k .« 1" (.El v- ■Kl u 1 ili M vi hei •«•*. 'M.. .» . a .•'■'.» AV ”'• •'MW* kl«.’r'*r> .4« MI»:|.4*.^MN»»1I|Ì. • *- V*4 '-***• '•'***' ; < »: ,\ 1n\. Th • Ai im * I m • and ;!-ui cell, r ce.-t Í itk-ii Th - main barn A l,rinrvi!10 corre-j ond«-nt, in Stall » >r:; -pm,dent to the Baker has noni lot stahliuR •I» burses, t’ne t »i -. ni. i of tl-.i 1 -Ith, .».ivs : < it v I 'em -erut t»iu> of tin l>< st im. \< ir the re-id 1 <-.■ is tIn- two acre For sev r d y at pmt what arc It is U> i’< < t in «li pi h It: own as I'lnek taibxl rablet* have itRi-ialce n-ction* for nwo "fuilive reservoir ; tt I. N -rtion of tins I «ountv •he three tipper fv-ding streams St lilaid. three I 'i s from Pri-w -V The Popular Mtchnnics. t -;1 •: mnnv *. heme« hai o bei u ih vised which go to make tin- M.ilh« ur riv­ it ha- i ven i i. ven t lint ft «lit t ret I «■«I in Chicago, bus a long u.-.d in i for their «i'-stim tmn. < ;it all bar«» er, namely, the north, middle mid an I . .in th t failed. l ast Winter there w ere a ' * .’.th torks of the Malli« nr. Here i!y in this eli-vat. d n-gmn w lion ««light to be of advantage to this iiimila'r of drives rn.id.-’ hear her«*, we may tied rich native gri.sses proper atti nt ion is ib V «iti t| |o t heir. state. Here are some of < X- ami a !:irg«' number were destroy covering nearly nil the area in hun­ Mr. Sial'.H.d lui* a votim’ mcii.iitl cerpts: In place» : III w !. :« h two- k e :ir i Id apple Im» «¡'¡mu min.* I»'!: bn* :m diminution of th» 1 rah dreds of square ’ Is Sun Francisco to l>e iL' ll'* hits the nourishing bunch grass is m« Will I ear ’lit ihn» i .! o bit force* was p< reeptibie. Over tore metropolis r»f the wnr: 1 lot of currant ami Illi i X' pel. t from one t « i:i the lli.v-t.-ick country, w ’ here one and one half feet the state of Oregon one of the most they ha v been tae most dest rue- high. This grass an I other sorts go. -e beri v bus! e* «lid ll VUlliid’e l«opnlous and important, states t-f tivo ti> crops, rcvi-ral lainting of fodder i.* of u qrndity which garden of two ncr>-*. America.’ Such a prediction vns i l iteht -.- were pul e 1 «of this Spring makes it no wonder that th«' n«-«-f For Milne miles w of 1' >’w mice made by a noted English resulting ,n ti.e dv-r.th of more than produced in this .»« ction is unsar- sov, a on-; ti.e iniddl • loi k o| M.il scientist, ami recent development- .■’>C0!'et tl’.cse pests, but t!:«-re re pii"« 4 for jaicii ess, tenderness bi tir rivi i, on l’li.«', ('ni.-B-.i ty ami l< ad many to K'lieve that there ,'iiuin enougli >'f them to I o t; ser- ¡»«ul iootb*i>ine flavor mill that \\ oil cn . ks tin :«• ur«. ii c ii- I« r.i were good grounds for his th-ory. i ■ s menae* to th«i ripening fields ihe horses are world beaters for ble numi i-r of p:. -pel •<;* ■ b !--.- - It looks a* if Portland, Oregon, is of grain in that .»« ction «¡"•id and 1« «ttotn in .--.ll rotin«t Ser Pine pi. cine has about .'»U vote, s destined to ix't’oina thel.iv -rpi-«.; i-f ( »II til I!. ..Il- tl'l k i >f t lo- M i i A large number of the residents vice for practical daily it»«-. America ami all the world is row­ of the i.ortlurn part of the county v. »ey. : IS the The th'iflv town <-i Itrews-ev, Io thru link ■ 11 om I turning its eves on the state « f < «re- l av- I—'■;■ Feriou»lv cons'.lerii'R ti.e eated on the :i.;d«lle fork «.f Mu!, ranch ..f S, \\ The llamilt. n g«iii becai.se the new Amer.«.-■>. « : ran -h i .i M ntt r from a nim- - Hide id -Babi!’.ty i.t ;>i-t:i ioning t!ie Coun­ heu'- river, 5«> mih-s from Buri »e.’simis in the Pacific seem .! -.-• ty Court niac«- a bounty on the the Harney county seat, ui 4 KM) diteti !.. a-i.nc in i he rivi r. The lined to work a new rev dot ion ir. little l ists, but this would not »«■ miles from Ontario, "ii the Fuion Han.ili." lunch h i- u l.irye lot < ' American c mi: mreial afl.nr - The r.i".-.»j v ret ar 1 the i iicreii*ing borde­ I’aeitiC R itlroad svsteni, is the hay Li. d «nd then« is a thi ftv irab with the Philippic.- is’an.’.s rin'! woul i I c :’. dram on the coun­ •hi« f tra ling ami supply ¡...mt for y oimg oiel ur i, 1 .rg<- g irden of and Hawaii, carried cti tlm.-Jih ty -ir.:’. ne.-*. Then hire, lor r« .%*.ii'.* a w;«]..• scope ot -urii umlitig conn ali cs. e.» in-. earns Portland and San Francisco, is ot pul-i-.• eeononiv, it is not t<~> be try. Ivi.ig v.itlun a railiusof.lt) crowim.’ to enormous pr.«j»or’i. -. < tl 'Ugl.t of. amt the matter of their or 10 mile" all arot’Il 1 i imse W-ll- Alaska with it* many s.. ’.roes i-t extermination lies with the firmer* to do s'.ockraisii ■’ M-l'b-ment« are «t t ..«■ w« stern • »mm-ree is hourly growing in iin- tb- ;i;*e!vi $. til poet, f u atniy l ' -.it. J along the vallee* ¡•«»rtsni’uand our :up;vlly in re ’*in_' mity Th For s me year« past a n-.iin’x’r ei tue turn- !..i.lt> «>• Malheur riv»r, trade wit it < iiir.a is catisi.ig ;«. y 4 li.e fcr«-mc*t farmers ot t;;r ra >- Otis. I’li.c, C.ihimity and \V.It ■line. Mail •yes at this time tn tarn turn to ttu- • bil-infi-fet- i terrim y have bt- n e\ t creek?, also in Agei cv y.«||.-v. ».- w arde» land of the setting sun Some i; ar- penn.«-. to •: on ditb rent iii.es with w ( (. I. I’nv.sei iu;i iin f I r.-it» d a* iners declare Portland, Oregon. to the end in v?-v i f d.-covering u city on August I. i ' !i is r i» y ». Tile pres ■ I have the finest natural harbor in poison which would be efleetea! » ent p- pillatimi oft .a- ai,«: .-'..tui s s w liti- hi- town H up »he world, and it tnav be that this but until q-.-.t.’ r cently they have pro.x:n.a'elv ISO tii" mail ! he cit » l'ilice:-» 11:. sc« * is to become th» great Fhippirig t'.-.'n ur-I’.i'-ces.-m! Au.c>og cther- :«rv Pr l’ E. Sto ie». mayor J. l> coi««’;-, t olili /I II It center in our enormous tra ie -.»ill; wl’.o have Leien pirm.im-ut in thi- Dalv, E Olsen, R B (.'ari v. A. J Jack Pr. ’.V • Ette d I’. <:v < Alaska. th<> Pacific island- arid ti.» work is R \. Jenkins and l’r.ut. Weatherly, J A B i.-:b-tt. 1 » L»mb. man i» ¡.-i v. -i ami ( <>nent. At any rate it is certain !:::n i* learned Bomething 4 t.;e councilmen; W. l>. 1!. k- r, ree« r.ler: t'oxe* a e Hfiitt that Portland’s shipping :• -e»-.- epem:. ;ns f th" ta • :t t'oi-o. er* J. C Bartl« tt, ' ' a - •• :. :¡ i da « are bound to increase inane fo 4 A\ .1 i., 1 M a i. ■ 1' -snot gem-rnliy known th;:' Carey, mut sli-il. and the prospects for her becomir.ir r..*-'->:ts ire P nd of salt, but sn< h The towr> hau •• di. lv mill «er his intet i sting I. a rival <«f San F'ranciBco ns ar: .a-- a., is th . and th’, rem lie. the v. -e, Sur.'i iy iio-lud -I. belog u port ar«- not in the L’ast rcmot«'. F-.- -r;id be* ifi-n On- I .astel li ( I .-gt'l» * n. -I ' Oregcn e splendid agricultural Thruisglu ;t th:» e.-untv are i-.umrr türm an-i 1; :t . - T-.I re « 1 trge and \aiuubli- m •.iu'. resotircw. her rich soil, healthful ■c* :vKai ‘I. Its.” wj.eie ,-.«”!•■ m;d town hall. » h« i hou»'-, 'y .-to f I h- Ful l b coi: pr;-• •« •limat» anti advantageous 1<> .-ttlimi i-.o-ses are -.voi.t to go a: d l:ck up Jrtil, rle.'-tti» li »urii.g mi.Ì. i tiri-«- :l'-re,, I . ¡r.g mar ih«- make thi* «fate of fir-t im; .irtane«- tii»’ diiat and im identa.ly ;;-i a g«-m r d mi'rch ii dnu ,-t •TH, two iniiuritun s, Utoi ho «l- to the investor when conaiderit . '«uantity «>» rtikali. which answers »tote 1*. t vo blacksinith «Imps, 1t s h I- — two otit.-4'le rtiuge the wonderful changes in conditions the purj iosc of-a t in other conn »aloons. 1 aree li very barn and feed bv \\ "ii c .-.. a c. ar um i1 t bronglit about by our ree». t wars, tri« s. 1’ wits t.o'iC' d that the ra’> eorrals. burber »hop «te am tt'-'.il .»'.r. um. Hi. Il - ai-quifitions aid BtujK :.-d«-u- J .UH lU In th'- M-h..' 1 «list: et there a re ' ’» crop .. ; .1 . t. ■ .id.- a _ iti wet »stained t > use then etease of trade. k . • ; i • i- a «i: ha;.. a. t « the g■ a. .iek- the rati." -*i th«- Imr-'-s and chi.di.'ii <»t .»-"houl ' C*'. lb-.' ‘‘To the man in the cast w i.o i- . title, a .4 fr.iin this fact it was t IV". lory -choi 1 t.-nildimz coverin'.- of out.', t'.irì v. win it d;s*at;?lled w:th th'.- eonditi - - r.-a-o:- i that they -.’.••il-i eat salt ?jx3G feet Th'- t-l\piver* h.iv- t - v ieri- ;t 11 d---1 w i I which Burr--md him comes ti«-- in­ An <-xp -rin -.-iit was mad» with □ . »*; ! > V-.ltcd ’O; i- to construct ?. -iwu ’ "«»; X lu’ of t ;«,| - fetlppii's quiry n«r that region wher«- condi­ stti ll -I’.iantity ami found s-.e.« A 1. M li..rd i* j -. ! miri vcmuiodlo'.iS s h- of leilldili«’ tion.* may be found that are more ful; th t !. I . '• > : i . .-. of pi) ’.. lest . ■ • . to cost ■?•“' t)l? promising lor his su<-c- -“. The wha* kind of p./-.>n co thi be inf'.i- i pipil- ; ti t I lo.- O»ld Fellows’ building j- a 1 h--r<- a.-' great consideration should I with ed into the -ait ti.at would prove rpaeiou* trut-cure, e >vr-ring 3' 'x(JO I’ii'-ri- i- .¡i- • an iuiv:r»ii every man, ‘where can 1 prod ,ee the m. -t d- -trueti .-«• to tt.v rabbit-, feet .,« ì tw-o storien in he.-.'iit Th-- Kcho->1 Ii iv i ng rm atti ;• maximum of results with a r<-;.- jii - I r.nd wb;: h wouid I e th - least liabh ¡irai story is nsed for entert-iin .iboiit •",(i p'-ople abl» cinenditure of elfort?’ Ills proba 4 • t ii.it «o to detection bv th’-iii. .’■‘omc have 111' tltH, »ni si «lai c.ng at.d publi? “Nature herself, when sh«- end- rar« ii tro.>4 .-a .........¡I -1 stry'.-Lt.tth’; ri.ost « f- mi-ctii gs 1 he ’• ’>1 ' r s!' rV i- .od IH nl Oregon, furnished the ar.- r » ¡"••ctivr -•••-. ms t,» be pari- green, hiad'i'.i • iti r* for l»r -.vst-y jorig.? No. this query. It would l>e u tlieult which is al o vi ry ch mem indeeti to find another se--ti- -i of method by which the rabbits are tiers ; M inerva R'-t k ufi lodg», No country with no larger or mor' eaugt.t with thi- bait i- to piae» a 112. with ,J, I memb. r-, lh»w .»cv Com« r might profit nV bi ■ varied resources than Oregon." Big hon. e- Im Vlng < h.mcts q um-.iti t.r-ur th»-ir r-jnwavH. on a ioilgt- No. . i o r W . 2 ', n <1 similar n- !lr by mh tioai't or rock. ; pi.i-on ni’i.-t lll'-U.i»e| Sia r I>«-/r«-w«-ev enm p, fr-'in th<- Second District of Oregon. t i'.-n th'i.’ongiiiy mixed with th »* No. t si... M d.-rn ’•A o««dnien of I II view of til'.- port <-oim-s horn» wita the best it-eorr! sail, which mu-t be of the lì neri America, 2."» ni*nd .-r* of a KHtcity of fumi labor in t':u- ever written by a Repn-se::"ative obtati a»«!'*, i; thi. pc»;.-ot> 1 ne Bar'.ii.-tt I.olí i i- nn '-xcelh-nt pLC'-Ò tvefe’e; t) st u'er it .rottili sectil that 1 --tii tin* -tf-ite. He Lus b- -!> pr.-wr,::’. I < ri a ! • LtJ "i tr ! ( tin en t fntnrio Pi«-'- d- r ' R ohm It has reerj wh.n; h jpprr «nnunin H- form rd board», or rook.--, a h- re it ìlio principal n>er- up: u-.zr I bin inb I.lion of ” leni ha* no -ts»n upon his r«-cc.r« i H.- ■viii i,o« be 'i 1 "..I bv the “.'I. nre« .-ire those of Daly m g with lb • trtK-i" but the bus:- i om». !m;m- to re i-nter pnv. f • • life 1 h'-t t.’i. d.,iig'.r huvtliing I.'it u Johnson Bros, and tin­ m sstrn-n «.I t In- coin t ry I avi: no with the "riititudi- of »¡I },.,"a!o stray c >v.»te, or ;>n oc< arena! hun­ tore. Th. l>a!y Rob-, fear tb.-i* in- io< tliOll of doing * li<> ,'ippreci.i'* the man W :. ■ i I a gry dog, g-. tting poi.-uned is red tie- bins store Ltiilditig ..................... ‘ - »-»-"S, - j. a mi E m ; unt ial will in any v. ,v »e-i.mlbb- the ai.« fuilhf il to u trust, ami who uccom- >;J to the minimum. storie Htruciure and the stock of arehistie d.-n i./ogery ■ . the detno- piishe» thing* for his comjlhm.nls. '1 his method <>f exterminating clothing, . r groe« _ . , _ atol haidwiire is Tilth -) oplIBMil- s- h<.<4 of t ri li * rit ■—1’orthind Journal. these pt is fo Simple that a great .-« I. U i.abl;, Jnrt’»- a , 1 -.-vi i H-iet-ir mills. I m.-ir.y of the s« ttlcis arc mciined to file i ir, n-» r b!iick*mittis ar- R B Katofta. .Missouri, Pcnn=yl-.ani:i i-iicul'- t he idea, arid i ¡4 felo-.V of and 11 A Johnson, who have l,<-en No more t : me - 'mu id lie lost in and Minm-uta bave all wurudy in- L-etti-ig the Pair prop« rly L for ■ t h<- being k'l -pled, but there is in irnsim-.-* I ere umh.-r the firm little d.i’-sc ! i‘rc-'i.lent Roosevelt t<> «.; •■ I people. 'l l.<• i-o'im : > b" conno 'I «•••r-d liiru.si .l'in l'M)| and • “nntor doubt that :t will come into uni- o ame t»f Jofi n rim 1 a «>s I. »r t < n i «-tir s, v«-r-;il u->- in the r - ar future, tecs are Kt to work. I be hi tti-r thi und Ike« do gern ral blai-kKmithii gami l'hitr i- authoritv for the statement results r. :ll b" * i- t right tip t-n-1 will Ixi a »iod-r.n-i to all purls of; w.B/on-making, also m nufi i-tut.. tlia- \rw 'l ork will do iikev.:-. th«- West wh'T'- rabbits rihoiir.rl. ‘ tu' k out i it im tilin’. ’ '•vii---I hay t.nek* which me g-neral- Il the- tastes of the rabbit» ill iy used in thÌH Fer-tmn. 1 ilix mn- K fui : pcj . i . b : '.Tfov. Austr ilia .-ind or;« r of tiie Ei'-Jiidi ¡■him., for qui ickly bandii«.g bay i • i r •• ? ».’I ’ nf7i< |» «r , t)r, , », J. t « . j , » •'¡I m e . -i.ti - al «-¡th r ,,,-c (>j •ite r it«d If.- two or four horses, A Ii you knew hew SCOTT , >uti< •! » a her»tt.y nve:. tliH’, b»¡¡r* <*i ;»i r> r I til-of time until the v, too will 1», I up, increajfs your weight .'.moti'! tie' numerous tirsi-t-ìns* J.at sf.ick V. t B bo i . ip 'B» E .- Leg.Mier iri'i Tol«? ¡1 nrev to t!jr- ill',-» Uti- R.-tii-iK live-toek rai.i-hc.4 in tue r«il'-mlitl I'- . -p. » r.i. Hili':.: , Or • on. 0:1 .1 figliai .si. J strengthen your wc«ikthroet .»! t,. *, :ii--. i<-;in mind, .mil Or»-goii region tributary to Jrrew '-v are Inutili WlllrtU. ! u’d lungs and put you in cor- ¡U I' iff ’ ?•'< I'.' ■* Í >: I,rd • ! .ti i » .• ¡ wiil .- (ire amitm-r victory in the Him»« in Otis valley. 'I h . - ranch of : d'tton for next winter, you 4 1»'' I .*t: ' ' •• . ■ ri : in;!-* troni Ifrewsvy, is one of the J >" mu. f".<«ph iiarut.», m^i, Maiti:i und f:. x>: .ill ... . I r»nu‘M Msir’or . *.’! •* Burn/, Or'u’un. r> • .os» r,f th- O»’* vi! «y ran e V,:.’SSXF< .. i- w» re*1 öW*i*i!*:' ÌV ?r? .' < t .1 . " téft'Jfffl COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER » YW\‘<\W\ lit, i.ii » Th«’ i »Ird ’ mi II.«. <’ ’« I i :• v lu it»«» tei- over All* year- , I • ■ t «riii I '■< -, . - I-t , ___ nn 1 !i-: /‘f' hu ti i», il : .1 if lie«' « ¡‘ U-I.l,..- til I per • . i-, . « - i,* I’ll im-y -4 - • • • <>• , -■ -I • ■“ < f < ■ ... ni In I Id -. lint Vii Collii . il. il , Indi nod ■ ' . -."..i ” < i i vperi’iH'ii‘ • timt i'-ill'- iv h • 1 ' d.'.u . ito li.-iilth nt' iiil'iints itr.il Chihli -i F-p.-ri m ' i.- I.vin-rlt ** b« What is CASI Ciisiovi.i i-, a i -ur.il- ..'• t .-t.> io-.- < ¡¿or. -. Oro,» . rnt«.ei.i I is uni» 11 t . - i i .inte« Kl|l»-l in. v « ri Inicss. ti i i «I limi s.ltn l '«»Ii. . li rcli»»v<».s 'I « <-l hitii’ 'I ri.oolt Ii i - "». limi ! it ti!i-iic .. I * ti* imi i i. tu di! St«,;>. << ti .imi II», i . ;-, S«.,tll li •l'Il;- ('!) !. ■. *s fan ,. < :l »! ¡O .* « V <•/ itivi C.F¿rr. !?ì - ,■> V u4 1UU I Li Uss i-cr U’/¿ TCs’mAW*' • n .* »•I »1 •• «<•»»'i . ’ t.iHif i by any \v-' K TRH- ER r n am i imh il LES ^ELOW COST c r: ..,-.>r- <-r' ’'-£¡2 A<|>»>! £.x'« ■« • R. lx • « • 'L’ - c 'T ' lfM‘ * • ■. ’Jl OJ » «»I ’!»< « w . ; 1901 Me-, itti? 1:1 •h ZtiiP / eV -,- I; JXtó • » : llhl, 1* «• I L ¡-:. ic.r ¡un i ¿ r.i '* E 'ii’i’T» P’ * t V’ : n ’*•'* ¿'A ■f. Aj k'n«;*v- 3 s <■ - » .* ,. I F-frf.- '■ r:.' "* • M4> ir» r r ., i I'..............'■ i.t. if U t >i s Qt» n s-:¿ ti im „ ; ■ ,v o wvrrt.s tut» h.e.i» «It»-,, r.* • i ; U 'I’I«’». 4M»«lf » I H ■ • I. st:'.' f . • 1 ’ • • •• . . . r^ti |f'»F »II . -I . « • .«» . ••«; ■ ‘Wfr.B • . I, - • i (l ,«>•„ I ' . ■ . .. ■ | i r !•■) !< i •<» •. .»nw,r. f r ii ti» tal «iP- r. J ’i Ì t! . Chican. a Our f - return- .In u- ful. Any ono s-.mlin;' k< l.-i: ami <]« „ ription of '■ ■ . .......... ' ' ........ I ■ n;.«.,., IM ability oi ; unc. -Ho>..- to <.hta--t pat( !lt ’ ,.tlf ........ |H(i J)N sc'-ured through u ’ a 1 M- -•. Rum R ■ •>:»», Tm: m,.- n iilustratcd and wid. ly < in-uhded j.,Mri(.d,. omulu-d by M i I'ii.u tti.i-!-: I.'I Invi bn-. Send : i ump!i copy FREE!. Addrt-’s r.f £WW$ « ( P.ltiu! J ffor/icvs,) Evarpft ¡¡Ji’ iyJcw’j, GO,, D. C.