Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, August 16, 1902, Image 5

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    Local and General.
Goods— N.
Elvin Marshall is over from Har­
ney today.
C, A. Bonnett was In from Crane
Creek yesterday.
Leu Walton spent a few days on
Emigrant thia week.
Hunt Bartlett ia holding teachers'
examination thia week.
Proper Compounding
C F McKinney waa down from
the sawmill the first of the week
<)f prescriptions is no child’s play.
Ladies W tappers—N Brown A
Il requires couscieiilio is cure and
aeeuraU knowledge of drug* and
their rdatiwue to each other IVe
Isaac Foster was in from Silver
take • « Imneet pride in the purity Creek several days during lhe week.
of uir drug«. ai.d the skill and ac-
Bat McClain has accepted a po­
ctttaey with which we corn (round sition with Schwarts A Bqdelman.
them ou tour physician's order.
I. Schwartz left Wednesday on a
bu vines» trip to Oregon's metropo­
Burns Drug Store
If too desire to trade for, or buy
desirable town property call at thia
W W Johnson's family have re­
turned from an outing in the
McMullen, the photographer, ia
»til. to lie fount! at his old stand
In the matter >>f obtaining wood opposite the Bank.
for the county Bid of Jim Bear
Clubbing rat s given with any
son of 4 per <-cg I the lowest but
or periodical published in
the number of cords not being
specified no contract wsa awarded
Henry Goodloe and family and
and the matter left with the Judge,
In lhe mailer of the partial pay­ W. T Hill, of Harney, were in
ment of John K. Johnson on hi* Burna last Saturday.
contract The aum of *5115 in full
Reval Worcester Corsets—N
for work on the iluueer Lane and Brown A Sons.
*250 advance on the Houston Lane
Mr. and Mrs A M Bvr<J and
a lowed
Mr and .Mrs John Gem Ire r ling are
The court has agreed to pay not
outing on Emigrant Creek
• Xctcdong *250 in premiums oil
Thus Jenkins, the Happy Valiev
livestock and farm product for ex­
hibit at the Fair to be h- Id in »beep man, spent several days in
Burns on business this week.
Contract with MarsdouAGeary,
Mr and Mrs E A. Reiger of
County physician«, extended one t'ntario, wt re the guests of Mr and
year at *75 per month«
Mrs. 1. H. Holland, several days
In the matter of the petition of this week.
I.ewisACofor a license to »ell
Jorgensen is still to the front
liquors in Buddle Butte precinct
with low price«, Call and »re hie
License granted for a j>eriod of
line of watches, clocks, jewrlry.
three months from August 12,1902.
In the matter of extending lhe stationary, etc.
J. J. Donegan and family, M
time for returning the assessment
roll for the tear 1902. Time ex­ FitzGerald and family and C. W.
Parrish returned Tuesday from an
tended until Sept 22
In the matter of the annual ro- outing on BearCreek.
port of J. H. Loggaii, supervisor
The sidewalk in front of N. Brown
Iloa i Diet No 3; J T. Moffett, 7 , A Sons and the Burna Hotel was
8, Whiling. 4, A McKenzie, 11 ; lowered this week to the grade es­
J I’ Gearheart, fl; D Carer, H; R tablished by the city council.
Hankins, Jr, 5. approved.
Rumor has it that Chas. Parrish.
I u the matter of the payment of
the bounty on wi'd animals. Clerk Jr , is about to close a deal where­
ordered to not pay any bounty on by he Irccomes the proprietor of
any wild animal until further or the White Front and Red Front
livery barns.
dvrs from the court.
The Fair management is trying
Thursday the following journal
to complete arrangements for a
entry appears in part:
"Now on this day the question balloon ascension during the meet­
ns to the proper disposal of the ing in September. Results will be
toad land tax cases in said County published later.
and State now pending in lhe U. S
Mena Summer Hats reduced—
Circuit Court for the District of N. Biown A Sone.
Oregon in a certain suit in which
The building occupied by Capt.
Charles Altschul is ibe coplainant
Gowan as a law office has been
and a C Gitling, as sheriff of liar
moved to the lol west of its former
ney County, ia lhe defendant in
site to make room for the new
volving the validity of certain taxes
brick bank building.
levied in Hwrney County, Oregon,
H. Y. Blackwell loft for Canyon
and it appearing that eaid cause ie
still pending ip.the U. 8. Circuit City the first of the week. He says
Court above mentioned, and that he found the price of cattle iu this
unless an appeal is taken or other section to high and will try to pick
disposition made thereof within a up a bunch in Grant County,
roisonable time, thr »aid County
During the month of July nearly
of Harney will loose all tho taxes 40,000 acres of school land was sold
on the Willamette Valley A Cascade by the Stale of Oregon at *1.25 an
Mountain Wagon Road Co lands acre.
All the land worth taking
asHesse i prior to tho date of the ap­ baa evidently not yet been dis-
proval of the selection lists, it has rosed of.
therefore been moved and carried
Cha* Kewell, the popular receiv­
by lhe County Court on this day
er of the United Slate« land office
duly assembled that the said pro­
at Burns was in Canyon City for a
posed contract for amendment and
few hours Sunday. Mr. Newell was
prosecution of said cause submitted
on his way to Portland on a com­
by Will It. King, of Ontario, Ore­
bined business and pleasure trip.—
gon, be and ie by said Harney
City Eagle.
County hereby accepted ” (Agice-
inetit between the Court and Mr.
Oregon City Clothing—N. Brown
King follows )
A Sons.
Cholera fefantam.
Got a free sample of Chamber­
Thia has long been regarded as
one of the most dangerous and fa* lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
tai diseases to which infanta are at II M. Horton’s, Burns, or Fred
subject. It can be cured, however, Haines', Harney. They are easier
when properly treatod. All that is
necessary is to give Chamberlain's to take and more pleasant in effect
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ than pills Then their use is not
edy and castor oil, as directedjwith followed by constipation as is often
each bottle, and a euro is certain the case with pills. Regular sise,
For sale by H, M. Horton, Burns; . 25c. per box.
Fred Haines, Harney.
t'uuuty l uiirl l*r>M****wliaga
* • X
Queen Quality Shoes—N. Brown
The Southern Oregon State Nor­
mal School is making thorough
A Sons.
preparation for the coming year's
Wm Gibson was over from Har
work. The buildings are being re-
ney on business during the week.
‘ | modeled »nd repaired, and exten­
As »oon as he can dispose of his re­
sive additions to the chemical and
maining property interests in Har­
physical department are being
ney Valley he will move to Idaho
I made. The faculty is composed of
to make his future home.
strong teachers consecrated Io the
Frank Turner and wife came in work, and each department is in
from Happy Valley Inst Saturday ths hands ef a specialist.
atid will occupy their residence in
A year's course in Latin and in
town fur a short time. Mr. Turner Economics has been added to fur­
contemplates selling his well boring ther prepare teachers fur high school
machine and engaging in other work. The training department
will l>e especially strong. A man
of splendid education and wide ex­
Summer Shirt Waists reduced
perience will be at the head of this
al N. Brown A Sous.
department. Much attention will
Daniel Willets war up from the be given to oratory, and athletics
Island one day thia week.
He will be made prominent. The cili­
says he has finished haying and ums of Ashland have guaranteed
will souii commence gathering his some *200.00 as prizes for excell­
cattle which he will dis|*o»e uf, with ence in these lines. The City Li­
the expectation of engaging iu lhe brary, of 2000 well selected volumes,
sheep business.
is thrown open to students of the
Cashier Carpenter of lhe First institution. Board and Lodging I
National Bank showed us a plan of can be had at from *2 50 fær week
the interior of lhe new bank build­ to #4.00. Climate healthy, Course
ing this week. They were well of study practical and exhaustive.
drawn and present au elegant de­ For catalogue of announcements
Mulkey, ('resident, or
lhe new building when «rite B.
Secretary, Ash­
furnished promises to bo up to any­
thing of the kind in Eastern Oregon.
September 22 to 27, inclusive.
$2,000 Given Away
Liberal premiums on grain, cereals, fruits, live
stock and numerous other exhibits.
Large Pavilion. Ample stable room.
Full control and management is vested in the following Board of
Directors: Dalton Biggs, president; James F. Mahon. Isaac Foster,
J. M. Dalton, I. S. Geer, A. M Byrd, A. E. Brown, Dr. W. L.
Marsden, Harry Smith. Al Weatherly, J. I’. Withers, Geo. A.
Smyth, Sr., C. T. Miller, Isaac Schwartz, Simon I^wis. Secretary
Cha«. N. Cochrane.
For further information write
DALTON BIGGS. President.
Or Chas. N. Cochrane. Sec y.
Speed Program.
We will sell you a Mitchell,
Rushford or Winona Farm Bed
First Day—OncquarXer mile dash
Wagon ;
for yacquero horses that never won
31 Steel Skein *85.00
first money, vacqueros to ride with
vacquero sail Jies. Purse
*50 00
105 00
3| „
One quarter mile, 2 in 3, free for
Send your orders to us, O C. Co. all Harney County horses. *75.00 I
Second Day—Three quarter mile
A letter from J. L Hembree, who
driving race, trot or pace, 2 in 3,
is now loeatvd in Portland, states
ih it he has a vary lucrative |>osi- for Harney County horses *7500
One quarter mile dash for vac-
tion as secretary with Frank
quero hurres that never won first
^elituill A Company, manufactur­
We are receiving new and fresh stock nearly every day—fresh
ers of fir, silver pine and cedar monev. vacqueroe to rid- with vac
line of Groceries, Ladies’ dress goods, Shirt waists, Wrappers,
qurro saddles.
doors and finishing material The
Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats. Childrens’ apparel, etc.
Third Dav—Three quarter mile,
family are enjoying good health
Give us your orders. We will fill them at bottom prices.
trot or pace. 2 in 3, for horses bred
and he is well pleased with hif
in Harney County
new home.
'Grand Riding Tournament *100
J. B. Stetson Co hats—N, Brown Purse divided, *40. *30. *20, *10.
Fourth Day—Three eighth irirle
A Sons.
dash free for all Harney County ■
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson,
*100 00
of Laweu, were visiting in town
, Ladies' Riding contest,
*25 00
yesterday, Mr. Thompson Says l.e
Purse divided *15 and *10.
has about 200 hetd of steers and
.l^oncho busting. 4 bouts, *40 00
of the School «re is constant
dry cows for sale and one of his
Fifth Dav—Onequarter mile vac
demand at salariée ranging from
purposes in coming to town was to
»100.00 i>er month. Students take the
quero race for horses that never won
find a purchaser. Hereafter he in­
state eutminotuae during .their cours»
first money, vacqueros to ride with
tends handling nothing but young
in the school and are pr<-pared to receive
vacquero saddles
*50 00
State Certificate« on graduation.
steers, feeding and fattening them I
One mile hurdle race,
*100 00
Ex lenses range from $120.00 to $175.(w
for market.
Roping Contest
75 00
per ¿year.
Strong Normal course and well equip­
Sixth Day—Three quarter mile
Training Department.
Death of John W J obs ».
Indian pony race
The fall term opens Sept 16.
Relay race, five times around lhe
John W. Jones, the well-known
For catalogue containing lui informa­
five horses, change every
rancher and stockman living seven
or J _B. V.JJutlcr.See’y
miles east of Burns, passed away time around the track, every ridei
Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, the
The balance of this day will be
immediate cause of his death being
due to hemorrhage of the lungs devoted to the exhibition of live­
The first serious hemorrhage occur- stock and awarding premiums.
In addition to the above there
ed about a month ago, since which
be minor sports during lhe
time death has been a question of
and a shooting contest by the
a short time. The cause of the '
Rod and Gun Club. *100 00
hemorrhages date back about three
8., Dewey and Bill Nve bar­
years when he was injured by lie- I
ing thrown from a hone and his
New Goods! New Goods!
Lunaberg & Dalton
arm and three ribs broken, the lat-1
ter injuring the right Jung which ,
fro.n the result bad wasted almost
By or<Ur of the County Court
entirely away.
and entered August ", 1902,
The deceased was born in Cass
is ordered no» to pay any
County, Missouri,.41 years ago. In
any wild animals.
1887 he came to Harney Valley lo­
7th day of August,
cating east of Burns, where he re­ I
sided up to the time of death.
F. S R ievkr .
About three year» ago with Emmett
Reed he started lhe grocery busi­ By H. R ichardson ,
ness known under the name of
J. W. Jones A Co. After coming
How's This»
to Harney Valiev ho was married
O do Hundred Dollars
to Miss Alma Perkins, four child­
ren resulting from the union, three Reward for any case of Catarrh
of whom, two sons aged 11 and 7 that cannot ba cured by Hall's
and a daughter aged 9 ard their Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney. A- Co., Toledo, 0.
mother «till survive him.
We. tho undersigned, have known
parents both died when ho was
young leaving him to the care of a F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
sister Mrs. Carrie Holloway, of aud believe him perfectly honora­
Lone Tree, Cass County, Missouri, ble in all business transactions and
who of his three sisters was the financially able to carry out any
only one to be present at tbefunsr- obligations made by his firm.
West A Truax, Wholesale Drug­
al. The other sisters are Mrs.
Toledo. Ohio.
Nannie Slife. of Fox Valley. Grant
Welding. Kinnan A Marvin,
County, and Mrs. K^ii* Holloway,
of Kincaid, Kansas. The deceased Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in­
left a psoperty valued al about
*18,000 and io addition to this a ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and Mucous surfaces of the
life insurance policy for *3,(MX)
The funeral was conducted from system. Testimonials sent free.
the Baptist church thia morning Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
and lhe remains laid to rest in the Druggists.
I Hall’s Family Pills are the beat.,
I Burns cemetery.
Miller & Thompson
Successors to R. A. Millet A Co.
-, w