Local and General. John Carey la in from Crane Creek today. Junie* Mahon was a visitor sever­ al days during the wook. 1 he Burns public school commence September 15. will Joo Rector was in fiom his homo I nt Crow Camp Wednesday. J. C. Freeman, of Warm Springs, eatno in on busine«s Monday, Proper Compounding 1 he Brown place above town yielded 1760 bushels of grain. We have given Ladies’ Dr< m Marcellus Boonetl of Crane Cre« k goiMls and trimmings our sj>ecial is in town today. David Carey, of Crane Creek, was attention for a utimberof years and we believe that we can conscien­ a Burns visitor Tuesday. tiously say that we have a Leiter ■ A. Venator was in from his home assortment in this linn than any on Crane Creek several days this other house in Harney f.'ounty. W<* week. have taken the greatest care in se­ Joe Smith completed the founda­ lecting eubslaritinl. up-to-date pat­ tion for Perry Williams’ new house terns. La EREMU MX. ALSO A LARGE NVMBEH Gus Reinhold returned Tuesday it requires conscientiojs care and week enroute to the Willamette or SPECIAL PliEMtl MS. necuratc knowledge of drugs and from unouting in Hour Valley. Vallev on a visit. their relation« to eaeb other. We Thos. Jenkins, tho sheepman, Bec’y I. H. Holland, of tho P L. take an honest pride in the purity was in Burns on business Tuesday. 8. Co., returned Thursday from a of our drugs, ai.d the skill and ac­ Brick masons will commence vi«it to the Company’s ranches in curacy with whieb we compound work on Fry’s new building Mon­ Malheur and Ilarney counties. them uo your physician’s order. day. W. 8. sliiach, representing u pub­ Full control and management is vested in the following Board of T H.Curl, of Drewwy, was in lishing house of Spokane, is spend­ Directors: Dalton Bigge, president; James F. Mahon. Isaac Foster. town on business tho first of the ing a few days in Burns looking up H. W WE1AX1MK & CO., Frank Turner returned Monday J. M. Dalton, I S. Geer, A. M. Byrd, A. E. Brown, Dr. AV. L. week. the early history of Harney county. fiom Iridian Crack, where he went Proprietor*. Marsden, Harry Smith. Al Weatherly, J. P. Withers, Geo. A. I If you desire to trade for, or buy Smyth, Sr., C. T. Miller, Isaac Schwartz, Simon Lewis. Secretary If you wish to bid on any of the last week to secure his household desirable town properly call al this Frank sayo the mining Chas. N. Coehranr. concessions on tho Fair grounds effects. office. this Fall, submit your seal proposal excitement in th©Stein» Mountain Clubbing rat s giv«u with any to the President, Dalton Biggs, dur- i*growing more intense and nearly MATURI» tY. 8K1TEMBKU 0. iWW. paper or periodical published in ; ing the coming week. the whole mountain has been taken . • th© United Slates. up The Nevada Company has The beautiful $25 chiffonier on Foiitou Crrrk Nut«*«. J T. W are, fnrmerally of Nar­ exhibition at Lunaberg n Indian Creek Tuesday liirnex City. His job w. bear Wo will sell you a Mitchell! i ber up Silvios for several years. visit our store; inspect stock and obtain prices. Wcqnaryntee sat­ und remained u few days taking in «rill con linue until icxt Christinas Rushford or Winona Farm Bed isfaction in every particular. the eights Wagou; Tex Martin has moved from his A Remarkable Record. Chas Crawford and Arthur Poole, 3} Steel Sk«in $85.00 Chiimbeilain's Cough Remedy j auiumrr home on Poison Creek to of Harney, arrived from Hunting 90 00 M r hns a remarkable record. It has ■ his own home on what is tailed ton, Tuesday, with freight for Burns 105 00 been in us© for over thirty years, I Kollenbaugh SloUgh. 'lex says merchants. Semi your orders to us, O. C. Co. during which time many million j his potato crop ia cut short by Jorgensen is still to the front l>attles have been sold and used. It: frost. with low prices Cali and see his [ E B. Reed and family returned has long been the standard and It ia reported that Frod Donated lino of watches, clocks, jewelry.! Tuesday from a visit with friends MGSMGtTK. OREGON. main reliante in the treatment of ia going to operate Peter Clemens’ stationary, etc. i near Baker City. Homer and Nolie. Gra>iuatea of the School urn in couMant . , u * < Reed ami Jav Gould, who were also croup in thousands of homie, vet thresher this season. If this be true dixiiaud at aaUriu* ranging from HhtXi tw Joel Smith ba* been engaged the • r , ... . . . „ of the party, left the team 20 miles during all this time no case has 1100 00 per tuanth-XiSttMents take th* there will bo three machines en­ greater part ot .... the week in quarry- * / ... etnte examination« duiin^ iceir eotir»« , , ... , ,u ’ this side of Baker and made the re- ever been reported to th<* manufact­ gaged in grinding out the cereals of ing rock . for the foundation for the .... , urers in which it failed to effect fi in the school and are prepared to rccei' » , . ’ maindcr of the trip on their bicycles Harney vallev. newt bank buildinr. i . . , 1 J State Certificates on graduation. cure W hen given as soon ns the . arriving Monday noon. Expenses range from 1120.00 to AUu.Cd Outside cattle buyers are offering The beautiful chiffonier at Luna , child becomes hoarse or even as i per year. for cowa with their calves $30 per berg A Dalton’s will be given away | A young man by the name of Joe soon as the croupy cough appears, Strong Normal; coarse and well equip­ head, thia price we understand to Sept 27. Step in and h am Low Williams who hails originally from it will prevent the attack. It is ped Training Department. be the highest figures paid, but you may become its possessor. J the John Day country, was taken pleasant to take, many children Thejall term opens Sept. 16. For catalogue containing full informa­ some parties refuse to accept this t Ira v . -rr> * r> i. before Recorder Woldenberg Tues- like it. It contains no opium or v enator, of Crane Creek, stop-1 7 • tion, address E. D. KESSLER, very low price deviating that they sneed to 25 days iu other harmful substance and may f , dav and sentenced ped over in town a few hours this , ... , , or J B. V.^atlar,*See*v Pre£i in the district known ns the rye : this morning tho following com- ’ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Chas. Parrish, Jr. returned to grass Hal they have stripped all ' mittre of ladies was selected to look he is senior partner of the firm of Burns yesterday. He expects to kinds of vegetation of their foliage after the ladies’ exhibit at the Fair F. J. Chehry