Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 12, 1902, Image 2

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    ■A- •
W illiamson
sur \<M.
xboi . ition or the night .
iiisi rti i
g imis .
Ohl rimers Hit Hard and Win Bulli
Vhe strenuous character of mod­
Apropos of the possihilitvof Gov­
ernor Geer convening the Oregon ern life is shown by the way in
The ball game hist Saturday,
Legislature in • xtra session. Con­ which we turn night into d:iv Two
while not ns close as expected, was
gressman-elect J. N. Williamson,
hundred years ago the niaht was
a very good exhibition of the na
who is a member of the Legislature
M vri’RDAY JCLY 1? 190?.
really night, and ev«*ryb<nlv went tion al gam*. The large n«iml>er
representing Wasco. Crook. Lake
ami Klamath count:«*.«, makes the to bis! early and sh’nt until day- of scores made by tin* Ohl Timer­
For gold Democrats only—the
following statement:
i light, Streets wen* light«‘«l feebly can be luid to hard hitting. The
Cleveland brand of harmoux
Footpads lurk« I in team work of tin* Red Stockings
So far as I ant conc«*rned per- or not all.
-onallv. 1 do not tier«! an extra ses- every shadow for the belated way- showy«! « oiisnierabh* practice, an«!
Now for th«' Fair in S. ptember. | simt—10 days is enough kgislation farer and. in the bmeliness of the i hud an olderhtad been in charge
Every body to the wheel. Those for me.
streets, were se«*ure against inter- i of tlie team. whil»“ they may not
that can’t push. pull.
“So fur as the public need of an ruption. The watch or patrol was have w 'li. the aeon* would prof itl’lv
The grand
extra session is concerned. 1 fail to abroad, hut it was inadequate to have been different
Some of the statesmen who are <e<* wherein there is ar. ‘extraordi- police a large city.
stand uml rooters wore all with the
posing a« leaders of their party an-, . nary occasion’, which is th«* grist t
Midnight, two centuries ugo. was youngslerti; ami little sympathy
as a matter of fact, rushing at top of the Constitutional provision for a holy, a haunted and a fearsome was lost on tlie Did Timers Sagers
speed to keep their party from run­ un extra session.
hour. The man who staved out win I mulled the sphere for th* * HU
ning over them.
“ True, we are paying some of our ut.til midnivht went home in fear Timers, pitched good ball, and f ur­
state oilicials more money for their and trembling ami lost his reputa- ring two or three wild throws, r«>
It isquitecertain that if. as claim­ services than w«‘ ought to. but that tion i. his late home count.g were eeiv.-d lair support
Noli«* anil
ed, the natural conditions have could hardly b<* called an ‘extraor- bruited about
None but gayest, Homer Reed ami Goul«! dxl the
tended to produce high-priced meat, dinarv occasion, for we have been most reckless and most dissipated b«».x work lor the Red Stockings,
the beef trust was in no wav back­ de. .tg that, with our eyes w id«* open young bloods were ever out ot bed amiwereall hit lilwrnl'y, though
ward in “assisting nature.’.
here in Oregon, for about half a in the small hours of the morning i had the boys k« pt their h«“U«ls at
Throughout the greater part of • limes a number ««f runs may huw
hristtndom, two hundred years been cut off.
“So far as the initiative and ref-
Congress has provided for a com­
’The line up tor Saturday’s name
mission to secure plans and designs ’ orer.dutn is concerned, it will be ago, curfew rang at ‘J or !<• o'clock
tor* monument or memorial to l>e soon enough to shape up that ‘ex­ in the evening, and all lights wore ami the score was a folh/ws
erected to th* memory oi Abraham traordinary’experiment at th«* reg­ put out or were concealed behind
lb. . .
Lincoln, which is to 1« a magnifi­
cent »Pair. worthy of that great i
But now. how chanced! Midnight Hibbard, cf .
“There i< a fable about the spigot
National pnd* was never gieater and the bung that some of our ‘ex­ has lost ivs «‘harms and thrills. II Reed, rf
than it now is, nor were there ever tra-session iats’ would do well to Gruves no lunger yawn and give \\ eleome, c
more men willing to serve the coun­ lo/k up.
Every member of the ■ forth their dead, nor do ghu-ts w alk Dillard,’if
try for love of the country than n«*xt Legislature, whether Demo­ at the strok«.* of 12. No pensive < »ou!d, 3h
now, the a»serverations of the pessi­ cratic <>r Republican, is bound by Madeleine, trembling in her chaste N. Reed, p
mists and the anti-imperialists to his platform to favor llat salaries couch, sits up now-ad «ys at mid­
Total .
the contrary notwithstanding.
for state officers. At the same time, night of St. Agues' eve to vfi wr her
the first tiling we will do down at luvvt in a looking glass. Midnight
the first session of the Fifty- Salem next winter is to hold up has become commonplace. Famili­ ■
seventh Congress has to its credit our hands ami swear that durir g arity with it has bred contempt. It I
the repeal of the war revenue tax our deliberations we will support is unfasb'.onably earlv in the even­ I
law, the initiation of the Panama the Constitution of the State of ing. One hardly ever goes to be<f
Canal, the inauguration of Civil Oregon, which will either result in before that hour. I.if* is too slmrt
government in the Philippines and «ome verv mo«l«*st salaries, or a that we should waste the precious
th* formulation of a system of fed­ stretching of that old and badly hours betw-en blankets, six or »
out grown d'tcurnent until it is very seven hours of dreainv. fretful <loz-
eral irrigation.
iug make up our full allowance. i Carter, if
thin in spots."
The twenty-four hours ur<* hardly
The War Department is prepar­
enough for work and sport, and we
ing a “Pronouncing Gazetteer and
Geographical Dictionary of the ains county. Onio, s*rving a ieu* would make the day thirty-six
1 2 3 1 .1
Philippine Islands, with maps. years’ sentence foi the forgery of an hours long, if we coubl.
lied Stockings!* O 4 O O 0
The modern mind is appalled at Old 'Timer“, 5 G 0 2 4 G
From ! order for 25 certe’ worth of tobaco.
charts and illustrations.'’
Empire, Joel Smith.
the advance proofs it would appear is applying for a pardon. Hon was the thought of the immense waste
that no more useful publication has the Gr.»t prisoner confined in a coun­ of time which oceurre«! in those
The Sunday mix up whs
been issued by the government for ty jail. Th* contractors oifere«! a epochs—literally, the dark ages —
a game as Saturday a
i prize of $100 to any person who before gas, the ark and the incan-
in the line up of tie tenui»
would escape from the cells, It de-eent lights, owl cars and other I
The St. I.ouis Globe Democrat was but 24 hours befi.rc- Hon was inventions robbed the night of its were made. For the Old Timers,
aiys if the Panama canal project at liberty. Ths sheriff put two darkness, and when nun used to Joel Smith wa« placed on the ini-
tiul bag, owing to Cochrane,s being
breaks down under the provisions bloodhounds on his track, Hon sleep soundly and long
on account of sickness. Gowan
of the new law the Nicaragua canal stole the dogs and sold them to a
A large part of the population of
absent from thir l the first two
will come to the front, anil if the farmer for $5. At Manchester he the civilized worhl, «‘specially in
his place being filled bv
Panama cam! is built private n- stole the laprobe and cushion from large cities now works at night. At
McKinney, the Red Stock
lerprise will utilize the Nicaragua the buggy of tiio sheriff.—Eugene midnight the streets ar<* crowded,
baseman wusabvnt. and
route. There will be a Nicaragua Guard. Next'.
and at 3 o'clock in the niorninc
canal in either case.
'.here arc many, besides the rov- his position was fill* J by Gjuld,
Homer lived taking third, and
A Washington c««rrespon dent sterers, tube met. New a few <«f
Hon. Malcolm A. Moody with th« savs Senator Mitchell ofOregon has the mills ami manufactori«s in Frank Welcome right field The
aid of Senator Mitchell, has beaten given notice that at the Short Ses- i Eastern cities run all night. When boy s stal led the game off with u
the records of a hundred years in sion L«' will ask Congress to take the ground is valuable, awl every determined < flort to put it over th«
congress. He has passed the 1 ill snb.-tanti «I recognition of the ex- hour of idleness means Loss of thrift winners of th«.* day before and for
up to President Roosevelt for the p<>.«iti<)U to be held in Portlaivi in for the owner, contractors in large thre«“ in .ings played almost error­
relief of settlers on wagon-road land P.M'o to cointremorate the e.xp«“«li- cities think little of putting on a less ball. Bui th’ ir Waterloo came
urants and if congress does not ad­ lion of L«jwis and Clarke to the Pa­ night shift and, with the help of in tl >■ <>1«1 Titm-rs half of the fourth,
journ too ouick fur him he will have cific coast There is some iiklihood searchlights, employing the whole whi n aft« r the smoke h «d cle «re«i
every bona fide settler in Sherman that the S« nutor will be uvked to twenty-tour hours in the erection a wav the “obi boys" ha 1 surceuled
county back oa his farm with •*. pledge his work that, if Congress of a skvserap'-r. An army of bakers, in crowing the plate eleven tin»«-
string in hand to pull L’ucle Sam s makes an appropriati >n; it will not printers, craftsmen un«l tru«lesmen The fifth inning was a repetition of
leg for damages. Thi-» is Mo«idy b<- asked for a second donation to toils at night ami goes home in the the preceeding one. After this the
tecollect.—Sherman County Obser­ offset a deficiency.
«urly ntor«“ing- The telephoneser game was easy.
'I h<- line-up.
vie«! never ceases fur a moment.
A II n It
in th* <le|M»t ut Whitney is a Ore can have a messenger at any
C««rnmissioner Hermann, «if the large lot of supplies for tin survey­ hour. There are playhouses which Jameson, s«.............
i • •> > •) •>
I b-neral ¡.and Office, has our thanks ing party of the S. V. railway,
G • o • •>
adverti-e a contiuno ,s p<»rfi»rniartcc. A. Welcome, <*....
. « •) >>
lor a copy of th* “Hearing“ before which is now in th«.* fiehl locating
Gould, 11«................
Dwl cars in every large city run on
th* Com mitt ee on Public Iur.de m' ami setting gr «l* stakes forarilteen
G ) 1
nearly «very lin«*. In short we N. Reed, p . ..
G 1 o
if«.' House ««f Representatives” <.n mil* «‘.xtension oi road whi« h will
have very nearly abolished the Ilibbard, cf...........
• I
the question of leasing th«- public le* pushed to completion this y.-ar. night.— S. F. Bulletin.
< ’lies Smith, 2b
5 • > 1
iurnls for grazing purp«is« s
It 1« The roa«l will ««xtei <1 up Burnt
G <> 1
F. Welcome, rf “
interesting to read the attitudes <.f > v « t past Clifford and over toward
If. Heed, 3b.........
G 1 1
\\ «»rd haw reached Pendleton of
tit* various witnesses b«“fore the th«- meadows this side of Au-tin.
5 4
Dillard, If.
th«“ marriage of Mort Meach, well
Committee, though we hav<-during This work will tend to enliven
known here, to Miss Mabie Carter,
25 ES
the past f*w months printed a large things in this section this season.
««f 1’ortlari'l. Th«! wedding occured
part of the argument pr«“*ent«.“d —<«. C. News.
icverai days ago.
Mr. nnd Mrs Schwartz, c . .
The showing of the Land Depart-
o o
Meach left Portland after th«“ mur- I Waters, as....
merit ha«l a great deal to do with
Control of the trusts is mooted r«age for Morrow, Oregon, where Sagers, p ... .
7 r, 4
the defeat of the land leasing ques­
from one end of the country to the Mr. .Meach is twirling the horsehide Young. 2b . . .
■I t
tion before the iecent s«--si«>n of
other. First of all, the essential to for the M'trrow baseball leant and Dennis. cf....
• »
• i
Congress. Representative M.imiv
the correct solnti- n of the problem working at his tra«l ■ ns painter and
Tri»«.“h, 3b..
1 (■ 0
is also no small sharer in th«.- vic­ is a sincere deairc
lo control thè decorator.—East Oregonian. Mr. < Iowan, 3b.. .
• »
• >
• >
• >
trusts. Given this sincere desile, Meach is well known to Canyon!
Joe Smith, 1 b
thè solution will be w<«rke«i «rat hv City peopl«» having assisted the “Carter, If .
G • > • • / i
thè beat bruii» in thè wotld tiiat «,f Canyf)l| (jity base ball team as ; M. Smith, rf
o »i
c . 11 — r,
_ _ s City
a ..
fla; American nation.— Portland pitcher last, f<U
Then the baby ismoft like*
59 29 29
'Tn«“ young gentleman is
| ly nervous, and fretful, an.’
remember««! here, by
doesn’t gain in weight.
I 2 3 I
G 7 .8 9
The steadfastness with which th* th«' nine young stalwarts who fac««l
lied Strx kings'J ä 1 3 0 12 1 0—
President adheres to a jiolicy which his de’ivcry in the ball games a
« Old Timers, 3 12 11 !) 0 0 3 4
ii the best food and rmdicir.e
h>: conceives to be tesenlial to the couple «if years ago, and by many
Empires, <». W. Waters,
for teething babie^. I hey
honor «if the nati»m will not detract others. May all the blessings of a
gai'i from the start.
Chas. King.
from the high esteem in which hv Happy married life com«: to him. I
Sc:iH far n free xr.innk
KOTT K. FOWKE. Chci:d«U,
- Pearl Street.
New York.
is held even among those who re- i
. .
I Jorgenson repairs watches
gird his policy ¡*s injudicious.
Oregonian on<l Items, I2.0Q
clocks Work c'larnntrrd
E Teething
* Scott’s Emulsion
c k
Volt Ulivo Ahvax , l'.oiight. nini v.hlch Invi beci»
In >1»«* l’or «n«r «IO xc.ir . Ims borii«' I In* • lumitin«* ««1*
f.tul lite» bc«“n i mi«* iimlcr liiu | ht ~
soli li •:;««•)•» Gio: «Ilici II . itiihney
Alln'.v •»« .«' (> ' « !> « « i i « ' «««i in 1 liis.
z\ 11 < '«itili t < : f«“i( s, I mi« i ( i il . .. mi •- i li •! - i >- :«»«•• i ’ ’ ar<“ liilt
Ex|i<*rìmeiits (hai triti«* viith mi 1 «“iulauu«'t' •!••* liuidlh ut*
liit'aiit s nini Cliildrcii l'.xpi v « ■ agubi'»t !'.X|ieriuicnk
Tlu* Itimi
What is CAST
t« : (
tor Oil, Pare­
Civ.torln I« a ii.mn!e . •
li Is II.“.ant. It
f-oric, l>r« i«*. nn«l Sootlii«» I-irup-.
«■out..“i- « neither Opium, Morphim to r o. In r Nurcoth’
HUhstum“«'. Its a*.;«'! I I ! s mi m 111 <•<■ It «lesir«»y - WorniH
limi allay > I v«-i « !in< » ». It on: • • ! ! >iarr!i<>- i ami \t Imi
< 'olio. It imlieve I «•«■( Ilin; Troiibl. ., « itr«-* < on tipiithin
SUMI l 1 mil i«, i. It (utalinll it« t’.i«“ < m d« • ■ « ., i«'» iIm
Fit olimeli ami liow«*ls,
Ixiltlix imi natural Icep.
'l'lu* < iiiltli oil's f.itmioi 'Ilie Holle i“’ ’ ri« ml.
£ c ?.1'3
tll'u biGlKltlllC of
T110 Kind You Have A’ways Bought
In Use For Over 30 Yeais.
The Capital Saleo
wines .
ijest of
ors wd i ig \ i :>
Drinks mix« 1 to suit your tane Courts >u» treatment guarauted
Your patronage Solici-«*«!
L r biitv ye.tfH the NEW \ < >KK V i. I K I . \ 1 K 1 G I N E h At» I h H’I i a IlM* lOltR I
l«v fur.ii’ iN, nmi h
ll.r ronfi
weekly i «-w •paper.
.rin«>*t »•
det*< e av.4 support oi the Aliiei nil
lo adibiti lit’Vtff iltl-dhwi by ADV
Miuilar publirati »t.. THE
H niii'!»» 3’ •olutely : «r farmer* at.<i their taimle a. 1 r.u firfl ’»muter
.November 7! h, 14.H .
Ev rr drp.tr!men’ of n^r ctiltiiml in l «*‘iis • »ver«*«! I \ *|>ri ial rnntri'»iilora
w h<» are h atfarM in thru ir-j five hi
.iml the TKI19' N E I A UM EK ail! I»«
hi every Mmse a hiuh vb««H, • p to «fat . live, eniei pi inn arffh ultiiru! p.i|wr pro
fiihcly iili:«tiut«■ with pictar« t oi
-•* • k moilvi faun !«• ¡i l.ngx and hurnw,
ucrimltiirtl machinery, etc..
l armer«’ wives s< jim anti d.in/’it* r- will t n<i *•<•• t »1 page* for « ntvrtairinwut.
Regular piifR |ft }'ar, Mid i’l 1
i 1 ». .U'lhn«« HI MH, ItirtK Or.
£ a I fl
Ur •In finnruntr^-d ItlDX MODI LA I. .
(D ' « " X ■ «f <» !•*• >f ll)» > - ■»! I ■ ■ irrt.
’'**'** ■**»..«>• il« «-!•'. < «>oi.' • j . m < ure<l
by if. r.t *
¡900 and l‘>01 Mtxlels £/'. $7 f0
('utulr'f.u t with ia -go j,Itot ^’ruj/h c rr«</rat*m«/.s and
f ill «I't iilil I j.ccil ..ti'«ns Kiiit/rte to any ml«!«■<■».».
OM APPROVAL U» anyone in l> S.
or (..111KOV V-ith’rt <1 r.nt in (i<h irm: and ttllo-V
iiO i IsS/ in nrd» !njr fi on; n , imi you do n<
noe«l to pay a cent if tl • Li« yck <1«>« s e <»L ouit you.
t . ¡t !.-> ’ I » v <“ r < k -w r< »fl»« I orr*«. C fa 4» O
y ’;»J I-1 r< i : I* .»»’ y !' d .1 ),«“.V.
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«« s « itU»!« >«/ A e i '.I « f inf«<i inufJ« .« W i (lx f> l Ik
J -' ci«xh'i i»i« V' I«- In .’«>!»;■ pm«* i.hi <»u «’.tu
'Vi SAIl
a 'A<» k N .Eli 4 itnvlni.' »i nh»*« i to rl«h‘
IVF WaMVt, r-l' * I.'
exrluw. r < '• e-. He.
.. .
: ;> j •* f*
h town to disirihiHA*
4IJO 0»
far .’«• •««»•-'•lF.
• u* »’
cu’.iior'i1'an»» «’or »•«• * '
Chica«« iii.
Our f< «* returned if v,«“ fail. Any one Handing
“U“h and description of
any invention will pr«»rtiptly rc«.cive our <>pini«>n free concerning the patent­
ability of same. ’-How to « btain r. patent ’’ sent upon rrtpiest, IGtetil*
secured through it4 advcrlisvd i< r sale at our «““»pen»«“.
1’aU'iit.s l.iketi ««ut through us n-c« ive '.(xrial notb e. without ch.irge. in
'T he P vrrix r IP <- oi : i >, :.n illu.-trated and widely circulated journal, vousulte«!
by JLmniaeturvrs and Investors.
Send loi“ sample copy FREE. Address,
(1*. 4 i Cl it Attorney*,}
Evans Building,