Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 19, 1902, Image 4

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    iiMlll « •** »•»<••***«<
An Ingenious T’i"iitnii'iit by wliicli
An engagement ring is not u
bninkardt art" Beingfnred ) üly
in Spite of Themselves.
g >od one to I low in.
Some nimios use their children
to hang old clothes on.
all ilepa
steti 1 in r.f.-i
readiness e:
.'Hid prompt;
action which depend on .-. 1
ous system.. Let -i railrcxi. mm be ;
tied," .'.nd every life depending on !'
is in danger. ' A great r.i.im • ’.rqa.
men h..ve I’oun l in IAr 1'ier x - ' ’ •
t'.ic < eeo.-.uni<; nervous ■ \
builds up the body, purifies ••’•
nourishes the nerxx ■. ind ’.'
health»' '.ppetite and refresh:'"
” I -»tiriAxi ior -.¿\ \ Ctirs v.iih
in»!ige«4L"n. ¿nnng « hish litnc I tuir' »
• ' ...' . ■ ’.
>prin?< Carrol’. Ct'. Arb
• ’•
»I ■mA»!) 1 .4 *•• ’itd in
t • fli>»r T«' • s - it * . kr\> * i .cr.’-.m
Hr. I*i rce’-
i yt^iical l>i^ '
tk ‘ 1
an-. :iuin*"•»*’. tt ni th
’ - .. g
was able t) do
” .
’ •
’ ' '
pjvruu <■ vt-r sine ’
Send 21 one cent
imps to ni (. X-
x> nse of riai’.irg nd
:t Y'r.
fft .
Medical Adviser in paoer cov
Ñ. V.
A.'.’.:. - i'ir. K. V. ’.‘hr
i '
“Seinethinsr New Under the San. ’
AU doctors have tried to cur
CATARRH by the use of powders.
acid gases, inhalers a: 1 crt:gs in
paste form. Their powders dry ntv
the mueuous membranes < ..:-ii .•
them to crack open and bk> d T .
powerful acids u«ed in th- tnm,’.' rs
have entirely eaten away tin same
membranes that their makers Lave
aimed to cure, while past < and
ointments cannot reach t’.ed,-- ;i-
An old and ex; rienced practiomr
who has for many years made a
dose study and specialty of <t •
treatment of CATARRH, has at
i«ot perfected a Treitiuei.t which
when faithfully used. t. t eidy i ■
iioyes at once, but permanently
cures CATARRH, by removing ti.
« ause, stopping the discharg's. an 1
curing all inflammation. I: ist’m
only remedy known to s. l-mi' tli.it
actually reaches the aillictcd parts
Jhis wonderful remedy is km *n
sold at the e.xtremelv L w i ri.e i
One Dollar,each paekag- c.m'iiit -
ing internal and external m Heim-
sufficient for a full month'.- treat­
ment and everything uects- uv t.,
its perfect use.
“SXUFFLES” ia the ci y . r-
feet CATARRH Cl HE ev.-r m idl­
and is now recognized a: tn- ordv
safe and positive cure for that an­
noying and disgusting «1:«« u.e. 1'
cures ali intlamation <i ,e! y n:
permanently and is also v. ,m r-
fullv quiek to relieve H AY FEv ER
orCOl.D in the- HEAD.
CATARRH when r.egl' '•*•-*1 • ,ft«-!i
1 ea< i s t O C 0 N > r M BT K»N > N IT
1 LE>” will save von ;i yon u- .t
at cnee. It is no ordinary r» :-.' ;v
but a complete treatment wn; ii .-
pi -i.iv< ly guar mteed to ■ :re
t’ATABRJI in any fnrin
form <> or stag'
if nsi d according to the t (i.rc - i.m-
which accompany y each ¡ack.'ig»'
o: ■
1 ton't delay but s'.-nd for it
and write full p rticuiur- as t.
your condition, nd you will re-
«•cive .«Iiecial advice from the di“-
coverer of this wondi.rfti. i<-me<iy
regarding your ease withe it - <«-t to
you ii"\mid the n . . i
rice of
'.! ARAN-
Sent I I »•paid
i i .Tny h .
th- I. nit»*d States «ir Cai . i. •
ei'ipt of < Hie 1 lolhir. Addr< - Dent
ii fti EDWIN 1; -.IL: s .. • •(■■!.
PAN V. 2 ib'1 : i . ■
Street, Philadelphia.
Xo Soil »«» l)o»M No Wrolu nluff of
Ilio Xeries. A I'leiisinit and
live tiirr for ilir Liquor Habit.
foi ',
r; tu ti \t ; >x
MUl IMI-'V I' * "-.I'*»".:1':', Jllll»' '. «'"’ '
x >U>-.- o li»rv>o nlvn lini th» Ml»iihi<
r,. v hx- 'Ill'll n« I »>• '! 1'1» 'iiUl'th’l'
of h'
i Miul.,-'lu»l p:" '< in ipjH
.Vf rt
t » • eln
»'I i'i. »«'I
tl ■'.! -»bl I'K'•■’ "'U I ■' dim
!«• bo^oro
•"''"««( lì
lî"' i ''I
.. .......... I
Il •('« iv<*r Hl
I *V.
!’i ■ .*,
11« ultimili 1' ('.imp' nil.
e >1 *N I ’ ».
ita I Full
<!?, ,: í \ v ‘*. bu*:
II ‘ HUAI»»« til»?
It is now generallv known and h> Dunthilv’i* t*i
It,s the thoughtless pe-ple who
of 'i 4
' •*
midi tstood that !>' unkeiie».s isitd»
Fred It a«', nr. \ ’!nr Rnt'lnr. I » ,U Itarhu
ttnnk only of themselves.
i ,’I of Itimi'*. Or, • »ti
sense ami not weakness A body till­ lit. I l’eu I :
V IH, ranni- luit
ed with poison, tn d ner»<'sc.>mp!-t
For a free eoimtrv we seem to
Iv shuttered bv periodical «ir . in­
som »: futi ri 1 ui'.v ’ inx.
have a great in.mv bosses.
» •
stant me intoxicil!iu't liquors, e- < . S, 1 ,.i" »1 (Hl!»’« . 1
<»r . Vay
I' t ’
X.ilicr 1» le- ’ ■ !•■'* a thnt il»«* ( »¡I
qtiircs an antidote capable el neu-
The example of t 'lav will rank trali ini and v rad io ¡ting thi« poison n«Ho »'1 »Hitler ■ flit 3 i.- t» , « ..r M» hl!
lo Ut»1 ke rt”ul 1 r ’•»< n* ' ; ; »rt <»( hh
a prt .edent tt marrow.
and destroying th«x craving tor in- rimi Ih ,r »i‘d pr<‘« i «ili ìh ' i ittiU«' h<tf»)r«j
»! r.v( i v or
Ui.rn . » irvk,‘h <‘t
, toxicants. S.itferet 1 m;iv t ew cure U, Ivr 1» hi ?., vite
1 «L o.l Miller.
A politician, like u poor work- themselves at home without pub-
Atal >’<
I drr
“ 1 !»>r Ih » SU
lieitv or los.- of time from Lii-im -s 1 N\\ Ibi .
mu:i, always blames his tools
TpJO fl K : 4 »
by this wo: derf'll “lli>Mli <¡OI.I1 JU ’i Itti« . t'H» foV»»U 1 hi iv 11 :. w * e * t » I »
‘ hLcut Ititi IOT.X roxbh’TUV ll|p-si «o ïl euh! ;i\ ul'o.i
” which has been p rl-etel Di'
A mini may lie every inch a gen­
. .! rii
1! u II- <1. .h'i Vph I m;
after many v< are of close st ml v and
1 . •
ii cn ail r. nd not very tall at that.
hr» w'» v, »»1
Hì:d 1 4-ur I
treatment of :m briat" s i he tmthful
t Aitur. Ki’g Met
) •
Ti ■ young man who sows his use act otdi( g to direc' one <’t thi-
.\uiì»-r. F»>i: iti
w.ld oats depends upon irrigation. wonderful discovery is positivelv
guaranteed to euro the im et ob-ti- ! i- > i >,»» 1 ,.{•:«*«'. Hunts, orrton J tu«*. -
N V «|< In rvby clrvu that the h'I
nati" ease, no t: iit'e" Imw hard a
v a i"ib,.w vvha thinks In- is
c? «>f ht» in
. liritnt 1 »vttìcr li«»* ri’» <1
drinker Our rei or 1.-sliow tb.emar t»> tf '
>rt «»Í hl*
the E_h: of a girl's lit;- • gets
velous transform:!'iu:i of tbous'i lids thul » «ntl jr H Will Ivi. .a '»• h-'i« r»’ ».
dovv n.
* anti 1Kerch tr ut turi -, or«/ i. u.i
of Drunkards into si her it (lustri- 1 1?. 1
.t. hn < ■ t’ivj ,
ous ami nprigb' ni'm
Half ti.e pi« a.-un of n conductor':,
. a
ILI . t.trj
' T! ’. • r t » : « \
WIVES t'l’Ri: VO! R IH’S
t >
hv ¡J. l p 1
■•*. i»
• *•
life is in tei'iiig the passengers
w iti v r 1
tl e f » 1* " •
ile Ut- :
t > 1. ov up in fiont-and sit close
III» »*' »1 t*. Ci tii"» re» vieil» v .p..D K Ic i»!
VOI R FA THERS:! I hl- I. m. .¡V IS (■!
lì' ! ¡an 1 vis
% m Fri'.l
. \\ ri F h . Wm Wri’v !
in i.o sense a nostrum but is a -pc-
A. liubvrtvHf. a 1 i».' i i »■ ». M‘\ ,
r. ; : V .
W u>. F A rv. l.»d
Ti.e otdin ity wedding is closed
with a ring
: b it that telvnbonii skillfull v devised ind : • • ; '.red 11 :ii
and p!e le­
Or l'gonia:: ui’al I ! » * 11 ; S. *.î J
n atrimonial alliance down in Ken- it is thoroughly ;ol'.r
ant to the taste, so that it tan tie
t icky euiltii with a ring of!’.
given in a cup ot te i o: emir" with
O UX .C. 7* O W. ’.t’ /X..
• 1 -
1 .1 M . T
out tlm kt ow l' ’£r ot the pt r-o i r»
Belgian socia i-t » who want the
t iking it- Tl.'i n -i- of Drm knots
“one man one vote’ plan evidently
have cur'd them-elvi- wite iht*
intend to do the voting for their
priceless ri medy. :• mi as n :t'.v more
v..as wo do in this country.
auU rutel- »
have^'een ( tired 't 1 tl'tldl ' ii.|
ate men bv having the "Cl 111'. .<d
Ti.e -tore of the tramp who stole u.inistcred bv lovil g fr'.C! ds : Ini
I ar of soup is preposterously con relativi s without th' ir l owl«.1 igr
eting. Either i.e was rot a trump in coffee or t>a. aia! I ‘ lieve tudiiv ? S . 't n;«' !, I, biik ♦» u or j ì.< lo Inn i " u fo. <*
i na’.-n’»‘!!; îv
h« r h <• U x.
■ he did Dot steal i. bar of soap
d drii
of id
tbat th'-y disio, tir u»d
• heir ow n fiee w 1 DO NOT WAIT.
I'- aring in min i that a cow once Ilo ll'lt I i deluded (IV Hppu' t:l ar d
jum;*>d over the moon it would i«t inis'.cadii g “in pioven.cr t " !>: ivr
well to equip one’? air ship with a ■ mt t he d ;-ea"> - at ollC"' ard for >.11
cowent ":>i.r f >r such another contili- tinte The-llOME'iOLDcCRE i-
so'd at ihe cXtren.ely low price ol
One Do lur, thus pl.icing within
7 K
> !w • ■/•'••
ri ach ofevi rybodv utr. atm t mo’»'
i n ot lifTì*
-) t.
t i u $50
■com pm v
Full <1 rection
i advice
quit • Midi package
rkilb d phv-ie
■Now is Your Tims
• t
To iniy mie Hi't.ding na $1
or«' y« ar e mih.criptiofi lo ili*
Ivi ms , w i> »»ili mml thè Cliicugo Wcckiy lnter Ocemi «me yi ar
lice or lo iiny ouv m mliiig ti« lhr«'i‘ ciih H xiiiisi ription ti r ihe
iw » puper wv >v ili givc u yem s nul.icriptloi» to i neh papvr fri «•,
OSEGCNiM and ITEMS, one Year, for £2,00.
Itti ■ dig
V' ioti r
'i ¡■Il
111 (Il
li. d .. li".re 11!>»'tni ufTi r.
anv <»i il»' . I» i\ • . h- »<•' ci. do le i strike you as wliut VoU
•o 1 il lu i ul clubbing oiler
it. write us . * •• mil .R e » ou il
CI" il l'IMl' H.
Duil'l put
\V r Il >111 v
N< v* > * GUI time.
II A ¡11.
Uurns, Oreiioi)
’ iva
stric'lv c >n-
FOR SALE—X new hou»e of
five too::.-', with outbuil'lings. A
Q'ie« n Q'iality sic - for women
full block of e pit bits, i «ood water
workmauehip. quality nr." ',
as ’¡¡. re is in town. Enquire at
latest out.
stvle thè la
;Lic oilice.
Brown iV Sons.
—ê ~ J
: T WACr N! *.r/.
> v : •
; ' r pl '
' 'i''"- '
( t UREE
’l be ‘:t iv^n! W.r-, k»> tt’-i k<ivr_
Tr y ’lx.
ara ;no»iei
e h li­
P-.. .» ti . ! ic'.l &t Atlant ». C.u.
•« ’
r . . U
Fntont ' t j-jyiirc,
: r U.S. Pat atOflcc.W thlngion D.C.
•.;.t k - lxix :
r -
^Mcorcau.«' - .«M
v. k ..
cr::i. v <ei i» jx
rei- lutante and Cliddree.
l^nll^fr '¿'.(«'ll.
t.lt»r«rr W«..U y uflti»
'. ••! to 1. 1* • r a t iAr
il r> w» <a r><. •». T* • c t fllid
. . in »
r r-Ht ; i r . n .'I. Am aq IV. <
i r
u. ’Hur '
h.r. 11.« r».n .lerrMllv :!
re» Ir ri ,V. ' ’ » >y M >•»’. '».uirm
V •«?♦! ** •
r-thorn *’«
dwirJ>.n <l
i h.anp aft.
t, .*• . < n ru - < i ’.»<• I nt V iti * V .Mir.hrrJ -.1 have • ppr* if
nr h tv . ’ D’j fruì’, th f » :i
of .rjit Af of i» A'cHini note
A uhofl
b uiij’il t
ly Gtr
i» •
*K *-t
j i . • ri TAr ’V.'tWV MOUTH*4* roid.ibtfl »»’
•/ ' • • .r- s
(t. r<
.i. tvar « • • n».- i’e • ’ î . a ;'J a c»’xplJt
I H'lt ».
uhi- t(-i .i j I*» d»u-ir»itn Ilio w«».l.h ihMi n '»n ,■ to
h#. I <> t.i • .)’ th .1 c. '.y if'
I fymir <»» t» •< :»•«.11• • t ■ t
I -erti»" t
‘ • t
UNNY SOUTH t-.e :■» wltll th: l.fl cf Ul, errai-outh
A Badie ore man «as suih'cnlv
ike f.ax 111 ve Bromo Quiidne
struck' dumi» i» h !'• su.i a-ir. : ut bis
All drt ■gists retili d the
v.ife. It i— r.ot statili wlietb«r.she
r•y if it fails to cure. E. W.
used ile- roil.i /pin or -i (l.itirou
1 » TT» e’ • signature :s on each box.
A man with a live L> dv nod
\ cry Remarkable Cure of ltiarrhoca. dead mil.d 11 li bet n toll! d ill ( t:l-
• A1" ut -ix veirs aco for the fir-t cago. but nobody is r p ro 1 in>-
t i;:'.' in my life 1 h id a sudden an 1 11.;' from the railway r ate 11 bureau
severe att ic« of diarrlio< a.’’ says of intormalion.
Tr- Alice Miller.of Morgan. Tex::-.
"I got ti m; orury r< It f, but it cuun
back again ami again, ami for six
¡.■ng" yiqrs I have sui’ere 1 more
mio.-rv and agony than I can tt.il
Mv hus-
L was worse than death. My
't rt.'"iit
spent L L'aitir-ds
.iidr'd- of d '1 iila:
Hlars lor
in-’ ¡ ; re.-cripti
phys; ■ an-
resc’ipti iti-:
m- a d tr' at-
, canth'-m to Lea 1
incut without
Without uvail.
Finally we
withnut maturatimi,
n .-.vi d to 1‘- -'i’ie ennr tv. r.'ir pt.s-
any danger r f blood
.! 1.' ti. •. a' d (.•.•■• i'iy I i. Ippel.' d
by JI. M. Horton
t j see sii n<lvertiseiiient of < hHlil-
l' *-riiiii.
‘-rnii. s Coli
Colic. <’holda and l>.’.»r-
rhoeu lieu.eily »villi a t--timmiial
of n tr .ri bad i ' ' ii cut' <1 by it 'i'le
•:iS" was so -imi'ar t > my own that
ami I conclud I to try the rem«dc
.lorgonson repairs wiit'
«•lock-. W ork «iiarant'■ I
The re-nlt was vvoml I'fd. I could
l.nrdlv r- .'ili.’o tlrit I was well again.
Slop tli»» C om ;;!»
■ o' li'. iieve jr co'.iid In so after bav­
mid Work otr the < ■!<!
in,' si.li'-i'< d so long', br.t tint one
laxative l’ronrio-Qnirii:
1 'ór
Lottie ' f ti.’ dieine. costing but a few
(•lire a cold in one day. •• . < ur . ■ ■ -nts. < :ired ti.e.” For sale l»y H. M
N > pny. l’ri(‘e 25 cents.
Horton, Buri s Fred Haines, Har­
The Kind You Have
a »4/ • AU
• i
I . I
‘.i p
ffln o«n
". r:t . r.v .ytli.ri n.i.v'I.H; .ml is
• -n
nrvor Mid «■ ia.li
.1 nf In i>'.:,. Il- • ••.»-- •
.".-.i ir.it’..111 Um I um UU in«
1 I .. ..-Il' ■; I
1 u thr M-.-, U.r 1 f II. I or.i yr I 4 in t r.l t»iy.
tr • ’ (f th. Invi Mrtioru lAncora
n 1 p i !! i yt, Un r-m 1 •
.■1tU.il w .'(ir l.i ili. lauc.TI. />.. w.l Sa
u.i .!. ) o ld< :. ..ir/.Mnc ».
i i Uic v. • : » i< : ci» ur.iiiv <» Ur ti.ii linuwMUI*.
i in .11" 1 U> n'l £• m».
ni’* < rib’I \i t«: <* -J • Ooly FUflyCrr»»
«IC r. > :
«Ititi. I iV 1. cCCI.m.MII • 1
ib-.v. '. Y.ipcrs. pc5lnias’ rr. utili''
-.i »-1 ill p.'ir.r t i •■ • i >r tjr i' M.
.IMS’ .»>, cn’.t le the c
<>•> a P >nJ »X C rd II i n tins of • ix of year (.e'-jhli ri «ran
, t
•«, i ' <... M-rtdhit : tore v! n iDpyo Tb« Scrtny scw’.H. ari n«
i- •.. .ii : <> i.’.«! I
’ frí o.
n 'j i
;','ii•<.’vb fa
( u'. I tlir n »cry o
«. m i 'a..'« i Alai:.-«.in h irió n
*;V*INY SOUTH oi l •
tor -, a'. Ill i if. it
i» sura 1« tfl wo'c inr.l .> li.ll. .i . i.i .n inur-
r • » of good Hi n
tin ■■i I' rn l.lv.irj W"')> . v«i >.o coimuai t>r
I tr the i*-'» t rc ..JdWc bf ab Un pip r» tb
ex».', t » y »u.
? * wi
Zf 'drm S*lt Cnmmunlffitlnn
C7?c SUNNY SOUTH. Alianti», Gu
L CO .
XIV. »«’TI
-TiiE -
M/ eekly íñteu O cean . :
'Hi'.' (»reate t I’«.publican Pacer of tlie West.
• i. • • - ; i P» i > v 0 i t r.n mrsw-'ii /’«; l¿epublict>n Weekly i.:m •
• ,
.i ■: . .■
.i, . i. • .
i '.
■■■I ......... i re-Z
I ill p mili n «íl.iii >
J i Im v\ cc'xtv .n! .TOcenn Supr'len A I lit the Xe.v
and the tu .t ot Cure-lit t. teralurc.
b .j Moiallv l b-.1.1, . '
I .(
a T e
i!-; I' '« -
■ IJ
\ ' A-<i •
!'■ • i.
\> i:ln-i.t
It-, I i;cr/:ry columns .nc- tctiul
, to those oi i-’ie beat nitfi'-ijnoes.
I ? K’l Yu I!?:*! A.r:.r: 5»/. "
Boars tho
Bijp-.'.tere o
k.? rnV-rc
. ! < Vi Ht.e
va Lt».
that makes your
horses fHul.
Ti:. D, iyan4 SundiyEul- '^’7
totwof île lede’ O mid ho i uh I v nn<i
1T Ltd oi llK.rk.üd. . «Í V -n;>
:’ui. ii
(i p»r rm: •
■ >I
I? ■"• i r v-xr*
by it
.............. I • •”> »■ i ,,jr*
I III. I X . I I" o< J' IV < lil>-n«<>.
5 ¿
, «« : e » : »c »«« « ; a* ' a »••■•« »••»•e »•■••»•«•••••••« «^