4 ai ■■ Pencil rtketcb frotp nature by the IS THE SECRETARY OF THE HARNEY COUNTY FAIR PREMIUM I I3T artist II 50. INTERIOR RIGHT? Architectural drawing by the Many Eastern Oregon papers I Following is a complete Het of artist $1. still continue to criticise the De­ premiums to be awarded at tho Pastel drawing by artist $1 partment of the Interior for with- | Fair, September 22 to 27, inclusive DIVISION M —MINERALS I drawing aotne (1000 sections of land Largest and I esl displityoi quarts All premiums will be divided as I from settlement, temporarily, until follows: Seventy per cent, first bearing gold, silver and copper— For Infant» and Children. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER«* 190? i< cau be ascertained how much of premium, 30 per cent second pre­ assorted, $10. lole—To secure thia it is needed for a timber reserve. I mium. A certificate accompanies premium there must be three com­ Tolstoi furnishes food for thought The Department took this sudden when he save that parents will find action to prevent th»-filing of thous­ | each premium stating the grade of petitors with ten specimens each. it more efficacious to furnish their, ands of timber claims i » the terri­ the prize awarded. Ten |>er cent Ten per cant of premium will 1 h > ■ of premium will be charged on »II charged, Otherwise only a certifi­ children with good example than ; tory. Adelaide Preparation Tor A*< cate will be granted. entries for prizes over $2 60. siintlaling lite Food and lievitili with goo»l advice. If th»*ae claims were taken, as Ung (he Stoumdts tuil lluwls of DIVISION N—POT PLANTS. DIVISION A—HORSE». the sworn application states, for Exhibition of Pol plants, not less 1 Draft Stallion, $20. 1 There is not a department of the the use of tho applicant, and no than ten (Kits $1. Sweepstake Stallion, $20, government which does not show » other, then the territory might de­ Rustic «land not less than three Jackass, with colts of his get, $2v Promotes DigpsliOM.Chrerfiil- the good results of having a young.»rive some benefit, but when it is 1 Mare and colt, draft, $20. fret in height tilled with choice nesh.ìnd Itesi W'iiLihis neither wise, fearless and energetic man in well known that they are only a Opium.Morphine nor limerai plants $,50. Man» and colt, roadster, $20. the White House. semi-lawful method of getting the [ Best team of draft horses N ot N amcotw . loSf Exhibition of Pansies not or I ! timber into the hands of Eastern mules, $25. than 20 varieties $1. zir^v •'«■y o . um ¡a/zruac? The magnificent reception bein'; speculators, to hold until the de-j Double driving team. $20. Fancy basket of dowers $1 velopmcnt of the other resources of | Arnesi 4W* » accorded the President by the peo­ DlVISt >N O—PASTRY FTC. Single driver, 915. AUMfoMr» 1 the country makes them of great [ ple of New England is significant Ixiaf salt rising bread $.50. Best reined saddle horse, $10. t - > of the approval tho republican ad value, that sort of argument must J Hop rising bread $ 50. DIVISION B—CATTLE. tirici ^64» * 1 /lirw I ministration has created in all parts fail. Potato veasl $ 50. Bull, two years and over, $20. ; The rules governing forest re- 1 of the country. Sod* biscuit $.50. Milk cow and calf. $20. I » i serves are being rapidly improved : Beef cow and calf, $20. Aperteci Remedy 1’orConstip.r Assorted cakes $ 1. f Itm. Sour Stomach. Dini i !*»•<» ns knowledge of the conditions is i r< N 50. Largest display of Jams $1 Several democratic papers arc DIVISION c— SUEKP. Worins, C imivi ikkiits.I vvensh brought before the Department gov ­ Largest display of Jellies $1.50 electing a republican Unit i States Ram. ono vear or over, $25. ncss and Loss of S leep . DIVISION P—SEED!.EWORK senator just at present. If we re­ erning them. The privilege of| Ewes, pen of three lambs, $25. Facsimile Signature of Best display crochet work by any member correctly we hav- a lee:« grazing and lumbering are allowed , Best ileecc, $10. ' one person $1. lature to attend to that part of the within these reserves under rules i DIVISION D—SWINK. NEW VOUK _ that simply sav "thou shall not ■ Boar, one yea- or over, $7 50 , Best display patchwork quilting business.—Huntington Herald. 3P L ' SH v , destroy.” The throwing of all these ' Brooding sow and pigs. $5. 1*1. ; timbere'l slopes into the hands of a Neatest worked banner "Harney DIVISION E—POULTRY. r Th»' Salem Sentinel »aya fame i few, with absolute title, would cer-' County Fair” $5,. Trio of Brahmas, $2,50. »waits the member of tho legisla­ • tainlv eventually end grazing upon i CXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. Best display pillow- slips and Cochins, $2 50. ture who devises a tax law for Ore­ them by the public, while under ! shams $.<50, Hamburg», $2 50. gon that will operate with justice , the control of the government thev I Best worked toilet cushion $ 50. Leghorns, $2 50. to all and at the same t»iue raise ! will always be open to all the struck Best ladies' worked scarf $1. Domineckcrs, $2 50. .«ulficient revenue for all purposes. 1 they can support, while retaining Best display 'atting $i Plymouth Rocks. $2 <50. _ l _ l _..........> their power to reproduce the native ' Pair Turkey», $2 50. ADMISSION. President Roosevelt, in his speech i grasses, DIVISION F—FARM PRODUCTS. The assurance is given that ther* $ 25 U li Adults nt Hartford.said: "Fairand stiuare Display of sheaves of grams, i ' will bo no effort to place agricul ­ o f ; Season Ticket ......... 1 25 »lealing with all men, so that men kinds, not less than 5 «Loaves tural land desirable for hgineslekdr free ¡Children under 12 years shall have their rights under tL> each, $5. L \5 OLDEN BERG. SR . Proprietor into the reserve, and we believe 50 j Teams . . ......................... law, that all .«hall be given an even lUOttie barley, $2 .50. The services of a brawrr of long year* experivtx o Lu* l-e» n se­ .25 ! Saddle horses................... chance in the struggle for life, as I these pledges. lOOfhs wheat, $25u. cured and the product of this Brewery is of the best grade in the The saving from tho hands of ¡Grand stand free to ladies we can best give it.” 100ft>s oats, $2 50. I Inland Empire. Place u trial ord»*r an I you will not be disap speculators, and for the benefit of I’iftv |>er cent of th? proceeds Display of alfalfa, $2.50 : future htinemakers, of the timber pointed. I goes to help pay off the premiums. Timothy gra«s, $2 50. It is a ¡¡oor opiniou teat has to BURNS, is in our estimation oneofthe most OREGON I Natural meadow grass. $2 50. I i i bolstered up bv a bet. A man’s timely acts for the good of Oregon SPECIAL PREMIUMS, Co-n $2 50. ya should be yea and hie nav i.ay. that can be credited to this or any « DIVISION G — IIORTIlt'I.TVRE. G«?er A Cummins offers IGO Nothing can possibly he more «•x- other administration.— Dufur Dis­ Display 1 hu apples $5. I rounds of special loaded amunition Th»- bar ¡«supplied with none a«j era’ing to men of Well consider­ patch. _____________ lbu Peaches $5. to the winner in tho Gun Club cot • but th»- \erv best brand* of ed views and conservatory cvpre«- ibu Pears $5 I test to be held during the Fair, "Suppose wc take the tariff off lbu Plums $2 50. Winr», Lqnurs an live stock and meat would not re­ hugar Corr $1, casional mid constitutional liars. ar? butcher« to business. It are willing to concede that they are stnre There are black lies and white lies, atllicted with tho fallidility corn- m '9ht ruin iho fanner», but the I ! Squash $1. afflicted the coin- Display of Kahl» abi, Carrot, Kale spoken lie- and acted lie«: fibs a» d mon to mankind. It is well enough Poc^er,i !'ou z, 'd capital could J to seek the truth; 1 $1. which we judge that the Rev. Mr. argument conduces to enlighten- enlighten­ *n,er :hc * to port meat business DIVISION I—DAIRY PRODUCTS Wray can tell n lie. when he hears ' ■ with packing houses in foreign ! ment, hut it is pure foliy to gamble ’Vlt> Butter W, £. 7AISC1I. ’repriitcr. : countries, refrigerating «hip ami ' iU <d entered August ", 1902. In Brass $2 50. (»•rred from this objectionable prac- ■ Ri‘ ’* **’ 1 ample reason to be ap-; the Clerk is ordered net to pay any j In Tin $2 50. .„I. brief lecture. Il ;3 jn. i !,r,ihensive. ’—Secretary Shaw, at no<. bv this bounty on any wild animals. In Wood $2 50. (< rieeted merely to emphasize the ' ' f , August 19. 190'2. I Dated this 7th day of August, Tn Stone or Brick $2 50. _______ 11» I. that it is not necessary to make- 1902. w waiter in order to obtain informa- , Th?y talked of this and they tuvlstoN l — art and fancy work F. 8. R ieder . talked of that, she through her! Landscape painting in oil on non.—Lakeview Examiner. Dy H. R ichardson , Clerk, bonnet and he through his hat; be canvass $2.50. i Deputy. whiepered lies of the genus white, For sixty years tho NEW YORK W EEKLY TRIBUNE has Ix-. n a national Marine painting in oil $2 50. DO YOU GET UP ! she ■weekly newspaper, read almost entirely by far.iier«, and lias on joyed tho rontl swallowing them in her new! Portrait on canvass $2.50. dei co and support of the American people to «degree never attained by any WITH A LAME BACK?! delight. Upon the lever hei hand Largest display portrait painting similar publication. THE ------------- i he placed, to guard the auto, and I in oil on canvas», three specimens NEW-YORK TRIBUNE EARMER ktdaey r-oablc Mal.cs You Mitentblc. round her waist hie arm like a $5. la made absolutely for farinera and their families. The first number was i-sui-d noiseless scrjM-nt crawled, and , Largest and best display of por­ Airnoat «v«ry:>ody who rsalc t!w nawa- November 7th, 1991. papare is sure to anew of the wonderful closer to him her form he hauled. trait painting in oil by ono ¡»ersoii Ev-ry department of .agr'eultiiral industry is covered by *po<-ial contrihotnrs Persons have been Known t > cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Ho breathed in her ear the usual | $5 who are leaders in their respective lines, and the TRIBUNE FARMER Mill R,i gain a pound a day by taking the great kidn«/, liver words that lovers toss to the dickey i Best painting in Water Colors an ounce of SCOTT’S EMUL­ in every sense a biahclaaa, up iodate, live, enterptiaing agricultural |mper. pro­ and bladder remedy. birds, and she responded in tones by the artist $2.50 fusely illustrated with pictures of live stock, model furin buildings and home«, It is ths great meti­ SION. It is strange, but it oitc?. aerlcultiiral tnscliinery, etc., cal triumph of the n'.nc- so sw'.ot each »ugared sentence I Largest and best Crayon drowing happens. t enth caatuty: dfc- Farmers' wives, Sons and danghtsrs will find »peris) page* for entertain ment co-ered alter year: of seemed good to est. He’d won the I five or more specimens by one per- | Somehow the our.ee produces Begular price fl p»r tear, with I’ll MMl.iO. Addr< sa IT > MS, I uins Or. •cientific rsje’ar :.i ly prize and his soul was filled with | son $5. the pound i it seems to start the Lr. Kilmer, tho emF . Photographic views, two, large digestive machinery going prop« n joy till th»: foam o'er the edges Ucr specialist, no t fa spill« d, and she was happy tothink . size by one person $1, I trly, so that the patient is able •».« tiderf.illy rttceeos.'ul In prsmntiy curing shc »»» need. It has been ¡e.t: i I fresh sealed vows. A certain amount cf flesh Is I;. 54, i ur»y wayz, i-i hoqNtal work, prlvat Our feu returned if wo fail. Any ono Moding sketch and description of colors $1. I necessary for health; if you have I ractFY!, among* the lieiplerstoofxx/» to pur- The body of an unknown was any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tho patent- Mea moss in frames $1. < hj. e relief and has proved so sucocw.il In not got it you can get it by e ve«y < mm that a special arrangement to found in a small Kansas town re-' Sign painting, work by artist ability of same. “How to obtain a patent ” aent upon request. Patents taking l,*e made by which all readers of thia pat er socured through ns advertised for sale at onr expense. \ : «have not already tried it, may have u cently. In his pockets were $1(M) $150. -«mpio bottle sent free by mall, also a ! .ok. in cash and a fine revolver. Tl»o ' 8p»-ciincii of oil painting on Satin j Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, iu trllitijf more about Swamp-Root awl how is T hf . P atent II word , an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, coOsuited coroner took $75 for funeral ex- i by th«: artist $1 50. (i >d-.i jt ifyouhavekldne.-/ o-bl.ad ter iron* I by Manufacturers and Investors. XV'ien writingnietrtiOM rcadi;:;; thlspr.nc.oua pen«««, the judge fined th« corpse i Specimen Etching by artist $1. ■ (r.'-r in H*i i paper and Send for sample copy FREE. Address, 125 for carrying concealed weejK»ns | Display by one per«. KfenerfcCo.,13lr<- ar d also took the i”in; the local work $1. VICTOR J. £VAMS « OO., it don’t stop bcf-ausr. the weather is w ur ba »«on, N. Y. The __ pnper published the obituary and ! Display by one person Z«pher {Patent Attorneys,) t fifty cent and n-meer *««-nr> tu».- y»e. and $s <», all drop.gist«. /liar ‘.tn are sold by *•' gc°d dr.tg; got—nothing. d jwers $1. SC3TT * BQWNC, Cbm’ * >, N-v/ York. Evans Building, COUNT! OFFICIAL PAPER Boars tho Signature of y I I fl) Use For Over Thirty Years H Harney Valley Brewery A 1 i The Windsor Bar The Capital Saloon 1 How To Gain Flesh I I PATENTS GUARANTEED ^coil’s f maisiop WASHINGTON, D, O. A •■»