthusiasm in mill: cow? Do vou not know that a berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ the work was manifest. Professor : bile a remarkable record. It. hae good milk cow will pay her cost lets an«l n quick cure is certain. Search of Holvokc, Mass., ■ n{l! been in use for :>vcr thirlv years. from now till spring, and give you For sab- hy H. .M. Ilortou, Hurns ; Supt. Bartlett lead in the (]j during wlu. h time nninv million vnttr table milk and bnttor, and i Fred Haines, llarm-v. battles have been «old :i*id used. It. stuns. pay her hay bill, then why would has long been the rtandard ami When in town during the Fair J 'main reliance in the treatment of it not l>e a gomi lnvealm««nt? If • 1 According to the last COBFUR Harnev county has tho jinallest drop into Caldwell A* Byrd's, Cor- croup in tliousauds of homes, vet you conclude to buy a milk cow, t I ■ • number of farms of tiny county in ner north of the postotlicc. with or without a c»lf, apply to [during all this lino: no c,i«e has the state, while it ba« the largest \V. II. Culp. M. L. Lewis, who is promoting! ; ever been reported to the nmiiufaet- number of antes irrigated. tho new telephone .line, is home j umrs in which it failed to effect a Mr. I>. I’. Daugherty, well known , William Morrison, Orin Shingle- I again from a trip over the proposed ' cure. When given as soon us the ' throughout .Mercer ami Summer J decker ami Loyd Culp 3, appmisers route. He informs us that arrange-1 child becomes hoarse or eveu as ; ■ •counties, W. Va., moat likely owes of the estate of the late John Jones, j ioents have been made for the poles soon as the croupv cough appears, I his life to the kindness of a neigh­ were in town Tuesday looking over ' between here and Prineville but • it will prevent the attack. It is tV i; bor. He was almost hopelessly at- th«., county records pertaining to ' does not know when work will be- j pleasant to take, many children Successors ta iti. A. Miller «t C-<. flirted with diarrhoea ; wns attend­ tho estate. ' gin, but continues by saying it will 'like it. It contains no opium or ed l»v two physicians who gave nim Have you seen the beautiful 1 be «lefiiiiitely settled in a few davs. ■ oth« r harmful substance and may little, if any, nj.ief, when a ucigh- chiffoner which Lunaberg «V Dalton I Wc have given Ladies' Dress i be given as confidently to a l>:ihy bor learning of his sericus condi­ will give aivuy Sept.. 27? Drop in as to an adult. For sale bv H. M, I goals ami trimmings our special tion, brought him a l»ottl< <*f Cbaix- and get particulars. Horton, Burn»; Fred Haines. Har­ I attention for a number of years and ney. berlain’s Colic, Cholera a id Diar­ C. G. Cornett is now solo propri­ wc believe that, we can conscien­ rhoea Remedy, which curoJ Inm in tiously say that we have a better less than ir*»‘"‘; ¿»(W hours, For etor of the Prineville-Burns stage i Oregonian and Items. 12.00 assortment in this line than anv sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Bred line, having this week, nurchased i it. M. Cantrells interest therein. • other house in Harney County. We Haines, Harney. TO CURE » COLU IN ONE BAY Mr. Cornett is a thoniugh stage have taken the greatest care in se­ man, and under his management, lecting substantial, up-to-date pat­ Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Stop the Cough and Work off the Cold. tho traveling publio can rest assur- terns. Ladies it will j-ay you to Tablets. All druggists refund the e«l that they will receive the very see us before vou purchase your raonej* if it fails to cure. E. W. Laxativo Bromo-Quinine Tablets Grove's s’gua'.ure is ou each box. cure a cold in one day. No Cure, best of treatment.—Prinevelle Re­ Fall dresses. Lunaberg A* Dalton. 25c. view. M a pay. Price 25 cents. Local and General. HARNEY COUNTY FAIR BURNS. OREGON September 22 to 27, inclusive. Proper Compounding $2,000 Given Away Liberal premiums on grain, cereals, fruits, live­ stock and numerous other exhibits. Large Pavilion. Ample stable room. Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. For further information write DALTON BIGGS. President, Or Chas. N. Cochrane. Sec’y. ?_____________________________ Fall and Winter Goods Lunaberg & Dalton STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Miller & Thompson,