The Southern Oregon State Nor­ mal School is making thorough preparation fyr the ¡Riming year’s . . t I!»» 1>cen responsible for much of hutn.xn work. The buildings arc being re­ mortality. Mm an.i women die by thou- -- sands in an Indian famine, not modeled and repaired, ami exten­ l>eeause of lack of foal but l»e- sive additions to the chemical and W^F cause caste superstition presents are being wgL them from accepting it. Even physical department X in America there arc stilt to lie made. The faculty is composed of found those who believe that healing herbs lack virtue unless gathered «luring strong teachers consecrated to the «i rt .in phase* of the moon. work, and each department is in The great foe of superstition is science, the hands of a specialist. l'verv year science increases the terri­ tory ■ I ttee natural at the « A year's course in Latin and in expense of the super- a. Economics baa been ndded to fur­ IXx-tor Tierce’s Golden ther prepare teacbara for high school Medical niscoreiv work. The training department a c 11 i e v e s its successful Mw it a will be especially strong. A man e entitle preparation ong- of splendid education and wide ex mated by i scientific man. It cures diseases of the perience will be at the head of this stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, purifies the blood and department. Much attention will establishes the I mm I v in sound health. be given to oratory, and athletics \s th? writer of the following letter The citi sivs, "It is the l>est thing for nervous­ will be made prominent ness and tor a weak run-down condition zeus of Ashland have guaranteed that anybody Would want. It gives a some $200.00 as prizes for excel! person new life anil new blood." "Gohlen Discovery ’’ contains enee in chose lines. The Citv Li­ no alcohol and is free from opium, co» brary. of 2000 well selected volumes, ciine an l other narcotics. -I ni.i.t wen sen J a few lines to you to lei is thrown open to students of the , , kn how I am setting alon< ►luce takills th.- v. .-I lerlul meili me whk-h cured lue two institution. Board and Lodging years .is»’ writes Miss Ik-rtha l?wler. of Benton Street I can be had at from $2 50 per week st. lasiis. Mo. -I Mill continue m very good health and think to $4.00. Climate healthy. Course there is not a letter meilicine ou earth than Pr Herve’s Golden M licit Piscovery. It i* the best of study practical and exhaustive. Ihimt for nervousness and f<* a weak, run-down condition that For catalogue of announcements any would want tt ,ives a vrite B. •L Mulkey, President, or itcrson new life and new blood. I .an now work all .lav tane Clifford Thomas, Secretary, Ash­ without feeling the least bit tired verv nervous and weak last summer I I wn< very , five .. ■ Iwttle* of Pr. Wetce's Golden Medical land. Oregon t»k SUPERSTITION Di’ n.•■, mi l it just made me feet like* new pci rson “ WAGONS! WAGONS! We will sell you a Mitchell, Rushford or Winona Farm Bed Wagon ; 3| Steel Skein 185 00 ’‘Somethin? New Under the Son.” 9000 3J ♦ » »• I 105 00 All doctors have tried to cure Semi your orders to us, O. C Co. CATAllRII bvthe uicof powders, acid gases, inhalers anti drugs iu McMullen, the photographer, is paste form. Their powders dry up the inucuous membranes causing I still to be found at his old stand them to crack open and bleed. The opposite the Bank. jtowerful acids u«ed in the inbalers have entirely eaten away the same If you desire to trade for. or buy membranes that their makers have desirable town propertv call at this aimed to cure, while pastes and office. cintnients cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practioner Rovai Worcester Corsets—N who has for many years made a Brown A Sons. cluse study ffnd s|>ecialty of tbe treatment of CATARRH, hns at Oregonian and Items. $2.00 last jterfecled a Treatment which when faithfully .used, not only re­ Cholera V infautnni. lieves at once, but permanently This has long been regarded as cures CATARRH, by removing th- one of the most dangerous and fa­ < a'lse, stopping the discharges, anti tal diseases to which infants are curing all inflammation.’* It is the subject. It can be cured, however, <>i>iv remedy known to science that when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Chamberlain’s actually r- aches tlje afflicted parts. :Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem J his wonderful reqpedy. is Inown edy and castor oil, as di reeled; with .- SNUFFLES the -GUARAN­ each bottle. and a cure is certain TEED CATARRH CURE,” ami is For sale bv II. M ^Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, llarnev. ■ old at the extremely low prjee of One Dollar, each package contuii - CAHTOT1IA. lad Y m Haw Always Bwgtt ing internal and external medicine B... I ffigaatara sufficient for a full month’s treat­ tf ment and everything necessaiy ’to O TORIÆ. lis Hird Yen Raa Always Bestftl Baar« tea its perfect use. Signatare "SNUFFLES” is the only per­ •f fect CATARRH CURE ever -Ty u>adr ■ O Ä. at» ». --------- --- . ,*■ th. ui K h M Y m Haw Always Bssglrt and is now recognized Vs the only -afe and positive cure for that an- 8igaaSus ef iioying and disgusting disea-e. It cures all intlamation «juickly and TRY A permanently and is also wonder­ fully «¡nick to relieve IIAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected oHeri I. a Is toCONSUMPTION —‘SNUF THIS TRIP FLES” will save you if you use it imvos T»4j«cTO»T 2M TtX TeUFCTO“.? at cnee. .It is no ordinary remedy. H«*«*»» at 90 yards He 12 40 Alack pop- irtridar «dite KCK) ceive special advice from the di ^ «acanj wr lherce's Pleasant Pellets stimu’ata the liver. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR ft plarlin [ MSCALLStffc MAGAZINE“ TO <1 III. A COI II IN OX« IH) Take Laxative Bromo Quinn* Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails lo cure. E. w (¡rove’s signature is on each box 25c. A LADIf S’ MAGAZINf. A fem, o-loied pl.ite« ; latest fishiiMi-.. dee 1* •■■tlimg <*one I m «lay, iw. 5cnd t». f,,y Mteat c*/pjr Lady .«¿ritto wanted Sei d for t- una. g Jorgertson repsi»-« '■■ ricks. Work guaranteed. m»*Alute!jr Fcriect*Fimntf Paper PatlcrtiC MSCALLZ^ C ASTOR IA For Infants and Children PATrtWist^ M team Maw« sat Smarritosi s*ow Ite tatto» ate teato» I toes 1 he Kind You Have Always B: Orly I«* nu) n rent« tv h— fon« blgbrff Ask l<>r Phr m III IlCteliy CVtljf *44g ami town, m by ma I from Bears the SlgEL'.uro of THE McCALL CO.. II1-115-117 West Ws! »I, WW TOSH t4*. THE HOME 10LD CURE An Ingenious !’>■ aiment by which Drunkards are HeingCured Dally in Spile of I heiiisel i r«. Yo’i i n* i 1 Xo Noxious Doors Xo V < ak< iilng "f the Nerves. A Pleasant mid Puni­ tive Cure for the I iqtior Habit. It is now gviiernlL » *"d understood that Drunk rue I - i'l' oease and not wi nkut >s A body till cd with |x>isi>n. ami iierwscomplHi' ly shatteud In i < imu.cul ur con­ stant use of intoxicating liquors, t «• quires an antidote capable of nru- tralizinp and eradicating this poison and destroying the craving for in­ toxicants Sufferer» may now cure themselves at home without pub­ NO Il'K FOR PUBLICATION licity or loss of time from business I V M. Laud «»flic«. Burn». <>rrg«»n. July. JA by this wonderful ’ HOME (¡OLD I N<»( co I* h«r«by given that th« fultawlvff nnn«f will be ml ’e before Reela'rr after many year» of close studv and and Receiver at Burn», Oregon, on A giul treatment of inebriate». The faithful 30. IJOA ' U Jutea A. «»ard. use according to directions of this lid Knlry No BH. for Lota S. 4. S. and t. Sec wonderful discovery is positively tt. Tp tt, H . K K W M guaranteed to cure the most obsti­ 11« name» the following witne«»e* to prove hit conttuiioui re»!deue« upon and rudi« atto» nate case, no matter how hard a of »aid land, vis lolm W. K«’l» > fi'l mi «n A. Hlbeon. J«««» H drinker Our record» »how the mar- Oard and Fe er L oard. all of l^we ». oreg<»» velous transformation of ihoiisands Wm. Farre, ltcgl»l«r. of Drunkards into rober industri­ NOTICK FOB Pi NLICATXON. ous atid upright men. C s land ofllee. Burns. Orcfna. lulv 15.1901 WIVES CURE YOUR HUS Notice is hereby given that the following, BANDS!! CHILDREN CURE named tattler l a» Bled notice of hi« Intention YOU R FATHERS!!This remedy i» to make Anal proof lu support of his claim, an« | that »aid proof will be made before Register and in no souse a nostrum but is a spe­ Keemer at Burns. Oregon, on Augu» *JO. cific for this disease only, and is so IW2. v is naaiel Willetts. skiilfuily devised and prepared that lid Entry No. 130*. for I«oU 4 and 5 aud HE « i. T .» B BBl F. it is thoroughly soluble and pleas­ ♦ n >: 11« < Baa name* the following wituosev to prove ant to the taste, so that it can be hi» continuous residence upon aud cultivation given in a cup of tea or coffee with . of »aid land, v is Joseph lllll, L»»eph Barnes. Hugh Marlin. out the ki.owlcice of the person Jama* Marlon, all of Burn». Oregon. W m F a «««, Register taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this NOTICI FOK Fl BLI» ATIUM priceless remedy,and as many mor«1 Ijind Olilo». Bum«. Ortcon, J ine .'S. have been cured and made temper­ Notice I« liercb/ fiven ih«t th« following uamed »ettler & od not'«« of hla Intention ate men by having the “CURE" ad­ tn make final proof in aupp««rt of hl» el>tm. an«I ministered by loving friends and (hat »aid tn oof will b« mal« bafor» Kagfotar Roer iter at Bu-n«, Oregon, Augnai relatives without their knowledge and li».». v!i Il »nJ aro In F. Campbell. in coffee or tea, ami believe today Il 1 F Uri No m 0, fog (he si , * y ' I . that they discontinued drinking of SEI«:O NOT WAIT. Ile name« th« fnH.iwing witueake» lo provo hi» eontiutous r«»id land, vk: misleading ‘’improvement" Drive Fre«> to prove to anv part of the world on receipt htaeontlniiou« r«*>ldener upon and eultlvat'on ot One Dollar. Address Dept HI'Jl, of »aid »and, vis Pert bunton, Edward Howard. Joseph luinib. EDWIN B.GILESA COMPANY, and Edgar L Beede, all of Brrwaey. Ureron. 2330 and 2332 Market Stieet, Phil­ W m . F abm B, Krgiatcr adelphia -¿All correspond, nee strictly con­ fidential. Now is Your Time I. I'u tiny l'in* sending ua 41 oU, o> • year's subscription to the we will mail the Clneagu Weekly Inter Ocem. one y tar free or to itili um- •ending u* three cash »ui»at riptiun tur the two paper we «nl give a year'k »ubcripliun to tach paper free, Tlw I tkms , »I OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for For Winter Rending you cannot find a more liberal offt r. If any of the above, however, do nht strike you as what you want, write us. we will give you a good liberal clubbing offer with any |>eriodic«l published in the United Htateu. Don't put it off. New is your time. Address, TTTT wanted inventors When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, go «t once to 11. M. Horton, Burns, or Frwd Haines, Harney, and get i fr- e eantpleof Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doges will make you well. They aLo cure bilioum es», sick bea'laclie nd cotistipa'ion C libbing i at 8 givi n with any » < tier or peri«>di<:al published he Uni1' d *iiat-* L ulu s \V>ap|wse—N to write for f»ur confidential letter before ap- '»Iving for patent; it mar be w«rtb money. We promptly obtain U. S. and Forel^u PATENTS and TR ADE fNARKS r return ff R- TIRE attorney « fee. fcknd model, »ketch nrph'.toanrt w. wl *n IMMEDIATE ¿FREE report on patentability. We give H the beat legal service and adv io«, and oar charge* ar« moderate. Try ua. I * SWIFT & CO., Patont U.S. Patent Office.Waxhisgton, D.C. •*VMWW«MB»«nnMMBMMMKMMHMMn8nMMn»/*!$ j> W» pn>m|4lr obtalu U. 8. »ndYcrcixir^ ' Bro» t A A..r»a Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. S..-1K1 rruwlel, aketeb or ibolo of InTMition tor fr«» rei»»« os For fr«e lx ok, How to Secure urite Patent, end Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blixx’ Alt die blood in your body passes through yotir kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out the waste or imputities In the bleed. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. F’aln , aches and rheu­ matism come from ex- ce.s cf uric acid in the tlvod, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble c.nisei quick or unsteady $ heart beat t, an 1 i.iukei one fcCl as though they had heart t ..'-.l? bccau e the hes-t Is over working in pumping thick, kulney- poiioncd blood llitough vein-, and arteries. It 11 »1 to be c ur ulcred tli it only urinary troubles were to be traced to the ktlneya, but now modern s< icuce prove-, that ¡ early aJ constitutional di vascs have their l>e"ln- I ning in I l ine/ tior' -le. If you ars clek you can i take i - mist ;ke by first doct-> Ing yonr ki' 7 e n.lld .nJ ¡he ediajtdin :/ efle ; cf Dr. Kil s ¿,war.t,»-R< «»t, I i i..ey iri..- -./ U Su.Tr;il!-r.i!. !t- taiKir, the high-'.t for Its wonderf..lentcf the tnest di gressingcax» an I is soi l on ii > i ierlls by all dniggist.i •el(if; in fifty- •-■/-.Cp-.. —3 cent and one dollar six k ’ ■ . i..... j «3. You u.ay have a sample Lotlie ! / mall ii , r : ((M, tree, also pamphlet telling y<.u ho v to find • out If you have kidney or bladder tru.iUe. Mention this pap. r when writing Dr Klim r fc Co., Singhamton, N. Y. r Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Nev? Idea Woman's Magazine Fomerly One Dollar HIS Is the cheapest a:'.d. beet Eashlch Magazine r.Jw be­ fore the American public. It allows Nsw ideas in Fas lens, I:. Mil'.lr.ory, i:i Embroidery, In Cooking, in Woman's Work ard In Feadiug: beautifully illustrated in colors aid in black and white. Above all. it shows the very fashionable New I dia S tyles , made from New I ota P ai - items, which cost only 109. each. T Send Five Cents T>day liraeir.g’e “CTfOt t!.e H e ** ! zea W okaji ’'» ^AGA2!W3. a .C It» * M f:l th« r.*^ey It ca*. (, .0 /t.u. TRE WIW IDF.A PVBLX&nXirO co n< Br«te4way Ntw Y«rk. BICYCLES BELOW COST ** 59 *• 5 Io |7 fg 1900 and 1901 Models .•}«■. Cataloyutt with large pA«>t«»orcuh»c ingravinqi ana full detailed specifications tenlJret to any audress. Wo SHIP OH APPHOVAl to anyone In U S. or Canada mlkovt a cent in advance and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL no rfaH In ordering from us, as you do nrt nerd to pay a cent If the bicycle does not suit you. 500 SCOOHD-HAND WHEELS taken In trade by onr rhlcaao retalatl one. «« gg atandara makes, many srxxt ax new................. •• IV W Tlrea, •qulpment.anndrlea.-portlna^xxl. nrailkladaaiU r»ruU. ___________ »IH r»irul*r Tire*«, e«|tiipm«ntw------- prtrrln price in our Dig fr*« fr»< sundry aqnrlry catalog. / world of .nforaaaUon .ntoraueoB Wrltaf>>riK Writeb>rK. In aorh town lo ride • rut »r hl tilt » ii RIDER AGENTS WARTED aua^«^ tyre rn