Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 12, 1902, Image 4

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won’t help a man to
A ather bin nest.
The «topped-up ye y-er . " un ."V
»pint m its wuv
Everything corn«-» to the wa.tir
w ho wait-- « hi himself
The trusting shoemaker is apt to
et beaten mil oi'tiis boots.
The ¡act that all women «tiff -
the birth-hour leads a grv it nu m tvotnen
t<> accept u degree of suffering which i
_ « _ - —
.tvvol 1111 ...
r liniie»'(-s.ir>
’-)<• no-
is hours, sometime« dav» l*e
li .in­
struggle is over. No ni^licinc
adutely eliunn.m- pain troin t'. - time
ol travail, but l>r. Pierce"- I-'.iyo ile
scription cat an.l doe« nuke the l^'o -
advent prsctieallv paini. -*- It acts m- a
the organs o: matermtv. giv.ng th.-ui
It pr--
stieligth and ebisticCv
phvsusl coinfon and mental " c fl) brer.ii.-
It is
. an effective toni.-, tn vin^
the mother abundan', nutrition for her
* hl ah
"I ì»e’.ievf I owe fnw life t > r»i Pi«*:
k 'I
«iir* aDxl t*AVs* 1 |.>n{ .*••'»1 it toy »iüt\ t
nit I récrive ì ?rvm 1»
rd|jc the
l-.»vur.te l,res<n,>:’. n and All’aia nt
Marin O liRVlt 1 writing
*■ X n ea: * ».
.»’• - ' '
latid. i> C
k it in ..
«MK « i : m\ • hikiren i
Mv health -tetti 1 v:
d.r».n a erudition
•-! • •»’. v
g ne ! '.:e W.I« a he r l-n
>a i
«liÄr.ent p -\*■-« tan» au *, v t t' t ’
tvi tfvt * 'X' I'ld to a ! ; le» the e
»nffereu tetr/ v -.-.■tn ■
i > xt * on- *.! \ -ur a«tverti<*"nr’Z¿ an-l
to trv the aK.-vr r-tnedie-» l «orn ìri.v
D: Pie ce ■« Fatatiti 1 rs»r:pn<>“. ti.
Pelírii.'an ! beguu ta itat>r«ne ti^ht
wutinu-vi iruvreninjj and >.„• ••-■<
1 ¿an." : exprea- the T.ie’
* »- «
S-%en months late- m\ h't'edattx a
.»«*» •
with nt nv.u’h t: ai.’.’r 1 irei taat i w
ha\e been .t le to rrviure ruy couSn- • f-
WA« a !ine. kea’thx vtiAl • *. th
1 . i\ - • ' - r ÌK--A tibie : nr.:* ”
Dr iSvrcv’k Pltuj it
The statesman may get tile glory
but the politician gets the money.
Men who are continually blow­
ing about themselves spoil a lot of
It is said that liquor imoros es
with age, but s. me men don’t c ire
to wait.
s not follow that an argu­
1 igieni because ii is tlieo-
» .ire con-
It is the services of the miccini-
tm-n man that cummami the high­
est wages.
Although limes are supposed to
be goou : geologists report collec­
All doctors have tried to cure tion« hard
<’ATA1IRII by the use of powders,
a -id gases, inhalers and drugs in
An Irishman says he always
i.a«te form. Their powders dry up shuts his eyes when he looks nt a
the uihcucaa membranes can«.ng ludv’.- faults.
them to crack oj»en and bleed. I’i.i
powerful acids u«ed in the inhalers
Only a man's fool friends w i l re­
have entirely eaten away the same
fus. to allow him to ine his own
membranes that their maker- have
•migment aJ to whether he want#
aimed to cure, while pastes and
i drink or m>t.
ointment« cannot reach thed -ei.-e
An old and experienced praetiuner
The news that the prices of pro­
who has for many years me I- a
close study and specialty of the visions are going up ought to in-
treatment of CATARRH, has at «pire some scientist to invent a
last perfected a Treatment which •heap .iu>i nutritious dinner .ablet
when faithfully used, not only re­ to be taken with water three times
lieves at once, but permanently a dav.
cures CATARRH, by removing th-
i auae. stopping the discharge-. and
Envious editors who can't get
curing all inflammation. Il is the way in iy now r- print with »ati-
only remedy known to science that faction the old delir.itmn of a fell­
aeiuaily r-aches the afflicted parts ing rod a«, "a pole. with a worm ut
This wonderful remedy is known one end and u fool at the other.’’
“Somethin? New
I'uder the Sun. '
sold at ti e exlr- tnelv low price of
One Dollar, each package eontaii -
ing internal and • xtcrnal mi-dieiue
snflicient for a full month e treat­
ment and everything necessary to
its jierfect uee.
"SNCFFEES" is the only per­
fect CATARRH CERE ever made
and is now recognized as the only
»ale and positive cure for that an­
noying and disgusting <li.«< a«e. Ii
cure« all intlamation quickly and
jiermanently and is also wonder­
fully quick to relieve HAY FEVER
or COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
leadn to CON SIM I’TION — SNI ’ F
FEES’’ will save vou if von u«e it
at once. It is no ordinary remedy,
but a complete treatment whi'-h is
posi.ively guarint»ed to cure
CATARRH in any form or Mug»-
if used according to the directions
which accompany each package.
Don't delav but send for it at once
mid write full particulars as t
your condition, and you will re­
ceive special advice from the dis­
coverer of this wonderful remedy
regarding vour case without r-i.gt to
von beyond the regular price of
Sent prepaiij to any addre«s in
the United States or Cam-nia on r<-
eeiptofOne Dollar. Addr»--s Dept
BA NY. 2330 and 233: NI arket
Street. Philadelphia.
TO (l«t .1 (1)1.0 IS OM£ nvy
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. NV.
Grov. s «’gn iture is on each box .
•>' ■
i Ali 1 ng.'nioux lieatuient bv which
In nnkard« are tiring Cured I > at I s
in Spite ol ¡'hem ;ehex.
N’.i Notions l'ove«. No Weakening ol
the Nerves. \ A'leasaiit anil Bosi
live i tire tor the l.iqnor Habit*
For Inf-ntE and Children.
N. Brown
Sons have a fine
I ine of gentlemen’s fui ni.-hing goods
for Summer wear.
Harness Oil
The Kind You Have Always Bought
hv - >
•Al.'-r : í
Be.irs the
Bsu-a tix
Bigaatura oi
/ la»»
G a .
Fix D! is ru'd
« .».. ¡/r*
O.» • V hJN r SOUTH » lit«3 Grwat UUwrary Weall y uf t ia
’ •/’
rNot«- | in Lit-rature. Kninam
I- act mil Flcli rx»
,. Din ?•» th L« 4 <> .til th .1 tx < ji rr.nt i'i I'a Ho <1. Am ..»y P. m <:nnli Ibulnft the rTfMit
n I I
utlieriw.ic . □{ prur Jud Ch«jndlcr llurfh, Harry Mib well I dwiriB and
.II . - • t ttr«.f .n-j Lint *.
'O (j| t ro Irani Anlhany il'ipe.
n< n irninpxon,
i t v s : r > ke l. Zr . <.?. rje < «rb? t«ni Arthur W. M tri hrnonl have appr.v
• •
urr. n tv j'tit* t front tftn poa «»I eat hors id n.«Uoaal no’.?
A sh rt
' ■
> .i « Ih uUjhtoUl nr r 1 v live i*tar*<1r»“«l ■ >» 1 r* ra«l i<1 ahvrt
Aiei .«•«. ,H v. -rthy.i pl.Df l’i
SUNNY SOUTH’S readable rol
f ih r« >nl • n urn t < tilctn HcJIfij »* ’I • ti xtMsiu.iy fi »pl>il Ihe ripen In j
V.' I I <d f.t »• th, t oily nr cis .u« h KrOnr nu to ii'.u .tr.itn the wealth that h ’»hv to
iii«-rt Itself.
r7?r’ SlfNNY sOUTTI teems u *h ths Me of th" great *onth
The gen
I .l .it»!» ii ;r-r x evrtyth i j lr. >. «.»' ily m<j thn sne .on
never roM en«
loth x : nr b md • f .'n ii ry. 1 h y papo. « uni’-» fragrant with tha hroeth of the
in jj.-.'i'n d”<! p-nr.
.ti j vt i oul Ilin very ulr uf Ih j orange, pa in end bar. Ihe
h )
pith’s, the raunn.r on 1 i.iv nry of the Lind Whers the com
SE.!« , ii., th«» «j IJr,i ,;u, ,hir.« .mt l?:*i relton w.ilon- in lUe inoonbsht. wll< be
q . s hi In th n well* fl He J »«• um ns u l!n . f j »<. n ding work!
.' a '.’.’-
* i. •
6 3 ó Brondwny, New York, N
or* «a P<»wt
Card •!.» naii.e . » f is of your neighbor* who
! .'?.»rr .i'«’ th* upp-irtunily to r? «I *t u’l-yof I he bunny ronth. ane • no
♦ i. .1’1' 'n.il 1 frr.a. You cm cr.t v » mii «in.» <».* fl. : oir. of the e very ne /pie.
F’At» SUNNY SOUTH enter over >U.fX)O Amer cm h»me. nn- ..nd
ri . -u !’»t>! Is - ur Io tn wr’i med n fult; .t. io nr; mors I »mex. a*, the greit
v.« f .v fe i .1 oi goo«; "i.ii:
thn Southern II oriry Weekly. whMe column; for
b» • v.- I be the in ». I readable of ail the paper« th it corn3 to you.
riw L E.J* I! »
ti an fa
-r. l -, |>ACl MARK3 ■ r ■ 1 .-n EN-
, riP£ .♦ .*"■»,< -, - f . . rt< :i<| D ■
■ - -t< h |
J-ar (•!>'■»'» . rid ’
"«vini a.'i il'AMCDtATE
1 FREE f ’K.it, on patcntaln"'. v. A • ipv» I
¡’tic I»
.• x *• M-”’-’i(.'' au! irtvi -, uud our
cliar;p-.A ar« ir.cxivrat.. Try nr.
t b
Patent Litwyorct
I Cpp. U.S. Patent Offre.Washinnton. O.cd
9WMtx.ni«ar*aeia >■ ■
.................. I., ri.tr -.ub- 1
I • '
I 'i"«i
SUNNY SOUTH. Atlanta. Ga.
W eekly
xìaai . mbmj T
íis I tes ^
O cean .
ì tu- (ircatcst Republican Paper of the Weil.
magazine W
. th - •; it vfnlw.ti t one uitaw.-rfinf Pfpuhlicitn XVi-tkly i im
lish»»d lod.-iv uri'l enn ahvavn be relied up.oii far lair and bwnont re
•> n ih • 4 all political affair»
> I he Weekly inter Ocean SuppUe* A I of the News
Li^Ty '
a«id the Best or current Literature.
It . a Morally Clrait, and a-, a i amily J’rper i t Without a I’arr.
Ils Literary columns are equtil '■
to those oi the h:st mux&iincs.
Its Youth’s Departmunt h the
finest of its kind............................
Il brini-:« to tlic »unlly I'm '»riv of tl»»» F.ntlre Mori«l r ilghei
lue D» si. iAii'i u >M»"A discuMiniD-» of all <juesUt»ne of the «lay. fi»a
Int r «••« »»» nivoe t«»»|v*« pH»?»« of retkdinr matte:* *ncu week
un I bring loihx^h» »I In « hit-Mtrn im D'-tlui adupUvl to th- ii»,*«in «»f
toe fieopie »sesi of 1 j <" Allech.inv MoinMahi.i tuen any other paper.
¡5LA Bi
Send Five Cents To-day
* T ’
•* wF St
Ls r,.'j.,ey it can
IO< .
Ila Kind Ycj Hru Alw^s boiijM
F i Hy Centn t* Y rar
.'i if? J r’.1 t’t' < Ä
•- f; r. I tit
at > t T l-s’ . I
l’i -tí- • -
n t- λ; ..
I' ’ L *"flt u ■
it ordltuirf’"’ V.»»911*1.
■ «»
• «-• I ;
a. je
M.lff bj
: fror.1 N
Thou st Ttpil »:i pr « n in Only Fifty CrnB a yrjr. all’ to al pa
.U":! . nc".*. n .‘upers. pi »tiii.i. r r, ,md ever y one c 5« < Jul nf jve. a coo m pan lad
t; • • ru I 1 ' Hi. eiiud i «’.io c’fo rad ^r t; th«i paper one 7otrgral.s.
New Idea
Iha Ind Yoti Hu* Always B mc M
Ilt<n,|mitin I « tiuphtdi.
Ibi Hilr\
v,r the al \M'.,
>b.\:av4. <et»
!p D<i; h w m
ID name« the D’IJ ou In#
l >iaVv
h « cantiiikHu *♦•*.»ii ih c upen and < lilnafiun
of »ltd lei I. ' i.
Frvd 1’.» 'll»»1. \ i» lar Kitciiu», I » tls t’^etne ,
and Hen brawn ti! » Í bum*. iire»î<»u
Uni Fi Vi. k Rt'tlali'r.
l. -,r««*« ’i bl f
ln^ .. r e
ucr t IJr
R..Jrs tj,
1AV V1 1
/ i-'end nodel -¿» teli or ph« to of invent < n for
; r'„ on rnn
’ nt.O»il!tv i
For hr e I
/ H ;v. tx*
a md
McMullen, the photographer, is
still to be fouml at hia old stand
onpo-ite tie- Bank.
b S
Packard Sito»« for men!
• hoe for n>- n inaile. N. Brown I. ;
if you desire to trade for. or bnv,
desirable town property call at this
C -ZN- S3 T O T * T A. .
1»'I: VI J I h ,\
It i- new generally kn- wn :uid
understood that Dinnkciie»« isad>-
sease and not weakness. A body till­
ed with poison,and nervoa complete
ly shuttered by periodical or eon
XolICK FUK t". Ut |. I ’ IO".
stunt use of intoxicating liquors, re­ F .« Jain-i in’.i. t" bum» or Ma> '•».
W i li •
quires an antidote capable i>f lieu- N »lice lx !.t:eE) I,.x«»n l T f.! t hi»
■ mucd «»»Iller . i« lili i n i » •' ’»»I I,.* mlt'iilixiii
trnli/inr and • railicntnigthi« poison lo n rtkr linai ] i '»•! iu *Upp»-il ui Id* t laiin,
and destroying the craving for in­ m : i J tiiat »aid |»r»»‘>i ai’l I». nm I»» helor? Ke<
Alni ICvetìlvrr A’.’. . i "a Ore^ri» «»v VltfUd
toxicants. Sufferers may now cure d ¿, r 1/^.
X il
themselves at home without pub­
rditani Milhr.
7 B*. (t»r the
F’. h I"'*,
licity or loss of time from business \ w HI . Fnl’x . N»
»i ■ . w , -t • i 2 . ‘
> •: . I
bv this wonderful “HOM E 11<>LD Hr lanit xihv twlluw ii H witne**?» to provr
htx e ni» i leniti'» re « i»! euer upon Aliti eu Illi all •»:;
CERE" which has been perfected of
sani latni. v Cf
after many years of close study ami
I - rt I> ud ’ ii. F»lwurd Honor»!
j»h I uni.
treatment of inebriates. The faithful and F I *ar I " e l-*, all of brewsev. orri «.n
WM F a R u K. KvKi’tor
use according to directions of tlrs
wonderful discovery is positively
'soin r fok rrin.b vib.s
guaranteed to cure the most obsti­ V t and t»fllc. Hum«. Oreg »n. J t . • I m V
■ . hetrb .■. ■ « -i U f.t i i.v f ’¡»'on"!
nate case, no matter how hard a
’tain». ! »rtlici 1 a « fl!c I Uwtlcr of hM Iutrixt! • i
drinker Our records show the mar t.»
m i*.»" linai ;■:< * i i s‘pport of JiU i lain» and
. i
- • :-
velotis transformation of thoipands that
i.ecei.er i.l Burn*, orej: hi , wu July ‘
of Drunkards into sober industri­ anti
i.’. I.- .
.Itdm < tin lev,
ous and upright men.
lid eatn •
10. for the KHKiW’4Wt
I », |p 19, .« K '.»«• I.’
CHILDREN CERE Ht» t tn » t;. • ! >n<»»iint! wiiii*»«»« to prove
hS vui tltiMoiDi r.'sid.’nc»» upoi. at. I «»u.t.i rt:i n
YOER FATHERS!!This remedy is of
«ai l Ialiti. v|g
in no sense a nostrum but is a spe­ .D’liu ìVrig’r. U in Wn’<l. Win. Frvder • k*.
1 » Í Hr» • «rv, Orru *n
cific for tins disease only. ::nd i- »< ar d W A icol i rHoti. n Wttt.
Fa re. KrgiUc.
skillfully devised and prepured that
it is thoroughly soluble ai d ph as-
< < -N l EST NO I ll ! .
ant to tlie taste, m > that it can be
- ¡■D.ll'ttier H’ .-A*. »' «<»»11 A| r.l
! «
j ’ a T. la * h
given in u cup of tea or entice with­ .».«;• i .
>.l tljl* ( Hie«’ by J«»hu Mar«h.-n’!( tfi-nttfitmit
out the knowleige of the person a jaliixt J »liu T iv r, It »ui» •ted entry
taking it. Thousands of Drunkards N»». O . lua !<• \ I* i*l ¡.». !*>:7, (>.. L it I an»: ’.
.<«•<'» ion
mu I th? Nl *N! ’«
have cured themselves with this
'1 . or John
priceless remedy, ami as many nior>- T I. -. cotiv •'tv*., .n v* !).'-h it Ì ab« K’’ 1 tl •’
ubAU»li»m 1
J orni 1
1 * ) ! u« v.. »41 y
have been cured ami made temper­ •aid
v-rt!rm. .. *i-i T.'i’ k • i hl» • e*b.. tn •• tht-rt
»j i
ate men by having the"( 1’RF’ ad­ t <r inore ll;t « in luonth« sin« »- r.aktng a d
and u»» ’ I» thr date hrrrin U al -lid
ministered bv loving triends ai d entr*
tr i • ’. .1» nut M-ttti ! »in -n and <
I l>.
relatives without their knowledge part' i« r- |Uire»l ly lax th it «ail a«i«r«»i
:tCf ÍFÓUltb? Mlid a-t-l n ».X II it •! ■• Hl I.
in coffee or It a. and believe tod iy U'»»i
etnployrut-nl in thr krniy. Na. . ».r Mar.ne
that they disi .mtiriued drinking of <‘.»r; »<>i th«• Tuiled >’utu*
tl . wnr Willi
n «»: 1 :r<n< anv .)!!.»■: .» *r
a.,.« h th»-
•heir own free will. I’<* NOT \\ Al l' ■xpu
I r .. 4 'id’< t u.a-
Di> not be deluded oy apparent and .-’ii'd parties are l.e'»-!.» n<»i.rt. 1 I > a- j»<'ar,
’• •
»it- t-e ’»tut ", in.
misleading ‘ impruvetiient
Drive Nation
u’. ¡ >o < I »eg n ei «»n Jun»*
l>>.’. it»‘í »r«*
out tlo- dist U'-e at once and for all Kt ,. t «,.» t aim Kvct'tvt r nt the ( iiite«i 'ta’.r; I aid ?
time. Tim TI<‘ME GOLD (TTlE’’.- Of?, rei : ! in • Orc* u
The »»Id c«n;textant hanne. in ;»r ;
affi lavit
sold at the extri n.ely low prici of Hie I April 5’. I’JC?. »r; forth fuit» uutrh >h«»w*
One Dollar, thus placing within that after tiur dilltfvn«-« prr>nnal *• r\hr
th-, ti »’.;• »• eanunt b.» mad-, it H hereby •»rd»-r
reach i.f every body a tr •:>tnn id more v»l an«l dlrretvd that xc h null* «• * < : \» it
effectual than others costing *-•' t > due u'.J j ft f ur putHrulk».i
I-.:.. Kt ;.«1er
Fill directions accompany
each package. Special advicu by
Jorger.'on rcpoiis tr.-tlebes mui
skilled physicians when ruiuesUd
docks. Work -junraiiíe. <
without extra eharg«- Sent pr< pa d
to any part of the world on rceipt
C ZL GJ »T O lì. I /k. .
ot One Dollar. Address Dept H I'D.
2T>0 ami ¿'-IMark> t Stteet, lTiil-
All correspond.-nee strictly con- fk.-X/-‘V*%.'^-V'% A. -V-X. X. X. "VX x-vx-x-x-xx-x.-^
\»e promptly fbi«.tn I . H. aicl b » o,.i
The read-rs of this paper wili be
phased to b-.-irn that there is at
least one dreaded ilieease that sei
• •nee has been able to cure in nil
it« stage« and that is Catarrh.
nurse a.
Hall s Catarrh Cure in the only
positive cure now known Io the
Chance i
medical fraternity. Catarrh being «
a constitut.onal disease, requires a
I'onstitutior.al treatment.
Ritdaced to í’IFTY ■
i.'atarrh Cine is taken internally,
acting directi’" upon the blood and
rnueott» “tirfnees of the «ystrtii,
th< r. bv destroying lie- foundation
of the disease, and giving the pa-
• -nt st-ength by huildit g up the
constitution and assisting nature
in doing its work. T he proprietois
Oregonian ami hem« ♦2 ' •* >
have ro much faith in its curative
power.« '.hat thev offer one Hundred
SI i>|> I lie < oligli
'T“ V> >
■: ■ -'I.-- • ar.-J L
Dollars lor any i-a.-e that it fails to
anil Work oft-the Cobi
w b
f .r t! >• f-.t:.
:ai. rubli -. ltJo-i
Laxative Bromo-Quinine l’»li!et« cure. ycnd for list of testimonials.
U'-clJ-a: i Feihiir .-, i . Mflür-sr
•■’. J. Cheney. A Co.,
cure a cold in one day. N<> (Jure,
• . . d “ r , : . €■ h:/.
V i.’a-.d i . l-ieidi:.-
T'on do, O
N i pay. Price 25 cents.
/ ii:'.j:.-u"".d in : ::zr: ■■■'
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
y lassie'.- oie N v !..
Hull’.« Family Bills are the !«>«♦.
N »«bd
I and Oilicc. linens Otv ^un, June
. V. h » '
Noti.» i« herd» uivfii IhM Ih»' í»dl » ohm
• w >.»,!»•’. : hex e . .i ut I af i ’ i. ♦ . • i e 1111 • • '
t » tank»* dual pr» iir
I. . « lAiiu. mi I
tt.nl »•' i pro 'i .Uli b* male i».»» re L.’Vldvr
nui itwi'H r at I/, a. tuc’.in, \ugiut
ÇRæEOME npkkA rpf £JC£AF
Thff Dally aad Sunday Ed!-
tiomof i'lw Inter Ocean are
1112 best of their kiud.....
l»rjr .
n d’y by ^»9. ..
IT h - » f Sni'dev t v iviII
■ ’Ayh’n'ii
l<i>* p.r y-ir •
SS '»i f.-i- ywr*
M »fl p-r >« J
Addr«M I HK I Mi k.U <*< FAX. Chic«««, g
• •t l«•«•£•««*«•••••< >«•••••••«••*••••••••••«••••••«*