Published in the Greatest Vailey of Eastern Oregon The Oldest and Most' ( Reliable* j The Best Advertising Medium. Harney Valley Items Ni r>. H'»|afr*a. I*ia|iri»twna un 800-acr»- low stage» by impounding ihcopnug farznin Jadman County, experi- Met with Every Daj in the and freshet water«, or portion« of CondrnM <1 Dispatcl.o? On athcrwil m« nt«-d this year with nnincr - them, in gitat storage rorervoire, Kush of BusincMM Afluirá. From all Parts of the World. Hpehz— the n< w cereal of Kansas. some of which mav be among the j He planted thirty-three acres of it. largest strucuiroe of thrir kind in i He Las just threshe»! thcerup.’ Th»» the country. The Nat’onul Irrigation Congress output averaged Ihirty-tw bushels The following weight« of a bu If it were nccc«?ary t«« gather to the acre. The grain ba« the ap­ Hardware of Every Description. j nhel were cntabliehed bv the la?t thia information afresh for th<- uses will convene in Colorala Springs, pearance of barley, and ie sai to the country as well as to and the estimation of their cost, battleship Maine has just ma«!«- the considerably, but emmer held its. all cities and towns. must be carefully an«! di-liberatdy contract spc-eil of 18 kuots. 'Incorpori! »-«I.« own, despite wind, and £id not I In meeting uno-her you should made. Fortunately much of ibis: A report from Besom«mt, Tex . , rust.—Kansas City Journal, Abstract- Furnished ami Title (ìt1ien>hi‘iul, K oí K. S. Baforc there cau be a vulid sale Survey, into whose hunde lio» he n ocratic nomination for Governor of > wade out and after wailing u few feel went uimtr and was seen no of it stock of goods, wares or mar-» place«! the engineering and con- 1 Massachusetts. tit RNH CH iFTIill >u. au, O E. 8 t II sr playmate, Johnr.y lliirii*, Wrcgr.ii, 1 The famous outlaw. Bert Alvord. Q,CIC- cbundiM in bulk, the person selling druction work of the reclamation Me,-*« and ioath to the«- - ' savii g years of time and hastening 1 old pal, Billy Stiles, ha? |Ÿ| Mi->r>r..s a iikauv I _ the body, but too late to restore ! state ’ s evidence. er n lift of his «'i<*n Tues­ ‘shall five «lav.- before paying any plished. ' den, in its trial over the Barren » E Kmvon. IV. M. F. 8. Itieder, Barns. t>reg»»n. day, at 11 o ’ chx ’ k. the services be­ tuirt of tin: purchase price notify H» m - v . i Island conr.-e vesterdav, made 30 5 ing conducted by Rev. Thos. SpigbC M^^tltTicc »t residen««1. ’Phone .’i. js tfcc fagt. .each ere di tor of the sei or of the Harney County Diamond Fields. knQlp ph()wing th;a WCRNS I OIMil’., NO. !«, A O. V. W. Jr. The remains were Laid to rest •»•ontein plated purcbusc. Oregon R. b. Rutherford and sons, Ben ■ est vessel of its class afloat. M «•!»» ai Uro»»» ludi ov-rv Fri«i»v <>««•- iu the Ontario ci'inetery. Tim Session Law» 190!, page 10-5. nini Vi«iiine hruth'r« (rati-rnallv in- gt^aiim at»d Adrain, who with Bert Mum-1 n. , . » j ; Toni L. Johnson, of Cleveland, »••<«■■1 rtio» Macen«, W M. ChM. N. ford, of I he C. B. A: Q R. R. com- ,,, . . . . , ... mother of the boy whs tilograph«.*d J. w. Utes« Pstvon Co» hrnu-, Reoonbir , , . . Ohio, has written a letter m which for at North Powder, and was pres ; In Oregon the legal rate of inter­ I panv. have been prosDecting for!. . A . /floras >/»-nt-Z. F , J , candidate for anything except the both Harney ami Halhtfur counties. nrRM». uuoox. ¡agree upon any rate not exceeding Hverv 8»tur i v evening, It own’s •reek, Harnev countv, retarmd r., , li «II Visiting hrutli rn fraternally in­ ¿Molliti •»■ in Rank laiiHing. , , • , ,. otucc of Mayor of Clev« lur.d. 10 per cent per anuum Where u ' having moved to Ontario and built i viteli Frink O .l ickson, N G. 1 partial payment is inaJo, aud it bui lay and report the discovery off ' C »1 Sini li. Secretary u diamond mine. ! William Stratton, who made the a house last fall for the purpose <»f • etjuals or exceeds the amount of in­ Tbe formation is mostly «locorn I fir»t discovery of gold mi Cripple ‘educating his son and his sudden terest then a< cured un the debt, the ri E t’IKCLE. N » 10». VVOMEN i»F ll/ILLUM? * rnXüLRAU* posed porphyry. The rock has: Creek, and the own«;r of thefaruous • ’°89 a- f^is ear’y day ’ is a great Wis-ii-rift. Mwl» 2n I m> I -iti» Tu»»-- interest sliouhi t»o computed, up »o: shock to the tioy’a jarents, who Usi «< Itrown'« listi Vtr». TiUi • lonian. Ihorn« ti Vintali.*. M.FittcomW. beep tjjftrov.ghlv tested and found Independence mine, died at his the time of »mil ayiunit, and add ' Mr«. ione Wliiling Gnanluii. have the sympathy of th«' >m said rum deduct the amount Practirt Professor G. \V. Hough, head of < ‘Ii it r«h A iiMouncrnieut». one sapphire in their possession 1 Tennessee has a College of Court Burn« Oregon. •of the payment and th»- amount re-1 valued at $100. There gentlemen the astronomy department of the Sunday School at Ilarney the £MF“():!iee in ohi Masonic budding in »inn g constitutes a new priuc<- ship where the Science of Matri have located two sections of land Northwestern University at Chicago ; first Sunday of each month nt 10 p e. But if the partial pavmentbej ruony is taught. Toting men xiiu and wiil commence d»'velopment -ays that the inhabitants of Mars On the second, o’.do.k, A M less than th» accureii interest, the' women are there instructed how to work as soon us the proper ma­ arc far superior in intelligence to third and fourth Sundays of ea< li p M JOKD.VN, principle must noth«» increased in, •‘make no mistake in the -selection ■ those of the earth. chinery can be procured month at 3 o'clock 1’. M Preach- ¡amount but must be cairicd for » of matrimonial partner?,” and grad­ Pivtcfic'd £<>ud .Surveyor. Mr. Mumford left Wednes«lay for It i- stated that President ltoosc- im» iK-rvices every i ■ cond Sunday ward until the additional pin n.ent I K«ru*. <>rrc<»n. Beatrice, Neb , where lie will «»r ve»t has intimated to the Pope that uates receive the degree > f I>. (I.. nt 8 I*. M. . togeth-r with such piyme-nt with gauizo a compnnv with a capital«^ woul(1 b(1 pie.18ej " to i sec Arch- doctor of love. If some of the.-«- At the church j-q'ittl or exceed the uecured inter j g W. M1L.LI.K. stock of <5,600,000 for the purpose| ^8hop IrelaEll crcalc(i a Cardinai »lectors will eoum out’west they cun Burn'«. 1<«;V. pastor. ; «»»t. ot developing the mine. Mr. Ruth . u reward of his services to the • take a post graduate c»inne that IXvim --r\»ec- the tliiid nml fourth Salary Publie and Conveyancer. will open their eyes from boys and ‘ I’aviux the Way for the New erford expects the macainery to »r-lchurch and lhecountry. Snudar* of each month at 11 u. m. .girls that never hid any coUeg«- MortKMfOh. Pools Etc., •orre-ll voti u Mitchell, ■ meiisiires passed by the hist Con- . Physician and Surgeon, sai«i to n semble that which Pro* Rushford or Winona Farm R d morumg and evening, , grew», involves an amount otprepa- 1... S tate of Onto.Cirv of T oledo l ; duces dysentery in adult.-. e. bool every Sunday at 10 a. m. i 1)11 ice at residence. ! rat on, before actual reclamation I rs< as C ountv i OreiroH can bo undertaken, which is not prayer ¡ueetií g every Thursday ■ Marconi announces that he has Frank J. Chouey makes oath that' «.veiling. 'generally understood Thchuccvss ho is senior partner of the firm of' completely solved the wirele.-s tele­ I I .,; :rvi i* at, Christian Scii'iiee 1 of irrigation d»-|>end» ou the con- F. J. Cheney «V Co . doing business graph question for over u distance i Hall, carter east of the Rank, every ? >ut suppl> of water, and it is in the City of Toledo, County and of ló^O miles. He is confident of Sunday at 11 u. m. and S j> m therefore of the gre>«l«-8t importance State aforesaid, and that said firm establishing communication l>o- Service Wvdno'lar «ivonings ut s. that the available water resources will pay the sum of One Hundred tween Europe an<1 America in the; Orcgoniuu ami items. $2.00 Evublc l’ecd < »nibin«d with other under cultivation. It is easy also decided to visit th» St. Louis Ex- month with what the doctora call rFr¥Tww CopvRiGMTo Ac. strongpolntsmak»-tlio New Home Antont’ n .•’Kct»'h nmj n may position His decision is due to bilious dysentery,. and could got Hall's Cata rli Cure is taken in- to understand how clos«b (he l° w the b* «1 Hewing M. h bine to buy. uln our »n fret.» v hotlirr mji mu nHoi| H probnlily f>itftntnt>b«. ( otunitHiHiv- water stages must be scrutinized, (» rnally. ami nets directly on. the th«'etlorts of Millionaire Thomas nothing to do bim oiny good until • »11-1V jK! 1r “<»1 itlp'e are the mod immediate relief,” e*ys B.T Littjc. ing sca-on. when nil nbu .dant and F. .J Ch. ney a« ne «r a- constant supply of water is most So d by »Il Druggist, 75c. liiitr nxxifhm *L byaii *«*»*!<»)«‘A*. 21Unlon3>b N. Y., <’hlvuv<»» HI.» Atlant 1, *.• »,. h»f. Louls^to*» 1‘ ‘I’d-’.T j .\.|rriiw'.Mi», C d ¡r ed»'«l. Family Pills are the bant. sible to lüwJü of the (Jutted States. Haii i>F, Hf-ney. SOME OREGON LAWS GENERAL NEWS Geer & Cummins • I?: SEWING MACHINE P atents " I s. Write for CIRCULARS Scientific American. MUNN iCo.“»«*»liw Tort rían’Ti » ■ • ” » . «»•'••.»■ 1. J'. I . ron 34 ut d * t 'I