/ P ublishud ili the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon I hü Oldest and Most Reliable, The Best Advertising Medium. Items I«. Mojnfy tv - l'i l'bai- •> re-I tirent <>\ertami Itailroiid True*-Merrill Fight System from New t <>rk . month ago, Hatniriood ami Krause pin i- others who hny<: resign« <1. j to Pari». possibly will turn up all right. The T«*o additional gianls have lieon i I l«ody of the unfortunate may be placed in the yard« at night, and ■ Snlem, July 31.—It linked out one additional guard is on the wall that of some one who was drown« d Hardware of Every Description. today that when the firing of guns in the d lytimu. Before the out - • Bronzed an«! tanned with the f. . flirttier ur> the river Poosiblv our next issue wu will be able i in the prison yar«i on th«- recent br«ak the wall was left unguarded: BF If N S, OKEGON. suits of .«-even month's travel ami^ A m hx to the wall oi. the morning of th«- guard is kept on the wall till the to demonstrate that a railroad in practicable from Pari - to New York ' time, so that no ot.< euu upprtiacli outbreak, th« y foiiml two of the Take n walk through any of th«' wall guar:.--ii.g in« ii from public ( ensure, the whole of n 1 b.ixe«. «/utbuildingx, w««od- land, arrived at the Port’aml Hotel away. matt»r litia been kept an <«llic.nl pii« H. • tc. that could afford the y' sterday morning, to enjoy a short 51. FJTZGEIMl.l», F. N KIF.DEK. ltIGC.H A ItHIGS With silent trea«i you pass the M’c'j and T vciih . Atlori'cjH : secret. Hut. like all goo«l stories, prisoners good biding places during r« st until tonight, when h« leavi s Inst individual that blew into an I M'M now |,t.., Colo., where h< will ml ■ t J. J. Frey, hired girl who light«-1 the fii with m.a«le is ia th«- erection of a new of the ofiicials of the new Trat«.-- kerosene, and the grass carpete«! matter today w« rc verv reticeDt, ing ma«le th«-erection guardhou- at th«' ,000,<•()<♦. sa)«» the nregoniaii i < «i in several reforms at the State Laulc-d to t.m grounds today Tim tall monument of tlm man < ,'ountv. Penitentiary, and other changes in th«- structure w, J I «• put up at oik 'C. of the 3rd. who didn't know it wunloaded over- Mr. De Wimlt is a typii ui gioì«- th»* wav of iiuprovemont will be Th« east wall :s the [«lace when- the ,-h.nlowe tin dugout of the man who REAL ESTATE r. Heisalsiut l«‘ years «>¡«1. jumps! off th«' ears to eave a ten <4 VZCz W » likely t ■* • I^V V to VZ | , mud« in th«- ie’inediate fuliiso.. prisoners would be ■ most inches tall, ami ««iglis Through the changes that have al-: attempt break. Th«: two guard j ’* i*'''1 Bought and Sold <>n Commission. Offic, in Bank Building. 'rod walk. ri'udy been mad«- the prison ha- pislrf at tie end of tlm'. wall are ab«>ut 115 potirnL«. H< ’« Hs ¡1C« .«III Side by si«lc li«-s tlie remains « oo.ou' ■ ’! panied in his strange n«. extremely difficult passiF under the wall nbout the con-i trip by two companions. Visconte kept her corset laced up to th«- fast l.udicr* PROFhSblGNAL CARI).". for u similar « scape to be made. | ter. ami sealing th«’ wall at that d* Clainchamp Bcllegur«!«’, of l‘an*. hole and the mt'-ilectusl idiot wh,, The most importniit improvement place is not «lifl.cuit. In fact 1>nf.1 .".nd George Ilurditig, of London,« rode a bii’vcl«- nine miles B> * X. 'I '.tH II M« m : LI.EN. need«d cannot 1» • ib ;.'t««l. howevi r, of tbe guards is in the habit, on r . j Eng land, D:i :lv stated, Mr. De; minute.«. ••"v, in «1 s scheme ot a railroad from I until such tune as the Legislature« turning from’fiebiug <-xp«-i!;lior«s. • i Mat Buibl j Her • repoae« th’1 voung doctor that : climbing th«' wall Irom the out. ’ itie i ’ aris to New lock is this: ph ' jtoghai her . shall appropriate money for v.h.i took a «lose of his own mezli- io order to s< euro tlx easier walk- a railroad irom Irkutsk, Sib, ria. purpose. I.FUSS CH UTI K .Ml. 49, O. I S ciu«’. ana tbe o'«i fool wh • married Kuril», Oregon. . One of the first acts or. the part ing on th«' plunk walk at the top of. where the Siberian line - of rails as M ••■-'.« •.•(•«in I ami fourth tfomlsv <-l i a young w ife. r-M.-l. ni.ii.ih in Maton e h ,11, Voogt)* 'Main St —opposite Bank. • if tho prison management after the wall. When me m w g-mrd-« presently constructed ends, to the Kight over yomler in the north­ I. iii M" g Mr > M .ggt<* Lowns, W M , the 0'itbriuk war to arm the wiill^bous«’ has been complet' d a guard su’itheru part of East Cape. Asia ; j west corner, whmp tbe gi-iitre Mr« funic 'nv>tiip.oti, Hre. mile tunnel under guar«is with 30 30 Winchesters. will be stationed there and the dan-^conntreet a RÄ AIHIH'.X '. Gl'.XKT breezes sigh through the w«-eping íl’MCXS IODGF. NO 97, A F. <« A M. While tiier«' ;s some question as to ger of intrusion will be gt - atlv les-‘ the i< ” of Behring Straits, to meet willow that bemis over his 1 iwl” W t. Marxien. .’•»hi W Geary. tii«’ •• «nr.ccting rtii'r« ad to be built M»* I« ^Atnr'iav on or iwfon* full moon. the efficiency of the riot guns in the. sened. bed, lies the fellow that told his í’l'jti iiitir <» Su-a nm. <¿itlifi «l hrotliHr'« iulern.illy inMtO’i, at Cape iTince of Wab s, Alaska. uid fthegu irdi at the tiin of ngthi ning of the wall its If < I K» nvon, \V M. S. Hinder, mother-in-law -lie lied. Burns, Oregon. the outt-r.ak. it is known that' >s the improvement re eled most of Wh'-n that is «¡one, Paris uad New K V. Down t'm-re in th«- potter’s frtro.r. ■• •it rvHÍdvi»r< . ’Fhdiií» ? ). linked together by ■ Guard Jav MeGornick, u a «’rack :‘1L As this will entail cotiFidera- York will w ith his feet sticking out to rmle tKTKNS I.OlHiE, NO. '«J, A O. F. W -hot, fail« «1 to hit Merrill, though ble eXfx'n-“.’ it can not be under­ .-tei’l rails. The main rensen urg« d blasts of the win«.« •:• and the blister­ M« «*fb nt Brot* n itili pv-rv Frtdav rvo- uintf Vi-itine hrolher« frxt»*rmillv in- gl .(.» A 1 ! l.H. he hu I everything in his own favor ■ taken until author:; «-<1 lie legisla- tor th«- pr-. j ect is rut beea'.ise tlm ing rays of th*’ summer’s .-un, ve«/I l h«»M W M. <ìi4*. X except the weapon. The guards tivc appropriation. The-wall should« promoters tope to r«nlize large str< tchcd a«! the «‘artlily remaiix« J. W iHffV** < '« m itrun**, Rvct»rl>i;c. NO. 77, I <> O I III 11XS. ORKGON. M-•••t.w «»\ »»rt S ttui'H tv eveiling’. It th«- jumping oil place at broken bones of the man who itili Viuiti'iii hrollb'rH (r.iterniHv in I Iflice in Bank budding. I and th«’ best rnl«:s procured to re­ pi’-.-i'il«- without the aid of a ladder. the end «>1 Asia, but they argue wouldn't pay for his paper are viih H Franko .Jiickion, N G. <’. < • Sini h, ScrietAiy place them. The night guards are 11 is exoecti-d that the annual re­ that such a railroad is absolutely piled up in the corner of tbe form«-. b« ing arme I w ith shotguns ion led ’ port • «♦' the Superintendent ■) the. necessary to take care of tlm.com- Near by. bis grave unmarked. n rr* E CUU’I.FXt> h;->. WOMEN <>|’ V^il.Ll A Mr» / F!TZ(IL«: a I.!> ■ w th buckshot, it being believed by. I’cnitenli.iry wil*^ contain some merci* anti undiscoveied natural poses the mouldering «lust of the W<. » L r it*. Meet* 2n l un I 4th Tn»»«« run a first-class paper ,n u fourth ¡.•ii , .V, ;•« i'il anA Rud Ef'iitc ide with a rille firing a single bul­ rec« r«; < -ii! rc.-ik. .•lass town. Wales, it is pointed out, IS ll«.'l'»'$- ¡‘.•iirlirr. let. • < htinli A ntioiinrriueiit *. fiver by the cntranc«.’ reposes th* When you wake up with n bad sary to ac’ as u f« • 1« r and distrib­ Burila. Ori’goti. The general puhlie will doubtless l«ov who wont swimming t si ••:ulr Sunday School at Harney tlm .ÍÍT- Office .n «>!<• surpriosl t«> learn that rille prac-, in the season, and the old lady wh,-. fust Sumiav <«f each month nt 10 ! lice ha«! not been ren the second, linin’ s, Hurney. an«l get a tree prison guards f. r a long time pre­ side py side in the cupboard. third and fouith Sundaes of euch p M Jol.UAN. sr.inph of Chamberlain's Slomach Unknown Bo«•.’'. ii’CN <*\ <-rv si.- •und Sunday I doses will rtuike you weil. They Vale Gazette. intervals, hut they I', bi ti«*. <>rcK«»n, ticing at long at ,x I'. M. th«- way. is the grave ot tlm microbe- al.-o cur«’ biliotist.es>. sick headache Last Saturday Dr. lloopl«’ was ki’ler. who rimed himself in.ith- were the men whe» m«de 1 the prac­ and constipation. At the Pr-sby teriiin chinch ; summoned to Owvhee to hold an utul o'lt with anticeptie s'-lntion. 1 tice the least. W. MILLE!.’. A few years ago Buriis, lb-v. A. J. Irwin pastor. in«iu<‘st over the dead body ot a until his r.gonies were cut short bv If you desire to trade tor, or btiv there was a target in the field in Divine services the third and fourth .V«•*«.’,>’y Puhlir and Conveyancrr, front of the prison, and the guards desirable town property call at this man found just below tlm month of acute softening of the brain. S uih L i vs of each month at 11 a. in. Drv creek in the Owvhee river.« The fool-kiiler gath« rs them ii. M .rUajrex, Doo«U. Etc., correctly made hu«l regular dut«H for trying th« ir. office. and 7.30 p. m. Sabbath school ut : ? f Hi«»;, llura«, Orr^ou. forty or fifty miles distant from| one bv one. an«i bv and by we will skill and neemning familiar with V« ry Remarkable Cure of 1'inrrhoea. 10 a. in. every Sabbath morning. i 'S. their rilles. But the target has not “About six years ago for th«' first Vale. A preliminary « xaminulior, have a pretty de«n*nt v . rid to li,< I’renching services at the Baptist H. VOLP, A. M . M. D. been in position for some time. time tn mv life I had n sudden nn.i was maac by Dr. Hoople(coroncr) : in. church every Island 2nd Sundays, gCV vere ere attack of diarrhoea,” says and P. E Phelps, but the iK«Jy Is - few weeks ago a new target was ¥v Physician and Surgeon. morning rind evening, Sunday Oregonian and Items, erect! «! near the brickyard, south MIS Alice Miller,of Morgan,Texas. ing s. to discover anything leading up to >lHc«' nt residence. «of tlm Penitentiary, ami now th«; “I got t« mporarv reli< f, but it «?a:ne prayer meeting every Thursday Burns, Oregon guards shoot at the target once a, back again and again, mid for six ideutili ‘.itinii. The remains were How's 1 Ins? «•vening. taUen from the riv«r ami buried ■ week, under the direction x^f Second lang years 1 have suffered mor«’ W«' offer One Hundred Dollar*, □ UY THE Warden Willey. One or twoguards misery and agony than 1 can i 'll pending a further examination,! Rcwurd lor any ease ->f ('atmrk. Services at Christian Sciene«' Il ill, corner cast of the Bank, every have become so proficient that they I. was worse than death. Mv hus­ which will follow m a day or two. that caniwt b«’ cured by Hull's Sunday at II a. in. and K p. in. can place five or six bullets in the band sp 'nt hundr’ ds of «iollars tor Dr. Hoople is of th«' opinion that i 'atarrL •Cur« . Service Wednesday evenings at S. buloeye iu quick succession atoOO physicians' prescriptions a nl treat­ the body ha.- b< u lying in th«- riv­ F. J Clmnfcv. 0 <’o. Tol«''lo. (> Everybody is invited to attend , yards. Tt is whispered around that ment. without avail. Finally we er six or seven mouths. We. the undersign« <1. have known t hes<< services. Some are of the opinion that the F.-I. t'heuey for tbe last 15 y«-ar- SEWING MACHINE ’«uie guard failed to hit the target.”.! moved to Bosque countv. our pr< s- i remain« might be that of Alois B. and believe him perfectly bonorw ali. though the pile of timbers wts ent home, ami ono «lav 1 happened I);» not bo tleo'lved I v tlies«> who nd- 60 YEAR«' \i ¡’Ils., it i-;«).ii<> , fron».;T>.’.Mto slS.OO. the prison. rhoea llenmdy with a testimonial ami Hummoml i- mentioned as b<- obligations ma«le bv his firm. WC M*KC » VARIETY, I It shouhl be said in connection of a man had been cure 1 by it f|u. ing his partner. Mystery ami sus- West ,v Truax, Whmesalc Drug­ THE MEW H015E iS THE BEST. I with this subject that the ulnndon- ,.asc was so similar to my own that pb’ion seems to h” the «»nlv ground gists. Tole«2o, Ohio. Th«' F- . Th. I ment of regular target practice a T rade M arko At the camping place of Kraus«: Wholesale Druggists, l - ’.edo, O. D esigns l>i»itbh- l'c«’’ i our o|»int«'B frew wbetb« i h > I ivo!»tV»ii k probMHy vnUMitahle. f'omnmni« > and the emise (lien', nwossity for (>r twlitve it could lx-so after hav ami some brdding was found: His ternailv, acting directly upm the tl.mN «irttIf*nw i alvDfK. Mirfaccs of th- rigid ecomuny in expenditures.! ¡n.r guffere«! sb long, but that one vest « eontuined two silver ‘1°’^ lllo4J • fit with«»ut charge, lu th« wu miuiuftuiUirou nd prices h ; no purchasing I'he prison tminugenmn! «lid not l^utle of medicine, costing hut a few and t check book. Krause owns system. Testimonials sent tree. property - ... —a number Price 75c p T holt!«:. Folti by ali THC HSW HOME SC'.'/HIJ MACHINE Cl’. feel able to supply the ammunition cents, cured me.” For sale by H. M., considerable A !i tn»t®«1 wi-cklv. T arirnrt Hr- OHANS«, MO'.X. and the guards did not think they! Hortmi, Burns Fred Ilaim?«. Hir-, hogs, and other propertv incident ■ '•i»tfl«Fi «if miy Ni*i<>!itlll«' liHifTiul. I ♦•rni.-. m Druggists. . «r; i«nu* TfiontbH, St. Fold by nil d «* m Nih,<»li,i b . 2tt«nl.»nl'.i. N. Y.,«’lih ••■., 1’1., Atbatv, «.■;.. « to ranch Hfc. A *i»ti of li'r«“- itm! il(.v H»’o‘s Family ar* ,'ue «•*•«. MUNN £ Co.nfi’,’rn"''"* New York Ht. I..xiI < Mo., 1 •..!!,« , •...Hm Fr«n«'| «.<- ,• -l:ou'’l pr.reh.vv it •hcms' l’.’es. FLINCH UNDER FIRE Geer& Cummins E. 0. T. G. CO. sm s Writs Iar CIRCULARS Scientific jHmerican. f‘l •«■■ »»••«' , I4, I St., V I •'! » ". . ret *s ’ tV DE WINDT'S BIG TRIP