cooling on. ‘ . 1 Truth never dodges up ar. alley, OWYHEE DESERT no matter whom it meet». B yRREN VALI EV AND i __________ =—!—u---------- = Some Reasons I Coniitiutd fr.'m Fir»i p'ge Few ofh- eho'ders ever resign and Why You Sh.uild Inuit on Havktj( » diana w« r« on the wav from Nevada few politician»« ever reform ??.<• nan n>K? would ait on a cake o< ir * to cooioti uou'.d be consuiemi EUREKA HARNESS OIL o join their M.ilheur bn ther» in yiicniik.l bv any olhct. Y< t H ia a vtry common tiling tor a per- what has proven to be Oregon'» Reii.ivw hm>l leather ' It. <• . belted by cxercite to aland m a cool A •lulling i* HiiiU’ii im’t in rot al k -)>ectally luepMiv '. d: »1 *(ht. juwt to ■final Indian war. The 400 red ways an evidence of »Alietnelion ■ < Cp. out «xt -t. Co 1 ' >ff "* Thi< warriors «nd their families had A heavy bodied oil. 21 i he legir.niug of . .ny a evagh r>’ache«i the Cro’ev ranch, on Cioley H arness Every time a lazv man looks a' w. ich ultimate- creek, where the stream eotirs«» An c \.client pivwriativ.-. Iv tnvolve* the the clock the d iv becomes longer ¡3« «Imi-» « ‘"-I ol v«»u . in. -I Tironchixl tract through it 320 acre valley just on Nei. t I inn» the liallnt. tts and tht- lun<;s. the entrance to the main Barren I Eib. n-fe y is itun-used. 1-nr coughs In The man who works with only Svcun-s iic-t .'vnicv. any rage th« re vallev Here yet stand the mua- glitihe- l.cyl from brv Ain.> i» no remedy so »ive stone house and barn where payday in sight is apt to lose even valtiible as Dr. | < fc»i?Tit> all l i.-ne s Goldeu tbe cowboys had gathered to with­ that M. "Lal Di*cov- stand the Indian scalp hunters. koealit^» *(r.rv,r.K'«u»'.i t, cry It cures * lanUura penctr re- for »very man who tei Iv Ions his tu uiak© It ml that »«Id pro K will ho u*n •« b«»l«»rv Reula’vr l-r nor.i.-.m, c<»'.unc .md other niro ti.-i. p. ating rifles pumping lead, often enemies and K««*lv«r at Burua, on A giM Accent n > substitute for "Golden Akd- j t ’. B;£ cv \ cry.-- There w nothin* "j-.-.n %> inir plump into a dorky redskin, se. i.ex ' u .lutea A. Oard. f.t ^e-xl." the game proved too hard to Hr« ilk “I t * k a c.4 1 which Forty pout ds of limburger iheese ILI Entry N.» «14 hr I.Mi 3. 4. J. aud C. H«c V - t’lb©’*." vrrtte« Rev. Frank iter. f n p .'.» • K mt K W M anti the native tighter» withdrew X ** C K.aO*^* ' Aik-r tr - etol« h at Bufalo cannot be traced. Ht> name« lh« folluwln* wltnr»«©» to prove - >L>. Gbel-xi ‘Sere Cure ’ aim >1 vi:'.- with a considerable loss in killed hl* rowtlnuoii» r«»'d«nce upon audttUilh allo» « . I 1 i: cry Dr i’.-; . CJ.d n Thu» it '»n’t genuine limburger. '.'»■ cry I t »k iw. ar.-l . . and woundud. vowing that “Bo-ton" of «aid laud vit »• -; nd bnvr Atayrd cun> I John W Ke’» » ei 'loin n A. (libanti. J«»»*«» K • U r. 1 V ink et the grvet jiuin I h.;»I tv e<»w chasers I are bad medicine- uar«<«»u -n •’<, ar.4 the* ler.ib’* < -¡s-' • •’ *7*- The real - ‘ a|»ortv" person is pT- ( «: a irir icie that I t«** «•-»?•. rr .. v: C Win, Farro. It eg I »Irr worse than woolly men from Bor • v G-:d i.kv »pure yoi r. -r.y year* a::4. • ._■•:% I’.©•* yvu ix t'- prayer < ■* :o..r neo, The reds also tackled a party I hans the man who h •» u ping pong !r>ad.w hones FOR Fl BUCAI ION. ankle, a golf-slick »boulder and « L‘r. Pierce’? Corciron Sense Medical of 20 fighting cowboys at the Star . V J* Land '»the«' Burn«, orrg' ti. Jur I •. I 03 baseball eye \,his*r, containing rx>$ Urge ranch and were beaten off after I Noti©« I* licr«*by |h*n that lh« toKowiiif » :•« r of stamp* to p^y cn* • uatn«d »rClrr I a ñ'rJ u •!'©<• of hl« tnt«iitiou paying roundly, in lost warriors, I •« • x* o: tmilingSend 2: » r.« • «vat sumps for the book in paoer c.vm A Louisville eourt has aw.i rd rd tn rnakr Anal pro«»f lu apport wf hia claim an< for attempting too extensive a job. that »aid prtw'f w Î be mivlt* Iwlore Keitiater and cr ki su:nv* f >r it in cloth hinaing. Ad- The Bannock war caused the loss a woman one cent for a hug that I R«e«n«r al Burn*. Or«f<«”, o Aiigu» 30. .1 esc Dr R. V. Pierre, Buffalo, N. V. of many valuable pioneer lives in was administered against her will, I 1SWÏ. til nanlsl WllUtl«. Eastern Oregon and the destruc­ The supply must exceed the de- ILI Entry No !20* for l«ol* 4 and 5 and HE 4 NteV b«c I T 24 M . It SI F. tion of hundred» of thousands of maud in KenCU'kv. Ila n*tn*» th« fi»tl<>\r i ni1 < 4ne»*na tu pro\r hl» contm i’Hia reeldonee upon and cu'tHatlun “Something New Luder the Sun.'' dollars worth of herd earned ranch . of »aid land. vii property and livestock. The raid When a girl pin» a flower o •> a Joseph Ki'.!. ro»ep!i Barn»* Hugh Malin, Ail doctors have tried to cure was ended at the Columbia river, man's coa', and tilts her chin side­ Jaiuu Uarlou. all o! Burn«. <»rr;«»u Ww 1' a MDK. Krrl*trr CATARRH by the use of powders, shortly after the killing, by brutal i ways to look at it, and the man ncid gases, inhalers and drugs in KoncF. roic pi*BU«'Ar!uN. treachery under mi Indian flag of who doesn’t tumble it to alow to !«• j e-te form. Their poivdor» dry up L a nd oflai'«. Barn«. Or«aou. Jan« ; truce, of the Bannock war chief, i run ovcr by a hearse th.” mneuous membrane» causing I Nolic« U h«r«by «re t nlirelv eaten away the .»ame ence by which the Bannocks ex-1 xnw. Vi» raeii.branes that their makers have llenjaiulit I <’am|»hd»ll. > pected to win over to their cause An Ingenious rreatinenl by which Hd Entry N W !««r thr h>F^. »SNB'v aimed to cure, while pastes and Drunkards are Being Cured Daily the Umatillas , Hr. k, !p J)* . K > k. It M in Spite of Themselves. '»:•;! ri.ent« cannot reach the disease. lie name* ti.« i ll.»win< wltna««©« to jirore The Crolev ranch, with its bullet | h«a aoQtlnlou« raN.-fUar up >u and rclUvaliun An ol.I ami experienced practioner' gashes on the »ton« building« and No Noxious Do»»». No Weakening of ut aa.d land, vl- wi.o Las for many rears made a ’ the Nerves. A Pleasant amt Posi­ Fred llar no. Idelar Ráeme L>»-.1« Rae n< J • I flint arrow bouds to he found all and Beu Brown m . of B'irua. Or«g >n <1 • »e study and specialty of the tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. around, is now leased by the Cald- . li Mi F akuk itegl»t«r treatment of CATARRH, has nt well, Idaho, sheep king, William It is now generally known and Is-t perfected a Treatment which sones roti rraucAHox Isaacs I ’be ranch is in charge of' understood that Drunkenens inadi- when faithfully uatd, r.ot only re U. •. Land Office Buri: i. Or . May -> 1 Phil Glenn, a veteran and bospita- j.eve- at once, but permanently • , . X • sea.“«’ and not weakness A body fill­ Nolle« i* hereby C^’en that I dn i»«l"erlnf cowboy, who ku.div ed with jxjinon. and nerves com pkte named »«tllerhe« dit-4 nolle« of UK intrnttoa tie Western o'ire» CATARRH, by removing th entertained the Democrat man over Iv shattered by periodical or con­ I to ut’Le ft' «! j>rnnf I d pf»«»rt of hl - ilaltu. <«us", stopping the dischargee, and end that -aid pr <>! will be made beior© IC«f'» night Mr. I.-aaes is truly one of stant use of intoxicating liquors, re iI ter and K«r«ivcr at Burnt, urre t >i A » i»t firing all inflammation. It i» the Eastern Oregon’s siieep kings He quire» an antidote < apa* le of neu- 2, 1W2. Ua only remedy known to science that h«twar«l Mill* r. owns 50.000 sheep and a few bands trnlizinr ami eradicating this jioison I!d F ” «• .1 «s a-inaiiy reaches the afflicted parte, i. i e. ; of horses and calt.e On hi» in­ and destroying the craving for in­ IIW^ and ibis wonderful remedy is known H»tam«*xthv folhiwiur wltn«--ei i |>rsvr as “SNUFFLES the GUAR AN come from sheep and wool, near the I toxicants Sufferers may now cure blaonntinii •:> r. -idrU'*© upo'i and :il.-a!,»iij <>f aatd la* it. in TEED CATARRH CURE," and is president’s salary, beam! his bright themselves a’ home without pub­ Frrt l>tin(«»n. Edward Howard. Jorep'i 1 10 year-old daughter manage to licity or loss of time from bu-ine-" and Edgar I. lin de, a ' <»/, »»re »1.3 at the extremely low price of W>t E a KRK. lieg I »1er live quite, comfortably . lha k you. by this wonderful "H’iM E GOLD One Dollar, each package contait • ing internal and external met ■dieine' ____ !n ’beir elegant home nt Caidwell. CURE” whi«-h has been perfected mfficunt for a full month's treat- I Phil Glenn is a right-hat d man I after manv v» ars .if clone sttidv and r-.ent and everything necessary to for George Vanderhcof anl Frank treatmei t of in« briates The faithful to f'V r»’jp conflderhlul letter b< for» ap­ Loveland, who jointly own the nice use actordi» g 'o directions of this plying for patent; il may b* worth money. it« perfect use. We promptly obtain f. rt. and P<»r«i cure the m< st obsti­ fo.’» CATARRH CURE ever made fine horses. and TRADE MARKS r retaro EN­ nate case, no matter how hard a and is now recognized in the only TIRE alX*>rnny'a fee. bund model, Kkrlcb Jurgens,.:» is still to the front I photo and we send in IMMEDIATE safe and positive cure for that an- drinker Onr records show the mar­ 'M- ff H E E r«p< rt on patentability. Wo give with low prices Cali arid sen his tbe beat legaj wrrk’e and a4vn>e, and our noying and disgusting dis< a-e. It velous transformation ofthonsandi« charge aro modo« ate. Try ur. cure« all inflamation quickly arid line uf watches, clocks, jewelry, of Drunkards into fober industri­ p.’rrnanently and is also wonder­ stationary, etc. ______ Paloni Lawyorc, ous and upright m«n tally quick tn relieve II AY FEVER i Opp. U.S Patent Office,Washington, D.C. Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. WIVES CURE YOUR HUS or COLD in the HEAD. I "-**«■■■■■«-J “Aboutjsix years ago for the first BANDS'! CATARRH when neglected often CHILDREN CURE l’-a i» to CONSU M?TION — ‘SN U F time ir. my life 1 h id u sudden and YOL'R FATHER-l'Thi- remedy is We promptly obtaiu U. o au>J Fl.ES''will save you if yon use it severe attack of diarrhoea.” says r.t once, it is no ordinary remedy, Mrs Alice Miller,of Morgan, Texas. in no sense :» i «.strum but i* a »pe cifie for '.h e -o'tr ¡e .nd pie«* Mend tr »del, »MtUih or nr.oto cd Invertir u It* free report ou pa’cntaMllty. For foe book. i; used according to the direction», iong years I have suffered more ant to the taste, so that it «an i>. Howv>b«cur.Tnanr UIDifC «Ht»« »nd lnRUC-|W AB tr vhich accompany each package miser»- arid agony than I can tell given ir a cup of tea or coffee with ■ Don't delay but send for it at once I was worse than death. Mv hus­ out ihe knowledge of th«- perso' and write full particulars as to! band spent hundr-ds of dollars for taking it. Thousands of Drunkard- vo'ir condition, and you will re-' i-t-ive »]>ecial advice from the dis- physicians' | rescripti iris u d treat­ have cur«d themselves with thi OPPOSITE US PATENT OFFICE « ovcrtir of this wonderful remedy ' ment without avail. Finally we priceless remedy.aid as many mor»’ WASHINGTON. D.C. regarding your case without cost to I . moved to Bosque county, our pres- ven hevand the regular price of j i ent horn»-, and on* day I happened have neon cured »Hid made temp» r ate men by having the •’CURE” ad­ ’SNUFFLES” the UUAP.AX [i 1 ■- 5| to see an advertisement of Cham- ministered by lovit g frietids and 11 1 11 CATARRH CURE.” Reduced to FIFI Y I* prepaid to any address in ' berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar relatives without their knowledge CENTS A, YEAR th. !’• nitv«l States or Canada on re rhoea Remedy with a testimonial in coffee or tea, ur»d believe today viptofOne Dollar. Address Dept of a num had been cured by it The that th«y discontinu'd drinking o‘ IICH EDWIN D GILES A COM- case wU a so similar to my own that rcrnerly ‘heir own five will DONOTWAI’f l’ANY. 2330 and 2332 Mark, t I concluded to try the remedy. Do not Le deluded by apparent arid Stree:, Philadelphia. One The result was wonderful I could mialeadirig ■•imp'ovement ” Drive Dottar l«> < t:r.K A COLI» IX ONE DAV haidly realize that I was well again, out the disca*«-at once arid for all r.ise Lavativo Bromo Quinine or believe it could he so after hav­ time The -HOME GOLD CURE 'is 1 ablet-. All druggists refun«! the ing 8uff«T»*d so long, but that one sold at the extremely low ptice of money if it fail* to cure. E. W. boule of medicine, costing but a few One Dollar, thus placing within a: J > : his ig .ts 1 .r .»»' b ? gnature is on each box cents, cure«! me." For sale by H M t o* fee- raohi: .» reach of everybody a treatment more It»! -w: 2 •>< * ' rs t**/j A.’nci «car» r b’.l; < Horten, Burns; Fred Haines, llar- effectual than others costing 125 to f Uew Idea.; «.» rar.'.. >i., r. .. - . 150 Full directions accompany [ 1 ne . v - .Jorgenson repairs watches >1ml Wc mar.’s W; •.'< and i . fe m « ii ting us tuie« cash »uba« iipiion u r the two paper vru atii give a yeai's suLcripliou to tach paper inc, W inter Remili g urn < win of fit <1 n lil>«*r m I offer. It any of th«’ «bn»", h< *«-«»-i. do imi strike y>u s" what you s«nl write us »r will gili-h>v#« F ur aTr*vr» « TIIE SOUTH’S LITERARY WEEKLY PtibliaKncl at /ktluntn, O^. —(7. ^.«r.jifA n C fthw •UN'-'V SOUTH HtUr Or».' l,lt«r»«y W»«K y otlb* v. th. Il .1 '»volivi to l.ll-riiir-. Rom«»«-.». F-c««nd r c»l r». indù . r -the trito .«Il th it tv i j-r-r.t In I» fin'd. Am »ns It-r.»-l-lb»l r«l»«nnl r. ird - utnoro w i r- .errar loeli.n indiar Harris. Ilarnr SUI w»U dw»rdi »nd oneri'., rowing Uni >. Minai n . tram AtUhor.y II 'pn. Miurn« to >mp»on. Siiroy k i r«;U t. Mn.Ga n« C rim l ni Arltnir W. XUnbmoni b»vv opon «id, nd i'i n vaio n wo.t.nj fr li tbr ten of »uib'iTV «rf naloaiol ■«:• A Hi H ,1« ry con nvt b ouibl o«l n a Iv ilv >»v»«»«lr»< ,lndl«l 1 r» »*i»r«*». oil worthy» pls. r In £»>»« * VN’NY SOUTH’S i,dflti’»i o' i mnv < 111 ro.nU»iiortr1 wl’lvu MMfoily otploll lh«> ripnninj Hold o la i al ihjt only ns’.dd vui h fnvter i.s I» lllc .".rul» in, wnul.h tail l> th. in livori I vol!. FMiy SUNNY SOUTH U»nil V.II» tfto III»oitho »ran’ionia Thn u»n i..l >unvh no w rnv evtiiythmu nmiSIvUy ,tnd’fto sa*r«»n • n.v»r rolda ayh to chock itir. harid of In u.ury. I h > paper com m fiusraiit with Uia bro.»lh U ’.tie maonolla »nd pina, ond a vev or.' tho very dlr vf Um r»ra so. p.i ni and bay. ha beauty ni pitti w. ma rainin-.v nd myvtery of th» mid who.’» ta» com vl rev up this Me:; r uinhlrm an ttm cotton wklleni l.i lb« iiiooiUlva . wU ba ’ van In tho viali fl led c jiunin’. u ibi; five r. itlnu weakly. the vjb’c rlp'lon pr < ■ Is Only Fif y Cam’ n rear, dll’s to a t tm v»m. C n' i. now i >upe-«. | < • tnd -et and cvmv ore elsa. Club-, f .'iva. aiaxoupe» el by ib» fu I Id '.o. enti I ; Itin di i r„l mr to tho peoer oro ••<■ ir «ral x larval «n a P-««»»t Card thn lune of vil <»« You enlobteiri who would apyrec'ate th» opportunity toreada copyo Tliu sunny South. »4 m v inp's wll'be ai» led tris. Yeo c n vet your clubof flvi ont of thaie very a te FAa SUNNY SOUTH entor » over Arn'r oin bon ai n ad ur n i IIH» It sure to to wol< med n luliy », many nio.'o !• »met. ar. tha real an klv-e.d tofv «>d'll 11'l the Soutlirm l.l eratv U-r.kly. v I i . im culuieni kM 19 2 w. I rm. the mo'-l reuní able of all ths pi port th *1 come, to y XMcfrmv Camrr»MR/r«r4on » f C/»e SUNNY SOUTH. Atlanta, Ga ------ Nev? Idea Woman's Magazine BICYCLES BELOW COST f Aft A Me»» ffriMte 0w»»rW«*4 1002 gl 11 II 11 <»»«-r »V» k wn ___ ________________ 1900 and 1901 Models •wNWNww of th«' country. ?..' lured by vv at ooe-li»lf by our Cblcuro rr»¡ h. I oí»», t>t> Htan.Ur.l riixl«». many »«Ml »» new. VO IV 9V Tlr. ». ...inium..n« . ,.in«lrl^»,«^ort.»e r- '<• nt «II kli.Ji. ..»H rnutar rrk « In unr b’g !.-»••’sundry caíalo«. A world of infurmation Writ* for Ik CASTOR IA I io $15 $7 to $11 j*X with large pAeCeyrap/oc ..»igraoin'/, au-l full «l. tuihxl sncciticatious *(.nl jne l«> uny juklr,»«<-«. Wc SHIP ON APPROVAL to Kkyooc In V 8. or Cirnada tctlA/»ul « cent in adrance «nd allovz T I [>£!.•.* Ln RIDER AGENTS WANTED in„«r::hhlXn^ 1W2 ni.Alot bl< V''l' In your st>arn time you can m»l<<' 9tO i » 950 u Wi.’k li.»l«i<"« {»»vine » eh. .l to rl«l<. for youmeir. WF MMMFa n llatik i-r »> In > ».-h town to «llxtrttxit«- <-atn 1«•*,»••«« tor us In i.v< t.ann. for n bl.-vrl. W rite «. h 1» v for tree <-atalu«uo and our »pn-lul mler. _ J.LMEAO CYCLE CO., Chicho, III. » » 1