. ?<Ä Ar * Published in th« The Oldest and Most Reliable. Harney 1/01 V V j L" I ft I Ot The Best Advertising Medium. Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. M/ D’ •(•Ibtyro, Hr«prl»<.»r ci|ae. rf. C m « Hr am *, Ktlltur a«4 >l«n*s«r. Items BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1902. NO.4L • 1.50 |*er Y>or. bl* Munlbx 73 <'<«411». — ..................... ■ rruiTADI*! PAMMCMT OtNA I UnlAL UUmnitn I < an party, might come in a winner boci«easc. A correspondent to the Walla Walla Union writes as follows of a that he would lx* simply transfer-1 strange rat th* diaeM»* which fins ring Ills activities from tbe lower { _____ to thc upg» r Louse of Congress. Cwndeviaed (»»paU-h**« Gntlicrr-d brokr-n out in the vicinity of Low* | Moody’s friend* hav eevulved n Frotn all Part* of the World. don str.tion : l* breach. “It behooves the leaders of tuc alarm. Death follows. Th«* suffering of |«l N. Williamson, statu senator and | I the unfortunate * . Recent advices state that hund ­ uuitnal is intense l party th do that which could as- Congressman elect from the second reds are living in th«: Orient from . a Huge the grief of the people who an«l the disease is acutely contag­ district, ambitions to represent Ore­ «t. F1TZGKK ALB, F. M KIEDEIt. BIGGS Ä HIGGN not pleaeed to sec matters go ious. The malady is believed t«* were cholera. gon in tho upper national house. 1 r«**xl«*ui, act**) undTri-u*. Attvri-rjs with u as they went in June A tornado wrecked a railroad I ba c b».en brought here IR recently denied the soft impeacb- m«*nl, stating to The Journal at' “What belter polict of concilia ’ ­ train in Minnesota last week. kiR.. »hipment of steers to be fattened ifor th® tu*rkct« on »bo ¿««"d and Porllxnd that he was content to re­ tion could b« adopted than to elc- ing several people. in Alaska. main in the position in the Nation- *atc Malcclm A. Moody to a place The epidemic ofch«dera mi spread- ,.It has now pprcad u,ltll tb„ ■al ho'iee of representatives to which besi«le John II. Mitchell, and thus (Incorpora* «■lvt* the serious problem that is granting any further concessions! aQ(( repo^ of ¡t* ranges in tbe i now before the Oregon Republi | to enable niru to climb the 8enn-| ' «W REAL ESTATE ' . — - - Bay country are coming it., « to the Boer Generals. Hudson 1 can« ” ’ torial tree and knock down the one I Ofhee in Bank Buildin; | big peisitnni >n that bangs fur hove I The claim of Mrs. Waggoner, of A clash is expected between the ' No cure fur it is known and th«* Bought and Hold on Commivsion. 4 the ground just now. ■ ■ Chehalis for the reward of »1500 troops and the coal strikers in the , disease is unknown to all veterinär liana that have observed it. In (coal fields in Pennsylvania. 1 Yet it is constantly asserted that * J-’ ." JgJ! JU------- L!?" offered for the capture of Outlaw -i several instances but one has been ' Mr. Williamson will do what hc Lud<* Dirrriury. PROFESSION A L CARDS. Morrill, has b»*e«i 1 It. 8. with the finding of the body of tho Governor Taft says tbe United | tnucj, dr< aj cf tbe afOietio0.' •4 PHOTOGRA HIER. Too, there is talk of Malc«»lui A. ------ ----------- -- |convict on July 14, by Mrs. Waggon­ Slates will hold tbe Philippinei . Moody, who has just ended his two Ilt’kNM CH trTKU NO. «», <» E B er, and the delivery of the remains Burn«, Hri'ton. ■ Islands i n«l*-finitely, with a view to* Some men arc so conceited tber .veon>l and fourth M'uidav <>f i terms of service in Congress from to the Oregon State penitentiary r , educating the people to telf-govern-; imagine that when they take it walk each month In Mesoni«* h*»ll, Vo*gtlv Main St —oppusi’e Batik. the aec--nd district. The talk of building Mr» M *ind>< l.«*v«!ii*, W >1. In rendering his decision Secretary^ ment. • ! everybody cl«.* admires the parade. i Wt'liau son ami Moody indicates Mrs. Eunice Tta.wipeon, 8ec. ^Dunbar presents the argument that! _ ____ ____ ______ __ ___ ___ _ _ The people of South Africa and| A cross old ________ bachelor __ says the an irrepressible eonfiicl between M AKSDIULaulAltV* ’ Abe accidental fii.ding of u dead : Australia are protesting to the proper wav to ¡»ring op children ia tllJKNN T.OIMlF, NO. «7, A P. (' i'wrrjron». Qualified brother« fratern.illv in* iteri, quotes Superintendent Ixx-, who, jmmigratbtri of Chinee«* into those ■ occasions. most of the time. I I). K. Kenyon. VV. M F. B. Ri«*der, Barns. Oregon. Tbit man who claim«; to ¡»cheek­ It is evident that Moody posses­ said: “Howards are offered by the• COtn)triee. Hncy. state for tbe capture of a desperate £0r(llTice at rrn.irnec ’Phone JO. ing new fields for Ins genius is hx»l<- ses strength that does not arise Judge Richardson, of Spokane, (escape that men may be conqien- CJlJIlNS LODGE, NO. »3, A O. V. W.J ‘from any political combinations. has ren- «red a decision that a boy­ in; for a place where he isn’t so Meet» at Brown hall «»very Eridev ove*- ' ( sated for the risk to life and limb ( for in a largo degree the political glGOS A times. nms Vi.ttine hroth*rw fraternally in- ■ cott id i.ol illegal when peaceably well known. * it« capturing hitn. To accomplish v'tad, TI iim . Kaitera, W M. Chaa. N.» If you start »»nt in the morning | combinations are agai «st him. Hc . conauctcd, and when not so con 1. W. Din* Delton Hirt« Cerhrana, Record.r I this sometimes the outlaw's life ho* with a smile on your face you wilj i w turned down for rctiominatinn t ducted must be dealt with in the ____________________________________ ! Atto'-neye-af-Lair, * to t»c taken, hence the condition. ■ criminal court, not by a court of! surprise«! ut tbe number o: i for Congress n y those who just now ■ HARNEY LODO», NO. 77, 1 O O E BUKNS. ORKOON. ’ dead or alive.* that his killing may pleasant people you meet. M«rlaaver* Haturd tv evening, H own-» 1 | represent the ruling powers in the: I equitv. litll ---- •*-— fraternally «--•------ Visiting - * brolh-n« in- < ¡n Bunk buil-iiny. not vitiate or annul the terms of ! | Time works wondraua changes 1 Republican party Erank O _____ Jackson, N.G. vlted. _______ Charges against President Palma, , Diogenes hunted for an honest the reward. ’ ’ C. G. 8n«i li, Secrotitry. known ( Moony’s friends, it is not -of the Cuban Republic, arising . man years ago, but now the de- i wh« theror not he «onsenls to the ‘from certain executive concessions : teclives arc hunting for ditkont D. Lyman Moody was in the city' H’ E. i im i E. N.i ir*>. WOMEN < >1 Al/tU.UM8 a rni> 1 the iuyst»:rious man Hurna, __ liiirnu, Oregon. .,afl* |JO has done things. lie has try with a view to ascertaining Sunday School at Harney the gWOtlice in old Masomc building which of the mountain pn°8es ‘ The Unite«! States Army officers will winvont. en upon jinportanl I first Sunday of each month nt 10 I across the Cascades is the lowest after an exhaustive t»'st, have re­ o'clock, A M. Oil the second,' _______________ ____________ ¡committees. He has accomplished ‘ and most practicable for a railroad ported against the adoption of hul- j Jorgensen is alii I to the front third and fourth Sunday* of each | p* m joaoAX,___________________ 8oin«i rather remarkable things for i to cross, lie was accompanied by \ let-proof cloth shields. The test { with low prices. Call and see hia : the state as well as for the whole of Preach-I " month nt 3 o'clock I*. M rraefieal Lmtl Sttrrryrr. ;Gie Rrcut West, noublr in the pro- { C. E. Cook, of theconstruction force ‘ showed iha’, weight for weight, th-*! line ,,f watches, clocks, jewelry, ing s«.*rvic*s every second Sunday■ of the Great Central, who purchas- ¡shields ghjpjjs were wert. nat „ not as resistant at ' Btatiuuarv. «*tc. Kurm. m Denver,Colo.. The annual report of State Supnj•''* ‘*'**•»'*'''••'_• Sunday! -■•••—-.* ,. particulars regarding it. and 7:30 p. m. Sahlinth school ut Offire,*.»0’.. ____ KU,,.. Ur^on. ; th (lpnwn> , . , . ■ on a inn tbe uurposc of which is to j 10 a. tn. every Sabbath morning. I enntendent Ackerman shows e , ‘ A Remarkable Kerosd. li u *i r* r\ slrat»d that he i>ossosses capabili* , • • in .i i i population i . break , the ,, worlds long-distance , large gain the school ; ,, • , ! : Chambet Iain’s Cough Remedy Preaching services at the Baptist H • VOLP, A, IVI , Ivl. Lz, | . rare, indoeil, for public work. , .,, i record as well us all previous recordsi has a remarkable record. It han church every 1st ami 2nd Sundays, I They allege that it will be a loss to i ° ____________ \ : for fast balloon sailing. It is al?« 1 I 11:1 Physician and Surqeon, >; cw been in use for over thirty years, morning and evening. Sunday [ the state to rend him from the 1 S tate - of O hio .C ity of T oledo i j intended ultimately to reach 'during which time many million £1^U()ilice nt resilience. school every Sundaj al 10 a. tn. | halls of Congress. Hence, they I I.cscAs C ounty i | York, if nossible. i nuriiu, — *~ Oregon battles have been sold and vwd. It prayer meeting every Thursday Burns, I | believe believe that mat he ne should snouia go go to w the »««; prank J. Cheney make.» oath that Aftcr flchtin.. one of th«* evening. ,u08t has long been the standard and , | Uniied United States Senate, in view m hc Jg gpnjnr parlner of thc firm of; . baUjes ¡„ Ws BUY TH Services *at Christian Science I ¡the demands of tho people of «1® I F. J. Cheney e bought, iron« us or any of our cd in my presence, this Gth «lay ofi Tb« du‘J «onmdera- pleasant to take, many children dotkra from »13.00to »18.00. 1 particularly. WC MARK A VARIETY. i Of cours«. anyone who aspires toi December, A. D. 18S(i. ! • hae n,,t0 like it. It contains no opium or THE MEW HOelE IS THE BEST. .)rnmjn, lit., Atlanta, Uc., Hall’s Family Pilis are tbe bust, bility io the u>aH»*r. Ht. Poltoa,Tex.,Hm Erannu », Ol dominant elements of thc Republi- •te rcarxl.» ttoM ewes • ewM la ove «Hr IN PORTLAND Geer& Cummins i1 I P atents