Speed Program. SUPERSTITION Firsl Ihty—Onequariri mile dash for vacquero horses I bat never won If.»1*cen rcepom-iblc for much of hum tn i;.. rtality. >1”! women die by thou, first money, vanpteros to ride with «and« in an Indian ianiine, not $50 00 . .*;.-• ot lack of food but be- vacquero saddles. Purse cause caste «upcretition prevent’ One quarter mile, 2 in 3, free for them from accepting it. Even $75 (.MJ J in America there are still to t>e all Harney County horses found those who believe that healing Second Day—Three quailer mile h.-r'ie lack virtue nnlew Ftthered during driving race, trot or pace, 2 in 8, certain pita««« of the moog. The great foe of superatition is science. for Harney County horses $75 00 I’.ven tear science increases the terri­ One quarter mile dash for »ac­ tory of the natural at the e«pen«e of the super- quero horses that never won timt n oural. monev. vaequeros to ride with vac l»o-tor Pi-rv'"’« Golden Medical Discovery quero saddles $5('.0u achieves its successful Third Dav—Three quarter mil«-, ..ires because it is a s -ieutifie preparation orig­ trot or pace. 2 in 3, for horses bred inated bv .t scientific man. in Harney County $75(M) it cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion _ Grand Riding Tournament 1100 an i nutrition, purities the blood and •a'llLshes the body in sound health. Puree divided, $40. $30. $20. $10. the writer of the follow.ng letter Fourth Day —Three eighth mile "It is the lest thing for nervous •« and tor a weak run-clown condition dash I’rte for all H.trnev County at anvbodv would want. It givei a horses $100u0 n.-rson new life and new blood." "Golden Medical Discovery ’’ contains Lad.ee* Riding contest. $2500 no alcohol and is free from opium, co Purse divided $15 and $10. caine and other narcotics. - f tnu’t again send a few liar« to you to t*« Broncho busting. 4 bouts, $4000 • I .i* *-v how I Si > vrlling along »in.-e takitr . lrrf.it meJietue which cure I rae tw.i Fifth Dav—Onequarti r mile vac \c! health «(»«1 th.uk first money, vaequeros to ride with there U no< a Vetter medicine on earth than Dr. Pierce « ('«okir i vacquero saddles $.50 00 Medical iHucovc: v It ia the beM thing for nerrouM>e*s and fur a One mile hurdle race, $10000 weak, run down condition, that anybody would nan« It give« a Roping Contest 75 00 jsc rton new life and new b’>>od I can now work al! day Iona Sixth Day — Three quarter mile without feeling the lea.*! bit lire*! I n v vcr\’ r;er\. -is and weak 1a«< *ummer. I Indian pony race $10 00 t k i.vr Imetl« r»f Dr Pierce*« Golden Medlcr.l :»x >v r) an I »t just luadc n«c feel like a new Relay race, five times around the person.* IV. Fierce's Heasant Pellets stlnthhl« track, five horses, change everv I time around the track, every ndet the Ever. I to change his own rig. puree,$150.00 I The balance of ibis day will be ! devoted to the exhibition of live­ “S inethin? New I'uder the Sun.” stock nnd awarding premiums. In addition to the above there All doctors have tried to cure will be minor sports during the CATARRH bv the use of powders, Fair, and a shooting contest by the «■•id gases, inhalers and drugs in Burns Rod and Gun Club $100 00 Da-:e form. Their powder« dry up i Red S.. Dewcv and Biil i’ve bar­ the mucuous membranes causing red in all races. them tecrack open and bleed. The 1 A WORTHY SUCCESSOR powerful acids ti«ed in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. “About six years ago for the first membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and time in my life I had a sudden and ointments cannot reach the disease. severe attack of diarrhoea,” says An old and experienced praetioner Mrs Alice Miller.of Morgan,Texas. who l.as for many years made a •‘I got temj-orary relief, butiteame • lose study and specialty of tbc back again and again, and for six treatment of CATARRH, has at long years I have suffered more last perfected a Treatment which t X misery and agony than I can tell when faithfully tiacd, not only re I; was worse than death. My hus­ lieves at once, but permanently band spent hundr-ds of dollars for cures CATARRH, by removing th- physicitftis’ | rescriptions a >d treat­ • anse, stopping the discharge«, and ment without avail. Finally we ••nring ail inflammation. It is the move! to Bosuue count», our pres­ only remedy known to science that ent home, and one day I happened actually reaches the afilictcd parts, to see an advertisement of Cham- t his wonderful remedy is known b-rlait/s Colic, Cholera and Diar as SNI FFLES the’GUARAN­ rhoea Remedy with a testimonial TEED CATARRH CURE.” ami is of a man Lad been cured by it The sold at the extrenielv low ¡.rice of case was so similar to my own that ’I ' »ne Dollar, each package contait - I concluded to try the remedy. ing internal and external medicine The result was wonderful. I could sufficient for a full month’s treat­ I i hardly realize that I was well again, ment and everything neceasaty Io or believe it could be so after hav­ ing fufb red so long, but that one > perfect use. "SNUFFLES” ia the only per­ bot tie of medicine, costing but a few fect CATARRH CURE ever made con'.s, cured me." For salt» by II. M mid is now recognized as the only Horten, Burns; Fred Ilaiuee, Har- »ale and positive cure for that an- ' ney. i i.oyirg and disgusting disea«e. It Jorgenson is still to the front cures al. inflamation quickly and permanently ami is also wonder­ I with low prices. Call and see his fully quick t** relieve IIAY FEVER line vf watches, clocks, jewelry, <*r ( OLD in the H EA D. stationary, etc. I ( ATARRH when neglected often i h a B loCONSl’Ml’TION— ‘SNUF i 1 1.ES” will save you if you use it i McMullen, the photographer, is a'. < nee. It is no ordinary remedy, e-t il. to Lt» found at his ul i stand I Lut a complete treatment which is ;opDOMtcthe Bank p .«Lively guartnt-ed to cure • ATARRH in any formorstage fl if used according to the directions I Oregonian and Items. $2.00 which accompany each package Don't delay but send for it at once c^s*x*ox«.x^.. nnd write full particulars as to Beer, ti» ÎM K«» ït» HW AlWlJS fagít your condition, and you will re­ Bigaatan vive social advice from the die- ' tf í 0^.f3*X*OZl.X^h*.. ••overcr of this wonderful remedy Vil Hit» AlWaft regarding your case without cost to Bear» the vou beyond the regular price ut ftgaatsn “SN | FELES” the • GE ARAN ! O m -X a a. — . TEED CATARRH CURE.” 3e»ri üj 11» r.intí Yaj Bava Ahrap Sent prepaid to any address in (Mfaatcre the United States or Canada on re f •í cei,>t of One Dollar. Add rc«t> De tit H4''l EDWIN B GILES A COM­ PANY. 2330 and 2332 Market "trcct, Philadelphia. TO CURB A COI.D IN O5K DAV Take Laxative Bromo Quitiim Tablets. All druggists refutd th. money if it fails to cure. E. w <¡rove’s signature is on each i>< > A Jorgenson repairs watches •■locks. Work guaranteed M' « CASTOR IA jMtarlin THIS TRIP vns rtgjrcYotT H-iaht «r S» y«r4« llclgh» •» «<»# nrja L23 »t»«h»« M’l«ciri •0» T4ROS TtAjrcrntT l!.t«*i» at I rwli 1« M terbeo 1 be Up to date grm in hirh jcifcrc »• the 3^ 40 Mar.'ift vilb Smoktlfw Steel barrel using 3J 40 High Prmure Car- tridgff J ait (^grtrtdge ha« locity of ever 2,000 feet per •e< t»nJ with consequent fl»t frajrctorf and great killin iojtm trajectory For Infants and Children. Au ImreniouH Trealiaeat by which Drunkard* are Heilig Cured Daily iu Spite of Themselves. S. A I’HMl'tWt Eureka - Harness Oil i Brit r ’lr ruUx«*••»" h'MUíw» and 4M bo.»«» 7 4 U tUr, hm malir*i th« h'uUb't avtt »ti».I I’lhblt'. i al* M In Il is now generally known anJ i a It »'«llnarily $va»«hl. understood that Drunkencss isadi- ,.l t»i '■••• »U« « i sease and not weakness A body fill­ 51 ANDAVO OIL vO. ed with poison, and nerves com pl-te Iv shattered bv periodical or con­ Give stant u-e of intoxicating liquors, re Your quires an antidote capable of neu­ Horse a tralizing and eradicating this ¡raison Chance! and destroying the craving for in­ toxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without pub­ Reduced to FIFTY 1 licity or loss of lime from business CENTS A YEAR bv this wonderful “HOME GOLD Cl’IlE” which has been perfected after many years of close study and Fer«»jrly ticanr.ent of inebriates. The faithful One use according to directions of this Dollar wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the meat obsti­ X? nate case, no matter how hard a drinker Our records show the mar HIS is the r' r.rd best velous transformation of thousands I of Drunkards into iober industri­ ! tee Amer -s.> publu. its' ;vs H-v Mess i.. Fss' in M l Ir.ery, ous and upright men. i.i Embrotoery. In Cocking, in WIVES CURE YOUR HUS- W.-ms:'s Wct«i ard In Rtaatif: beautifully flustuted In colon ard BANDS!! CHILDREN CURE in black a d white Above all. it YOUR FA 1 HKRSHThis remedy is sh. wsthe ver/ fashlcr.at 'e New Itxs St.xrs mads 'r-m Nrs-Iota P» t - in no sense a nostrum but is a spe­ . |0C cific for ih a disease only, and is so » Send Five Cents To-day skillfully drvired and prepared that ’!• Htn <»’• I • fir.t!« it is thoroughly soluble and pleas­ L- ’ 1«» 4 -• f.r 1“« r. me/ c..’ git« ;• ant to tlie taste, so that it can be ths n » w tn- ' Tittsniao co given in a cup of tea or coffee with OS Broli«. 1-w Virk K V out the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards XOTICE TOK Pl'BUCAlIOX. have cured themselves with this X’ 6, !j»ut! office. Burnt» Oregon, July. 2« priceless remedy, a nd as many more Nut ce L hereby elven that the folfovlrc I n«in«d »ettlrr ha.« filed unl!ce hl» InteMluu have been cured and made temper­ to make final proof in »upp«»rc <4 hi» rlnlmand ate men by having the "‘CURE” ad­ that »al«! pr- >f will be rr.a 1« b* .-fore It eg later ministered hy.lovtig friendsand arvl liecelvt»3. 1. V »nJ S, fiee in coffee or t> n, ar.d believe today 22. Tp r.. d . K WS R 'V M that they disroi-linntd drinking of lie nanea th« foHnwIu^ w'Jnr »«• to prove 'heir own ftee will DO NOT WAIT. hit continuoua ro’dence upon and cu»tlvalion o! »aid land, ria Do not be deluded by apparent and John W K'dan. fiulntn in A, (i.bion. J»w»e* It misleading “improvement ” Drive OarJ and Peter L Oar«!, all of La«rj r, Qra paid hl» contiti'iotia realdenee upon tud ou’tivatlou to anv part of the world on receipt of »aid land. \ la. Joseph Hill, er. 1 KM name« the following witness«» to prove ope. sometimes result in the lo-s of the He roinj.lele Irrigation and reclan.atlnn of a hand or limb, Chamberlain’.« »aid land Gerald Griffin. Sylvester Mmitb, Pain Ba'm is an antiseptic lini­ fleott Haley and 1am Graves al) of Narrows, Oregon. ment When applied to cute, bruises W m P arme , ÜcfliUr. and burns it causes them to heal LIQLOE PETITION quickly and without maturation, To the Honorable County Court, Har­ Ind prevent* anv danger of blood ney County, Oregon: poieon. For sale by H. M. Horton We, the .indersixned p-ti'ion-rg, resi­ Burns; Fred Haines, Harney. dent", tupiyi-ri, and lrb Mnlw f'»d»y, . t;p to« «fair, I .••'ii’iH H -i! .IH'I A i.-oiHi;!;. Pcrfecl-Fiitintf P.ifner Patient*- MSCALLïTîtà THE McCALL CO . ti t-in-iu w»u tm st. ww ro«« Wil I Hor«<> Prdcinct. said county, an I State, moat respectfully pel ilion your I lonor.ihlu Court to grant a iíccnso to Alex C. B’irkfl to w*ll «pirita- oils, malt und veno is li«|'iorn in I less qu in tit lea tian on<- gallon In said Precinct for a p**riod of three months > beginning on the First day of October 1902- Names. Names. l/.i .1. H'Wnberg, John Smith, J, < ‘. W eat, Talamantes, Cash Cocper, Cli is Turner, ..Molía Jlaylo, l.nterit Gilbert. Joe l.orenr ma, J. E. Carlson, L. C Chamtierluin i. II. Polander, M A. Wodir, T J. Li tie. El Carlson, It. A Ri l lie, G* o, A Hint th, VI Behobener, W V M it*ipin. Notice ii lu-rebt given th it th" under- -i med will on the 1st day of <»*-lo'*er. ID'1? inakn applicat'on to tin* Co-inty Court • >' Harney I'wih . Stole o' Oregon, for tin granting ■>.’he i ns. mention' d in the above iwiti-'n. Ab x C Borke, a Orrr 'O.OCO. IT«*» make proof on bis < 'r-ly I«. 4n«| ft, (rnis r^cli — tour hlghrr A»k hrr lh«.M NaihJ »»• it c 1) . serial *l»r a . from Atrthin» H>pa. «aurica h jnj.oi. UJrer « Croche t. Mr».<.a r«» C rbe I. al Arthur W. Marrbmewt ka»i opetr eu, nd ii'tia »are n wallnj ir. in Ih» p-n of ne'.hon of naUuaal note A th rt »toryton r»l b etnhl ont n-a lr ß»’ hund-.d ndll«l rt etorlee. all worthy a piare In CAe «UNHY SOUTH'« teidatle-o’ , rntn«. (.th r crnte»t»dre ennlemolalel'hat wi Bn cettlilly e*j>-»lt the rlpeninj field o la ent th.lonly neo.'t larh Cwtcr nj u flluilrata ta» weal h that u »hr Io asiert I self. rZA« SUNNY SOUTH leentt wUh th) tifa rf th : grestsoath Thesen lol sun»h m w rms everythin I into ae'lvlty ond Ute »ea-..im • never colder agh to check the hand of In u.lry. fin pape.’ com in fragrant with ths breath of the magnolia and pine, and g v» ou the very air ot Uta era go. pa m and bay he beauty ani pittili. Iti» ramme« ml r.iy.to-y of th» lind «vitati the corn «t< res up Ih; g Iden sunshine an! the cotto.! w.'liens In the œooal.ti . wil be given In the well-fl.le I cu u-un. o lie. Lise n .Ung weekly. fhe euMerlp'lon nr <-e Is Only FiV y Car«’ • a ysir. alhs to a ! re »o . eg me. news taper’. F ■ tma» ers ani ove v one e'se. club» I five. Manaant. « by the lu I St CO. gnu le las rich raiser t > the paper une year grat ». S,nd on a P yetei Cirri the names ot » \ of your neiobb n wh would apxecs’s 'I'" oppofliMAy to read a copy o ’Ihi sunny Sou'h. mi " s mp e will re ma If : free. You c n get y^u; efebo.’flvi or of these ve-y tT.So SUNNY SOUTH ente"» ov-.r 50.000 Amer ei * humo, íurni 1*0. Is sori to ta «vac -med n fully as many mere u>mM. as 'n we k.y leist ot good th njs ihs Sou'him l.l ertry Weekly, »tini c iura» U. 19.2 W..I be the mail readable ofu'l III i paperi th to >ma la y *u. ! id'fii All Cjm/MinlcJtlon'i I) o7x? SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Gn BICYCLES BELOW COST »’r'***’ niJI|laiov’-tnt*» K o* of U>e txat known fiu totl*-’ ot country, secured by u’ r f. one-bnlf rmt. * uur Modw/a............ 1900 and 1901 Models ¿“ft (’'d'll'ff '' "■ D-’rc ph.itr^raphic mgramiui» full d* lalhxl cr-r, W-» -*rr-’ "V ■. ■ ¡r. . »/> any address. hi> • . (*t -. r 5^0 • ikSW In l.ri le ’Z/r? hy 0’ir Ch1.:»*.-- rat«!.-'! oine. €' f . >.. riurd i'*«’’* - r.’r , y^’l *•► r-t>-. Qu I t V*’ i ’r-», eo tin-".'«»,« na '-lc''.r-ir-r«-■ < -, ii .* i .*-. *.*' . prs 4 t , r. .r L gx »« m iry <.-us A «r-rlfi of »ntoF’J ntfnn V, nv f ^¡RSOLii iiiLMrS . , ew >.< (1- ; »-I !yc|c 111 .-c 1-s. »T. t..-• Si*,-.' .<*.,«(t "¡IV i (A’j '■ Wcitlt twrt-l’S b*v u- .- v I i for ,*•. r.«< 'J :7» rr’.’t'o )-■■r.«>n in M'c.h town’*,-*¡»«1’11* *1 re*,', y*. , toi u» >> >:,r -. ' ‘ ■ ,c " ‘ »"*»v fo- Hra .-i.-.-U