Published in the Qrsateit Vallali Qf Eastern Oregon. fha Old««t und Mott rhe best Advertising Medium ÖURNS* OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST ¡6. 1902. ■o nocRES$miiiRM»Tioi 01.30 Ve«.. HI. Mvnih. I.'. C«at«.« rich year for mi Lack upon it*clf cr I V rivtting the edges band iron or steel at least per minute. The velocity of run-1 * 4 -T '‘TW one sixteenth of an inch thick, cr ning is measured by the saine law«‘ , by airing with at least 10 goagn Number of Acree In Oregon Be- “ ^at of heavy falling bodies. A Oregon Industrie» Make Fine wire. If the metal material is lieav- falling body increases its velocity 1 i ier than specified, edge reinforce- HliGwiug for ltN>2. claimed tu Ten Years. • * ■ I in proportion to the time it is fall- i I merits are not necessary. Circular, ing, and the distance fallen is in < ti aemi-eircular or roundirg box«« e, proportion tn the square of the! _ . . ... must be of not less than 22 guage The progress in agriculture in number of seconds of time it is fall-1 Oyer 825,COO,(JOO will be added iron Qr -tcd with .treD(?0,cnC(I ih ihtn nf Ernry th* »rid states and territories dur- ing The theoretical velocity of to the wealth of the State of Oregon ' edges, ing the decade ending with 189# ia water flowing out of >n aperture of this year from five of her principal s>,.. All boxes uiust I« made in tie OBEGOV. shown In the report just published- Pne *• * feet per second; ex- industries says the Oregonian. The best workmanlike msnntr, ai.d showing is by far the best on record, th« re mud l*e no joints depending by the Division of Agriculture> of ( The velocity of a stream of ««ter This amount, together with several solely on solder to hold different ths Twelfth Census. As thia pro­ flowing from a ditch, or other millions which will be distributed parts of the I »ox together, but all gress is attributable largely to irri­ source is equal to that which a by other indurtries not included joints must lie seamed, curled or gation the statistics relating there­ heavy falling body would acquire in these figures, «<11 undoubtedly jivited. Covers, lids, or encas;- in falling from a heighUequal to result in the most prosjierous year ments must be strongly hinged or to are of general interest. pivoted, and extend sufficiently The number of irrigators in the the distance between the surface of Oregon has ever kn&wn. the water and the middle of the or-1 Lumber will probably lead the over the opening to protect the United Blates in 1899, not jnelud IF. DE It. BIG4ÌHB HIGOM «I. FITXGBKALD ing irrigators of rice, was 105,2|8, ifice. This distance is called the list this year, and conservative es- mail within from rain, snow and y awdTrraa. Attwrreya an tncreaso in ten years nt 99.9 per head of water. The quantity of timates place the cut e»f the year dust. oenl. The area irrigated was 7, water issuing from an aperture is for the entire «tate at 1,000,,000 i The dimensions of free rural de­ 539.545 acres, an increase of 107 0 ( in proportion to the equate root of feet, valued at approximately 810, i livery boxes «hall lie, if square or par cent. Of ibis area, 5,944,412 the bead With an aperture one 000.000. Next on the list is a wheat rectangular, not less than 18x6>G acres were in crops, and 1,395,133 inch in height the head of water ^rop, which, at present prices, will inches ; if cylindrical, not less thru acres in pasture and unroatured under a four inch pressure would net the growers over $8,000,000 18 inches long and six inches in Abstracta Furniaheo and Title Gu.rawteed to all Lands io Earnev The The largest wool clip ever sold in ; diameter, the capacity to be not crops.' Th« coal of irrigation sgk-l be four and one half inches Countv. terns in opesarioii, exclusive of1 square root of a four and one half the state has practically all reach- less than 488 cubic inches. Ex­ those on rioe plantations, was 437, inch head is 2 12 inches and Of a cd market, or at least haa passed perience has shown that boxet - "W REAL ESTATE - 770,942, while the value of the irri­ six and one half inch head 2 55 in­ out’ of the hands of the growers at j opening at the side or top are more ches Therefore, an opening that better average prices than have convenient than those opening at gated crops was 883,860.491. Bought and Hold on Com mi««ton. Office in Bank Bui id tag Tbs total length of all the main will allow the escape of 100 inches prevailed for a number of ycar^, ’ the end. The department will inspect sat«- ditehrs in the arid and semi-arid of water under a four inch pressure i The clip was something over 2,OOP, stales and territories was 44,149 will in the same length of time tin- 000 pounds andaiibe prices gen- |de boxes made by different firms, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. drr a six inch pressure discharge ■ erallv paid has probably added $3, and those found to comply with 1 miles. .. i» Berni, lawn No 70. K ol F. The ayersge number of irrigated 120 inches. The work which water ; 000,000 to the wealth of the state. the foregoing requirements will le Meria or.rr Hiaradav night. With hops the yield promisee to authoritively stanqied “Approved acres in farms io arid states and can do is in pro|>ortion loathe quan­ J K MoMVLLBM. F M Jordaa. C C. territories was 71; tbs average val­ tity multiplied by the square of the (' I>e near the record, with praotically by the Postmaster General.” Boxes H Meth^ahaad, K ol K.« PHOTOGRAPHER ue of irrigated land per acre. 842 53; velocity; That ia, the work is in i a certainty of 80,000 bales, which, thus marked will come under tin* the average value of crops pro­ proportion to the square root of the s tit present prices, will amount to protection of the United Hates, BURN* CHAPTER. NO. 4«, Il E 8 Murn*, Arsgmi. Meet. n d «nd fourth Moudav ci and will b4 safeguarded against de­ duced an irrigated land, 814.81; cube of the head. By means of the about $2,500,000. lr li. Il, Vo^rfly rach month I in W**ai Maaotiir litll, ViM-gtly Main St —opposite Bank. following rough-and-ready rule, The returns are not quite all in struction or injury, as the law pro- the average first cost of water, Imilding «tnti'- !***»et««, lleven., W M Mr. M Htri*' the quantity of water flowing iri a oh the salmon pack, but enough is I vides a fine of not more thana 87 80; the average annual cost of 'Mm Kunicr Tkro^jd>ly ^tractcd for prior to Oetober 1, but Practice Cliarck AamHiacowiVMta. Burna. Oregon. | per cent. The ditches in operation tne number of cubic* feet by 1.57 'stand very close to the head of the. i after that timethe 14 manufacturers Sunday School at Harney the fVOfficein old Masonic building : in 1899 had a length of 2,283 miles, and the result will be the number list, and were accurate figures olí-1 will be required to readjust thtir first Sunday of each month at 10 i tainablv would astonish people uu-: boxes to meet new condition«. cost $1.838,782, and irrigated 388, of miner's inches. o’clock, A. M. On the second, In all service heretofore estab­ ' familiar with the magnitude of the 111 acres. There were 199 acres third and fourth Sunday« of each P M JOBDAX. lished, and wherein inappropriate, irrigaU-d from wells. The irriga- Jorgensen is still to the front j industry. Pigs airl goats will also Preach- month at 3 o’clock P. M. unsafe And unsuitable tioxes are in ! led area in cro|«e was 290,256 acres, with low prices. Cali and see his . helpiu piling up these millions of Practical bind Swreryor ing service« every second Sunday use, the department will expect for the agriculturalist to I Bara., Orafo«, yielding products valued at $3.062, line of watches, clocks, jewelry. money at 8 P. M I distribute, and the value of dairy that patrons of raral free deliverv 926. The area irrigated in pasture 1 stationary, etc. At the Presbyterian church : products this year cannot be ex- will conform as promptly as possi­ g w MILLZB, I and imtuatured crops was 98,0541 Hurns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. Mens Summer Hats reduced— I pressed without the use of seven ble to the new requirements, if : acres. |)i vme services the third and fourth I JVatary Public and ^aneryancer, I figures. Oats, barley, rye, flax. they desire a continuance of ruriul Shortly after sending the irriga Blown A Sops. I Sund «ys of rnch month at Ila. in. , h - 1 corn and other similar products, free delivery. The department in- : tian bill to the President, Congress Morios«*. D««4». Bo-., «or root I y «nodo. and 7:30 p. tn. Sabbath school at oSlcs al Slaro. Nara«. Oro««»a. passed a resolution authorizing Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. while not approaching wheat in ■ tends without undue hasteor harsh- 10 a. hi every Hsbbjth morning. “About six years ago for th« fir»*t prominence, arc in the aggregate ness, to secure a uniformity among : the Dirt ctor of the Census to com­ Pr< iching service« ut die Baptist I H. V JLP, ’ . M . M. D. pile statistics relating to irrigation time in my life I had a sudden and suflieicntly important to help out the rural routes, and to have the church every 1st and 2nd Sumi -vs, for the crop year of 1902 With severe attack of diarrhoea,” says in localities where other collateral boxes substantial and in api ear­ Physician nnd Surqnon, morning and waning. Sumisy the data now assembled, this work Mrs Alice Miller,of Morgan, Texas; is nfit sq plentiful. Considering anco and befitting the recognition I school every Sunday at 10 a. m.l glWOtfiee at residence will be comparatively simple, most; “I got temporary relief, but it came the population, it it doubtful if, of the Government and postal ser- prayer masting every Thursdsy , Burns, — — of rt being done by conespondcnce back again and again, and for six there is another state in the Union ; vice, evening. To secure this information inquir-'long years I have suffered more that can makc.such a remarkable j — BW THK ies will soon be sent out to irriga i misery and agony than I can tell I financial showing. , slight injuria* often disable Services at Christian Science 1 tore throughout the United States.! I; was worse than death. My bus- Hall, corner east of the Bank, every man and cause several days’ loss <»f Boxes for Rural Mail. 1 The co operation of those interested band spent hundr**ds of dollars for Sunday at Ila. m. and 8 p. in. time and when blood poison devel­ I in irrigation is earnestly solicited physicians’ prescript)ns a >d treat- i Tin* I'ostoflice Department, after ops, sometimes result in the loss of Service Wednesday evenings at 8. for upon their prompt respons will; ment without avail. Finally wc due investigation by a special board | a hand or limb, Chaniberlnin’a Everybody ia invited te attend these service«. depend very largely the value of moved to Bosque countv, our pres- has'determined to make several I Pain Balm is an antiseptic lini­ changes in its regulations govern- ment When applied to cuts, braises Do not be deceived by tbtme who ad­ these statistics. This is in part a ent home, and one day I happened ling boxes for rural'free delivery and burns it causes them to heal! vert in« a 880.00 Hewing Machine for supplementary work, the results ofj to sec an advertisement of Cham- 820.00. Thia kind of a machine eau routes. The new order is to go into quickly and without maturation., which will be utilized in the work berlain’s Colic, Cholera nnd Diar ba bought from ua or any of our effect October 1. After that time and prevents any danger of blood dealers from 815*00 to $18.00. soon to be undertaken by the De­ rhoea Remedy with a testimonial st BAM « va alary. each person living along a newly |N>i»on. For sale by H. M Horton partment of the Interior under the of a man bad been cured by it The 4 TH! HI HOM I ¡STUB BBT. established rural route and desiring 4 ***■ *••■*• »»WWW av .MM w.. provisions of the irrigation bill. case was so similar to my own that ¡Burns; Fret! Haines. Harney. The Feed determines the strength or . i to l>e served bv rural carrier must I concluded to try the remedy. weakneat Of Hewing Machines. ' The*. Water Measurement. The result wan gondcrful. I could erect, at his own cost, a box, in ac-^ Dpatblw Feed combined with other J. B Stetson Co hats—N, Browa strong point« makes the New Haase hardly realize that I wds well again, cordance with the following speci- The legal measurement of water IM beat Hewing Machine to buy. A- Soiw. in California is the miner’s inch,; or believe it could be so after hav-1 fieations: filch ------ is the All square or oblong boxes must - - - w---- ■---- - - — iivwihq «««VUIUII w ----- ■ quantity B. ' of water-that ing suffered so long. — but. that one y ^anuMtor. «ad pnow.Be^yur.i^u« wjn flow lhrough an OpeBjng of one bottle of medicine, costing but a fe* be of not less than 20 standard gauge For sale by II. M sheet Til Ilf -1011 SWIM I1II1M <0. square inch under a pressure of cents, cured me.” P ...... - iron or steel, and galvanized, ■ • > i*»ur\*[heben above the tup of the Hurtan, Burns; Fred Haines, Har- lheedges of which must be strength­ - ; ' aa«M(. aaaa. . WUnfhnSq. M. Y,,CX!c«aW>tn.,'Aai»tìta, a«., 1 ... ened either 8ii.l*ouB,iaatl»kM,Ti>a.,RanFmaeiK»,a»i opening. A miners inch is equiv- ney. Geer& Cummins « NO. 38, SEWING MACHINE P atents ron •a,.y ev >• A